Longtime Hawaii Visitors Bid Farewell: The Why Behind Their Leaving

The most ever long-time readers just left comments about why they aren’t returning to Hawaii. Let officials take note, as this is unprecedented.

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366 thoughts on “Longtime Hawaii Visitors Bid Farewell: The Why Behind Their Leaving”

  1. My wife have visited HI every year (at least once), only missing the Covid year between 1999 and 2023.
    Contrary to the comments regards why folks are leaving, or not returning, we emphatically disagree. Our last visit was in December of 2023 and found the Aloha spirit alive and well, with the native Hawaiians profoundly grateful to have us back.

    Yes the prices were higher – but where are they not? We have already made our reservations for October of this year for our return to Kauai (our favorite).

    Aloha and Mahalo

    Michael and Barbara

  2. Oahu needed to get control of short-term rentals — limit the number, do regular inspections, respond to complaints. Instead, they banned them, which only creates more problems for everyone. I don’t want a hotel. I want a few weeks of local Hawaii. A little creativity, a little leadership, would be welcome here.

  3. We have visited Hawaii annually since 2006. The room rates have doubled. The younger hotel staff are extremely rude and obviously anti tourist. My wife wishes to visit other places or Europe again. I can not disagree with her opinion. Hawaii needs to understand there are other places to vacation.

  4. We feel like we’re reaping the benefits of having purchased timeshare in Maui 20+ years ago. Yes, our maintenance fees have increased, but nowhere near the increase in hotel/resort rates. From what others are saying, it seems like we will see much higher prices at restaurants, and car rental rates are crazy. But when commenters say they’ll be going to New Zealand or Australia instead – that’s huge travel time and cost from anywhere in the U.S. And the Caribbean? There’s just no comparison to Hawaii. We’ve been to all these places — there’s nothing like Hawaii, and particularly Maui and Kauai. Maybe we will go less often due to higher costs? But we will definitely keep going to Hawaii!

  5. We just visited north Kaanapali and Napili for 2 weeks. I have been visiting since the seventies. Yes, its expensive on all levels: hotel(we stay in condos), car, food and activities. We split the cost between our family members and that helps. But we are taking a break for a year to save up to go. I am not going to replace our family vacations with Mexico or the Caribbean. It’s just Not the same. I’ve been to those places and it just made me long for Hawaii! I want to be in the middle of the Pacific and hear the crackling of shrimp and the low sounds of Humpback song. The scent of flowers on the trade winds and a slack key in the distance is a perfect vacation evening. Yes, expensive. But worth it to us.

  6. Aloha All,
    Please understand that homelessness is actually a symptom of a larger problem. There are a great many examples that I might provide but I defer to Noam Chomsky as a far more eloquent voice to provide background on what you are observing. I would only add that homeless people only become a problem when they are seen by their more privileged fellow citizens. For reference, when homeless veterans became a problem that was too embarrassing we directed enough funds to solve it. The fastest growing population of homeless people now is single women who are between the ages of 25 and 35 and heads of households. Generally they are the victims of domestic abuse. When Regan closed the psychiatric institutions where did they go?

  7. These comments pretty much say it all. My only other issue is the request to be “mindful”. I always do my best to respect any location we visit, however we travel to get away and relax not to immerse in local culture. If that is a requirement for travel to Hawaii, I’m out.

  8. I have gone to Hawaii, mostly Maui for more than 20 years. We bought Marriott & Westin timeshares, which people rent for various prices on Redweek. In a timeshare one can cook meals. However, I have always found the Hawaiian people warm & welcoming.
    Don’t believe the hype.

  9. Hi Rob+Jeff. I am commenting on your post today (Feb 20). You both are putting Maui on hold for now due to the high prices. And how less people are searching online for Hawaii travel. I still check on Kauai rentals and my spot went from $275 a day to $420. And the reviews for it are that it needs an update and better cleaning. The view is the best thing about the condo. Nice for you both that you both already live there. Any updates on the closed Foodland in Kapaa? I usually stay at my girlfriends home while there, but the increase in visitors has affected her. I noticed this on my last visit. Now I am not planning a trip there like I usually do which is twice a year. Cannot afford the high prices of places that are of mediocre ratings.

    1. Hi Debra.

      We’ve heard nothing about the vacant space that was Foodland Kapaa. Thank you for more than 150 comments!


  10. The price to visit Hawaii has increased since our first trip in 2017. The only reason we are able to go so many times is because of our eligibility to stay at Hale Koa. The prices for lodging there have increased over the years. This trip we are paying $185/ night with no taxes or resort fees. Car rental prices have increased. We have found one for $760 (16 days).

    1. We spent a week in Oahu and a week in Poipu last fall. We have always enjoyed shopping at Ala Moana Mall and the stores on Kalakaua. But for the first time in 30 years, we encountered clerks in 2 of our favorite little name brand stores that didn’t practice what we practice at our own small store, creating an atmosphere that makes your customer want to return. And while staying at the Hyatt on Kauai, it just worth spending over $1000.00 a night for a room, and $100 pp for buffet breakfast when we’d been paying a fraction of that per day for the last 30 years that we’d vacationed there. We were hoping Hawaii would be like it use to be, but it’s not, and sadly, not worth going back to.

      1. Was this a surprise that the rate was over a $1000 a night? $100 per person for a buffet? I would have gone to McDonald’s before paying that.

        For me, if I found out the rate was that much, I would have taken my business elsewhere and let the Hyatt know why.

        As long as people pay the high rates, the rates will never go down.


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