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91 thoughts on “Maui Financial Ruin Next As Visitors Plummet/Unemployment Skyrockets”

  1. This is just devastating for the island. With the power issue and tourism down significantly I wonder how the island of Maui will survive. How long can residents hold-out before they move on to other islands or even the mainland for jobs

  2. The mixed messages concerning west maui are creating Kaos. We were scheduled at the Sands of Kahana but we had to cancel due to the governor’s proclamation. We had to cancel, flight, cars and our time share. Now we see Maui wants us back. We could only reschedule for May 2024. Getting our refund from the Airlines will take forever. Flights in May of 2024 are double of what we had reserved. Surely we will miss Lahiana. We used to go there daily on our vacation. Yes we’re extremely saddened by the loses. I just hope the govenor makes up his mind. Maui is going to need our mainlanders dollars. We we’re willing to keep our vacation at the end of September but the gov said no.

  3. Some locals openly hate the tourists. They seem to believe money falls from the sky. They’re close: it arrives by plane (rarely, by boat.)

  4. Lahaina is historically known, as far as I’ve been taught anyways, to be a port of hospitality. Aloha means “hello” as well as “goodbye” I think so please come tourists, like usual. Trade your money for a Hawaiian good time and we are all happy. Don’t let this fire thing get us down. Come on over. E como mai

  5. We landed on Maui the day the fire started. We have a condo in Sugar Beach and thought the request for All tourists to leave was ridiculous. There were no shortages in South Maui and utilities were working. We stayed the full week because we knew the local businesses needed support. I specifically asked some locals about this and they all recognized that not having tourists would exacerbate the tragedy. In that process, we found a displaced family that we could put up in our place. Maui no ka oi.

    1. Mahalo for staying. We love visitors. Our beloved banyan tree was a gift from a visitor, the king of Africa. So we love different cultures and people and hope you come here and love us back. Don’t let this fire ruin everything


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