Southwest Hawaii Pilot father and daughter team

New Trouble Looming for Southwest Hawaii Flights

Just as Southwest Hawaii flights are expanding, there’s a big storm on the horizon that may significantly impact your Hawaii travel plans.

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67 thoughts on “New Trouble Looming for Southwest Hawaii Flights”

  1. I hope Southwest can remedy their pilot problems. Since they started Hawaii service, they’ve been a breath of fresh air. Hawaii people were tired of Hawaiian’s lack of “aloha” and charging those exuberant prices for just interisland flights. We need you Southwest!!

    1. Butch Many People feel like Hawaiian has abandoned their commitment to Hawaii and the price “gouging” in their own words has pushed them away. The “Aloha” disappeared from HWA and that is a shameful loss. Southwest is a Fresh Change to passengers and at the perfect time, assuredly every airline is benefitting from HWA’s loss of reputation among what were once devotees. “Who” will actually Win this so-called War, hopefully it will be the Customers followed by the Best Provider of the Service.

  2. I flew to Hawaii in 2017 before the Souwthwest flights existed. I used my points on United and flew for free. Trouble is I flew non-stop from Houston in coach and I was so uncomfortable as soon as I landed I paid to upgrade my return ticket. I also flew Hawaiian Airlines between islands and it was like a bus with wings. People will only put up with so much discomfort. If I did it again no way I would fly Southwest at any price. I’d fly upgraded or not at all.

  3. The Pilot Shortages due to mandatory retirement age was already planned for, what wasn’t is COVID. Mandatory Decisions made by with the Insisting of President Biden saw many Pilots, and others, either being Vaccinated or Fired. Most refuse to come back for Good Reasons. Their Loss is heavily weighing on the industry. No one addresses this, it’s as if it never happened, and it is time to realize how COVID was Allowed to Effect every Airline. The Friendly Skies became Hostile, COVID and Biden are Equally Responsible.

    1. Odd, I seem to remember someone else being President in 2020 … where do you get this from? I seem to recall that in the end, that very few employees were fired or left the airlines due to vaccine mandates. Most of those early retirements happened before there even was a vaccine. In the end, personally, I think that I wouldn’t want to have a pilot what refused to listen to science and get vaccinated. I think that kind of poor decision making makes them someone who I wouldn’t want in that seat in an emergency.

      1. Jorge

        This is America and still free and we should Not judge people who choose to not get vaccinated due to medical or other life threatening reasons. Check the latest Washington Post article now has data claiming that more people who are vaccinated are now dying from COVID-19 related causes. Also pilots especially have exceptional stresses on their bodies you probably do not know of. All I know is there have been several BA pilots dying after vaccines and recently my Father in Law had a severe stroke only 10 days after his booster shot! ( I still question this vaccine and long-term issues!) It should never be “one size fits all. ” I only got the J and J vaccine so I could travel during 2020 and started having rashes and severe headaches

      2. The “Mass Exodus” of Pilots, Ground Crews, Flight Attendants as well as Ancillary Staff was After February 2021. Some were fortunate to Retire, albeit Vaccine Related, with the others forced out due to the same. Everything that I have previously said about this is documented proof, because the Media didn’t cover it much changes nothing. The Vaccines, as we have found, efficacy and total effectiveness have now become increasingly in doubt, with the side effects many times more dangerous than COVID itself. Recent Court Decisions have returned to work with back pay due to the Vaccines Inefficiencies. Hopefully more will go through the Courts to seek Justice in this way. The vaccine has saved some lives.

    2. I see your comment is being censored. I tried liking it and noticed my ” like ” does not show up …but other comments on here I gave a thumbs up does show!!

      1. If my comment is Censored the simple fact is that it is out in the public eye. I do Believe that there was nothing wrong with it although some may find it Provocative due to the facts involved. I do stand by what I have written and with some good searching I believe that the Evidence is easily available. Thank You BOH for this multifaceted Forum allowing Comments to Your Informative Content. Happy Thanksgiving.


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