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25 thoughts on “New Visitor Fee Starts at Pearl Harbor”

  1. Please forgive me for sounding dumb but, I know they are always worried about the yachts when they get beached leaking their fluids. Is it because it’s a tomb to many that they haven’t sucked out the oil that continues to leak 82 years later?

  2. As a resident here all of my life, it’s wonderful(albeit) the tragedy, that we can remember the fallen during that fateful day. It’s concerning, however, that despite the millions of visits(each year), what is happening to the actual battleship that sits under the water, second after second, minute after minute, hour after hour, year after year? Will it still be there for future generations to memorialize beside our fallen heroes? This personal issue has been with me for the latter half of my 49 years of being alive. If it were up to me, I would raise the ship out of water and save what’s left of it, put it on a solid foundation, and build a memorial around it. That way the the preservation could be memorialized for centuries to come.

    1. @Dayson… to help alleviate your fears regarding the Arizona.
      Since the oxidation process (rust) requires oxygen, that great ‘ol ship will be around long after you and I are gone.
      Think about all the discoveries that have been made over the past many years of Viking ships that were made out of wood. Because they weren’t exposed to the air they are in pretty good shape all things considered.
      So much more so for the metal made Arizona.

    2. What?? You Do realize the Arizona is a gravesite to scores of men, right? How would you handle their remains? Likely most skeletal remains might be dissolved by the saltwater by now, but you never know. I saw a documentary on a team using a remote controlled camera, investigating as far inside the Arizona as they could go. Hanging in obviously an officer’s quarters was his perfectly preserved dress white uniform. Very eerie. I’m not in favor of anyone disturbing those possible remains and causing more heartache to the families. It is the final resting place of those who died, and out of respect, should be preserved as such. I think we can continue to preserve the site for many years to come, without resorting to raising it.

  3. I think that it is about time that a fee is charged for this historical site. I am a Hawaii resident and I will happily do my fair share. I support this fee for maintenance and preservation and improving the experience for everyone. Thank you

  4. If you have never been to the Pearl Harbor Memorial, it is worth a $7 fe to go out to see it. The have charged for every other exhibit at Pearl Harbor for years and some are much more expensive than that. It gives you the realistic view and feel of what the movies about Pearl Harbor can never give you. Before I went the first time I went to Pearl Harbor, I had watched the movies, studied about WWII in school but it didn’t give any justice to what you feel when you’re standing on that memorial looking down at that ship and thinking of the men and women who gave their lives for our freedom. It is so humbling and sobering. This last time we went there was a gentleman on the memorial who spoke about how things were that day, it was life changin

  5. Sailors and Marines were aboard the USS Arizona, not Soldiers. As a retired Marine I always try to keep the record straight. Thanks.

  6. Out of all the various fees you pay at hotels and other attractions during your visit to Oahu, this parking fee is worth every penny. A visit to Pearl Harbor is a Must!

  7. I have no problem with this Fee, unlike the Numerous and Overwhelming Fee’s that Hawaiian Tourists are forced to pay at least This Fee will benefit the National Historic Park and its visitors. When considering $65 per day parking Fees, remember that it’s sunny and warm year-round without any ice or snow removal to contend with, it’s well over priced by $40 a day. Other Fees are also put in place to add revenue, not to recoup actual costs. Where will people be parking their EV Rentals? Not in parking structures! Do I forsee $100+ per day parking Fees exclusively for them in the future!

  8. Yes, I know it’s “minor”, but the 1177 men entombed in USS Arizona are sailors…Not soldiers….They are US Navy sailors…Not US Army Soldiers. I am not denigrating what Army soldiers did in both Europe and the Pacific.

  9. Those who have family aboard the Arizona should not have to pay to go to their grave. As a daughter & niece of Pearl Harbor Survivors, this is a hard No for me.

  10. Is it a good idea to get tickets before your trip? Or can you purchase them there? Is the submarine the same way? Thanks

    1. Tickets are on a 1st come basis. Best to go early to do that memorial then take your time at the rest of the park.

    2. You should definitely reserve your tickets days before visiting the memorial otherwise you may not get to go

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