Hawaiian Airlines planes at HNL

One Million Hawaiian Air Miles

With the cost of inter-island airfare, I’d love a chance to win one million Hawaiian Air Miles. If you enter this Aston Hotels and Resorts sweepstakes, you may fly away as the lucky winner. It’s open to legal residents of all fifty states and the District of Columbia (maybe President Obama should enter too), who are 21 years of age or older.

To enter online go to http://astonhotels.com/millionmiles. You have until May 31 to do so. And you can submit up to ten entries by referring friends. Winner will be chosen on our around June 30, 2011.

If you miss out on the Grand Prize maybe you’ll receive one of three First Prizes. It’s a five (5) night hotel accommodation at an Oahu Aston Hotel & Resort location.

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4 thoughts on “One Million Hawaiian Air Miles”

  1. Owens – FORTUNATELY, that is correct.

    EKummel – I’m not sure that is how it works. I don’t think the redeem ratio is mile-per-mile. I think for a one way ticket to Hawaii (redeeming miles/points) on Hawaiian during certain times of the year could be 25K miles. You acrue mile-per-mile (you travel 5540 miles, you get 5540), but to actually redeem for a ticket, that required amount would be quite a bit more.

  2. OK…I registered…now let’s see if I win the million miles…Now let’s see…according to Google Maps, it’s 5,540 miles from where I live to Hawaii (Hmmm, according to google maps, once I reach Washington state, I have to kayak 2,756 of those miles across the Pacific ocean…don’t know if I want to do that…the good thing is that it says it will only take me about 16 days all total). So if it takes me 5,540 miles to get to Hawaii, 1,000,000 will give me 847 round trips! So, I have to take one trip every 2 weeks for the next 49 years! I can do that!

    If you want to have some fun, go to maps.google.com, click on get directions and enter new york NY as the starting point and Honolulu HI as the destination point…then scroll down to about step 30 and see where Google tells you to kayak across the pacific ocean…what a hoot!

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