57 thoughts on “Stopping Toxic Talk: Hawaii Visitors + Locals Find A Path Forward”

  1. Yes the rhetoric is getting better, every tourist destination in the world is having the same experiences. Long lines, traffic delays, sky rocketed prices. Since I was born the population in the USA has more than doubled. All the beautiful places in our country and the world are experiencing the same issues.
    It is easy to limit arrivals to an island, don’t add more gates at the airports, stop building more resorts, restrict access to certain areas just using odd or even plate #s. Let’s try to find solutions! We know what the problems are

  2. My family has occupied hawaii since 1917 does that make me a local? Or am I a resident? You can see the problem. Dividing people up like that is not helpful. Whomever made the comment “our leaders are responsible” is right about that.
    Who cares about mean tourists, they are mean at home too.

    1. Yes, they maybe mean at home as well but since Hawaii has such a relatively small area the “meanness density” = meeanies/square_mile is much greater there.

  3. In 2012 my wife’s boss said to us at a happy hour I tried texting you and you didn’t respond. I told him yeah we do t believe in it and social media it’ll be the ruin of society. Pretty much nailed it.

  4. I like your news letter. This talk down is not a good look for it. You are discussing a phenomenon which is the subject of examination by congress, and is an international discussion on censorship. Every opinion is worth hearing and is important, whether or not we like it. One of the pillars of freedom in the USA, free speech. A generation learned to ignore rules of civility developed over thousands of years, Our leaders are responsible.
    FYI, Covid hysteria had a minimal impact compared to the devastation of the Holy Cleaner Iniki. I was there.

    1. Respectfully can you please explain why you think this is talking down? I think the guys did a great job of explaining both sides and showing several opinions.
      Did I miss something?

      1. Thank you for the opportunity. I believe offering advice on comportment during ordinary social intercourse is inappropriate for this forum.
        My comment, which was advice on how to run “beat of Hawaii”, was provocative enough for you to enquire, and seems as though you may think it is inappropriate for me to do so.
        The boys opened the door
        My humble opinion…

    2. Spreading lies and false information is not freedom of speech. And when the government censors you let me know. And no some opinions do not need to be heard
      The “Karen’s” have a sense of entitlement and sorry none have a valid opinion not need to be heard

  5. While it may be a desirable goal, stopping toxic talk is no longer possible in this time of social media. Schrödinger’s cat has left the box with no desire to have his fate determined.The only solution to this issue is to present the truth – unbiased truth – and gain the trust of readers. Understand that while Hawaii may be as beautiful a place as one can find on Earth, it is Not the only place people can choose as a vacation destination.

    If Hawaii truly wishes to decrease the number of visitors to the state, it needs to be ready for no sympathy or assistance from the Federal Government. Hawaii needs to develop additional means of self support by its own efforts. Best of luck with this…

  6. I have been visiting Hawaii for the past 50 years. It has always been crowded, including 10-15 years ago when all the stores and restaurants were open and when there were so many foreign visitors. Bizarre that now everyone wants to complain about it. What is different is that not enough people want to work and businesses are suffering.

  7. I’m always respectful when visiting Hawaii. I will continue to visit when time and money allows me the luxury of a trip to Hawaii. I have a friend who was born and raised in Honolulu. The reason I visit Hawaii is mainly to enjoy time with her and her family. I always learn new things about Hawaii from her and her family. Where I live in So Cal, we have many, many tourists too. We have beautiful beaches, mountains, parks and much more I already live in a beautiful area. I like the ocean water in Hawaii because I walk straight in and stay for a while floating and looking at the sky at Waikiki or I can go to a beach with waves so I can swim in the waves. I can stay in the water longer in Hawaii without getting cold. That’s what I like best.

  8. Visitors will be accepted with Aloha when they see themselves as guests in our island home. Respect and humility toward the local people will result in acceptance and Aloha.

  9. Mahalo Jeff and Rob for the ever informational and sometimes incredulous takes on people’s comments on this amazing forum,
    I’ve been watching and mostly shaking my head at the incredible divisions between we “locals” and our much appreciated visitors.
    Having lived here for decades, I’ve seen more than my share of both sides.
    I can tell you that most of the sour grapes coming from “locals are coming from those that aren’t true locals. They’re mostly recent transplants that seem to think their inhospitable opinion matters. True locals are thankful for the visitors to our islands and the lifestyle.
    On the other hand, Post COVID has caused division like never before.
    We just need to get back our symbiosis.
    Aloha nui always 🌺💕

    1. Hi Pam.

      Thank you for your continued insights including in this important topic,from Maui. We appreciate it.


    2. As someone who has visited Maui and Oahu since the ’80’s, it doesn’t take that much effort to stop, look and listen to what’s going on around you while in the islands. It’s just common courtesy to treat peoples’ home with decency and respect. Aloha and malama. Love and respect. It’s flashing a shaka when someone let’s you into traffic. Perhaps saving your beach day for a day other than Saturday or Sunday when residents have those days off to enjoy that. Saying hello. It’s easy to behave in a pono way. I see local’s point on feeling shortchanged or boxed out of owning a home and raising a family in Hawaii. It’s tough. Expensive. Its a situation that is vexing to solve and feeds in the overall tension.

  10. Gentlemen
    Kudos for what I consider your most well written article to date!!
    I think you nailed it on the head. We definitely don’t wanna hear the “I’m not coming back” threat anymore 😂
    For people visiting from places such as Phoenix, San Diego, etc. Imagine having a “snowbird” or “Zonie” season that Never Ends.
    That’s what it’s like living in Hawaii. Please show respect and I can promise you that you will be treated well by most.
    I’ve lived here many years and consider myself a resident but never refer to myself as local….I show the aloha and have never been treated poorly by locals.

    1. Hi Chris.

      Thanks for your over 70 comments, your input on this important subject, and the nice words. You can see another comment wherein the post wasn’t apparently well received and was construed as a “talking down.”


  11. My husband and I have been to the islands numerous times. Each island is unique. We respect your land and culture. There have only been a couple of times we felt the locals did not want us “invading their space”; especially on the weekends when they were with their families and friends. We learned to respect that. Hawaiians work hard all week and want to spend time with each other without tourists all over them. There has to be understanding from both visitors and locals alike. Respect is what we need for each other and the land and culture. We can coincide together…..if we truly practice the Aloha Spirit. Looking forward to coming back next year.

  12. Thank you for the comments on both sides of the issue. We have visited for 13 consecutive years with the exception of covid. We are so looking forward to returning again. We are hopeful that all visitors will show appreciation and respect to the residents as we have always done, and we are hopeful that they will welcome us back cordially. We love our state of Hawaii and its residents. Aloha.

  13. I personally do not blame the locals at all. I saw so much disrespect of Hawaii when I was there last.
    Personally I try Not to look like a tourist when I am in Hawaii or anywhere else I travel. I show respect and always get respect back and usually a smile as well. So many feel entitled because they spent money to come to Hawaii.

  14. We love Kauai and were so grateful to make our annual visit this year. Have things changed? Of course, just like everywhere else. We definitely went with lower expectations this year and that helped. Our Ohana were the same warm and caring people but the crowds were absurd! We did see many more angry and entitled tourists than usual but hey, that is their issue not ours! We had a wonderful time and will be back next year hoping for fewer tourists!❤️

  15. We come to Kauai every year. We have always been treated with respect and kindness. We went in Oct. 20 and while shopping at Foodland we were stopped by a Hawaiian gentleman who thanked us for coming. Everywhere we went we were appreciated and treated in the Aloha way. We return in July and can’t wait to go to paradise. Aloha!!

  16. It seems the horse is out of the barn. The “me” mindset of some visitors clashes with the “we” ethic Hawaii has been known for. Nothing stays the same but maybe some return to more positivity will prevail, I hope so.

  17. Aloha! We visited in April from Clearwater FL,(which has a lot of tourists) and I was extremely pleased with our Oahu experience. Everyone we met was friendly, didn’t get upset, and made us feel welcome. At home, we sometimes meet the entitled tourist, but they need to park the attitude at home. They may be well known somewhere, but they are unknown here. I met many people in Hawaii just by saying Aloha or hello. I’ve found many are a bit shy to speak unless addressed first. Make the first move people, it can be great. I’ve taken many a photo for tourists so everyone can be in the picture both home and in Hawaii and it’s an icebreaker that opens people up. Both sides just need to follow the golden rule. Mahala and Aloha

  18. Thank you for this article. As a visitor who has loved coming to Hawaii for many years, I have a great appreciation for all who live on the Islands and all they work hard to do to make our visits as enjoyable as possible. We are all readjusting after these really bad last few years.
    I hope we may all take time to express our appreciation and Mahalos to each other.

  19. One of the most beautiful places on earth. It should always be treasured and well taken care of and never abused by any one living or traveling to there. Magical people and Islands. We love it

  20. “It’ll take a concerted effort to find workable ways to mitigate those issues, including the sheer number of visitors, their impacts on daily life and on the environment, and the lack of appropriate infrastructure that supports us all.”

    Let’s look at the “lack of appropriate infrastructure”. Whos fault is that? Who shoulders the blame for not making things better as far as infrastructure is concerned? The Government, of course. Having been to Hawaii, I can attest that the Taxes on everything are sky high! Isn’t it justifiable, from a Locals standpoint, that a good portion of those Taxes taken should go towards infrastructure? If they aren’t, then ask yourself; “why aren’t they”? Maybe it is time to hold your elected Officials accountable.

    1. (Cont. from above)
      Start electing those people that will have your best interest at heart when it comes to tourism and how it affects the Local population. Unless the residents of the Islands begin to push for the infrastructure that is needed, it won’t happen. Hawaii is a truly beautiful place and the Government should spend whatever it takes to help the Local population cope with all of the stress that comes with the huge tourist numbers. Aloha!


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