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70 thoughts on “The Aloha Spirit In Hawaii Gone Missing”

  1. Returning to O’ahu after a 25 year absence, I mourn the dramatic decline in Aloha Spirit. Most troubling to me is kūpuna drivers sidelined by selfish, inconsiderate tailgaters. Uncomfortable with the bolder moves of younger drivers, what choice do they have? With horns blaring behind, they can only wait for a rare kindness or a break in traffic.

    On recent afternoon, I witnessed an inspirational act of true Aloha on Kapahulu St. Traffic was dense though flowing with an older driver attempting to enter the stream from a small side street. She rolled forward hopefully only to be intentionally cut off. An entire stoplight cycle later, nobody made room for her to merge. In the interim, several vehicles piled up behind her and horns started blaring. A young man in reflective work wear, exited his company truck, walked up to the Lexus right behind her and asked him to stop honking. What he did next was very heartwarming. He walked out into and stopped moving traffic! With a big smile on this face, he held the curb lane at bay until all the side street vehicles, except his, entered traffic.

  2. How is it misused? Imho, Aloha is misused In Obligation. Now becoming an excuse,or a reason to or not to. Now out of context and intention.

    Aloha is Love and all that comes with it true, depending on the context and intention.

    In this context? It is the answer to living island life. Where all of life is important and appreciated through this spirit we exude with a kind heart.

    We do not believe this makes us vulnerable, or to be taken advantage of. We all have our days, get upset and need reminding. This doesn’t mean “No Mo Aloha”!.

    Please keep in mind This is our interpretation of things. We believe in Aloha.
    Tourism should be informed of this, taught and not baited with it! Knowing, not expecting.

    1. Mahalo for keeping the Aloha spirit alive! I know it’s hard sometimes when you have to deal with (ok, I can’t say, even though I wasn’t born here). I love Hawaiians and grateful for living here.

  3. When I got called to come to Hawaii the first time I was scared, I hadn’t ever been here nor had any close friends on the island. In spite of the fear I decided to come with faith trusting that my needs would be met.
    I am grateful to say that the ‘Spirit’ of aloha literally embraced me, the kindness from complete strangers that helped me along my journey was amazing.The medicine from the song of the birds and wealth of the land, it’s been a blessing.
    I was called once again to move, this time to Oahu, it surprised me at how little the word,’aloha,’ was used. It’s such a beautiful word it made me wonder why hardly anyone I met used it. It would be great to bring it to life again on this land. Aloha and mahalo 🙏🏾

    1. The spirits of Hawaii are still here. It’s just that the word “Aloha” has been mis-used so may times that some locals are now reluctant to use it.

    2. Maria, Oahu was the 1st place I visited when coming to Hawaii and we were greeted with plenty of Aloha. I do believe there is still some left there as well. I am sure you will find good people. In the meantime, try your best to send out the Aloha spirit to everyone you meet. It might stick with some …

  4. This is a beautiful definition of Aloha.

    The first time I ever heard the word Aloha was from my acupuncturist (who is like family now). She defined it as, “I love your breath,” meaning, I’m so glad you’re alive and here with me now.

    Thank you for expanding on what I was first taught.

    What keeps pulling me back to the Big Island is the holiness of the place. And the lived Hawaiian words that, as of now, I only understand with my heart more than my brain, like Aloha and Aina.

    I visit for months at a time and I never want to leave, but when I do, I realize I’ve transformed. I receive a healing, without even trying. It’s why I keep coming back. That, and the glow of holiness in people’s eyes.

    Thank you for letting me share your beauty.


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