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70 thoughts on “The Aloha Spirit In Hawaii Gone Missing”

  1. I use ShalomAloha as greetings and positive mantra affirmation and feel the belonging healing Kodesh Ruach Aloha Spirit has been calling me to live in Hawaii for a while and i pray i make it very very soon…

  2. After the pandemic there has been a lot of division with an “us” vs. “them” mentality. Everyone could use more Aloha mentality moving past the pandemic. As a visitor before and after the pandemic, the aloha spirit isn’t what it once was, which was one of the best parts of the trip. Wishing healing and unity to all! Aloha.

  3. I experienced the aloha spirit when I mistakenly went to Walmart on Black Friday. Suddenly it was announced over the PA that a certain item was now on sale in an aisle.
    People started running and I literally braced myself thinking I was going to get crushed. I was so surprised to see people at the front of the tower of goods, passing it back to others behind them, making sure kapuna got one – all the while laughing!! No fights, no cursing like you see on mainland news – everyone was having fun! I stayed for an hour just to watch it all over again when new items were announced
    It’s a story I love to tell about the aloha spirit in Hawaii.
    Mahalo for letting me share my story.

  4. I think the Aloha Spirit is awesome, along with the paper work the airlines have you fill out, as you are approaching the Islands, they should have all tourists read the law. Maybe it would open their eyes and heart to it. We have been to Hawaii 5 times and every time I fall more in love with the people and the place. We always want to be a good example of what a tourist should be! If if you want to be a jerk go to New York.

  5. This is quite interesting to know that it is a State law, yet, many of the Government office have zeroe aloha, like the DMV where everyone is Rude! Also, Post Office in Waikiki Beach, many rude employees starting with Kawika who thinks he’s the man…making fun of tourists and being rude to everyone he comes in contact with. I believe the word Aloha needs to be re-examined on how it needs to be used by those coming into Hawai’i and those living in Hawai’i. It is sort of misused and many people and places Have No Aloha! I love the concept, so let’s really Bring It Up!

  6. Stationed at Schofield after my unit (Wolfhounds) came back after we finished getting folks out of Saigon safely. I was just a kid on my own when I enlisted. No parents, family or any idea about life. I’ll always be grateful that the place I came back to was Hawaii. The aloha of the folks there gave me a great path to follow & a place to call home for over 30 years.

  7. One of the clearest demonstrations of Aloha occurs about twice a day in the town of Waimea (Kamuela) at least twice a day. Whenever traffic becomes thick, drivers in the area offer courtesy to each other in order to keep the traffic flowing. It is unique and admirable to witness. Everybody, even visitors, quickly see how their own day is improved by giving and receiving aloha to each other.

    Pressure to work harder and longer has resulted from poor politicians and the government supported scarcity of housing for the workers Hawaii depends upon. That pressure has yet to stifle the aloha in Waimea, but it is a great threat.

  8. I dropped my wallet in the safeway store in Kona and when I discovered it was gone I called there the next day and they had it. Nothing was taken and they wouldn’t even take a small reward. I was so happy, it restored my faith restored in the kindness of people.

  9. How beautifully the philosophy of aloha spirit is in corporates into the societal rules that govern Hawaii! Given the rise of facism in the US, aloha spirit needed in all 50 states!


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