Thwart Thieves on Your Hawaii Vacation With Crime on the Rise

Thwart Thieves on Your Hawaii Vacation With Crime Rising

This week, a subject not new to Hawaii returned to the limelight when police asked visitors (and residents) to look for suspicious activities at beaches, resorts, and local neighborhoods following a rash of car break-ins.

Oahu car crime: 650 reports in just one month.

For the month starting February 7, there were 650 reported car breaking (or thefts). Most were in and around Honolulu and Waikiki.

Big Island and Maui car break-ins are reported to be mounting, too.

Kauai Police Department said, “Subjects are targeting unsecured vehicles.

They are quietly going through neighborhoods and checking for unlocked vehicles for an easy opportunity to steal valuables.” And the issue isn’t just limited to one island.

How this rash of petty car crimes came to be.

We admit we have been guilty of leaving things in our unlocked cars. Editor Rob is known to leave his keys on the dashboard when parked on his driveway. Although we get the concept, the idea of locking cars still hasn’t struck us in rural Hawaii. But now, perhaps we’ll be more proactive.

The best dose of prevention for Hawaii visitors:

While some things here may seem apparent, it’s easy to get careless and think nothing will happen. At least that the case for us. You can’t imagine how often we see cars parked at Safeway, for example, with no driver, the motor running, and the keys in the ignition.

  1. Turn off the motor when you exit your car. Even if it is hot and you are trying to leave the interior cool.
  2. Remove the key from the ignition. We never did until years ago when this first became a widespread problem.
  3. Lock your car doors when you exit.
  4. Most importantly, do not leave things in sight within your rental or other vehicles. That seems to be the thing that will almost always cause a break-in in Hawaii. And it always has.
  5. Don’t make the mistake of moving your valuables to the trunk while someone may be watching you do so. That makes common sense. Editor Jeff had a suitcase stolen from the trunk after moving it from the car interior in public view.
  6. Park in places that are not hidden from view and are well-trafficked and lit.

Have you been the victim of Hawaii auto crime?

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11 thoughts on “Thwart Thieves on Your Hawaii Vacation With Crime Rising”

  1. “How this rash of petty car crimes came to be”

    Why does everyone ignore the simple fact that this increase is due to the politicians and laws put in place. When crime is no longer punishable, of course this is going to happen.

    Until people start standing up and getting these people out of office, nothing will change.

  2. When I used to park at trail heads I’d keep the door unlocked to avoid bashed in windows. These petty thieves have no skill in stealing a car,they only looking for things inside. Keep it empty.

  3. Seems to be the new norm these days wherever you go. In the late ninetys my wife and I camped for weeks on Kauai and the Big Island. We left our stuff in the tent all day alot. We have been to the islands many times over the years (on Kauai now) and have never had anything stolen. Of course we wouldn’t risk it now and use common sense wherever we Go! Great that this subject is brought to attention! Thanks

  4. Always park your car in a lighted area, avoid dark areas, at night time, If you are near your car and a person try to attack you, always hold in your hand the key fob,( press the red emergency button ) the loud horn from your car will chase him away, brings attention to people around you and your car. ( never trust strangers around your car ) (always look around you an your car before entering your car,) ( always be alert, ) I’m a retire San Francisco Police officer.

  5. When we were in Kauai several years ago I stuck my wallet under the seat since we were going on a whale watching/snorkeling boat tour on a small boat and I didn’t want my wallet to get waterlogged. When we got back to the parking lot there was no wallet, it never turned up after I reported it either. Try getting through tsa without an id to fly back to the mainland the next day. Fortunately they accepted who I was when my wife vouched for me and were able to verify her, but they did keep an eye on me. Id probably still be there if it wasn’t for her being with me

    1. Someone watching,? how know underseat,? Out of sight, but know you going on boat, target parking area tourist 🙄, 💧 waterproof bags, even cheap ziplock, I bought a hikers waterproof bag, even floats if allow air.

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