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23 thoughts on “Should You Visit Maui? Conflicted Views at Crossroads”

  1. We will be wintering in Maui for our 35th year. Wailea area. What things can we bring to help? Of course we plan to leave these things behind. Dr. Thomas and Ruth

  2. It actually feels disrespectful to cancel our trip and whilst our small $$ spend won’t save the economy, hopefully if more tourists come we can help avoid some job loses. We’re choosing donating to “Maui Strong” rather than bringing products that then poses the logistical problem of distribution?

  3. We canceled our Wailea condo reservation Oct 24, 2023 to Nov 4, 2023. Out of respect for the devastation and loss of life we felt that this was the action to be taken.
    After reading various comments about the importance of tourism for the island we are now wondering if we should rebook out reservations.
    Your guidance will be appreciated.

    1. Hi Nancy.

      It’s a personal decision. But if visitors don’t return to the rest of Maui soon there’s no doubt that a financial disaster will come next.


  4. Condolences to all. The loss of an entire town and so many people is difficult to grasp. Our family had a trip planned to Kaanapali in September, but not now. I read where HDOT is installing privacy screens along the bypass. And I think even if transiting the area becomes normal, it will still be awkward visiting for many months. I also understand that there are a lot of rooms on the other side of the island, but the island isn’t that big. Vacations are about celebrating. How can you celebrate when the people around you are struggling to rebuild. Maybe in 6-months. Maybe.

  5. As a Kanaka Maoli with family there on Maui and a family member who is still unaccounted for, this is my heart felt opinion. Water diversion to luxury hotels, golf courses and luxury estates is the lead reason for the loss of Lahaina. They ran out of water trying to put the fires our. Not blaming tourists but blaming the government and money hungry corp.. Let all of Maui ‘aina and people heal before moving on with business as usual. Redivert the water to the whole island again so this never happens again. Quit putting tourist and money before the rights ofKanaka Maoli to survive. Quit pricing us out of our land.

  6. If you are going to Maui is the furture. Bring lots of cash instead of using credit cards. That way the money stays local instead of the banks getting a cut every time money changes hands.

  7. Tourism can not stop, nor should it. Maui needs tourists. Respect and obey all directions about Labaina town. But to shut down tourism north of Lahaina would be foolish. As well as Wailea, Kihei, and the rest of the Island. All the markets, restaurants etc exist because of mix of tourism and locals. The entire Island economy is at stake. Tourist still coming allows people to keep working.
    Yes, it’s a sensitive subject. But even those who lost their homes have to work to help in the process of healing and going forward.
    Surprised that anyone who lives here would even question this..
    Help those who were affected directly. But tourism is the best benefit to the local’s economy and recovery for all.

  8. BOH We are planning to come at the end of October. Where can we find a list of things that we can bring with us — “bring a duffle bag of supplies”. We have donated cash already. We want to be a help. Also can we donate a day of our stay to volunteering?

    1. Hi Gloria.

      We’ll keep an eye out for what might be needed in that time frame of October and report. Also re volunteering. Thanks for asking.


  9. We considered moving to a more unaffected area for our extended family vacation. As our original rental was in the burned area. But it was impossible to find a place to accommodate us in Dec.
    Plus it felt wrong to do a vacation rental that might be needed for a rebuilding family. We are staying on another island.

  10. Here is an example of what is happening, Mama’s Fish House has always been very hard place to get a reservation if you don’t do it 2 or 3 months in advance. I checked yesterday for reservations for the week of Aug. 30 and every day, any hour is open. The Tourist keep these places alive. The locals will be laid off with no guest, which means the locals cannot pay rent, pay their bill or survive. There can be a happy medium.


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