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428 thoughts on “Why Hawaii’s Repeat Visitors Aren’t Returning – Does Anyone Care?”

  1. The HTA has to realize that Hawaii needs tourism and tourist want Hawaii. Prices are already high
    Raising prices makes tourists look elsewhere and actually hurts the locals. Respect needs to be shown on all sides. Now is the time to welcome and embrace. Not to regulate and overtaxed. There is an ebb and flow or a season…time to turn the page.

  2. Over the past 30 yrs I’ve traveled to the islands some 20 plus times introducing 20 plus family and friends. I’ve not gone since covid but ive read of several changes and charges coming. I have plans to go again in Sept but I’ve already told everyone it will be my last time. Charging for parking and having “visitor” and “resident” parking is ridiculous. Having to pay to stop for a lunch break at the black sand beach state park on the way to Hana is ridiculous. Not being able to drive to kee Beach to snorkel and hike is very sad. These are just some of why I’m not interested. It’s all very sad.

  3. Tourists are bread and butter in Hawaii.
    Apply true meaning of “Aloha”
    To all individual.
    Almost of all “Safety” is number one. Keep tourists safe while in our island !

  4. Some see the tourist as a scourge. That will change when the native hawaiians get their way. The next invaders won’t be so culturally sensitive.

  5. The question is what percentage of people in Hawaii rely on jobs that are directly or indirectly connected to tourism. Hotels, Timeshares, Restaurants, ABC Stores, Memorabilia shops, almost any store in Waikiki. If tourists don’t come they may not have jobs, less tips, no raises. Furthermore the Accommodation and Get taxes that tourists help pay for the service workers that work for the Goverment. Less income from tourists means more income from residents.

    1. According to State statistics, tourism related jobs are about 21-23% of the economy (depending on the island) which is large, but residents pay for the infrastructure that supports tourism, while profits from tourist related venues mostly go out of State. There are currently 10 visitors for every resident, which stresses resources where resources are limited, and foreign workers-who work for lower wages, make up the bulk of the work force-not locals.
      The pandemic showed us while tight, we *can* survive w/o tourism.

  6. I really wish to make a tripto Hawaii (my first) particularly to Kauai, but now I am put off by the negative information above. I am not so put off by the cost but the implication that the reception is not friendly. I would be disappointed if Havaii is no longer a friendly destination.

  7. Hawaii had a great opportunity during the pandemic to reset. Move to other industries like tech. They did nothing but say let’s tax more. You have the tech giants living there. Anyone ever think of reaching out and forming a group of these people to come up with ideas? There egos aren’t huge so I am sure they would like nothing better to do then look great to Hawaii. Maybe open training centers allow subsidies to people that move there that work in tech. Nope same old stuff different day.

  8. Having only visited Maui this year I am not yet a repeat visitor. However we loved Maui so much that we plan to visit Oahu and return to Maui next year. I know Hawaii is expensive and getting there is expensive, but it is definitely worth it. Maui is a beautiful island and it was probably one of the best vacations we’ve ever had. We’ve traveled around the world and there are places I would return to, but Maui and Hawaii in general is my favorite destination.
    I think returning to a more cultural base state is a good thing as long as Hawaii doesn’t forget where most of its revenue comes from.

  9. I returned to Maui for the first time in years recently and tho many businesses were closed down from the pandemic it was still nice. The costs are very high but honestly that might be a good thing. I live in Las Vegas and we have inexpensive hotels and bargains everywhere as well as the high end places. The inexpensive places bring the city down with elements that I try to get away from when I’m on vacation. I would hate to see the mainland ghetto scene get to the islands.

  10. I love Hawaii.. it has become my favorite place to visit. Spend good, quality time with friends, dining at some fabulous restaurants, great shopping and get in as much sun and beach time possible. It’s the most relaxing time ever. I plan to return every year as long as I can.


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