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Wrong Or Ignored Hawaii Visitor Drowning Warnings Refocused By Lawsuit

New light has been shed on warnings about Hawaii visitor snorkeling deaths. A well-publicized legal action challenges local authorities and resorts to further address risks.

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50 thoughts on “Wrong Or Ignored Hawaii Visitor Drowning Warnings Refocused By Lawsuit”

  1. If people seriously examined their limitations and took personal responsibility/personally educated themselves of the risks involved ; than there would not be as many ocean/outdoor tragedies in Hawaii

  2. Education is key! We could start by having every airline that flies out to Hawai’i make a priority announcement along with the other safety announcements they make on each and every flight.

    1. We could, but perhaps you’ve noticed when they make the other obligatory safety announcements, not a whole lot of people are paying attention to them. Ultimately, safety is up to the individual, not someone else to blame as a scapegoat.

  3. The dangers of scuba diving after a flight are known within the scuba community, but I am confused because when you snorkel you stay on the surface for the most part, so it surprises me that this is really a big issue.
    That said people need to start taking responsibility for themselves. These people clearly are not in good shape to do any form of exercise. If he a heart attack on the treadmill in the hotel gym is that the hotels fault as well?
    Just curious, where does it stop?

    1. according to news it is the type of snorkeling gear and angle of snorkel that effects/restricts your breathing that most likely caused it

  4. This lawsuit should be dismissed by the court. Hawaii is not your guardian. Hawaii is not your chaperone. If you step into the ocean, You are responsible for your health and safety. It is your obligation to understand the risks — not the state, not the hotel, not the airline, not the tourism authority.

    1. But who knew$<&$*%! that a seemingly harmless relaxing activity such as floating in still waters would cause this form of drowning. I consider myself an on high alert personality type. I would never have thought to duck duck go snorkeling dangers. 184 ROPE deaths in ten years!! Entirely too many ROPE deaths for State of Hawaii. Signs have been posted about sneaker waves and riptides for decades in California. I believe the widow will receive a settlement, and good will come, although from a tragic loss.

  5. Yes it is a tragedy that Mr Johnson lost his life but from the looks of his excessive weight I’m sure this was a contributing factor in his death. I am sure that his medical records will be reviewed as the litigation moves forward. I can not understand the reasoning that the Fairmont Kea Lani Resort, the Hawaii Tourism Authority, and the Hawaii Visitors and Convention Bureau would be at fault in any way. People need to be responsible for their own health and the foods they wish to consume. Come on people take some responsibility for your own actions

  6. Sounds like there should be more educational clases for snorkeling activities than Hanauma Bay.

    And, probably one or more video notices as flights are close to arrival in Hawaii.

  7. I have been to Maui 18 times and I’m ALWAYS astonished at the lack, actually No lifeguards on the beaches. It should be mandatory that part of tourism money be spent on lifeguards and beach seados that monitor the ocean fronts.

  8. It seems the drowning deaths from snorkeling could be related to the type of snorkel used. The one piece snorkel has limited room for oxygen exchange compared to the separate mask and snorkel piece that can suck in unlimited oxygen. It’s a bad design and should be recalled.

  9. Aloha Rob+Jeff I would recommend that snorkeling rental shops and hotels, condos, STR’s and snorkeling spots should have info told ot given to them to hear of read before they rent/go in the water. Always snorkel with another person for safety same as hiking.

  10. It’s for this reason, (frequent drowning of visitors) that we no longer offer snorkel gear in our vacation rental.
    We have laminated safety sheets on the coffee table, advising guests to always snorkel with a buddy, know your limits, take a flotation device regardless of ability and when in doubt, don’t go out.

    Any drowning or loss of life while vacationing on the islands is tragic, I agree, there needs to be more education (a brief in-flight video would be great and they could also educate visitor on polite Aina etiquette at the same time)

  11. I’m wondering if there are any stats on free diving or scuba. I have read warnings about waiting to scuba dive after a long flight.

  12. Sad but we are all responsible for the decisions we make. Suing a public entity cost taxpayers, raises taxes and it takes much needed funds for infrastructure used by both the community and visitors. This is one case where I’d like to be on the jury.

  13. I have gone snorkeling on either the day I arrive on Maui or the day after for over 30 years and I Never have had any problems whatsoever. And when exactly does personal responsibility come into play for one’s actions! Blaming anyone other than the man that passed is just asinine but then it only takers one land shark to bring a nonsense case like this and no matter what is said, it Is all about the money now!

  14. Looks like more scientific evidence, an actual funded study, as to what causes ROPE, is it about long distance flying, what are underlying considerations that cause it to develop, etc., would be advisable. As for putting up signs at beaches, too often they are ignored by beach goers, unless maybe it’s about sharks. Maybe the airlines could hand out a safety flyer to passengers, just like the airlines do with the ones that take up info for the DOA and HTA. At least the visitors couldn’t say they weren’t warned.
    Of course, when a visitor is only going to be in the islands for a week or so, telling them to not ‘have fun’ snorkeling for most of their visit isn’t going to go over too well!

  15. I’m sorry for this families tragic loss but in no way believe it is the responsibility of the hotels or tourism agencies to be the visitors babysitters or educators. People make their own choices and have to deal with the consequences. Snorkeling, hiking whatever the choice, do your own research and proceed at your own peril. How many people go to ABC stores and buy snorkels, masks and fins, will they be sued for a drowning because they sold the items? How much has it cost the state for rescuing lost and hurt hikers. The state need to start suing or at least charging for these search and rescues.
    Another frivolous lawsuit that should never see the light of day

  16. Could it be the rise in heart related drownings in the last couple of years be because the Covid vaccine has a known heart issue side effect??

    1. The history of snorkeling deaths due to ROPE is at least 25 years now, many also occurring in Australia and prompting research. The covid vaccine hasn’t been around for that long.
      I think it has more to do with the sheer number of people who are doing an activity in deep water they aren’t used to…and many of them are not physically fit.

  17. There is another concern not mentioned. The fact whether these deaths via snorkeling have anything to do with vaccination status. The CDCs recent VSafe show an increase in strokes, heart ailments, turbo cancer and Pulmonary embolism, as the clotting issues are different now versus pre 2021 (pre vaccination) One only needs to search mortician reports of late to discover an underlying threat to the well being of those with massive abnormal blood clots. 🙏🏼 Unvaccinated most recently are showing to a lesser degree blood clot issues, as well. Therefore, It’s best to rule this out for anyone concerned about health and well being. 🙏🏼

    1. Again, the incidents of snorkeling deaths due to ROPE are now into the decades. The covid vaccine hasn’t been around that long. The Aussies have been studying this for many years.
      It’s not the vaccine!

  18. Well, I can say that we’ve travelled to Hawaii 10 times since 2010 and today was the first time I’d heard of ROPE. This is also as a 28 year career firefighter/EMT, though snorkeling is not much of an activity on the coast of Maine. Flash Pulmonary Edema is a well known condition that appears to be very similar, if not the same event, though the post flight snorkeling appears to be a newly identified risk factor. I would think it will be extremely likely to prove that this was a primary cause vs. just cardiac stress, which can be elevated when persons less comfortable or physically fit enter the water for any reason.

  19. I understand this was a tragedy for the Johnson family, and very unfortunate that it happened. However, I believe that there is no such thing as absolute safety in life. Living in an area with very large/tall trees as we do in PA is a danger, as the tree can be felled by strong winds and fall on the house, killing the occupant(s). But, the beauty of the forest is worth it. Driving a car to work has a danger, but it is usually worth the danger. Etc. etc.. Snorkeling is a wonderful activity when visiting Hawaii, and my wife and I’ve enjoyed it often. I am not a good swimmer, and I always wore a ski belt to make it a safer sport activity. I don’t see the basis for a lawsuit.

    1. Also interested in that… Seems to be many elevated risks utilizing the full face masks, though they don’t appear to be the single issue.

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