Alleged Hawaii Travel Industry Corruption Exposed By NYT

Alleged Hawaii Travel Industry Corruption Exposed By NYT

When the New York Times did an expose this week on corruption in Hawaii politics, we took notice on how much that has impacted Hawaii travel, specifically. Let’s just say the pineapple has been ripped to its core with juicy details. This NYT article referenced many players we already know from the Hawaii tourism industry. Then we looked further at the travel tie details. And sadly, it explains a lot, as you are about to see.

Many of you have left comments in the past asking why things seem in such disrepair including restrooms at Hawaii beaches, roads and highways, airports and their runways and other facilities. You’ve asked where the money goes from the taxes you pay as visitors and as residents, and now we have some answers.

A prominent Hawaii businessman, Milton Choy, was working with the federal government to help uncover the scandal. He wore a “wire “for a year to show that state officials took bribes from him. Here’s how the story unfolded in something that seems right out of Hawaii Five-0.

Hawaii’s elite have long partaken in clandestine, late-night political fundraisers.

They were often in an unspoken and unseen modest Honolulu location at 800 S. Beretania Street, pictured here. Later, the parties moved. With dining and unlimited alcohol, these get-togethers have long served as networking parties where Hawaii politics and business intersect, greatly impacting our beloved Hawaii travel sector.

At the parties, vast sums of money were placed in metal boxes.

Then, at the end of the party, politicians plus the host, who was a prior high-level employee of Hawaii Department of Transportation/Airports, would hand out the money to political campaigns based on pledges preceding the event. These parties are said to have become legendary, where lobbyists and executives met with politicians and obtained favors in Hawaii government contracting, very often related to tourism and infrastructure projects that are vital to Hawaii’s travel industry.

Is this in part why Hawaii tourism is in disrepair?

And, even after living many decades in Hawaii, this was hard for us to read. These parties were reportedly hosted by Wes Yonamine, then branch head at the Hawaii Department of Transportation/Airports.

Despite alleged efforts to curb such inappropriate, if not illegal dealings, the money has continued to flow, underscoring Hawaii’s political culture, which remains deeply entangled with private corporate interests.

The investigative report said that such gatherings are flourishing and result in a significant portion of the campaign funding throughout Hawaii. According to the report, these Yonamine parties have consistently attracted significant donations that boost the annual campaign revenues of some politicians. These affairs link corporate interests and Hawaii politicians in ways that likely impact the success or failure of Hawaii travel.

The impact on Hawaii airports for one, is significant.

These events may have significantly impacted Hawaii’s airports, a critical node in the state’s all-important travel infrastructure. The funding parties have preceded contract awards for airport expansions, repairs, renovations, and areas vital to maintaining and enhancing the Hawaii visitor experience, including operations and capacity. Timing of these generous campaign donations in relation to tourism contracts raises big questions about the integrity of Hawaii’s travel infrastructure contracting process.

Despite these glaring concerns, efforts over decades to reform the system have been met with resistance, as becomes obvious when seen in light of whose money is at stake. The Hawaii Legislature’s feeble attempts to close campaign loopholes that allow such donations have repeatedly failed, which now comes as no surprise.

The implications for the Hawaii travel industry are profound.

Common Cause Hawaii’s director said of the situation, “Pay-to-play” is woven into the DNA of the statehood of Hawaii and said that it has been this way since the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom.

According to the article, analysis of the situation shows that over the past 18 years, people associated with government contractors have been responsible for giving tens of millions to Hawaii politicians. It is also noted that virtually all of the donations came via donors who didn’t mention the companies with which they are associated, thus helping obfuscate the relationships.

Some of the contractors mentioned include SSFM, whose president previously pleaded no contest to money laundering but subsequently contributed $130k to various politicians. We found that company lists among its projects, Honolulu airport taxiway engineering.

Others notable in Hawaii include Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke, who oversaw the initial response to the Maui wildfires, who NYT reported received more than $107,000.

In 2021, contractor Goodfellow Bros., who we previously reported was involved in Maui Airport runway repairs, also won a $4.6 million Maui landfill deal. Following that project’s approval, NYT said that Goodfellow executives and family members gave campaign contributions of $34,000 to Maui’s mayor and council members, which made them among Maui’s most prominent political donors.

While it is legal for Hawaii legislators to maintain other jobs despite being paid over $70K annually by the state, it can result in obvious concerns. NYT pointed out that State Senate President Ron Kouchi, from Kauai, earns an additional $50-100K annually through employment with his brother’s company, which they pointed out is the sole trash services provider to agencies here on Kauai.

Another major Honolulu Airport contractor, NAN Inc., was mentioned. “Representative Micah Aiu is a lawyer at Nan Inc., one of the state’s biggest contractors, which won at least $39 million in projects last year. They have said they are not directly involved in their companies’ contracts.” We found that NAN Inc. won a nearly $150M Honolulu Airport contract for baggage handling systems that was performed last year.

Hawaii airports remain a focus of issues.

Many corporate guests of these political campaign parties performed work at Hawaii airports, which resulted in deals worth more than $130M. NYT noted, “At least 59 companies competed for airport contracts between 2014 and 2020. But nearly half the airports’ 153 professional services contracts went to just 14 companies.”

Hawaii’s airports are gateways pivotal to the success of our tourism-dependent economy, yet continue to be far less than world-class, while also being lucrative hotspots for political and corporate maneuvering.

This sad state of affairs in Hawaii travel also sheds light on broader implications of political funding in Hawaii, calling for a reassessment of these practices regarding transparency, and the health of Hawaii travel and more.

We welcome your input!

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100 thoughts on “Alleged Hawaii Travel Industry Corruption Exposed By NYT”

  1. I’m deeply disappointed to learn about the allegations of corruption involving SSFM International, a major contractor on Maui and throughout Hawaii. It’s concerning to see that a company involved in important transportation projects, including bike/Ped pathways, has been linked to unethical behavior.

    Moving forward, it’s crucial for both the county and the state to carefully consider whether to continue hiring SSFM International for future projects. We need to hold contractors to the highest ethical standards and ensure transparency in all dealings with public funds.

  2. The only way to break the habit is to elect forward thinking candidates to the legislature instead of the same old same old. We have an opportunity this fall but big money drowns out our voices. Vote for honesty and innovation.

  3. Milton Choy helped the Federal Government with their investigation, with what was uncovered should have put many in prison for decades. Instead, Milton Choy was able to help convict a handful of people, including a former State Senator, who are serving very light sentences. For Mr. Choy’s cooperation, he received a reduced sentence of 41 months in prison, the longest sentence of any of those arrested and convicted. In many cases nothing has changed and it is ‘Business as Usual”. Any wonder why nothing seems to change in the State of Hawaii!!! The investigation by Federal Authorities yielded a few bits of “Low Hanging Fruit” and nothing more. What would another investigation find? There’s plenty of low hanging fruit in Hawaii.

  4. I wonder if Barack and Michelle Obama have involvements in this?
    Given they are politicians and have residency in Hawaii.

  5. I am so sorry to read this article. I love Hawaii and the people there. I only get to visit every few years and usually visit Kauai. That is like heaven on earth. I feel so bad for the people who do live there and find out about corruption. The people I have met are great, laid back people with such good hearts that you expect everyone is like that. I guess some people get lost in the power. My heart is breaking for Hawaii. Also as a side note I enjoy your articles. Keep up the great work.

  6. This Article which sites information coming from the NYT is probably just scratching the outside layers of these Taxpayer betrayals. I doubt that anyone will get much deeper, this has been going on for a long time. While Taxpayer Money 💰 is being rewarded via the ‘old boy’ system, should anyone ever doubt why Hawaii is falling apart? It sounds like the Justice Department could use the RICO Statute for decades, not everyone will keep quiet during questioning. The reason behind fleecing taxpayers and Vacationers alike has been uncovered, lock em up Danno!

    1. Yes! We hope they get fired at the very least. We need a representatives here. I am praying for candidates to step up. The timing is right! Thank you for the support. We need all we can get!

  7. I wonder if this has anything to do with the state pension being broke? I read in 2018 it was
    12 billion in debt.
    I wondered how in the world a state with 1.5 million people, a flourishing tourism income could wind up in this position.

    1. All of our tax money (outer islands) goes to Oahu. This explains how Maui had pot holes in the roads for decades when we pay such high taxes. The money trickles if at all back to the islands that contributed the tax money. Hawaii residents must speak up now. We need new government ASAP.

  8. Thanks for the opportunity to comment on this sad state of affairs.
    The residents of Hawaii should be outraged that their public officials are on the take from the contractors who are being paid with their tax dollars. Hope the voters will “throw the bums out” at the earliest opportunity.

    1. Skip S, unfortunately tossing them all out, even if they are all locked away in prison, won’t work. The voters have an ongoing problem, voting more criminals in to office. They don’t recognize that the problem isn’t just with those in office currently, it’s been different names and faces perpetrating the same crimes year after year.

      1. Ernie, that does not sound hopeful. I doubt that we are deliberately voting in criminals to abuse our rights and take our money. We need the dirty deeds exposed for change. I was not aware. I thought it truly is the high cost of living here, construction; everything including food and supplies having to be shipped in etc.. There should be checks and balances on a federal level. If we make enough noise perhaps we can get some help.

        1. Hi Kim L, it’s Ernie S. It seems like a dreadful situation because it is. Can this be turned around easily, no, but it can be. Removing the current politicians at every level of government is what is called for, will the majority have the stomach to do that? The Federal Government might eventually step in if there is enough Evidence of crimes. The RICO Statute seems like a good way to Prosecute these people. There’s always Hope if enough people of like mind take this on. If not, keep up getting the Real Information out to everyone. Politicians know that if they keep saying the same things often enough, people will believe the lies. Use the Truth repeatedly to counter them. Best of luck, enough of Bad Governance already!

    2. We are outraged and spreading the news. Coconut wireless- let’s throw the bums out! Please stand up for our rights. Take the blinders off.


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