Airbnb Updates Their Cancellation Policy for Hawaii

Hawaii Travel News, Insights And Controversies This Week

This has been a week filled with Hawaii travel news and hundreds of your comments covering all facets of Hawaii tourism. It included the first changes coming with the planned Alaska Airlines purchase of Hawaiian Airlines, a review of what’s currently happening amid controversy on Maui, budget-friendly ideas for Waikiki parking and what the new leadership could mean next for the Hawaii vacation rental industry. There were also two airfare sales, now expired, but we predict you’ll see more of these right after Christmas.

First up is Waikiki parking and how to find it free or cheap. Our tips can save $50 or more per night.

2024 Waikiki Parking Hacks Go Budget-Friendly

Next up is more news about Alaska Airlines’ planned acquisition of Hawaiian and what it could mean to the current Hawaiian fleet, including interisland.

Alert: Brace For These Hawaiian Air Changes Starting Immediately

Maui arrivals continue to be down, and we will talk more about what’s happening and include some of your comments on the issue.

Maui Tourism Crossroads | The Battle For Harmony And Recovery

A big security issue happened at HNL when ammunition was found in a thermos.

Security Questions Raised By Anti-Aircraft Ammunition in Hawaii Checked Bag

A change in leadership at the Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) leaves one group feeling uncertain about its future. What this could mean to you.

Hard Pivot | New Hawaii Tourism Head | Pro Hotel, Anti-Vacation Rental

Interesting news from Alaska and new routes that compete with Hawaii.

Alaska Airlines Shifts Strategy, Expands Tropical Routes Beyond Hawaii

Remember the Hawaii Superferry? It’s back in the news this week.

Hawaii Ferry Saga: One Door Opens Wide, Another Slams Shut

We welcome the ongoing exchange of ideas through a total of more than one hundred thousand visitor comments on Beat of Hawaii. You regularly provide us with great ideas for articles and add a dynamic layer to this space, creating a virtual community based on experiences, questions, and answers and a collaborative spirit of Hawaii exploration. Our week has been dedicated to providing as comprehensive and enriching a resource as possible for all things Hawaii travel-related.

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2 thoughts on “Hawaii Travel News, Insights And Controversies This Week”

  1. I laugh when I see reports of air travel deals and cheap flights. While airfare is a real consideration … the biggest issue is the cost of everything else once you hit the ground in the islands ! Hotel rates , food and beverages and the ever popular rip off … the indefensible resort fees. I have been to the islands 28 times but now look elsewhere for my winter warmth and sun … they have gouged me for the last time.

    1. Absolutely, airfare is expected to be high but the tourist gouging is the most oppressive part of the visit.. Having a timeshare on Maui, I have visited every year for 2-3 weeks. 2021 was my last year I ma tired ob being expected to fund the poor decisions of the Maui tourist and government leadership. The infrastructure, highways, electrical grid, the sanitation is third world. the cost of living for its residents is insufferable, requiring tourists to 3x the cost of meals/activities and 4x in fees and gratuities to offset the exploitation of its service workers. Where has all the tourism monies gone??

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