1,300 Jobs Culled At Largest Hawaii Vacation Rental Company

1,300 Jobs Culled At Largest Hawaii Vacation Rental: Shocks Industry

Rapid changes in an industry that grew very quickly. Hawaii vacation rentals are under pressure following this news.

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41 thoughts on “1,300 Jobs Culled At Largest Hawaii Vacation Rental: Shocks Industry”

  1. I was concerned when I saw this story as my husband and I were transferring from a unit managed by CB Island Vacations to a unit managed by Vacasa, but decided to keep an open mind. Both units were in the same complex. I contacted Vacasa upon arrival with the issues I had with the unit. I was told the local contact was informed of my issues, have not heard from Vacasa. Admittedly, some issues cannot be addressed during our stay. I also blame the owner for these issues as the unit is not updated and has not been well-maintained. Vacasa needs to have better standards for their owners properties. Paid the same price for an inferior property that I did for a well-maintained unit with a view.

  2. I am an owner who has been with Vacasa since they bought out the local company. The problem is not with the local group on island in Maui but rather with the mainland group. The on-island group are fantastic and try very hard to make it all work. It has been my experience with the mainland group that they really don’t care about the owners and don’t listen to us either. My impression is they feel it is out way or no way. Bad way to be since they depend upon the owners and their properties to survive and if they continue to treat us this way then I doubt there is a future for Vacasa! It is also impossible for an owner to get in touch with the mainland group too. Happy we have a great group on-island.

    1. We have rented from Vacasa twice on Kauai, both good experiences. I prefer having someone local to call that is reachable instead of off island owner of unmanaged VRBO unit. Vacasa was particularly helpful when I left a bag of clothing and moved to another part of the island! I hope they can adjust and hold it together.

  3. Great, renting a condo in Princeville from them for a week in October.

    I really just need Vacasa to provide the correct door code as I’ll *hopefully* be coming straight from six days on the Kalalau Trail.

    They can pull that off, right?

    I’ll report back any issues I encounter.

    Also, the rate was twice the rate for the same unit a year ago when it was managed by a different company.

  4. Sorry for the locals , but maybe, for a change things, have getting out of hand in Hawaii with the cost of everything. Maybe the Konomi should crash, so the locals can afford things.

    1. If things only worked that way. Being Islands that depend upon the mainland and other places for practically Everything it wouldn’t change much and would possibly see prices raise, that is a shame. Unless, and Until, Hawaii becomes self-sufficient in practically every need nothing will ever change significantly. I’m not sure that Hawaii, with its own population, could meet the challenge. When factoring in Tourism there’s certainly no way! Hawaiians are a Captive Audience and Prices shall only Increase, including property.

  5. Vacasa seems to have severely dropped the ball according to an abundance of comments that I have read, what will they do to recover and prove their worth with renters and owners alike? The 1,300 that have been layed off may find it difficult to find employment in similar businesses, the Court Case set to begin in February will decide the fate and future of the STR Industry. There’s no one, except for the Voters, to blame for this, they voted these “Predators” into office. By killing off the STR Market everyone will be left vulnerable to the Resort/Hotel Industry and their ever increasing rates and fee’s.

    1. There are way too many Stars in what used to be quiet, residential neighborhoods. Anyone with a vacation rental next door would love to have a long term owner or renter vs the endless stream of party people. Less STRs will make it more affordable for Hawaiians to stay here instead of escaping to places like Vegas where housing costs aren’t outrageous

      1. Brion C. I am wondering what “Stars” you’re referring to as typically they would Own the properties, not rent them, and would be Unaffordable if they would rent it. Many STR’S have Paid Managers that insure the property is taken care of and Loud, Outrageous, Parties do not occur. You, as well as many other Hawaiians, have been fed a multitude of lies by Council so as to garner your support. Those Lies and Line of BS have been Exposed as such, yet some still believe. All of this is for the Benefit of the Hotel and Resort Industry to have Zero Competition!

      1. In Oahu the Council is being taken to Court due to the latest attacks on the STR Properties. Council has introduced extremely harsh requirements and laws that will, if successful, with all practicality destroy the STR Market totally. The Owners are fighting this, they should ask the court to not only rescind the latest laws and regulations but to also void the previous ones that limit rentals to a minimum of 30 days. Council members have used Outright Lies and Innuendo to support their claims and get support from the people, thankfully all of this was exposed. Unfortunately some people still believe Council. The only people benefitting are Resorts and Hotels, interesting isn’t it?

  6. I’m really surprised to read all the negative comments regarding Vacasa since our family had a wonderful experience renting from them. Granted, it was in Northern California but they were responsive to our questions and provided great service. So when I heard they bought out Kauai Pacific Real Estate (whom we loved renting from several times) I wasn’t overly concerned. I haven’t seen too many comments here about Kauai rentals so we will probably give them a try down the road.


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