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$82 Hawaiian Airlines | Maui Visitors Needed Now Sale

Hawaiian Airlines is supporting Maui’s economy following the devastating fires earlier this month.

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45 thoughts on “$82 Hawaiian Airlines | Maui Visitors Needed Now Sale”

  1. We have visited the islands at least once every year since 1972. Maui being our favorite. We bought a rental condo in Kihei seven years ago. We enjoy 3 visits a year, a month and a half each. Our taxes just went from $9,000 to $14,000 a yr. for a 2 bdrm. 2 bath in Kihei. They say they are going to start charging $30 a day to visit our favorite beach, which is way too high. Unemployment is soaring, this island needs some better management before they are in economic ruin. Pricing people out is not the answer as we support so many businesses. We had planned to live full time in the future and worry we might not be able to afford to now. It’s our home away from home. Stayed 5 months during Covid it was a ghost town and so many businesses had to close. You’d think it should have been a lesson learned. But No, they are making it worse. Biting the hand that feeds them. Ouch!

  2. I tried to get refund for January visit thru Hawaiian airlines only credit was offered, my accommodation was canceled so a displaced family could live there which is great,seems a airline refund would be great so I could rebook at lower fare and use saved money to spend at local business to help maui economy, Hawaiian air seems greedy to me

  3. I am currently staying in West Maui (Kahana area) after arriving on 9/2 with a total of 5 people in my family and we are here partly to deal with our loss of a business in Lahaina, but also to support the local economy. Much of West Maui is open for business or opening soon and visitors are badly needed to keep he economy afloat. Please don’t postpone your visits and help meet this beautiful place alive.

  4. We have visited Maui numerous times, it’s our favorite island. I was checking hotel rates in Wailea and they seem very high. If they want tourist to return then maybe they should reduce prices. $1000 plus a night seems high when the mist popular area of Maui is off limits. Just my thoughts. We want to come the later part of October but not at those rates.

  5. Lahaina is 15% of Maui. The idiot leaders managed to kill the other 85% telling stay home. I ama Kihe resident. Replace each and every leader.

      1. The facts don’t matter. They will find a way to blame this on climate change. Nobody has been able to give a reliable weather prediction more than a few days out. But, they will find a way to convince many people it was beyond their ability to forecast or control what happened. Don’t believe a word of it – they want to keep their jobs.

  6. So what we need are some not out of this world expensive flights and condo prices that didn’t dramatically increase, and I bet more people would go. Unfortunately, I’m now seeing price gouging… 🙁

    1. Mary Kay,

      I’m sure all of us would like better prices on everything, all the time. But, to say a high price increase represents price gouging is without proof. Let’s say the owner of a small (or large) hotel is faced with a loss of half his/her guests. If the owner can’t get more guests s/he will have to shut down. A sharp increase in rates may be the only way to avoid shutting down. So, in that case, high prices help the owner and the visitor is also helped in 2 ways – the hotel is available, AND if, instead s/he had to close that would reduce the available rooms in the area and could cause others to increase the price to meet the demand.

      Supply and demand is not a one-way street where only we the consumers benefit when supply outstrips demand. The opposite is true as well. And, there is a third, rarely mentioned, component – survival.

      Now, yes, prices have skyrocketed in the last 2 1/2 years. Was that due to COVID, poor presidential decisions, greed, or what? I think the book has not yet been written on that chapter in our history.

      As usual, we will be in Waikiki Sep 14-30.

  7. Sure Hawaiian airlines has a great sale. Planes don’t make money when they are nearly empty. I looked and hotels on Maui seemed to have doubled in rates. With this in mind the hawaii tax of 12% plus some 4% transient tax would be the same income for the state if the hotels were half full. Fully booked the state would double their income.
    Sorry too rich for me.

  8. I was in Maui in June (Wailea) and had an Amazing time. I would love to come back soon, but the kids are in school and cannot take a break until Thanksgiving week. Of course, airfare and hotel rates are still looking jacked up during the holidays. Oh well, I wish all well and a speedy recovery from the losses due to the fires. I can understand the fire damage having lived through the 2003 Cedar fire and 2007 Wtch Creek fires in San Diego.

  9. Hawaii people believe that the money they spent fell from the sky. They kept saying that they do not need visitors. They kept saying that visitors money all went to big corporations, to to Hawaii people. Why should anybody go there to be told not to compete for resources with the locals.

  10. Aloha Maui no ka oi , I lived on Maui for four years 43 years ago and still have a lot of love for the island and the people. I was a carpenter and landscaper. I have a lot of feelings for the losses of the people there .

  11. Maybe the Maui accom. providers will entice visitors with slightly more realistic pricing to go along with the lower airfares. Prices for accommodation have been sky high since covid and that as much as anything will keep many of us away despite the desire to return and support.

  12. We are currently scheduled for an Oct 1 arrival with a reservation in Kaanapali. Referencing Donna S , it would appear that businesses in this area well north of Lahaina could possibly be anxiously awaiting the return of visitors. We have always shopped at the Times and patronized Boss Frogs in Napili , as well as the shops and restaurants in Whalers Village . Unfortunately we are heartbroken at the loss of “ The Feast at LeLe”( hoping they rise like a Phoenix). As of today 8-1-23 there has been No cancellation information from our Condo, car rental company or airline. I realize it will be different , but a slow start as soon as possible could be the what Maui needs to pave the difficult road to recovery. It is

  13. Most ethereal place on earth. If your not participating in one of the many activities just stay still, breath n listen to the quiet beauty. I fell in love with it. Please return, I’m unable physically but close my eyes, I’m there.

  14. Hi ~ We had planned to visit Kaanapali area, in Sept, and decided against traveling to Hawai’i so the hotels on Maui could house those who lost their homes in the fires. Aren’t the hotels in Maui still being used to provide refugee housing? We don’t want to cause more harm to this suffering island community.


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