Woman Gets Prison + $39K Fine Interfering With Hawaii Flight Crew

AA Bans Passenger: Frivolous Lawsuit Or Flight Attendant “Bad Day”

Airlines that fly to Hawaii have had their share of unruly passenger incidents, including issues involving flight attendants. A lawsuit was filed this week that reminded us of those incidents. It made us wonder whether or not this issue was real. Editor Jeff had a similar experience. In 2019, a flight attendant threatened him for taking photos from his seat at a time when they claimed phones were not to be used.

In this recent case, a passenger on a flight (not to Hawaii) has sued American Airlines. The passenger says he was banned by the airline for reclining business-class seat. Really?

We all need to keep our cool at 30,000 feet!

Was it deemed by an American Airlines crew member that the passenger was interfering by not following instructions? If so, it can result in civil penalties and fines of up to $25,000. As we’ve said before, everyone keeping their cool at 30,000 feet is important and seems harder than ever to achieve.

We’ve suggested keeping one’s voice down and not losing tempers. Should an issue with a flight attendant occur, ask to talk with the first officer and do what you’re asked.

One flight attendant said, “You can’t call 911 at 38,000 feet, so we’re all you got. If we’re all you got, shouldn’t you be nice to us?”

When Jeff had an issue with the flight attendant about his photo taking, he put the phone away rather than risk a much worse incident. Jeff won’t be returning to that foreign airline, however.

Two serious Hawaii flight incidents involving crew occurred this summer.

In June, a Hawaiian Airlines passenger flying from New York to Honolulu allegedly tried to breach the A330’s cockpit. The passenger was restrained by the plane’s crew during the flight. A diversion wasn’t required since the plane was approaching Hawaii when the issue arose. We never learned the outcome of the incident, however.

Just a day before that one, an unruly passenger caused a flight diversion to Honolulu. In that case, the United Airlines flight from Tokyo to Los Angeles arrived in Honolulu when a disruptive passenger became physically abusive. That passenger was also restrained in flight, this time using zip ties.

And it was just one year ago that a 32-year-old man punched a Hawaiian Airlines flight attendant, causing the plane to divert to Honolulu. The plane was traveling interisland when the male crew member was struck in the chest, then hit on his head.

Previously, on another Hawaiian Airlines flight, the plane returned to HNL after an intoxicated passenger attempted to punch one of the flight attendants. The flight turned around 4 hours into the flight to Seoul due to the disruptive passenger. On return, the passenger was arrested.

Seat recline plaintiff says he’s been banned from American Airlines.

The plaintiff, David Klein, alleged this week in L.A. Superior Court that he is entitled to damages due to the incident, as well as due to being banned from future American Airlines flights. He claims that AA failed him by not having flight crews “properly trained in how to communicate with, and interact with, passengers.”

The incident occurred in 2019. Klein says that one of the flight attendants told him to place his business-class seat in an upright position. When the flight attendant returned, they adjusted the seat for him, by reaching over Klein and operating the recline button.

In the lawsuit, Klein states he was “Surprised at having a stranger make physical contact with him, plaintiff moved the flight attendant’s arm away and told her that he would adjust his seat himself, which he immediately did.”

The plaintiff said that was the end of the issue and that, coincidentally, another flight attendant subsequently apologized for the first flight attendant’s behavior, allegedly reporting to Klein that the other flight attendant was “having a bad day.”

How do you even know if you’re on an airline’s no-fly list?

Klein believed the incident to be behind him until he went to get on another flight, once again on American Airlines. When he arrived at LAX with his wife, however, he found at check-in for their flight that, “to their surprise and horror,” he had been banned from flying any longer on American Airlines as a result of the 2019 incident.

Without any communication from the airline, how would he have known not to buy a ticket on them? Could he have avoided the second incent somehow?

Kein stated that American Airlines has refused to explain the reason for his being on their no-fly list. He claims that the ban was based “solely out of spite.” The plaintiff claims the airline falsely accused him of refusing to follow safety instructions.

In the lawsuit, the plaintiff claims that he will now need to fly on other airlines, which will result in great cost to his travel and loss of his time. In the suit, he says he “has written to the airline to ask them to please reinstate his right to travel, however, he has not received any reply to his letter.”

Is there another side to this story?

We aren’t aware of many lawsuits by passengers for being banned from flights. Earlier this year, however, a Florida woman sued Southwest Airlines when she was forcefully disembarked from a flight for failure to comply with the then-in-force Covid mask mandate.


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13 thoughts on “AA Bans Passenger: Frivolous Lawsuit Or Flight Attendant “Bad Day””

  1. I am sorry but some of these are uncalled for and the airline industry is out of control. The act with impunity and con do whatever they want not thinking of the consequences. Someone I know was banned from AA, for asking another passeger to watch out after hitting him in the head with his carryon while taking it down. He did not know anything was wrong until weeks later when he received a letter. This is just not right. They should have addressed the matter immediately and talked to all members involved. This is not right that people who may depend on the airlines for their jobs should be banned just because some steward or stewardess or airline passenger has a bad day. There should be some requirement for an investigation at least.

  2. Ask to speak with the first officer? As in, the second in command pilot? Whatever for? A commercial flight is not a military mission. On most airlines, the captain and first officer have no authority past the flight deck. And their place is up front – not in back mediating disputes.

  3. I have always done what the airlines asks me to do without questioning it. There are reasons for each rule and request, whether it’s to use “Airplane Mode” on my cell phone or put my seat in the upright position. I was flying HA once when there was an electrical fire in the cockpit. There were specific directions that we all followed. If someone doesn’t follow the most simple basic directions on a flight, would they follow them in an emergency? Maybe, maybe not! Also, I have often wished that there were laws about people flying intoxicated and measures to prevent it – that might help some people’s ability to follow directions. Thank you for your thoughtful articles!

  4. This event with AA and Mr. Klein is curious to say the least, he should have received a certified letter with his notice and not only Why but Where he could Appeal I would think. It is Time for Everyone to realize when You are asked/told to do something that the Attendants have Authority. Senseless Lawsuits tend to be just that, You Chose Your Own Conduct and Airlines are getting Tough for Good Reasons. Jeff, on the other hand, wasn’t calling or texting rather taking pictures. That has me really surprised. Interesting Article BOH, Informative and Perplexing too! Thank You.

  5. None of this surprises. Passengers are surly and non-compliant, AND crew these days(pre-pandemic as well) have very bad attitudes too. Many should find another line of work. Especially on American and British Air. Just nasty.

  6. Nope. Sorry but I’m completely tired of hearing of entitled people filing lawsuits and cowardly trying to ilk mega dollars out of somebody for nothing. If he sues and gets compensated we all pay more for our ticket to wherever. A corporation figures it’s losses into the next ticket you purchase so it’s not like this poor passenger couldn’t shove his seat back in the poor soul behind him. With this mentality we all get to pay more when we purchase any given product.

  7. Aloha Beat of Hawaii!
    All these issues and lawsuits, yet I get assaulted by a flight attendant as she was grabbing my arm, ripping my one-use-pillow out of my arm yelling “You can’t have that it’s OURS!” while scratching my arm and telling me to “get out of the way” leaving my arm scratched and bleeding. My blouse was bloody and sticking to my arm.

    Hawaiian Airlines corporate refuses to contact me. They replaced my destroyed luggage, but won’t discuss the incident with the flight attendant.

    Mahalo for your articles and kindness.
    Stay safe and blessed always

    1. Hi Pam.

      Thank you. We’re so sorry that you still have not heard back from the airline. May we ask how you contacted them?


  8. What it all comes.down to is, be respectful to all passengers and flight attendants. Not that hard to do really. Follow the rules. Pretty easy really.

  9. They never should have allowed him to make the reservation or at the very least contacted him in the days or weeks before the flight.

  10. Sorry, this doesn’t pass the smell test. I have over 6 Million miles and 40 years of flying on American Airlines. The recordings have been the same “place your seatbacks in the upright position”. The flight attendants don’t say anything to anyone unless they’ve ignored the initial announcement. So, for the flight attendant to reach over, that means this person ignored at least twice; the recorded announcement and the flight attendant’s first reminder.

    Another situation of “I’ll do whatever I want”? Business class entilement? I am sure their is far more to this story than we’ve heard.

    It’s really no different on any other carrier; follow the rules that have been established for decades, and you won’t have an issue.

    Mahalo, David

  11. Hi Chaps!

    I absolutely love this feed, your insight into all things 808 is greatly appreciated. Keep up the great work!


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