Yet Another Hawaii Flight Diversion Today | Disruptive Passenger

Disruptive Passenger Causes Hawaii Flight Diversion Again Today

Unbelievably, it’s been only four days since we wrote about the last Hawaii flight diversion. Then tonight, an American Airlines Boeing 789 Dreamliner diverted en route to Honolulu from Phoenix.

The plane departed Phoenix Sky Harbor and was in the air for over three hours before touching down at LAX. The rerouting was caused by a passenger behavior issue onboard. American Airlines confirmed that the diversion was “Involving an unruly customer. We thank our crew for their professionalism and our customers for their understanding.”

Yet Another Hawaii Flight Diversion Today | Disruptive Passenger

The Dreamliner flight departed Phoenix at 11:14 AM for what should have been about a six-hour thirty-minute flight to Honolulu. Instead, after flying well past the coast and into the Pacific on its way to Oahu, it abruptly turned back, as seen in the FlightAware image above.

After apparently depositing the unruly passenger(s) in Los Angeles, the plane again departed for Honolulu. The aircraft is due to arrive at Honolulu within minutes from now. We’ll update this as we learn more.

An earlier article this week on Beat of Hawaii, featured a Honolulu flight diversion that resulted from a flight attendant being choked. That occurred last week. And with today’s incident, there are a total of eight recent Hawaii diversions for bad passenger behavior.

Last week’s diversion was on an Air Canada Flight from Vancouver that made the unexpected diversion to Hawaii to have the passenger removed and arrested.

Pacific Ocean flights are always problematic in terms of diversion choices since there are so few. This plane would have continued to Honolulu if the flight had been another hour into its journey. Until the midpoint is reached over the Pacific, flights return to the mainland when there are issues.


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24 thoughts on “Disruptive Passenger Causes Hawaii Flight Diversion Again Today”

  1. Whats wrong with these people! If you don’t know how to act stay home. I have a suggestion. Next time they have to drop off an unruly passenger here in Hawaii, have the biggest braddah you can find at the airport meet him at the gate. And no need have them escorted any where except da braddah can take him to a nice quiet spot where other brahdah friends can encourage him to behave and no act up! If you don’t know how to act, stay home!

  2. These disruptions has got to stop. Do it by steep, very steep fines and possible jail time. Passengers should be told prior to boarding if you behave in this manner you’re gonna pay for it.

  3. Our flight was diverted as well. AA697 Lihue to Phoenix. I hope these disruptive passengers are given STIFF jail time and fines. Their chaos causes 100’s of people great frustration and financial hardship.

  4. I am at a loss as to why these incidents are occurring. Granted sometimes you don’t get what you want but having a temper tantrum
    will not work. Mahalo

  5. I had the good fortune to be a flight attendant for 45yrs with American Airlines from 1968-2013. I survived 3 bomb threats, sick passengers, one death, had the great honor of flying our troops in and out of the Middle East and I was in the air on 9/11.
    There is not enough money to make me want to fly in these crazy times. The Flight Attendants are required and trained extensively to save your life. Your coke and peanuts come with the ticket!!!!

  6. These diversions are very expensive for airlines. Landing fees, additional fuel, crew changes, ground crews, etc. Passengers who disrupt these flights and cause diversions should be billed for all charges acquired by the airlines, airport charges, and change costs for other passengers. Of course the guilty moron would incur all legal and court fees.

    1. That should be a given ….I would actually like to know what happens in these cases. The previous passenger was arrested, but then what?

  7. So tired of hearing this same story but glad the plane is diverted before arrival into beautiful Hawaii. These unruly jerks would undoubtedly cause problems while in Hawaii too. Long passed time to levy huge fines and the ability to board any commercial aircraft for At Least five years.

  8. Thh hi is is beyond ridiculous. Any passenger removed for this type of behavior should be banned from all flights for at least a year and some mental counseling should be mandated prior to flying again.

  9. I just did that route. Here’s my recommendation, there were some big guys on that flight. Offer them a free flight if they hog tie that idiot. Carry some cuffs and rope. I would have been psd if they turned around. 6 hour flight now turns into a 10 hour journey.
    Honestly, these flight attendants can spot these trouble makers as they are getting on the plane.

    1. Instead of jail time and spending time on taxpayer dollars. Charge $xxx and collect upon arrival. Money is the only way people will learn their lesson. If we drive and text there’s a penalty of $500. Why not charge $5000 that will stop bad behavior.

  10. What is wrong with people? As others have posted, there needs to be serious consequences for these people. Not only all the other passengers, but the cost to the airline to return to some airport, the fuel, delay, etc. Fines and a ban from flying on any airline for 5 years…maybe knock some sense into people.

  11. There have been many disrupted flights due to unruly passengers, but we never hear what happens after they are removed from the plane. Are they arrested? Fined? Prosecuted? It would be nice to know. Do we need to conduct breath tests for drunks (since it seems many of these are alcohol related)? Perhaps the airlines should post what will happen if you disrupt. There has to be some type of consequence for these aggressive, self-important travelers. I would think the airlines would be pursuing this because it costs them tons of money to turn around midflight.

  12. I love your web site and read it often. Could you tell me the name of the program that produces the flight path histories that you publish?

    Thank you very much
    Robert F

  13. Aloha BOH,
    A friend’s son was on the AA flight with diversion. Apparently there was “throwing of feces” involved .. horrible of course; all those vacations delayed and ruined. How about these passengers being refused flying on All airlines after there’s situations? If the flight had been over the halfway point this could have been been even a worse

  14. I personally think we need Air Marshals on all flights again. These unruly passengers are ruining others experiences on airlines and vacations. Ban the unruly passengers for life on getting on an airline again.

  15. I was on a flight from CA to Honolulu with SoWest. The flight attendant was a quick Witt gentleman who did the usual greetings but at then of his greetings he added “we look forward to arriving safely and with everyone’s cooperation we will all enjoy our flight to Hawaii”. It was a pleasant way to put everyone on notice. A lot of chuckles but message received

  16. This nonsense needs to stop!! It is time that tough penalties be placed on these people. My suggestion would be first you must pay an inconvenience fee to all other affected passengers, second a stiff fine plus at least a year in jail if not more!! Oh I know many will disagree and that is fine.

    1. I completely agree with this! If you want to be unruly, you can “think about what you did” for a while in prison and then you can be banned from flying from all airlines for at least 5 years!

    2. I agree with the concept, but there has to be some sort of due process for the people who are truly disruptive, and also for those who are not.

      For example, a well-known celebrity comedian’s wife was sitting between two men, and she knew neither man. Before departing the gate, the two men started a heated argument that caused the flight crew to deplane all three people in the row. She protested briefly that she was not with them and not part of their argument, but she followed the flight crew’s directions anyway and deplaned with the two men. She was rebooked on a later flight; I don’t recall what happened to the two idiots.

      Innocent customers need their “day in court,” too, especially if the penalty includes fines and jail time.

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