Alleged Hawaii Travel Industry Corruption Exposed By NYT

Alleged Hawaii Travel Industry Corruption Exposed By NYT

Reshaping the Hawaii travel industry, big questions have been raised about transparency and fairness amid questionable practices and results.

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103 thoughts on “Alleged Hawaii Travel Industry Corruption Exposed By NYT”

  1. Imagine That! Corruption. I don’t remember hearing of anyone representing the Hotel and Resorts, that must be other parties and private dining in the finest establishments. A dimly lit corner table where a hand off of cash can be accomplished clandestinly. Of course the dinner is part of the bribe too. Wise up, more than likely you voted for at least some of them. Maybe the owners of STR’S should have attended the bribe parties, they wouldn’t be having the problems they now face. I’ve heard that the Southern Hemisphere is enjoying the influx of Vacationers and their money 💰.

  2. There are no words to describe how appreciative we are to see someone put the government corruption regarding the tourism department into print. When Gov Green was approached with the exposed tourism scam, requesting that they shut down the tourism department, he instead gave everyone a raise. Hopefully we get an honest government representative some day that doesn’t want to line his and his friends pockets.


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