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Almost: Hawaii Just Dropped Indoor Mask Mandate

It finally happened. We are wondering what it will be like to actually see faces again.

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47 thoughts on “Almost: Hawaii Just Dropped Indoor Mask Mandate”

  1. Thankful!! So looking forward to seeing people’s smiles and faces! Just hope it continues, and Ige doesn’t “re-instate”.

  2. If you think wearing a mask in public is too difficult or inconvenient, try living in Mumbai or the Congo …Sounds like 1rst World Whining to me….P.S. i hope no one is offended by the archaic term “First World” Peace and Love and thank you BOH!

  3. This mandate, that will expire at 2 years and change, has caused a great deal of ill will among the people of Hawaii to it’s own and to those whom have come to visit. The work of remediating our society from this attitude of pitting people against each other based on their mask-wearing willingness is going to take a long time to wash out and restore the Aloha Spirit for all who are here in Hawaii.

    1. Good Day STAN F

      A most insightful post.

      I fear before we accomplish what must be done to repair the divisions in our society from Covid responses, we will be placed into another crisis.

      Noted Italian political philosopher Giorgio Agamben, examining governments and the pandemic observed:

      “[…] For decades now, institutional powers have been suffering a gradual loss of legitimacy. These powers could mitigate this loss only through the constant evocation of states of emergency. . . .”

    1. They finally dropped it for kids outside. 9 months after it was dropped for everyone else (including school kids when not at school). The outdoor mandate has never made sense, except to the true believers. But, the indoor one persists.

      Many of the comments in the Honolulu Civil Beat article (dated Mar 8) are directed to the continued abuse or protection (depending on your political science) of kids.

  4. Aloha,I just hope people remember that here on Kaua’i we only had 9-11 ventilator beds during COVID-19. We were the safest place to vacation for America. I’m over the masks but we showed our Aloha by wearing them. Now, can we talk about the coming tsunami of over tourism? Seems like bombing of European cities is our next crisis. Pray for peace.

  5. This will probably be an unpopular opinion for some but part of me is actually sad it is changing. Although masks and jumping through testing and safe travels hoops were a pain, you at least knew all of those coming really wanted to be there and were happily willing to do what it took to spend time there. Now so many of the people who expressed such disdain for the whole process are saying that now maybe I will come back. Makes me believe that now the flood of entitlement will return. Aloha

  6. I’m not one to celebrate that, I’d much rather be as Gov Ige says, “prudent.” I understand the desire to see faces again, but I also understand that being lax about masks, hand washing and distancing is what caused me to get Covid after evading it for two solid years! I am vaxxed, but I caught it 6 months after my 2nd dose. I was due for a booster. So it’s not over yet… and yes we all need to learn to “live with Covid.” But I’d rather be safe, and keep others safe, than see another surge.

  7. Is it true, that School children are still mandated to wear Masks in Hawaii, as the only State, as in the case in Muriel Bowser’s District of Columbia? Will this be dropped on 3/26/22? What of all the First Responders, Police, Fire, EMT and Hospital (2,000+) that were to be terminated for being non-vaccinated, have they been welcomed back to the workforce and the community they supported during the worse days? The Ige Roller Coaster continues, and if Airlines re-lent, then what?

    Mahalo Rob and Jeff for being the light in the darkness during this entire COVID nightmare.
    Beat of Hawai’i has been with us every step of the way, making sense out of nonsense and giving us hope when things seemed hopeless. I’m so thankful for you guys.
    I’m so excited for everyone! My Ohana is ready to come home and I can’t wait to see everyone.
    Much Aloha to you 💕 Stay safe and blessed and continue to write and travel. You’re amazing and we will be here for you 🌺🌺🌺

    1. Hi Pam.

      You are the best! Thanks for all of your help and input through all of this. We always look forward to hearing from you.


  9. I work in a setting where I serve tourists food all day. So the number of people I encounter daily is a much higher number than tourists have with others when they come visit. It puts me at a higher risk. My wish is that visitors to Hawaii understand that residents don’t all revel in the lifting of the indoor mask mandates. I also hope that they understand that our culture here includes many communities with multigenerational living that include our kupuna.

  10. Finally….great news!!!! Things are lookin’ up! I may yet get to visit Hawaii once more before I die!!!!!

    1. We were on the big island at the end of february and were only asked once, at an ABC store, to put a mask on.

  11. ALMOST great news, so unless I’m missing something what is the logic behind requiring the mask in the airport?!? We’ll be able to travel all over the island but when we get to the airport to leave we have to pop them back on. Governor never ceases to amaze, never in a good way!!!

    1. Twice, family of mine caught covid from either exposure from the airport or the plane when traveling two and from Hawaii and the Mainland. And my friend’s entire family caught it going from Oahu to Maui. 10 extra days in Hawaii, only very sick with two little children they couldn’t take care of. It ended up very expensive to stay in a hotel 10 extra days plus missed work. It’s like human soup at the airport with everyone so close together. I’m all for masks still being required for travel.

    2. Greg, I agree. The Kona Airport is open air but they were enforcing the mask mandate when we were there last week. There was one worker who was double masked made a lady change her mask because it was too thin. The worker was wearing 2 masks. People were distancing and the wind was blowing, but that didn’t seem to matter. Makes no sense.

    3. Good thoughts Greg. I travel often and for the last 2 months I don’t wear my mask in the airport terminal. I put it in my TSA pre check and passing screening off it comes. Pushing on for freedom.

    4. Kauai the same. They have a couple of mask-patrol persons scolding people waiting for rides outdoors along the curbside at at LIH. This is in Feb 2022, mind you. I don’t recall being bugged by anyone during 2020 or 2021 (outsides). I got scolded when I got out of my truck to pick up my wife and her stuff at the curbside. But, since I was already getting back in the drivers seat, so I just smiled and waived.

  12. Aloha, This is welcome news. We moved to the Big Island about six weeks ago. I have never complained about the mask mandate and the locals are very good about wearing them and not complaining either, but it will be so nice to go grocery shopping without digging through my purse to find a mask and having my glasses fog up. Mahalo for this exciting news.

  13. I am so glad!!! Not that wearing a mask was terrible, in my opinion, but now visiting Hawaii in April, and be able to see all the sights and feel the beautiful island breezes without restrictions is just a wonderful bonus!! Will probably still wear one under certain circumstances…

  14. GOOD NEWS! Have you heard anything on the rumor that the feds will lift the mask mandate for airplanes (or better said, let it expire) on March 18?

  15. That’s good news. Now, we can hope to return this year.
    All in our party have 2 shots and 3 of the 4 have 3 shots. We’ve always been willing to take our changes w/out masks.

      1. Did you read Hawaii is the last state to finally drop the mask mandate. That is pathetic. Masks have never done anything but make people weird and sicker than they were in the first place. Keep taking the shots, maybe they will save you.

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