Other Islands Just Reversed Opening Plans | Troubled Hawaii Next?

As Other Islands Just Reversed Plans | Troubled Hawaii Appears Next

While visitors and locals skirt regulations, what is about to happen in Hawaii.

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100 thoughts on “As Other Islands Just Reversed Plans | Troubled Hawaii Appears Next”

  1. “It is still widely reported that visitors have found convenient loopholes to Hawaii’s current quarantine. That includes buying separate interisland tickets after which they are no longer considered to be in quarantine. …Some visitors have reportedly posted this behavior on social media following their “quarantine” vacations.”
    It is so depressing to see people whose main purpose in life seems to be to see how much they can get away with – never mind the potential for damage to others.

  2. Hawai’i should realize that sooner or later, the virus will come. If there is one single case, there will be more. 207 in one day simply means that the virus has already arrived. The decision to allow travel should be measured in hospital capacity and daily severe symptom case counts only.

    1. One question: Is a vacation that important? New Zealand has and still manages their caseload with the same restrictions as Hawaii.

    2. Darcy you are so right. I work in a trauma center here in San Francisco and I put a comment here I think they deleted about [upper case text deleted]….. they just are not being tested by the Thousands ( the Hawaii residents ) like here on the mainland

  3. We are relocating to Kona Hi. this Friday (8/7), last month we had scheduled our Covid19 tests for Tuesday (8/4) at our local hospital lab, even though the Governor decided not to open up the state we went ahead and had the test done anyway, well this morning we received our results on MyChart from the hospital and we are happy to say we are both negative! My point is – obviously we will still go into quarantine for the 14 days, but the hospital here in Reno Nv did get our testing back quickly. Plus, in June I had surgery and was tested 1 week before my surgery and had the negative results within 3 days, I don’t know that Reno and it’s hospitals are all the different than most cities (other than the BIG cities) but why is it so less difficult here than in other places to get the testing and results in a timely manner?
    Mahalo for you time & constant information, we look forward to being full time residents of your beautiful state.

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