366 thoughts on “Breaking News: Kauai To Shut Down Effective December 2.”

  1. BOH
    Thank you for your updates as always. Sadness for Kauai. I can understand the risk of infection but also the importance of business to survive.

    The Big Island I think has done it better. Yes you need your COVID negative test within 72hrs of traveling, AND another test upon arrival prior to even securing your bags. Without this second negative test you are not allowed out, no rental car, etc.

    When we arrived 2 days after the 14 day quarantine removal, they had had 1 positive test that then went for a third full PCR test and they were quarantined.

    Tough times for all :-(. I hope there can be a balance, free of Covid, tourists and residents alike following the guidance and requirements for gatherings and masks, and ensuring the Islands can get back on their feet.

    We are still planning to return for two weeks on 12/20. Hope we are able to.

    Thank you again for keeping us all informed in a super effective way.


  2. Well we live on the mainland (Texas) and hoped to visit Hawaii for a retirement trip. We respect the needs of the State of Hawaii and each island to protect residents from COVID. In return, we ask you to respect our needs that we can’t and won’t plan any travel until there is 100% certainty that we can visit for up to 2 weeks with no restrictions. We cannot accept a 14 day quarantine at a hotel or resort given that both of us have had two negative PCR tests in the past month. And requiring potential visitors to travel 100s of miles to a state approved lab to get another test doesn’t work for us. Surely, there are many labs that test properly and the approved list can be greatly expanded.

  3. I recently returned to work in a retail job where it’s not easy to socially distance. It felt good to be engaging with tourists again, except when one of them pulled down his mask and started telling me that it’s ridiculous to put money into CoVid as it’s just going to go away. He flew here from Florida. And the other very agitated customer that was putting our mayor down as we only have one death. He was trying to rush me as I was trying to stay safe. Neither of these and others of the few customers I dealt with were sensitive the the unique situation we are in.
    There were other very kind customers who inquired as to how I felt about visitors and were very nice to deal with. They were going home to places where CoVid is surging and intended to bunker down at home. I understand the need to just get away. It’s been hard feeling trapped but I am thankful that we have a mayor who values human life.

    1. I think former President Reagan said it best when remarked, The two statements he feared most from a politician were: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”

  4. Thanks for the ongoing updates. You’re the best source of info we’ve found. We are arriving on Nov 30th so are presuming the quarantine doesn’t apply but now feel very uncertain if there will be further changes that will be of impact, including if so many flights will now be cancelled that it will be tough to get home. Difficult situation all the way around for all the people and businesses involved. We will be watching closely for any future clarifications and updates. Mahalo

    1. Hi Brenda.

      Thanks. Yes more changes coming. Expect your return flight routing to be via Honolulu.


  5. I’m shocked but I’m not shocked. Given how inconsistently and incompetently Hawaii has handled its closure and reopening rules, something like this happening was a given.

    What I am upset about is that returning residents and tourists who have followed the rules and possess negative Covid tests in hand are now being harmed. That makes no sense to me, especially during the ramp up to the busy and lucrative Holiday High Season. If officials weren’t intent upon destroying local businesses before, they surely are now – this will absolutely devastate them. What’s more, while I completely understand that the shortage of ICU beds in the Neighbor Islands is a serious issue, they’ve had how long to address this? To do something?

    I’m trying to do my part by buying macadamia nuts, coffee, and goat cheese from my favorite Maui businesses. Could I please suggest that Beat of Hawaii compile a list of island businesses that readers could mail order from to at least keep some local businesses afloat? Seriously, there won’t be many left at this rate.

  6. It is becoming very apparent that Kauai actually enjoys the shut down of tourism. They use the lack of hospital beds as the tool to keep “outsiders” out, but have had 9 months to expand their hospital capabilities. Trip #2 now cancelled! I will not make anymore plans to visit Kauai for many years to come.

  7. This is an unfortunate but absolutely necessary action due to a terrible National response to the pandemic. Mayor Kawakami is very courageous and doing the right thing. Cases are completely out of control on the mainland and the country is facing a total calamity. I live on Maui and wish that Mayor Victorino would be brave enough to do the right thing for our island now as well, and not bend to the pressures from the hotel industry, etc – before it becomes a catastrophe. We could have had this under control and been in a much better position if everyone had just made some small sacrifices. We all need to act in a preventative way, not a reactive way after it spreads even more and becomes impossibly difficult to get under control. You can’t put this virus “back in the tube”!! We all need to pull together on this NOW. If everyone had done the right thing from the beginning we would not be in the predicament now. There will be no economic recovery until there is control of this virus.

    1. This is why Hawaii is doomed. The residents are not intelligent enough to think for themselves; not even a little bit. Mersi is from Mauai, this article is about Kauai – maybe Mersi doesn’t realize that we have zero hospitalizations on the island right now – which means our current pandemic is at… Zero. Literally, it couldn’t be going better than that. And yet we’re locking down again, and the comments are full of people who nod their heads like good little zombies. Thanks, Mersi!

  8. We had a trip planned for the month of January. While we knew a shutdown was a possibility when we booked our travel, we are still profoundly disappointed. At the same time, we would never want to do anything to endanger the people of Kauai or end up taking up one of the few ICU beds. Our hearts go out to everyone whose livelihoods depend upon tourism. We look forward to rescheduling our trip and will do what we can to support Kauai businesses from the Mainland in the meantime (I see a lot of family members getting Kauai gifts for Christmas). Aloha.

  9. This whole virus situation sucks we should hold china responsible and don’t pay the debt our country has with them they killed our people and economy sounds like a act of war against the USA to me

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