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18 thoughts on “Can Anything Fix Maui Airport Chaos?”

  1. We were there a couple of weeks ago. Everyone very pleasant, the line went pretty quickly. We were told ahead of time to be 4 hours early and to expect long lines. Everyone professional and courteous.

  2. I canceled our flight and accommodations to Maui in April, 2019, due to spreading Covid-19. With returning flights, bad behavior on planes and in airports, we no longer fly anywhere. We had been visiting Maui regularly during the off season for the beauty, friendship and peacefulness of the island and residents. Sadly, no more. We look forward to a return to sanity and decorum, but not sure it will happen in our lifetime. Maui no ka oi. I miss you. Mahalo and aloha.

  3. I mean, why bother with Hawaii anymore? Also, it’s complete nonsense what they did in Kauai with the North Shore tram etc? Nothing but a greedy power grab it’s unconscionable and there’s other places in the world to visit that are beautiful. So this one from my favorite place to never want to go back ever, ever!

  4. Don’t come to Kahului Airport before 0415 in the morning TSA, Agriculture inspection, Rental cars companies and all Airlines ticket counters Are Closed believe me there all still sleeping

  5. Hello, I wanted to comment on the suggestion of purchasing the Global Entry Program. First off, from all the articles I’ve read on this topic, no one seems to mention that there is a possibility that you may Not get an interview. From Covid to a backlog, there can be a wait up to a year. Also the fee is $100 & is Non-refundable, so do your due diligence & plan accordingly.

  6. Our family of 9 was just there in August. Other than the lack of shade outside the airport entrance, the lines went fairly quickly and airport employees moved us through each checkpoint with ease. Took about an hour to get to the gate.

  7. The authirs’ article encouraging enrollment in TSA Precheck should also mention that another TSA enrollment program is the TSA Global Entry Card which was originally designed for travellers entering the US from overseas but has many advantages for domestic travellers, such as enrollment – after qualification and a in-person sevurity interview – as a TSA Trusted Traveller. As such you receive TSA’s Global Entry photo Card that positively identifies you as a pre-screened and trusted traveller known to the TSA. Global Entry cardholders are automatically pre-enrolled in TSA Pre-Check.

  8. Yes!!! my last trip back to the mainland, the line appeared to be at least 2 hours in the scorching hot sun!!! There were no awnings I saw:(… I have TSA pre-check, and was told erroneously by 2 airport personnel to get into the 2-hour line-ugh! I quickly realized upon my own investigations, I was in the wrong line and Pre-check was further down-The airport signage/directions were chaotic at best! Pre-check was @20 people vs. hundreds; walking up they just sent 20+ people away as they wrongly in this short line = nightmare situation for many !!!

    1. How about this viewpoint. I travel out of Maui often enough to see these ‘tourists’ who complain about the long lines. The delays are not lack of staffing nor facilities to accomadate the volumes, but every time a passenger has to be told that they can’t bring beverages thru TSA or other contraband, this creates a delay on the process. Almost all of the passengers I have seen, stop in place, drink all the contraband liquid, creating the delay. I question the lack of consideration by these passengers causing these delays. And worst yet, this is in the pre-check line. I wondered many times what these passengers did on their in-bound TSA pre-check.

  9. The obvious answer is to spread out their flight times, but they still need to have more of everything! That includes more airline customer service stations, more baggage scanning machines, more TSA officers, more parking, and better access to pick up and drop off rental cars.

    1. 100% !!! My last trip Maui to Long Beach in early August as I noted above was a traveler’s nightmare!!!! The line for TSA stretched hundreds of people like a snake ! Almost all in the hot sun sweating profusely… I felt so bad seeing elderly people, babies, children, disabled people it was just incredibly bad situation!!! Some were trying to stay in the shade, but there was very little and they don’t let you inside the airport without going through the checkpoint!! I was in TSA Precheck and everyone around me were saying they’re not coming back to Hawaii they’re going to go someplace it’s easier to get in and out of they were very upset-and this was a short line of 20 people!
      When the local governments pay you not to work this us the result

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