16 thoughts on “Centipede in Hawaii: I Was Stung Today”

  1. Just joined the SBACC last night. Sleeping in my condo I was stung on my upper left arm. After going into the bathroom my wife lifted the covers and pillows to find a 4 inch centipede crawling in the bef which we were able to catch. Not sure what to do with him yet Painful, but the swelling and pain subsided within a day.

  2. I’m now a SBACC member. I was wearing flips, walking in through the gate of our rental house in Puako, and it was totally dark. All of sudden -YOW!!!-my poor daughter (6 yrs old) and wife were wondering what the heck happened. My firstthought was a bee sting…then the pain kept increasing 2×3 times what I remember a bee sting being like, and then I examined the puncture and saw two holes…one really small, the other seemed bigger, almost sidewise or something. It’s been 45 minutes now (was doing research when I found this) and then pain has gone form a ‘7’ or ‘8’ to a 3 or 4…distraction helps. Took some ibuprofen and hopefully that will keep in soon. Thanks for your info. Cheers, -Leif

  3. Knock on wood, I have not been stung by a centipede however I found a huge one in my car in May. I freaked out and would not get back into my car until it was gone. I wrote about it on my blog but could not bring myself to post a photo as they are so disgusting! The comments from friends on the mainland compared them to earwigs or little millipedes. After a second post with links to photos, they got the picture. They are so creepy! I also used to find them in my classroom all the time when I taught in Ewa. The custodians were on call for me.

    I just discovered your blog through Pauline’s blog. Great blog!!

  4. I wasn’t stung, but i was surprised! At first i thought it was a snake. I walked outside about a half hour ago in the garage to smoke and heard something stirring around. Well it wasn’t Saint Nick! That thing was one of those red ones and it was about 7 or 8 inches long. I still got goose bumps. I live in Eva Beach, Hawaii. I am Army Strong but that ugly little worm made me scream like a girl too!

  5. Hey Brian,

    Sorry to hear that. Hopefully it won’t be too bad. Ice seemed to help the pain a lot. If you’re like me, the Benadryl will knock you out for a while, after which it should be feeling a lot better. Let us know how it goes okay.


  6. Owwee! I just got stung today july 27thm raking up shrub in the yard,had no shoes for protection. All of a sudden I felt this sting! Looked down and this big sucker the size that you mentioned made it’s way across the yard. The first thing I did,I put vinegar to kill what ever had left. Than I cleaned the wound with alcohol and peroxide. I still have an Ice pack cause it’s stinging I also took benadryl.called my physician and all what I did was okay.

  7. YIKES! Can’t say we’ve been stung but we’ve seen ’em and it gives ya the heebie jeebies for sure! We always check the shoes and linens for pests and lil geckos. 🙂

  8. Sheila and Shauna: I’m glad you’re not card carrying members of the “SBACC” too! A friend of ours had a small blue centipede in his swim trunks. It stung him but I’ll spare you the details. Let’s just say he’s our unofficial club president.


  9. I also am not a member of the SBACC, but I have a friend whose son is in the Army and stationed in Hawaii where my son is also stationed. When her son first moved to Hawaii with his family, one of these centipedes crawled out from under the couch, and this strong “Army of One” soldier jumped up on a chair and screamed like a girl! His wife had to come in from another room to save him! I still laugh when I think about this story! When I visited last year, I wasn’t *fortunate* to see a centipede, but we did see some giant cockroaches (ewww!), a praying mantis, and a cute little gecko!

  10. Ouch! I’m not a member of the SBACC, fortunately, but I’ll be more careful to check for them in the future.

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