Clash Over Hawaii Vacation Rentals Includes Tourists, Residents, Special Interests

Clash Over Hawaii Vacation Rentals Includes Tourists, Residents, Special Interests

If you think Hawaii vacations are expensive now, here’s what could happen if Senate Bill 2919 passes.

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186 thoughts on “Clash Over Hawaii Vacation Rentals Includes Tourists, Residents, Special Interests”

  1. STRs make up apprx 5% of housing Green and corp hotel lip service about LTHousing is BS. STR condos will not revert to LTR and are not going away but will be recategorized as Extended Stay. Green and his rich white corp hotel buds have set in motion a panic STR condo sell off. They will swoop in acquire at what they anticipate less than half market incl. bk foreclosures. The financil fortunate owners left over will be tax req. to book/manage through(in order to STR)guess who. Advice buy lots of Marriot Intl., Pritzker, Hilton WW stock cant beat em get rich off em. Us Vac. Maui21yr owner8yr condo off beach. Maui Strong being played or $$. Mahalo nui loa HI!

  2. I’m surprised that this hasn’t been mentioned before. For those folks who need multiple bedrooms and a kitchen and want to stay for longer periods of time, perhaps the answer is a timeshare? Especially if you come “every year” as some posters here have said they do. I know that they have their own issues, but as an alternative to an STVR it seems to me like it might be workable. They resemble the amenities of a condo STVR at least.

    1. There’s all kinds of people in this beautiful world.

      Some only stay at hotels. Others at bed and breakfast’s. Some do timeshares. And others love staying in a home.

      There’s room for it all.

      Variety is part of the thrill of life.

  3. Dear Kaliko,

    You don’t know me, but I care about other people. We are all connected, so it’s important to step in kindness with one another.

    I would like to point something out in the bill being pushed through legislation to ban short term rentals.

    According the bill, short term rentals take up less than 5% of the housing on the islands.

    To me, the answer to the housing problem is to build affordable housing.

    If you look to progressive Vienna, they have “social housing.” You pay a percentage of your income in rent. This makes it such that all economic levels live in the same location, with the same amenities. It’s nothing like the projects that are abysmal on the mainland.

    With love, G

  4. Hawaii needs to give the tourists the accomodations they desire. Let the market decide. The more tourists the more revenue the Hawaiian economy makes. Everyone wins, government makes more revenue, Hawaiians have more jobs, restaurants serve more meals, retail shops make more money. It’s a win-win! Short term vacation rentals in non vacation zones need to have on site care takers which would provide more jobs and housing. Having a care taker on site makes the short term rental a better neighbor. All short term rentals need to pay their income taxes to both the state and counties. With the extra income, government can improve infrastructure (cesspool vs city sewer). Maybe government can build affordable housing for locals. Just some ideas!

    1. The problem is that the “market” creates situations like too many tourists that cause destruction of the very reason people come to Hawaii. In the case of STVRs that are outside the “tourist areas” they compete with locals who need housing and often create problems in the neighborhood. Addressing some of these issues means some kind of controls need to be put into place. Unfettered capitalism creates chaos, as is the case with STVRs in Hawaii. If you need a place with multiple bedrooms and a kitchen then that’s what timeshares are good for.

    2. “Hawaii needs to give the tourists the accommodations they desire. Let the market decide. ”

      No we don’t! You go ahead and have some of Your house be a crash pad for tourists. But don’t tell your neighbors. They might have a few thoughts on it.

  5. I rent a condo on Kauai for three months. The prices already increase each year and are escalating even more post-Covid. If short term rentals are so limited that they become prohibitively expensive (and they’re getting close to that now, for me), I won’t be able to return to Hawaii.

  6. Hotels are too expensive, don’t allow freedom of locally bought foods to cook/ prepare yourself and are helping Hawaiian economy.
    Will not go back to hotels so no more Hawaiian vacation.
    Seems this is beneficial to hotel investments that are not Hawaii friendly!?


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