235 thoughts on “Closures, Furloughs and Terminations Explode in Hawaii”

  1. Unlike you folks on the mainland we have very limited medical facilities especially on the neighbor islands. You have the luxury of being able to ignore science and the have a health care system to bale you out….even if you don’t have insurance. We don’t and if you can’t follow our rules vacation somewhere else.

    1. Mark,
      Well said! And this is the entire problem on the mainland. People are refusing to socially distance or even wear masks. And I have been around too many tourists who trash wherever they go dont bother to respect the locals or the environment around them. Hopefully this will send jerks elsewhere so that those of us who are able willing to do all of the above can be the ones to visit.

    2. Exactly the kind of remarks that create division. Hawaii will sink into oblivion and never recover anytime soon. Let me know how your remarks is helping create understanding. The state is already broke from ridiculous unnecessary spending. Do you know that stay at home orders are unconstitutional? Wearing mask and social distancing is not a fix all. However, it does help to create a safer environment to those who are highly vulnerable like me. I am high risk guarantee to go on a ventilator if I get it, but there is a right way and a wrong way to every situation.
      Politicians have no clue and fake news is everywhere. Do you know that corona viruses are nothing new. Every virus out there becomes immune to preventative medication and the doses need to be increased to keep it in check. Do some homework and see for yourself. The information is everywhere. Ever notice that the health industry constantly uses the phase medical practice? All the schooling of learning to be a medical professional, is not an absolute. This change of venue in new diseases will never stop for the rest of your life or mine.

      1. Too much Fox News propaganda in your comments to spend time replying. I sincerely hope you are living close to a hospital that can provide adequate care if you are wrong.

        1. So true about the Fox News observation. Can you imagine Walter Cronkite tapping into people’s worst instincts just to boost ratings.
          Lot of money in fear and anger, Some people just need to hate it seems.

        2. That’s because you have no answers with facts. Just for your info, I don’t watch Fox news. I am born and raised in Hawaii and have friends I talk to every week who are suffering. Keep up the good work. Hawaii will soon have food lines if they keep heading down this path of a clueless direction. Hawaii’s own news channels are reporting the Island news and the destruction of the people,businesses and the life style that Hawaii has to offer. I am a successful business man and have been blessed with all I have. That doesn’t make me better than anyone else who chooses to do the right thing and make intelligent decisions. You just made an accusation that you have no clue what you are talking about. You don’t know my life, but somehow in your mind you know my preference of news sources. That only shows disrespect and clueless thinking which most people who can’t defend their own thinking resort to.

          If you live in the Islands, you surely can’t believe you are helping your own people.

      2. If people are going to be critical of one news agency. You should also look at what other news groups report. Remember in 1996 when NBC reported about Richard Jewell the supposed bomber in Atlanta. They were wrong and paid a hefty fine. Recently, Nick Sandman, CNN was also wrong and pays a hefty fine. Chuck Todd, on Meet the Press, is lazy in fact checking and just plays parts of an interview with AG Barr to further his ideology. Just today Alan Dershowitz file a $300 million dollar lawsuit against CNN for their willful, deliberate, malicious effort to destroy my credibility. In other words they lie about what he said.

        So, lets be fair, you may thing FOX is biased in their reporting, others may think CNN, NBC, ABC and others are biased in their reporting.

        Time to stop all the finger pointing and biased reporting. The tv news is no longer news it is opinion. We will be in deep trouble in this country and the divide will just get worst if don’t stop being so critical about each other. Remember we are all Americans and United we stand, and divided we will far.

        1. Fox is NOT news. Its entertainment. They were sued for lying and they argued in court they were not news but entertainment so now they are free to lie all they want. Check it out its a Fact

          1. Hey Paul, In 2009 ABC report, Jack Tapper, defended FOX News when the Obama Declared that FOX was not a news agency, remember. Then in 2018 FOX defends CNN when a the Trump administration wanted to bar one of their reporters. Also, look who are paying these large settlements for reporting false news. NBC with Richard Jewell, CNN with Nick Sandman and now a $300 million suit from Alan Dershowitz. There is enough blame to go around but don’t say just one is lying to the American people. The news isn’t what it was 30 or 40 years ago. People are much more polarized by these “FAKE NEWS” reporting, on both side. Sit back take a deep breath and try your best to find the truth. I do that by listening to both side and I even watch some foreign news reports and get some facts or an opinion from someone who doesn’t have a horse in this race.

  2. Just made the very difficult decision to cancel our trip planned for next May. Even with the soft opening in October, it sounds like it will take at least a year or so for Hawaii to bounce back, and I’m not entirely sure it is safe for tourists to be over there right now anyway. Truth be told, there doesn’t seem to be any safe place in the U.S. right now with all of the hate and anger that is going on.

    Not sure if or when we will get to visit the beautiful islands again, but I wish everyone who lives there much aloha and God’s blessings for recovery.

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