Concerned About Flying Boeing To Hawaii? Read This First

Who has not noticed all the Boeing problems lately, and now Airbus has its own, too. Is this indicative of where we are now with engines on the ground at Hawaiian Airlines, a plug falling off Alaska Airlines in flight, ten recent problems at United, and a Delta panel found on the ground after takeoff? Quality control concerns are indicative of industry-wide issues.

Delta TechOps should be the best at maintaining its aircraft.

A recent Delta flight on a widebody Airbus A330 had its engine panel fell off during take-off. While that flight wasn’t to Hawaii, it is one of the aircraft types that Delta regularly flies here. The panel was apparently found on the runway, and the aircraft then diverted, returning to Salt Lake City.

Delta acknowledged a mechanical issue, although they didn’t comment on how the engine inspection panel might have fallen off. Some are speculating that it could be another maintenance issue.

Maintenance is a priority at Delta. Their TechOps is the largest such organization, with more than 9,600 employees and 51 maintenance stations worldwide, Delta TechOps is a full-service maintenance provider.

Is Boeing or Airbus better for Hawaii flights?

Here are some of the comments from BOH readers, including airline professionals. Which ones do you resonate with?

Carmelo started, “I would feel safer on Hawaiian flights because so far, they don’t use the Boeing Max planes.” That came after JD said, “You do realize that Hawaiian, and other airlines, flying the Airbus A321s are having to cancel flights due to engine and other problems with the A321s?

Regular comment or Dickie_D said, “IMO, Boeing has still “got it” … they just need to “find it” once again and ride that plane, engineering, manufacturing, and reputation back into the old slogan “if it’s not Boeing, I’m not going … ” and it can be done. They’ve always been synonymous with quality in aviation in the past.”

John said, “Spot on Dickie, used to be Boeing was synonymous with quality at any cost…..till the bean counters got control and focused on maximizing shareholder value. They’ll recover, and the Boeing product is being heavily scrutinized to the point of being safe, but they are paying a big price for their greed, as well they should.

Mike left a comment regarding the interisland submarine, “Just hope the sub is not made by Boeing. A door panel blowout might constitute a serious issue.”

Rod said, “Airbus is not without its problems: As of March 2024, 180 aviation accidents and incidents have occurred, including 38 hull loss accidents, resulting in a total of 1490 fatalities.”

Using Google Flight Tracked Prices To Save Big On Hawaii Flights

Are Hawaii flights any more dangerous, or is that just a false perception?

The risk of flying to and from Hawaii is generally low, and serious incidents remain rare. While long flights over the open ocean without diversion points could be thought of as more dangerous, airline flights to and from Hawaii are subject to the same stringent safety regulations and standards as flights over land. Several additional factors contribute to the safety of over-water Hawaii flights.

ETOPS (Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards) is a crucial advancement in long-distance flight safety over open ocean. These regulations are highly relevant to Hawaii flights as they ensure that aircraft operating on these routes are equipped with redundant systems and other factors, allowing them to meet stringent safety rules. ETOPS regulations include engine redundancy, maintenance procedures, crew training, and more. The certification is rigorous and is intended to have strict oversight by aviation authorities.

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Aircraft flying over the open ocean to Hawaii constantly communicate with air traffic control and others. They are equipped with sophisticated systems and have long-range communication systems that allow pilots to relay information and request assistance if necessary. They also have access to remote medical support.

While Hawaii flights over open ocean do present some unique challenges compared to those over land, airline authorities and airlines prioritize safety above all else.

Do you have any additional concerns on Hawaii flights compared with before all of these issues surfaced?

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2 thoughts on “Concerned About Flying Boeing To Hawaii? Read This First”

  1. Either you’re gonna take your chances and fly, or not… My first trans Pacific flight was to Japan on a Super Connie w stops at Guam and Okinawa (so I’m told). I seem to have made it…

    Best Regards

  2. Sorry I really like Beat of Hawaii, but this article is veering dangerously close to pure clickbait.

    Flying remains the safest form of transportation and despite the miles of open ocean, flying to or from Hawaii is no more or less safe than any other transoceanic flight.

    Other than Malaysian flight 370, modern airlines simply don’t disappear en route. For all the maintenance issues currently being reported, it’s more a case of closer scrutiny than an abnormal spike in incidents.

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