Confusion And Frustration Emerge As Hawaii Stands Alone On Covid Rules

Controversy, Frustration, Confusion Reign | Hawaii To Stand Alone On Covid

Here’s how the weekend is shaping up. Jeff was feeling some mask fatigue at the Saturday Farmer’s Market after hearing that the CDC was removing most of its indoor mask mandate and that Hawaii is soon going to be the only state that still has one. All other states have at least announced the end of such mandates. Jeff still masked up outdoors even though perhaps 1/3 of the people there did not wear one. Not only does the indoor mask mandate stand, but Hawaii also still has a 5-day mandatory quarantine, which can be avoided only through specific testing or vaccination rules.

The whole idea of an outdoor mask requirement (yes there was a sign requiring them in theory) at a sunshine farmer’s market where people are walking around and only coming into brief contact with a vendor seems unclear. Everything we’ve seen says you likely don’t catch Covid outdoors in the sunshine.

Mayo Clinic says “When you’re outside, fresh air is constantly moving, dispersing these droplets. So you’re less likely to breathe in enough of the respiratory droplets containing the virus that causes COVID-19 to become infected (even) if you haven’t had a COVID-19 vaccine.”

Then there was the anti-vax car parade on Kauai yesterday. Sorry, we didn’t take photos, but there was a rather large parade of “my body my choice” advocates driving throughout Lihue, with American flags, large banners, and placards. For what it’s worth, we are both vaccinated and boosted.

This all comes following the latest CDC guidelines on mask-wearing, indoors, mind you, not outdoors, as they said that about 70% of areas with low to moderate cases can stop indoor mask-wearing, at least for now.

Governor Ige is rarely without controversy.

Ige has been controversial since he first hit the nuclear panic button by mistake more than two years ago. Some things don’t change, and this is a case in point. Ige said Friday that Hawaii will maintain its indoor mask mandate even with a rapidly declining number of Covid cases in Hawaii. As you know, the islands have among the lowest death rate in the country, and Ige says it is because of just such ongoing restrictions.

The governor said Friday, “Hawaii will keep the indoor mask mandate for now. We are watching disease activity across the state and globally, especially as other changes are made to current programs across the U.S. and at the county level. We will adjust accordingly. The CDC eliminated its mask recommendation once before but was forced to reinstate the indoor mask requirement when the Delta variant caused a spike in cases.” Ige confirmed that the mask mandate is to remain at least until his current emergency orders expire on March 25.

The difference between Hawaii and other states which are ending indoor mask mandates in March is that Hawaii appears to remain indecisive. And the difference between Hawaii and the CDC is that CDC appears to recognise that there is no need for now, and said it will readjust should things change. Ige’s stance, however, seems to be that, let’s just leave the masks on in case something should arise.

Hawaii House Representative Val Okimoto has asked Ige to eliminate the mask mandate, saying “We don’t need this mask mandate anymore. The people are tired of it.”

Major Covid restrictions remain in effect in Hawaii.

Those include not only the indoor mask mandate but the entirety of the Hawaii Safe Travels quarantine exemption program. That still requires arrivals to comply with specific proof of testing or vaccination requirements to avoid the otherwise 5-day mandatory quarantine.

Hawaii visitors want to vacation. Are masks here a problem for you?

With Covid on the rapid decline across the US as well as here in Hawaii, many of you are thinking about getting going on that long-postponed trip. We mentioned recently that your editors too are resuming travel around Hawaii and beyond, in just a few weeks.

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122 thoughts on “Controversy, Frustration, Confusion Reign | Hawaii To Stand Alone On Covid”

  1. I believe that your crystal ball is seeing things clearly. I also consulted mine which alerted me to another specific trend of other outbreaks, whenever there’s another voting day. It really doesn’t surprise me one bit, in person and verified voting must be discouraged out of fear of spreading, and catching, Covid version 393+++.

  2. Governor Ige has caught the bug for certain. The “bug” of which I speak has been caught by more than a few Governors across America, the Control “Bug.” After controlling the residents and visitors for 2 years making them jump through flaming hoops and performing high wire acts at will or whim Ige finds it impossible to allow people to live their lives outside of his Circus Tent. 🎪 Peanuts 🥜 Anyone?

  3. My husband and I have been postponing our 8 day vacation to Hawaii until your governor stops treating people like 2nd class citizens. We chose to have our God given immunity take care of us. Our bodies, our choice. We plan on spending about 4K plus on the vacation, but Hawaii wont get it until they treat people with respect and appreciation.

  4. January 6th 2021 before most of the population was vaccinated over 250,000 new covid cases were reported in the US.

    January 18th 2022 when over 70 percent of the population was vaccinated almost 1.2 million new cases of covid were reported in the US.

    There’s no amount of masking that will slow current strain of covid from spreading. Expect to see another spike just after spring break and Easter. Then another spike towards the middle end of Summer.

  5. Seems like alot of people find great inconvienience in wearing a mask… I like the fact that most people in Hawaii Still take it seriously! I feel Way safer in Hawaii than florida or “on the strip” in Vegas. JUry is stillout on vaccine efficacy and why is’nt everyone tested before boarding Vaccinated or not?! I have no problem with a mask, and unless you have to wear one at work for hours on end ,I say Quit complaining!!

    1. If you are concerned for YOUR safety and believe masks are effective in protecting YOU, then I support your right to wear a mask. God Bless free will!

  6. I think I’m going to pass on Hawaii for a while. Kauai was my favorite island but now they have made it so difficult to navigate the North Shore and is now even more expensive at an already very expensive place. I used to tell people that one of the things I like Hawaii is that it is Live and Let Live but recent changes prove otherwise.

  7. Safe travels is pointless. You have people on an airplane for 7 plus hours who may or may not have covid. Those vaccinated can carry it but are not required to test. Those who are going to quarantine once they get to Hawaii are not required to test, so they could also possibly have it. And those who test 3 days prior could get a negative test but then contract the virus after they tested. If you know your idividual risk, and think a mask is best for you, wear a mask! Individual choice!

  8. All the internet scientists on here better contact the Whitehouse and let them know that they better reverse the decision that was just now announced that masks are no longer required on the Whitehouse campus as of tomorrow!

    1. They want to win the midterm elections. Starting with the upcoming primaries. That’s why they dropped the mandate. None of this has stopped anything. I wish it had, but facts are facts. Catching and spreading is unaffected by masks or vaccines.

  9. I’m fine with the mask, but would like to see Safe Travels done away with now that the virus hospitalization rates have dropped.
    I know people who planned events in other locations in the U.S. rather than Hawaii because they were concerned about getting a false positive just before departure and ruining the event.I will visit, but wouldn’t plan, or recommend an important event in Hawaii either.

    1. That is one of the reasons we wint go to Hawaii yet. So we got and pay in full for a condo rental. And one of us come up with a false positive, and cant fly with the other one. Or has to be quarantined for 5 days. Forget that. We’ve both had it, survived it like a bed flu or a bad headache. Never had a problem since.

  10. You are so fortunate to have such a good Governor. Boosters are waning. He’s right to wait until he’s fairly certain there’s no danger of another strain anytime soon. It’s not about my body my right but about other people as well. We’re all responsible for keeping each other healthy. If it means wearing a mask I’m unselfishly going to keep wearing it until we’re truly in the clear, not because I’m tired of it.
    How great is it that he’s a leader, more than a politician.

    1. I am responsible for my own healthy body, not someone’s 300 to 400 lb smokers or diabetic body. Its there choice yo be that way. And plus the smokers that are blowing smoke our way don’t care if they give me cancer from their second hand smoke. Plain and simple, take personal responsibility for your own healthy.

      1. Kitty L I am so glad that you paid attention in class, how much did it cost you? Diabetes isn’t a “choice” that people make, in case you didn’t pay enough what a person eats Doesn’t Cause Diabetes! It’s a “Predisposition” and “Typically Hereditary” in people, not a Choice that Anyone would choose, much like many who contract Cancer!

    2. 15,000 – 60,000 people die every year in the USA from the flu – do you have a mask for that, should govt be as aggressive with that as with COVID?

  11. The vaccines and boosters don’t stop covid and everyone got it in January and was fine. I had it, my family had it in January, no vax, it passed quickly. Even Calif is dropping mask, the schools here in Calif are dropping masks. People are scared, but don’t need to be, unless you have health issues, then you can choose to wear a mask. I’m currently in Vegas walking the strip and in all casinos, and nobody is wearing them.

  12. I don’t see where there is any confusion. Wear your mask inside. Its not that big a deal. Here in S. California we have dropped the mask mandate but I would say 80% of people inside are still wearing them. We wear them out of respect for the employees who have to wear them inside and because covid is not over yet. I went to Hawaii in December and it was no problem to get there, it was no problem to wear a mask indoors and nobody was wearing a mask outside on Oahu. Nothing was confusing.

  13. I wish the governor would stop the mask mandate and follow the CDC guidelines.
    I’m going to Oahu on March 25th and I want things back to normal by then. Mahalo

    1. I’ll be there March 22nd. I just won’t go into any businesses. I’ll hike, go to the beach and stop at food trucks and farmers markets (yes I know technically masks are required at the Saturday farmers market) If masks are required, I’ll go elsewhere. Masks are pointless and restrict breathing. No thanks. For those that “follow the science”, well… The science just changed according to the CDC. Masks are no longer required. Unless you’re following different science. I follow common sense.

      1. I want to go to the north shore and eat shrimp at the truck Giovani’s.
        Have fun.
        Peace everybody!
        Peter J.

  14. We have 16 days of vacation planned for this September. 5 on Maui & 11 on Kauai. If Masks are still required we’re cancelling! There is not a study anywhere on this planet showing these masks that 99% of people wear can keep someone from catching Covid or even the common cold !! Your much more likely to catch something from wearing the same filthy mask every day which is nothing more than a germ catcher !!!!!

  15. I warned my sister about booking a spring vacation there. She’s in no position to waste her hard earned money. The main fear is not that the HI government won’t follow the science, it’s that it’s erratic. The rest of the world has opened up but the Hawaiian government has somehow felt the need to impose an irrational policy about a virus which is no longer a danger to the general population.

  16. This doesn’t surprise me at all! I don’t expect Ige to make the right decision now, too much power at stake and he’s out next year. 1 of 2 things are going to happen, either freedom from masking, or people are going to revolt. We’re already seeing the protests here in the islands, the people are tired of all these mandates. I just hope our next governor is better at making decisions that help the people instead of just controlling them.

    1. Respectfully, the amount of people who are seriously bothered by having to wear a mask is far fewer than those who are fine with it. I don’t see a revolution coming.

    2. Good luck having a level headed for the good of the people new Governor, Hawaii keeps voting for the same type of people that don’t care about Them. Green spent $2 Billion on the Homeless (Houseless) Problem with No Results, how much reasonably priced Housing and Rental Units could that have built? Everyone Complains about the “Good Old Boys” Network where the “Friends and Family” are Awarded Government Contracts but keep Voting for the Same Group of People. How does that make any sense or change anything? Has anyone considered that Hawaii Residents are the same people screwing up Hawaii, sure looks like it from the outside looking in!

  17. There was a time for indoor mask mandates but not now,masks should be optional ,or” highly recommended “ but not mandated

  18. I lived on Oahu and Kauai for 14 years. I still own 3 timeshares in Hawaii; one on Kauai and 2 on the Big Island. I have not been back to Hawaii since Jan 2019 because of the ludicrous Covid mandates of David Ige & Josh Greene. I miss my former home and I would very much like to come back to visit but I will not do so as long as I’m forced to wear a useless mask, or take a specific Covid test in order not to be forced to quarantine, or present a vaccine passport in order to eat at a restaurant.

  19. Hawaii is an isolated island. Medical resources though there are scarce if there should be a spike in cases and ICU beds are needed. It is a damned if you do or damned if you don’t scenario for Governor Ige. It is. Ot an easy decision, but it is a safe decision too keep the mandates. I agree indoor masking should continue, but outdoor mandates should be left to individuals and businesses. I don’t feel he is in the wrong to be cautious. This is a virus that has long term effects, if severe.

    1. Then Ige should prepare for more medical facility options, lead Ige and stop punishing the rest of us for your lack of leadership. 49 other Governors can do it, you can too!

      1. Just look up Doctor Shortages in Hawaii. This has been decades old issue that they have been trying to resolve. It is about quality of life. Hawaii does not offer that life for doctors in the middle of their careers. Cost of living, pay, call coverage, kids opportunity, retirement savings and many other roadblocks. It is not as easy as you think. Many docs have come and go. Avg stay is about 4.5 years.

        1. I’m sorry, James, but that’s baloney. My surgeon moved to Hawaii when his kids were teens and their biggest regret was never having visited The Wisconsin Dells! He said his pay and his style of living were wonderful and he’s not leaving.

    2. “IF there is another spike” — what IF can be a lot of things, and these all-powerful masks can be re-mandated in a few hours/days if what IF happens.

      In the meantime, as of Feb 25, there were 9 COVID patents in Hawaii ICU beds statewide. That is out of 325 total. That is less than 3%. The “but, but, but, islands with limited ICU beds” is not reality.

    3. James;

      Lack of quality health care in Hawaii is largely a problem of their own making. Many good and highly qualified physicians have tried, without success, to improve access to high quality medical care.

      You should check out the saga of Dr. Ronald Kwon on Maui. Sadly, his efforts to build another hospital in Kihei failed. As a result, Maui lost one of the finest internal medicine doctors in the state.

      Maybe the state will have the political will and take this opportunity to fix this.

      1. Aloha Mike!

        COVID has been here for almost two years. We’ve mandated masks, restricted movement of people, had mandatory quarentine periods, not allowed businesses to operate, implemented Safe Travels (and the O’ahu equivalent) and done a bunch of other COVID related stuff to help in this pandemic.

        Do you know what we have not done? Increase our medical readiness or capabilities. Two whole years and millions of government dollars and we have done squat. It is our own fault.

        1. I agree with you 100% It’s not because doctors don’t want to stay due to low pay. The ones I know Love Hawaii! It’s pretty simple: when you move somewhere you check the schools, healthcare, etc. On Oahu you have Queens to support just about any medical situation and Tripler as well. But other islands county governments don’t mind spending tax dollars on other things and count on emergency helicopter rides for critical patients. Hospital bed counts are their fault, not COVID.

      2. Mike J, I thoroughly doubt that anyone in State Government is worrying about anything that doesn’t directly effect Resorts and Timeshare Development, that’s where the money is to/for them. Hospitals are typically non profit and don’t pay taxes, another reason not to have too many. Doctors that want to live and practice in Hawaii, try to find the end of that line. Healthcare only effects them if the people are getting a fatal case of this or that then it’s time to inspect, find some deficiencies and call it a day. Can’t close down the only Hospital, can you?

  20. Please, Susan. Do not bring that debate into this subject board. Even though I understand that they borrowed the slogan it’s off topic. What day ye, Jeff?

  21. Covid has brought out the true sincerity of government leaders: The sincere will work to truly solve problems. The less than sincere love crises because it presents an opportunity to garner more power and money.

      1. The problem is mandating that everyone has to wear one, even if they are not sick. I have no problem with people who choose to wear one but I do have a problem with mandating them. In fact, I have a problem with all the ridiculous mandates that Ige and the Island Mayor’s have enacted over the past 2 years. My body, my choice whether to wear a mask, take the jab, or spend my hard earned money in Hawaii.


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