Confusion And Frustration Emerge As Hawaii Stands Alone On Covid Rules

Controversy, Frustration, Confusion Reign | Hawaii To Stand Alone On Covid

Hawaii’s Governor is rarely without controversy and that continues today.

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122 thoughts on “Controversy, Frustration, Confusion Reign | Hawaii To Stand Alone On Covid”

  1. Why don’t they look at the 150 studies that say that masks don’t work and they are actually bad for you, especially for children? We need to replace both the Governor and the Lt. Governor.

    1. There are not 150 studies that prove masks are harmful. There are some papers that someone wrote saying that masks are harmful but these people did not follow all the protocols required for a real study and therefore they retracted the paper but not before the misinformation was spread by certain networks. Medical professionals have worn masks for years with no ill effects.

      1. Because BOH is not totalitarian like social media. BTW guys, did the site get hacked recently? I tried to email you to say all BOH links were going to YAHOO. Was it your issue or something on the web?

        1. Hi MJ.

          No not hacked. Were you by any chance using a proxy server or something that could have made it appear that you were somewhere other than in the US? We block traffic from many countries due to extensive spam. Please let us know. Thanks.


    2. Unfortunately Saying it and Actually Doing it are Two Totally Opposing Points of Interest in Hawaii. I wish that I could say that it’s a rarity, it’s not, where the Voter’s choose to be pillaged by their elected officials. I wonder if self mutilation began this way. Root Canals are much less painless than Voting any other way for Hawaiians. They’re not alone in the self propagation of painful experiences and angst that comes with allowing Politicians to Abuse Them, and Their Elected Offices too. All that I can say is Good Luck Hawaii, You’re going to Need it!

  2. During our trip to Maui in summer 2019, my daughter decided she wanted to go back for her 21st birthday. We have 12 months until the big day and we’re keeping our fingers crossed that Safe Travels and mask mandates are gone so we can go. We’ve given ourselves until August to make a final decision about where to go. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻🤞🏻 it’s Hawaii.

    1. If I were you there would be a very good and acceptable plan B, have a feeling that it will be Needed. Governor Ige is a Lame “Lame Duck” and is taking full advantage of the Power Trip he Commands. Save Hawaii for another time when hopefully it can be fully enjoyed!

  3. When walking around outside I do not wear a mask. When I go into a store I mask up. Not because I am afraid of catching something, but not to cause a problem for the store. After all they are only following the rules.

  4. Hi Guys,

    Glad you’re traveling again. I think we learn more when you’re on the move. Ige is out of his mind. The rest of the country picks February 28th, with some small variations, and our governor has to show he’s “in charge” by adding an extra month to Hawaii’s mask mandate. That’s one month of tourists who already picked their vacation days deciding to go elsewhere, despite airlines offering discounts to “bribe” people when they no longer believe in the need for testing/mask mandates.

    1. My wife and I have been visiting Hawaii for the past 18 years – even last year with all the covid restrictions in place.
      Too much hassle now. We will miss our friends, the scenery, and weather. Until all this craziness gets worked out with your govenor we are done!

  5. Nobody likes wearing a mask, but it really isn’t that big of a deal. I will just chill and put a mask on, it isn’t going to ruin my life. It is my body and my choice after all. Also, if you are in Hawaii and you are complaining about masks, I think you don’t really get what hawaii is all about and maybe you should go to Mexico or the Caribbean.

  6. Ige may be the only governor to have a medical doctor with whom he can consult and apparently doesn’t.

    If term limits won’t doom this man, the voters should.

    This may no longer be about an idiot Governor. It may say more about the constituency.

  7. I am a regular visitor to the islands and happy to comply with whatever is required to enter the state. I am also willing to comply with whatever masking requirements are in place. I’m so thankful to leave the gray skies and rain behind for a time and feel the sun and sand. Mahalo for asking!

  8. Why isn’t the governor following the “Science” now? Ige is a lot like Biden….missing logical thinking skills and the ability to formulate and follow any kind of plans that make sense.

    1. J.T,
      We have stopped caring about one another. Wearing a mask is no big deal. You wear clothes don’t you?

    2. The “Science” of which moment, there’s been far too many. Then there’s occasionally the Real Science that steps forward, the one that everyone is told to ignore and is then discarded like a 3 day old newspaper Only to discover it was the truth a year and a half later. “Science” isn’t a guessing game, it’s supposed to be well defined unlike what we’ve been told about Vaccines and Covid. That is ever changing depending upon who’s speaking and what they’re attempting to hide from us. When the Science of Opinion is all Fiction.

  9. I’ll be arriving in May for my vacation and I’m hoping for an end to all mandates and an end to safe travel requirements, but if not I’ll adhere to whatever rules that are in place, small price to pay for my vacation

  10. No one has been a bigger support of masking as I felt I am protecting you and you me. I now have the three shots and no longer fear getting deathly ill from covid. I am tired of masking. It’s on you if you haven’t been vaccinated, completely.

  11. I am not sure why these Governors continue to act like dictators. Let me make the choice for myself. If masks work so great, let those who are still concerned wear them and those who are not concerned stop wearing them. We need our freedom back.

      1. Amy P I don’t, nothing more relaxing than entering the house, peeling off your clothes and enjoying the freedom it brings into your life. I highly recommend it and suggest more people try it.

  12. My wife and I have visited the islands three times during the pandemic once vaccinations were available. For us, masks are an inconvenience at most, especially since we like to do outdoor things (including eating at restaurants with outdoor seating) and masks generally are not required. Going to the store with a mask is the same thing we choose to do at home so no big deal for us.

    1. I support your right the wear a mask if it makes you feel better about leaving the house.
      Feels good to make choices for yourself and your family, doesn’t it?

  13. Aloha, I’m currently visiting on Maui. I have zero issues with wearing a mask, and will have zero impact my traveling to Hawaii. I was on various islands for 9 weeks in 2021 due to cancellations in 2020. Wore a mask and took all the tests last year. Vaxed and boosted. Thanks.

  14. Been here on Kauai for over 5 weeks. Have had no problems or discomfort wearing a mask indoors or outdoors in a crowded condition. Fully vaccinated. Will continue to wear mask indoors when we return home.

  15. Third year in a row we can’t/won’t come to our timeshare condo in Maui. First year we were required to quarantine 14-days. Considering Hawaii is a state that depends on tourism, this governor has done everything but post a “You’re Not Welcome” sign at the airport.

    1. Think of it this way if there is an outbreak, and hospital beds become full. Are you willing to volunteer your time to help out the healthcare workers? Hawaii already has a shortage of Doctors and majority of them are burnt out. This isn’t about not being welcoming it is about providing a buffer for the hospital systems.

    2. Okay, Ige probably ran out of Federal Stimulus money or He certainly would have posted signs at the airports and every single point of entry telling visitors to Go Away. He’s proven himself to be a menace to everyone and everything Hawaii, there’s “Not a Tax that He doesn’t like!” He will be out soon enough and the Voters almost certainly will Elect another Carbon Copy of Ige so that they can continue Complaining about how Bad of a Governor they have, unreal!

      1. Hawaiians should stop blaming Governor Ige for everything that He Has and Hasn’t Done, They should be Blaming Themselves because They Voted For Him Twice! He was Problematic during His First Term, Why would anyone think that it would get better during his Second Term when He would be a “Lame Duck” that could do whatever he wants with no one to answer to? Now let’s see who the Voters Choose for Governor after Ige, is there an Ige Junior or a Protégé named Green waiting to take his place? Maybe Zuckerberg would want to be Governor, He knows what it’s like to run things that others create, and it should be easy for him to follow the playbook left behind by others. He wouldn’t spend $2 Billion and get nothing for it I’m fairly sure.

  16. We’re considering making a Spring Break trip to Oahu with the kids in April but if the mask mandate stays, we won’t be coming. Every other state has dropped them. They don’t work anyway. Get rid of it.

    1. If You Arrive without the proper items consider yourself vacationing for 2 weeks in an enclosed space, your hotel room, so welcome to doom and gloom! You asked and here’s your answer. Thank Governor Ige and all of those Hawaiians that Voted For Him!

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