202 thoughts on “Could Latest Plans Derail Hawaii Reopening on October 15?”

  1. Quarantining rhe first 3 days of a 7 day trip would certainly prevent almost all visitors from coming.
    I have a question I have not seen addressed: does quarantine preclude getting food? Is a grocery store stop allowed? Room service is hardiy universal, not to mention expensive!

  2. Hawai’i your people are starving & businesses shutting down never to open again! CVS and Kaiser still don’t have testing set up for travelers. A private testing sight is $275 person and now you want us to quarantine for 3 days & retest! Face the inevitable you will have a spike once you reopen. Once the herding takes place it’ll balance out. Protect your elderly & vulnerable by wearing mask & no large gatherings. We won’t come if any quarantine is in effect!

  3. Great comment. I’m nearly at that point. I will pre test, test in the middle, wear a mask everywhere including the shower if you just let me come. My trip will cost me over $8000! So much revenue the island is losing. If I’m forced to cancel again I’m heading to Tahiti.



  4. It feels as if your site is consistently promoting the idea that travel will most likely not be allowed. It’s very disappointing and not very helpful. I just read this this morning.

    From the Hawaii State Department of Health: 10-3-2020

    If you have just a layover in Honolulu then the negative test result is good through to your final destination. If your break in Honolulu is more than a layover, then you are captured by the interisland quarantine.



    1. Thank you! That is the information I’ve been looking for. Let’s hope they don’t change their minds.

  5. open, open open, we don’t shut down for the flu. They know a lot more about covid they did 3 months ago!

  6. Why would a pre-arrival test be needed if a 3-day quarantine on arrival and a 2nd test be required? Where scientifically does the 3 day derive from?

  7. Gov. Ige just needs to ask for federal help to increase testing capability so you can open up and protect Hawaii’s tourism business. This impacts the lively hood of the the whole state.
    I have a $6000 vacation rental booked and can’t wait to use it – but I’m not going quarantine 3 days if I test negative within 72hrs of arrival – that just wrecks all our plans for 50% of the trip.
    -John from Wisconsin

  8. Figure it out! Should you come to Hawaii or not! You decided on a test 72 hours before. Is that the plan or not?

  9. Thanks for this info. We have been hoping to spend our 50th Anniversary in Kauai next spring. I am continuing to monitor the situation before finalizing any plan. We don’t have funds to spend our trip in quarantine. This is helpful.

  10. Very disappointed in our states policy. They’ve had months to work this out. If masks and social distancing work, then an initial test before arriving should be enough. This new policy will kill tourism and the virus is not going away. They are effectively shutting down tourism for another year. Can we survive? I don’t think so. We are the only state suffering like this. Please open up tourism!

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