202 thoughts on “Could Latest Plans Derail Hawaii Reopening on October 15?”

  1. I’m surprised they let these mayors even put forth these ideas. Sounds like there isn’t a united front. I sincerely hope they stick to what was announced prior being so close to the reopening date already announced. If after a month it doesn’t work, then reconfigure. This on-the-fly planning when people have to plan way in advance to get to this location is crazy. Pick a plan, try it, then evaluate….please!

  2. If the mayors or the governor want a second test, it should be an instant result test done at the airport.

    While hotels might like the mandatory guests for 72 – 96 hours, they will be forever known as the quarantine hotels, much like the tuberculosis sanitariums of old.

    Let’s be honest here. The economy is suffering badly, there aren’t going to be a lot of tourists coming anyways – we will be lucky to see 10% of last year’s numbers. Let’s not go to extremes to prevent them from coming.

  3. This must be some kind of super clever plot to pretend to open up Hawaii but really keep it closed as much as possible. But for the record I don’t blame the leaders for going to such great lengths to keep out covid and also listening to their own people and their fears of the terrible situation faced on the mainland.

    However I am most frustrated at the fact that the rules keep changing. It would be one thing if this were part of the original plan so people would know up front. But right now Hawaii is doing its best to piss off their most enthusiastic and loyal “customers”. I mean these are the people who rushed out and booked trips so they can get back to perhaps their favorite place in the world and are now getting told sorry, you get to enjoy half your vacation either cooped up in a hotel room or paying big bucks to stay a resort. Eventually people will just go somewhere else. The governor must have known about the desire for the extra test and ignored the feedback – or he should have.

    Personally I am interested in if there will be a requirement that you must stay in an approved hotel or if you can stay in a home you own or a friend’s/family’s home. And given the lack of tests on the islands, how will I be able to take the second test ? I suppose the resort bubbles will be able to get them but what about people quarantining outside ? I was thinking of bringing with me mail in tests but it doesn’t seem as if they will be accepted.

    Thank you Beat of Hawaii for keeping us informed.

    1. Hi AW.

      Thanks for all your comments. There are more updates today and we expect a couple of state events by Tuesday to arrive at something more “final” than this.


  4. The feckless so-called leadership in Hawai’i has done more harm to the wonderful peoples of Hawai’i than Covid-19. Unfortunately you get the government you deserve.

  5. We are planning on going to our place on the Big Island October 16. We land in Honolulu, change flights to Kona…are we going to need to get tested again to avoid quarantine at our place? We’ve already scheduled maintenance work in anticipation of our arrival and now I’m getting uneasy about the 10/15 reopening date.

  6. IT would seem to me the best way is to get the the Hawaiian govt out of this.
    The airlines need to take the lead and test all passengers before they board a plane. The Abbot test, I understand, is a quick and reliable test. Alaska Air announced today that a test will be available before flights but not at the airport so passengers would need to get tested on their own.
    Oakland Airport has the right idea.
    You would think that the Governor would have been working day and night with Abbot and the airlines to get their economy open.
    Sadly, it seems like a low priority. The citizens of the Islands deserve better.
    Thank you for all the information you have given on they frustrating issue.

    1. Hi Dan.

      It does seem that the airlines have been awfully quiet, and in our minds that has a lot to do with how Hawaii works with businesses. That’s a whole different story, that we aren’t going to get into here.


      1. Interesting. Maybe the airlines cancelling many of their flights on October and November is their way of speaking… saying hey we have no faith in this dummies either and we can’t risk more of our $ waiting on them to get their act together. Just speculation.

  7. Make it Simple — No entry for anybody into the state without a negative Covid test! If you put the kibosh on opening Oct 15 – you will look like fools. Nobody is going to go to the expense or time to take a 2nd test to visit Kauai, Maui County or the Big Island.

    Also if people tested on the mainland before they even left the ground — you wouldn’t have to worry about non-residents using Hawaii’s supply of tests!

    Time for these officials to form a united front — Get real about this. Nobody is going to travel to Hawaii on 10/15 unless all islands are open to travelers (without having to take 2 tests!).

    Simple policy – No Entry (for anybody) without a negative COVID test taken 72 hrs prior to arrival.

  8. Aloha,as of now there is no point in planning any travel the Hawaii, October 15th or beyond,things can change on a dime, it must be very frustrating for the Hawaiian citizens who are waiting to go back to work, how are they surviving?

    1. Hi Bill.

      There will be a lot more news coming out over the next few days. If that helps at all. LOL.


  9. This is the ridiculous to the absurd. If you want to retest after arrival O.K., but why would you demand that you quarantine for 3 days of your very expensive vacation after having just tested negative prior to departure?
    If the Mayor’s still want tourist to stay away this will do the trick. We were coming Nov 1st and will cancel again (3rd Time)if this hair-brained is in effect. And we will not return until they have a viable plan.
    Hawaii’s Political Office holders are the most incompetent,dumbest,and feckless group of politicians on the planet, and it reflects poorly on Hawaiian’s that voted these morons in and then sit back and allow them to ruin their livelihood.
    If you care about the economic survival your state you would petition the legislature
    to recall and remove your Governor. And if Mayors are running this election cycle, you would vote them out, and if they aren’t recall them. Its past time for Hawaiian’s to do more than just complain, its time for action. Perhaps whomever you vote in will get the message the current clowns are not able to process.

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