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Disappearing Waikiki Beach | The Battle To Save Hawaii’s Icon

Hawaii is intent on saving Waikiki Beach, where nearly one-half of Hawaii visitor dollars are spent. Here’s what’s about to happen.

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15 thoughts on “Disappearing Waikiki Beach | The Battle To Save Hawaii’s Icon”

  1. Weren’t the Maui Kaanapali Beach Properties recently told to move their properties because the state didn’t want to protect or add sand to their beaches? Are the resorts of Waikiki more important for some reason? (Beyond the fact that the visitor $ is 50% of total.)
    I’d say if it’s okay for one why not the other? Or maybe it’s not a good idea for either?

  2. One of the first things I was taught in elementary school was how volcanic islands rise from and sink into the ocean. Maybe the oceans aren’t rising but it’s the natural progression of the islands sinking.

  3. How about letting our earth evolve naturally and not necessarily change it for our own selfish pleasure, but appreciate it for what it is. Use the money for improving the quality of life while we are still here.

    1. 30+ years of vacationing in Hawaii with most of that time spent at the Maui Eldorado which has a beach cabana. During some stays I could actually walk underneath the cabana and not be able to touch the plumbing or even the underside of the deck. And then within a week or so the “beach” came back with a vengeance such that the workers had to place solid panels on the outside of the railing to prevent the sand from overtaking the deck! If you “choose” to believe that stuff about the sea rising that’s on you but I’m not getting on that boat. The ocean given us beaches and it taken them away. Such is the cycle for beaches! And don’t forget that NYC was supposed to be underwater over 10 years ago and THAT did not happen either!

  4. I read with great interest about eroding beaches here in Waikiki. One statement stood out. The ocean will rise 3.5’ feet by 2080, about 54,years from now. My question how much has it risen since 1945? Also, shouldn’t we the tax payers use anybody but our local government to solve issues? They’ve demonstrated many times their incompetence, i.e. rail comes to mind, H-3, etc etc etc

  5. Can somebody explain to me how, as sea level rises (and it is and will continue for a while) that the only way to “save” beaches is to remove structures that are beachside so that erosion can create more beach? I mean, you lost all those neat beaches on Maui Nui.

  6. Since Hawaii wants to charge fees for tourists to support everything else, how about a “beach fee”? Here is how it could work: first a fee for walking along the beach. Then if someone steps in the water, another fee. If that person actually goes into the water, another fee, but this would be based on the persons weight. The bigger the person, the more displacement of water, the larger the fee. If a person has any sand on their feet or in their shoes, a “sand removal tax.” I figure that this would raise the necessary money to fund all the projects owed to supporters of your state legislature. Money for the beach? Just raise taxes.

  7. Waikiki beach is important to Hawaii and tourism revenue. I do find it a little hypocritical that there are concerns about Waikiki beach and restoration/ preservation. While there are reports of North Shore residents being fined up to a million dollars for doing the same to save there homes.

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