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42 thoughts on “Driving In Hawaii 2023 | “The Worst State””

    1. Hi Melissa.

      Thanks for letting us know. We’re checking on it now, and you should be able to subscribe shortly.


  1. I moved to Maui 7 months ago. No one here uses turn signals. Never seen anything like it. It’s like they are allergic to them. Also, so many drive super slow in left lane causing massive backups and refuse to get over. Terrible driving ovetlal and I lived in Southern Cali cor years and thought I’d seen it all.

  2. Driving on the big island has turned into a nightmare since thousands of tourists moved here. In 10 years I hardly ever saw road rage. It is now a daily, even multiple occurances a day. They go 15 miles under speed limit and when I go to pass, they speed up and 2 times tried to run me off other side. They don’t know how to drive our curvy hwys and are constantly going off the side. I moved from the mainland to get away from the traffic and road rage…in two years it has taken over our beautiful big island. It is the main topic locals talk about. An accident on Hwy 11 will shut it down for hours. We used to it happening a couple times a year. Now it’s regular. Not the big island I moved to. We no have infrastructure to handle all this traff

  3. Driving on Maui problems are usually result of large city
    drivers from certain parts of the Mainland, sorry l will not name

  4. I’m also seeing a lot of comments about “You’ll get there eventually”, but when you work down-island because all the jobs cram there, but work up-island and have children to pick up by 5:30PM, and still have to do homework, serve dinner, etc., then get to work the next morning after dropping the kids off to school by 8AM, that attitude isn’t really an option. Not meaning being inconsiderate on the road is right, but being inconsiderate can really mess someone else’s entire family’s day up.

  5. We were just there for Christmas.
    Cannot comment on congestion.
    However, the paved roads are “Ace” compared to Vancouver BC. Might as well be driving on a hard compacted logging road.

  6. Q: Anyone heard of any improvement between Lihue and Ka’paa??? The road beyond the airport is terribly congested – all the time. Just asking???

  7. I’ve lived in Hawai’i for 10 years. The problem with most things here, including driving, stems from more of a social issue. People here generally lack self-awareness and are rude, compared to anywhere else I’ve been. I really notice it every time I visit any other state, country, or territory. There’s the whole reputation for throwing shakas and having some strong communal sense of being in things together, including traffic, which sure, does exist for a few people, but the reputation is overall undeserved. People throw shakas after cutting others off when failing to yield before known merge-lanes come, most people don’t use turn signals because turn signals seem to just signal other drivers to speed up and not let anyone over, etc.

    1. I disagree. Sure, it is annoying because people seem to have a near-religious aversion to using their turn signals, and maybe the attitude toward traffic rules in general is a little lax, like most things here, which is part of the culture, but it is very rare that I see anything like road rage or even rudeness on the roads. Yes, the guy in the lifted Tacoma is probably going to break the alternating merge rule when he gets to it, but you know he’s going to so go ahead and let him. Any time I see bad driving it is far more likely to be someone with bad driving habits than someone being a jerk. YMMV.

  8. 10 recommendations for visitors. ?!?!

    I have one for the locals:

    Quit voting in the same corrupt politicians that give you the worst roads, schools taxes, house prices, property crime, business environment and more.

    Hawaii has had one party rule now for close to 70 years and it shows.

    Mexico has better roads and traffic than Hawaii.

    1. That reminds me– what happened to the monorail to nowhere? Talk about the Hawaiian people being taken for a ride. Millions of dollars over budget. Did it ever get completed?

        1. Thank you for your response, Frank. It made me chuckle. I haven’t been able to be in HI in a few years. I remember the rail construction getting to Pearl City +, and then heard about the purchase of 1 or 2 trains. So if no one thought of the logistics (horrible) of actually bringing it into Honolulu, where everyone works, it’s just a billion dollar park and ride/shuttle to a bus stop?


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