From “Always Late” to #1: How Hawaiian Airlines Soared Back

From “Always Late” to #1: How Hawaiian Airlines Soared Back

Hawaiian Airlines has just reclaimed its lost crown as the most punctual U.S. airline for June 2024, following a tumultuous period during which it had slipped far down in the rankings. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Air Travel Consumer Report (below), Hawaiian Airlines achieved an impressive 83.6% on-time arrival rate, surpassing strong competitors including Delta Air Lines and Alaska Airlines.

However, Hawaiian’s path back to the top was not without challenges, and its unique operational advantages continue to play a significant role.

Hawaiian Airlines’ fall from grace.

After a nearly two-decade reign as the top U.S. airline for punctuality, Hawaiian Airlines faced an unprecedented series of operational disruptions that came to a head in 2023. A poorly executed reservation system upgrade led to tumultuous booking and flying issues, while recurring engine problems with its narrow-body A321neo fleet also exacerbated problems. Not only that, there were runway problems that delayed flights. These challenges left the airline struggling and again earning its old industry nickname, “Hawaiian Always Late,” during one of its most difficult periods.

The airline’s fall from #1 to #5 in airline on-time rankings shocked frequent travelers accustomed to its reliability. However, Hawaiian remained determined to fix its operational issues and was able to implement corrective measures to claw its way back.

Hawaiian Airilnes A321 engine problems

How Hawaiian Airlines bounced back.

Hawaiian Airlines prioritized fleet maintenance to address the A321neo fleet’s engine issues while making critical improvements to its new reservation system. This restored the system to minimal functionality after previous glitches contributed to delays and inefficiencies. Hawaiian significantly improved its operational performance by directly tackling these problems to the extent possible within its financial constraints, reducing both delays and cancellations.

In June 2024, Hawaiian Airlines reclaimed its spot as the most punctual airline and ranked among the top performers for low cancellation rates. Only 0.7% of its flights were canceled, placing it third behind Southwest Airlines (0.3%) and Alaska Airlines (0.6%) in reliability.

Hawaiian’s operational advantages are one key factor.

One of the less discussed reasons behind Hawaiian Airlines’ punctuality success is the nature of its operations. A large portion of Hawaiian’s flights are short-haul routes within the Hawaiian Islands, where weather conditions are almost always favorable, and air traffic congestion is minimal compared to the busy mainland hubs. These factors give Hawaiian a distinct advantage over other U.S. carriers, which must contend with longer routes, variable weather, and more congested airports.

Mainland-based airlines, such as Delta and Alaska, operate across diverse environments, from harsh winter and summer storms in the northern U.S. to severe thunderstorms in the southeast. This leads to greater variability in their on-time performance, putting them at a natural disadvantage compared to Hawaiian’s interisland flights, which are shorter, less complex, and more predictable.

Industry-wide US airline on-time performance in June.

Overall, U.S. airlines operated with an industry-wide on-time arrival rate of 74.3% in June 2024. Hawaiian Airlines’ 83.6% on-time rate was a clear standout, especially compared to Hawaii aspirant Frontier Airlines, which severely lagged behind with just 61.3% of flights arriving on time.

While Hawaiian’s operational advantages contribute to its success, the airline’s commitment to resolving internal issues and regaining its reputation for punctuality can’t be overlooked. Its recovery underscores a focus on fleet management, maintenance, and optimization of its operational systems.

The road ahead for Hawaiian Airlines.

Hawaiian Airlines’ journey from #1 to “Always Late” and back to #1 is admirable. However, the future remains uncertain as Hawaiian and Alaska Airlines await the U.S. Department of Transportation’s decision on their pending merger. Assuming its approval, this merger could significantly reshape the competitive landscape for both airlines and the broader Hawaii travel market.

Moving forward, Hawaiian must maintain its high standards to compete effectively, especially as mainland-based carriers have the larger scale needed to compete in all aspects of today’s airline industry. The merger could provide new opportunities but also create uncertainty as the two airlines work to integrate their operations.

Hawaiian’s return to top on-time performance is reassuring for travelers like us, given that we rely on them interisland much like a mainland bus system. However, the potential merger with Alaska Airlines introduces an element of change that will bear watching.

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3 thoughts on “From “Always Late” to #1: How Hawaiian Airlines Soared Back”

  1. Hawaiian’s two biggest markets, with the most flights, Hawaii and California arguably Always have perfect weather, which is a huge contributing factor.

  2. With lesser tourists traveling to Hawaii it takes less time to load the luggage, passengers, check-in baggage,etc. The increase in prices and fees Hawaii is asking will decrease tourists. I guess the real question is How full is the plane? Oahu down 5% tourists. Maui down 21% this month from 2023 August numbers.

  3. I know it’s unusual but every single HA flight we have taken since 2013 has been on time. We are usually flying out of Oakland anywhere from February-September once or twice a year to Maui, The Big Island, Oahu or Kauai.
    I had a total meltdown a couple of years ago in Las Vegas- we usually take a SWA flight from RNO-OAK and then spend the night and depart the next morning on our Hawaiian Airlines flight. That trip SWA changed our direct flight from RNO-OAK and ran us through Las Vegas. UGH. The flight ended up being ‘delayed’ about 15 times and then cancelled…and then we did depart at 12:30PM. (we were supposed to depart at 4PM) I called Hawaiian Airlines in tears because at one point, we were looking at an early flight out of Las Vegas and would miss our morning flight to Maui. The rep on the other end was so very kind, and said she could book us out of Las Vegas direct to Maui on the morning flight if necessary. Fortunately, we made our flight. We love Hawaiian Airlines!

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