Hawaii Vacation Rental Legislation: Governor Says He'll Sign Ban Approval

Governor Uses Profanity Describing Hawaii Vacation Rentals

Did Governor Green go overboard with his remarks or were they on target? A whirlwind of debate surrounds Hawaii vacation rentals.

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146 thoughts on “Governor Uses Profanity Describing Hawaii Vacation Rentals”

  1. It seems Hawaii has a problem for sure. Without the tourist dollar they’ll have another problem. Hotel rates are absurd. Of course the hotel industry supports the restriction on short term rentals. More $ for them. Without short term rentals I and many other visitors will stop coming to Hawaii.
    Guess after 20 years of visiting family in Hawaii (3-4 week in duration) I’ll just bring them to the mainland. Hawaiian Aloha seems to be declining. So be it.

  2. 1.5 million? Thats just pure insanity. Why should the tax payers be shelling out 1.5 million for each person that dies in the fire? They dont do that if someone died the day before. What makes them so special?

    1. The “governor” should be paying out of his own millions. This is on him. His swearing and being dramatic should not fool anyone, yet it does.

    2. They potentially have grounds for suing the state for a lot more. I’m willing to bet accepting that money requires signing away any chance at a lawsuit, class action or otherwise.

    1. Flying over the islands you see how much untouched land there is. They should give up some of the state and federal owned property and build affordable housing on it! Why take from the residents when the state can give what they already own.

  3. Lots of questions here, the first being the legality of Gov Green’s ban on short-term rentals starting April 1. I doubt this would hold up in the courts, where this is surely headed. How will the governor compensate the workers of the professional rental management companies, who he is essentially putting out on the street? Does this affect every island, or just Maui, where the governor seems to be focused? Lots of the multi-unit resorts are land-lease rentals. How are the owners of those properties going to be compensated if the unit owners no longer need to pay property taxes? Just taking the $5000 per month figure, with 89,000 short-term units, that’s $445 MILLION per month! Where is that money coming from? And on and on.

  4. The Govenor is chewing on the hands of the voters with his attacks on Vaca rentals. He upsets enough voters, then maybe his term will be over. Those owners can not pay the mortgages without the added income.

    Perhaps Hawaii will switch to a more business savy political party. This means to stop electing people that provide lots of talk, lots of government “free” perks to properly connected business.

    Instead elect lesders that dont accept shoddy performance at all infrastructure locations. Elect leaders who do not expect all off-islanders to begrudgingly accept the payment burden to come to a “run down” “over-priced” burned-up anti-visitor Paradise Lost.

    Change your expectations, your votes, and improve your own lives!!

  5. The fires in Maui from what one reads where in part caused or allowed to get worse by incompetence in the lack of proper maintenance of the electrical system and then the follow up to put fires out quickly by the fire departments. True or not that is the basis of stories told. How can tourists be held to blame for poor planing and use of tax money to ensure the area was stable and its Citizens were properly cared for. Maybe there should have been more control on housing for the citizens a long time ago.

  6. Aloha Jeff and Rob. So the governor uses profanity when he doesn’t get his way? You can just feel the Aloha. I must admit, it’s not a very welcoming or professional tone for someone in his position. But, what can you expect from someone who finally his stature and has his piece of Paradise and doesn’t want to share

  7. Thank you, Governor, for calling off-islanders excrement. I feel for your constituents, all working 2 or more jobs just to exist, not live, and all you can think of to relieve their plight is to blame a faceless, nameless group Who Are Paying your government property taxes, proceeds of which you are supposed to use to fix the quality of all Hawaiian’s life; not just vote yourself a pay raise for blaming others. Sure I’ll pay property taxes to a state which is planning to seize private property owner’s residences….Not!

  8. Aloha everyone ❤️🌺
    I think he calls it like it is and I respect his comments, I agree and fully support them also.

    1. Let me guess John, you are receiving the 1.5 million and Fema funds to live for however long you decide to stay in a place that is paid for by my and every other taxpayer that had no fault in this natural disaster. Does anyone understand natural disaster on an Island that was not equipped with the tools or knowledge to handle it. Who all can you blame. Oh that’s right you are all blaming the people that pay the taxes and invest in Maui every year.

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