Hawaii Visitors Spending 40% More, But Enjoying It Less?

Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed

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2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”

  1. Quarantined on Oahu (not my intention to visit), but following Kauai’s impossible & strict guidelines to visit, I flew to Kaua’i after 3.5 days quarantining on Oahu. Landed Kaua’i- they turned me away. I paid for another Oahu flight ($), paid for another “negative” COVID test ($), flew back to Kaua’i ($), passed their hoops… I’m depressed here, leaving early…hotel still charging me ($), departing 1 day early… no one at my resort. But I am charged a resort fee ($), no amenities really. I feel stupid for trying so hard to enjoy my bday on Kaua’i, but, but all I feel is like an unwelcomed intruder who is looked down upon. I have never felt so sad. All I’ve ever done is love Hawaii and spend every non rent-bills-groceries money on treating myself to a small slice of paradise. The aloha is truly gone, after this painful & extremely expensive attempt to feel joy. I’m so sad!

  2. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE… This is NOT THE PLACE to debate the veracity of vaccine information nor the validity of the vaccines nor the vax/anti-vax debate. We’ve received nearly 150 emails over the last two days 99.9% of them being one of the above issues. This is site DEVOTED TO TRAVEL TO HAWAII not otherwise.

    1. I totally agree. People need to take their anger out somewhere else. I appreciate all the useful travel tips. I just skim over all these unhelpful, mean comments.

    2. I agree. People need to take their anger out somewhere else. I appreciate all the useful travel tips. I just skim over all these unhelpful, mean comments.

  3. Aloha Guys
    In the Wall Street Journal today there’s an article that comes from Pfizer’s long term testing of 46,507 people who received the vaccine last July. Pfizer has found, there is still good strong immunity to covid after six months and that includes the various strains of covid too.
    Take care.

  4. I read that the Mayor of Maui wants to do rapid testing once you arrive to island including the one you already had prior to going to Maui. Can you confirm on this. Also, that if you have a vaccine passport/card in the 2 shot series it has to be 14 days prior to departure. not the 3 mo. window according to the CDC and Lt. Gov. Can you shed some light on that.

  5. I think most of the hostility toward the Hawaiian restrictions is due to travels products which can be fully refunded. The USA is a free country and Hawaii has the right to do what ever it wants. A fair proposal would be for Hawaii to compensate travelers who purchased any travel related products (flights/hotels/timeshares) before the Pandemic since the purchase occurred when there were no restrictions.

    1. Seriously.
      We had purchased back in Nov of 2019 to be in Hawaii for ten days in May. The condo, the flight car reservation etc all offered us our money back or to keep that money invested for when we could get back so um seems they already are

    1. Dear Butch, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year & I’m getting very excited & can’t wait♡♡ I’m waiting on the vaccine passport because I’m a teacher & fully vaccinated now.

  6. Thanks on updated information on V passport/looking forward to Hawaii officials to figure this out. Maybe First Vitals will not be who gets the contract- but, I’m sure there are other companies up to the task.

    1. Dear Veral, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year & I’m getting very excited!! I can’t wait♡♡ I’m waiting on the vaccine passport because I’m a teacher & fully vaccinated now.

  7. I’ll be really blunt here….you folks with your baseless anti vax conspiracies
    are trying to stop the only realistic chance we have of emerging from this pandemic
    in a safe manner and rebuilding the economy. The vaccines are working. The vaccines are saving thousands of lives, period.
    World War Two was called the “Greatest Generation” for a reason, the country was very divided on Dec 6th 1941….we came together and won an incredibly important victory.
    It’s looking like this generation is embracing conspiracy theories, name calling and lies.
    By peddling anti vax lies you are contributing to the deaths of some of our most vulnerable population, our Kapuna. Vulnerable because some of them believe your lies and vulnerable because they are the most likely to die if they get Covid.
    The rest of us will simply suffer economically because your lies will slow the recovery.

    1. There are many people who can’t take the vaccine. My MD has told me I should not and I know several people who have children who were injured from vaccines. Making it required is against all that the United States of America stands for. Those who want to get it can but those who don’t or can’t should not be made to feel guilty for it. Our country has a heart problem right now. People have lost compassion & parents are absent, leading to lack of respect for others and expecting to be given the world without working for it.

    2. If you are scared, then take the vaccine. It’s free. Your body, your choice.

      I think it’s fair for people to not be comfortable being injected with an experimental drug approved for emergency use only, and still in trials until 2023.

      Says a lot about the people who scream at “anti-vaxxers” demanding that they submit to their desires. Some people can’t just be happy with their own choices, and move forward with their life. Instead, they demand that everyone else do what they want also. Maybe you just aren’t a happy person to begin with, and it has nothing to do with COVID or vaccines. Just a thought.

      Regardless, we all know what’s going to happen. The compromise will be, “If you aren’t vaccinated, you have to wear a mask for the entire flight” and we will have the clean and unclean easily identifiable so all the righteous ones can look down upon them with shame. I’m sure many of you can’t wait to have your enemies clearly marked so you can judge them.

      1. Anti Vaxers are simply making a personal choice that doesn’t involve the welfare of society as whole.
        If everyone got vaccinated COVID would likely disappear assuming it’s in time before any variants take hold.
        Off course there are a few people that shouldn’t take it due to their.medical condition, it’s up to the rest of us to protect them.
        Because you have some selfish reason not to take it (nobody can tell me what to do!) doesn’t qualify

        1. John,
          It’s amazing to me how many people wear their ignorance like a badge. I’m in agreement with you.
          Aloha Roy

  8. To the people saying “I won’t go to Hawaii with all their restrictions!”
    Good! You are not wanted here. I know that’s blunt and I am sorry about that but it’s true.
    Those so called restrictions have worked beautifully. Tourists are flocking to Hawaii, flights are full, rental cars hard to get. The problem isn’t are people returning to Hawaii, the problem is how will it handle the pending boom as more and more people get vaccinated, Europe is not looking ready for tourism anytime soon and the pent up demand
    for travel will likely find an outlet in Hawaii.
    Hawaii is perceived as a safe place and rightfully so…the pretravel testing has been very successful…our numbers are among the best in the country. Not perfect, but many of the cases are locals gathering in groups without masks. The most recent, 50 cases and counting on Maui from a single church that was guilty of Covid denial.
    Tested tourists are not the problem and most of the population is not either, it’s pockets of people too selfish to ignore the simple fact that gathering in large groups
    without masks is playing russian roulette with the entire state.
    As more and more people get vaccinated the numbers will continue to improve and Hawaii will be a haven for emerging successfully from this pandemic.
    This is a difficult time for the whole world, Hawaii has certainly made some mistakes but it is beacon of light in an otherwise dark travel landscape.

    1. Dear John, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year & I’m getting very excited!! I can’t wait♡♡ I have always loved Hawaii:)♡♡ I’m a teacher so I’m fully vaccinated now. I’m waiting on the vaccine passport.

  9. I think that I was wrong about 1 thing thatI just wrote.I think that the Fed Gov’t can mandate things like masks, etc in some situations like masks on a plane and train , also fed government buildings and maybe some other federally controlled places. I’m not a lawyer so I admit that I might be missing something. What I write are my opinions, and from things that I had read and sometimes interpreted.

  10. So Native Hawaiians will not be allowed to travel to our home state without a passport!
    It’s always been “their” goal to rid Hawaii of it’s indigenous people. I guess they’re finally getting their way!
    Not very pono…they will find out…

  11. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that the Federal Government is not getting involved in vaccination passports and record keeping. They have health guidelines like mask wearing, which are recommended.
    I also believe that the 10th amendment gives the States powers to allow them to take public health emergency actions such as setting quarantines and business restrictions.
    So I don’t see a constitutional issue. Am I wrong ?

  12. All I can say is vaccination passports are total B.S. As well as the requirement to wear a muzzle. I will never come to Hawaii again if this is protocal.

  13. I am so sad that our 40 years of annual Hawaii trip memories will have to last us for the near and perhaps very distant future. I will never go where the government requires me to “show my papers”. I am beyond grateful for the beauty of all the islands and the gracious Hawaiian people. Mahalo and Aloha.

    1. Don’t you have to show ID to board the flight? I guess you won’t fly anywhere again, by your own logic. 🙄

  14. We will never visit Hawaii again, as long as they are requiring these draconian, unconstitutional, vaccine verifications.

  15. I previously(March 27th) posted about the NY Excelsior Pass.
    I don’t understand how an official State issued pass such as this, which COULD BE issued by individual States, couldn’t be used as proof of vaccination. After all, they accept State Driver’s Licenses as proof of identity when traveling. The State of Hawaii wouldn’t have to do anything, but look at the State issued Vaccination Pass, and a driver’s license and allow entry.
    If they could coordinate with airlines, verification could be done before arrival and avoid passengers from being delayed when they arrive.
    The only info on my pass is, my name, D.O.B. the date that the pass expires, a symbol that I guess is a Q code and that I had the Covid-19 Vaccination. I tell everyone that I received the vaccination anyway so privacy is not an issue for me as far as this goes.

    1. Lopaka1;

      The vaccination passport is not an innocent information sheet. Its like a gateway drug, its going to lead to complete control. We were warned this was coming in 2008, but no one believed it.

  16. We have something called the constitution. Restricting a citizens rights is not allowed. The government works for us, not vice versa. All citizens are presumed innocent of anything, unlike Europe. To compare other countries to the US based on our constitution is comparing apples and oranges. Understanding the truths of the virus would go along way instead of being a fear mongerer. Not all people can accept a vaccine in their body due to health,physical, or religious purposes.

    1. Kawika,

      The COVID vaccines work like most of the other vaccines against, for example, the flu. They prepare your body for when the virus shows up so it’s able to fight it off quickly and effectively. This is nothing new or exotic. As for your “rights”, you have EVERY right not to get vaccinated. However, the Constitution doesn’t protect you from the consequences of exercising your rights. In this case, not being able to travel as freely, or even not being able to go back to the office. That’s right, there are a lot of employers who are seriously considering proof of vaccination as a prerequisite to you being able to come back into the “office”. So, feel free to not get vaccinated, and if that means you have to vacation elsewhere, well, that’s fine as well, again, it’s your choice.

      1. I beg to disagree. This vaccine has never been tested or used before. It is not like a flu vaccine. It is gene therapy(mRNA).
        It doesn’t put an inactivated protein in you so your body can develop antibodies to it. Most vaccines take 5-10 years to develop. This was brought out after 9 months with no animal studies.

        1. Since apparently you continue to state opinions as facts, here’s the previous post I encouraged you to read:

          (To a previous post) You said: “It is a fact that this vaccine (which is legally not a vaccine at all – it is an experimental gene therapy) – is NOT shown to stop you from getting covid – or ‘spreadin’ covid….”

          You could have stopped at “It is a fact”. The mRNA vaccine (Pfizer/Bion/Moderna) is NOT a gene therapy. It has nothing to do with DNA. The M(messenger)RNA is a chemical that, in this case, detects the spike protein on the virus and alerts our natural antibodies of the invader so that said antibodies can be dispatched and targeted to the spike protein. mRNA technology has been around for at least three decades and applied to rabies, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and Zika

          Also, the jury is still out on whether the vaccine prevents infections, though a study of ~4,000 medical professionals vaccinated did discover that the prevention rate was effective for 80% after the first jab, rising to 90% after the second. The CDC study comes weeks after real-world data from Israel suggested that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine was 94% effective in preventing asymptomatic infections.

          Not sure what you meant about “more people died…than the entire last decade”, but here’s the data from the CDC:

          You may have been relying on a report from The Epoch Times or Newsweek, but it is false to say that COVID vaccines have caused 966 deaths, because the VAERS database is not designed to give this information. For example, in the dataset published by The Epoch Times, one of the people who died after getting a vaccine had also been injured in a car crash between getting the jab and the date of their death, but the case was still included in the dataset.

          Note that even your numbers (“almost 2,000) are off by half, even if you believe the 966 number. That, by the way, is .001% of the 90 million doses administered. 965 estimated deaths compared with ~550,000 confirmed deaths? Hmmm.

          1. I hope the vaccine is successful. I really do. It would be awesome! But, it should stop there. Anything, beyond that, has nothing to do with saving lives, but rather controlling lives. THAT, is what we need to be focused on and preventing them from doing to us. We cannot agree with every single measure they put forward. At some point the people have to stand up collectively and say “enough”. Even the elderly are surviving the virus without the vaccine. That’s a positive, but they don’t share positive information with us. Another red flag. After a year of this, I am over it. I personally don’t even know anyone who’s had covid or at least proven to have it.

          2. There is a current live test involving college students testing vaccinated people and their ability to catch and re-transmit the virus. Results wintry be due at least six months, but as pointed out, Israel’s situation has lead scientists to strongly believe vaccinated people do not catch and transmit the virus

        2. You’re right, in that some of the vaccines, like the Phizer and Moderna, are mRNA-based. I wouldn’t call them “gene therapy” since that suggests something a bit different, but OK. In either case, they still stimulate your body to produce antibodies against the virus just like the older kind of vaccines did that used dead or weakened live viruses. According to the CDC:

          1. Like all vaccines, COVID-19 mRNA vaccines have been rigorously tested for safety before being authorized for use in the United States.
          2. mRNA technology is new, but not unknown. They have been studied for more than a decade.
          3. mRNA vaccines do not contain a live virus and do not carry a risk of causing disease in the vaccinated person.
          4. mRNA from the vaccine never enters the nucleus of the cell and does not affect or interact with a person’s DNA.

          You can read more about it here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/hcp/mrna-vaccine-basics.html

          As for the speed of development. One of the main reasons that it has historically taken so long to develop a vaccine is that it’s EXPENSIVE, and most pharmas didn’t want to shell out the money upfront, so they dragged it out over 5+ years. In this case, since the US and a lot of other countries paid for the vaccines upfront, the pharmas had the cash to develop more quickly.

          In the end, it’s still your choice. You can choose not to get the vaccine at all, or wait to see what happens with it later. But, unfortunately, your right not to put something into your body that you don’t trust doesn’t protect you from the consequences of that decision. So, if Hawaii decides it will only accept visitors that have been vaccinated without quarantine, well, then I’ll be enjoying the beach while you sit in a hotel room. Or you can choose to vacation elsewhere, it’s your RIGHT.

    2. Karl E, I am in full agreement with you. I am simply mortified that there are people that will just accept this as the norm in this country! We won’t get the vaccine and I don’t care if I never travel anywhere that requires a covid pass! I just read that over a Hundred people that got the Vaccine in Washington State, have tested “positive” for covid! I live in Florida and dozens have tested positive here as well, after getting the shot! So what id the purpose? TRACKING US! That is the purpose!

    3. Thanks karl e. Id say no to vaccine passports and also restrictions need to be lifted. Its over the top. If okd or sick stay home n every one get back to normal. Gotta kick people in the butt apparently to get em off the fear train. Sad

      1. Freak yes, count me scared of contracting COVID. I am cool with catching the flu, but COVID is so unknown, still, I could just be lucky enough to have just that one thing that results in me dying from slow suffication. Try imagining that. No thank you

        1. JWU, they would probably put you into an induced coma and not let you suffer from suffocating. Not that I am saying that makes it all better, I am saying don’t let that kind of fear creep into your thoughts. It can eventually paralyze you (figuratively). I know someone who died from lung cancer… he did not suffer. BUT… neither are going to happen to you, because you’re going to be fine. 🙂

          1. My issue is hearing from relatives who are nurses who have seen and hear from colleagues the horrible suffering Covid patients go through. I also know several friends and former co-workers who have had the virus. A majority went through it with just normal flu symptoms. But one former co-worker. His spouse finally recovered after about 2-3 weeks, but he is still feeling fatigue, low energy, and coughing. And been sick since this past Thanksgiving.

      2. Seriously CF your STILL here? your not visiting hawaii you trash hawaii and the locals and its government. Go to florida its wide open. You can be free to be whomever you want and get the virus there. SO find a Florida site instead of this one please.
        Some of us are actually going, and willing to follow whatever rules the locals lay out. Its their home not ours. Your no one special to demand they capitulate to you. Please just go away

    4. The US constitution does not exempt anyone from public health requirements. It allows the states to make laws and protect its citizens. Hawaii might not be a good place for you to visit right now.

      1. That’s incorrect. Interstate commerce is federally regulated and controlled. It would be up to the federal government to approve and implement vaccine passports for travelers going from one state to another, not the several states. Whether said federal program would be constitutional or not is an open question, but its the federal government that would possess original jurisdiction and authority over such a move, NOT the state of Hawaii. Just wait until Hawaii starts getting sued in federal court – and starts losing – for overstepping its reserved powers. That will happen, and the monetary judgments could add up quickly.

        Hawaii does possess the reserved power for its health and safety laws within the state, true, so someone arriving could be subject to things like quarantine post-arrival. However, it most assuredly DOES NOT possess the right to mandate vaccine passports to enter the state. That is an enumerated power under the federal Commerce Clause. Didn’t anyone take US Government in high school?

  17. You know that these vaccines people are getting don’t prevent you from getting Covid-19 or giving it to someone if you have it. They are experimental and are only designed to reduce symptoms if you have it. God knows what the long term side effects will be. The people getting it are the lab rats. Funny how no one in the media talks about measures to improve your immune system. No money to be made there. Since Covid-19 came along, the regular flu cases have virtually disappeared. Heart disease and cancer rates have plummeted too. The total annual death rates for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 are virtually the same. People need to wake up.

    1. Kawika. Please read my response to WPC regarding your lack of understanding about mRNA,prevention efficacy, the history of mRNA and other diseases.

      Re: your comments about flu: Masking and social distancing along with avoiding large crowds seems to work pretty well, no?

      As for heart disease and cancer, those are the two causes of death that top the annual chart. Guess which is now #3.

    2. You are wasting your breath here. Especially when it comes to those that have chosen to be Guinee Pigs and take the Vaccine!

      1. To all of you who must have too much time on your hands… This “guinea pig” is really looking forward to my 45th trip to Kauai I’m spite of you all!

  18. I talked on Monday with our health insurance company and was told vaccination providers are legally required to report all immunizations given for COVID. Not sure if this is only for MN though. It makes sense to me to keep this information logged somehow nationally, not to punish those not receiving the vaccination, but by making it easier for travelers to access their immunization records for travel.
    I have downloaded the Clear Pass app thinking that would be the known entity for handling sensitive information. Why start from scratch with a different company?
    Thank you for your updates!

    1. Hi Debra.

      We too aren’t sure how and why this new company entered the situation. They were never mentioned previously.


  19. I would think Gov. Ige of all people would know the dangers of this “vaccine passport” and the nefarious doors it will quickly open.

    I will not participate in such a program, ever.

  20. Think the Hawaiian government needs to be about healing the economic situation in Hawaii. Instead of putting visitors in jail for not wearing a mask on the beach! The states that have overturned the draconian, unscientific, no real time medical research on mask wearing. The rates have decreased as have hospitalizations and deaths. Hawaii take notice of that.

  21. Everyone wants in on the FREE Covid money…. Wether they can do a good job or not. Certian politicians are more than happy to hand that money out…. To benefit themselves

    1. Untested and not free? Not sure where you are getting your information but go ahead and stay in a bubble while 1000s of tourists safely enjoy all Hawaii has to offer!

  22. Wow this information on First Vitals is interesting. Sounds a little fishy and doesn’t pass the smell test IMHO. I think there may be a political connection here. I wonder if there is someone in the Hawaiian state government who has a family member or friend who stands to gain financially if Hawaii chooses to execute a contract with this company. It would be interesting to know who in state government is pursuing this rabbit hole and then look at any friends/family they may have working for First Vitals. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a connection.

  23. Aloha
    You can not force people to take an untested experimental vaccination that insurance won’t cover if it harms you. This is being done to rob the the public. Fauci makes money off every shot. Don’t fall for the con.

    I have no problem with the bubble resort and testing. Went through it last month on Kauai. That option has to stay.
    Do not let them take your freedom for fear.

    1. Untested and not free? Not sure where you are getting your information but go ahead and stay in a bubble while 1000s of tourists safely enjoy all Hawaii has to offer!

  24. I can’t thank you enough for your excellent reporting you do. I love going to Hawaii and have my virus card ready, when they change the rules.

  25. Thanks for the information! So if the government isn’t keeping a record of who’s been vaccinated, where is First Vitals going to get their information from that is reliable?

      1. Just checked our state site in WA, and they don’t have it. Suspect there maybe a problem for anybody vaccinated at a pharmacy.

  26. Sometimes I don’t wonder why Gov. Ige seems to ignore the Lt. Governor. If Green thinks the risk of getting caught will deter people from trying to use counterfeit vaccine cards, he is ridiculously naïve. Maybe he plans to run for office and wants the HTA’s backing. All one has to do is look at the number of people cited or arrested for violating the quarantine rules, multiply by 5 or 10 to estimate the number that did it and didn’t get caught, and you have a still small but not insignificant number of people who will try to get away with whatever they can. Working in hospitality, I see it every day. It is sad to say it, but I think it is true. That may inconvenience the 99.5% of people that are doing everything they can to follow the rules, but if it is known counterfeit vaccination cards exist and are available, and if it is known that some people will try to skirt the rules believing they won’t get caught, why not make it harder for them? There should be a national passport, and dang it, it should be wallet-sized and more durable than uncoated cardstock.

  27. I just got my negative Covid test results back and I leave for Hawaii in 1day. I will be there for two weeks. To celebrate went and had a beer with 6 of my closest friends. Am I still safe to go ?

  28. Aloha BOH. You know I love what you guys do, but this thread is getting out of control with the rhetoric, lies, and distortion of the truth by BOTH sides. The vast majority of us look to you guys as the calm voices of reason and facts. Please consider doing a better job of controlling these posts that are deteriorating into incivility.


  29. Thank you Beat of Hawaii for keeping us all up to date on the plans for a vaccination passport.

    I would point out that making a broad statement that “the website is insecure” based upon the fact that the specific web page you are viewing is via http and not https is not correct. All that it means is that the specific web page you viewed was delivered over the network without encryption. If the information in the web page is public, for example, general marketing material and such and does not contain private information then there is no real problem. Additionally the lack of use of https on any page does not have any bearing on the security of the back end of the website, for example the databases used to store private information. Without insider information there is no way for anyone to know.

  30. We bought a condo in Koloa on Kauai this month. Can we arrive in June w/o 72 hour test or vaccination and merely quarantine in our condo?

    1. @EDDIEG, because the Kauai government leaders announced in April they will join the State of Hawaii travel guidelines again, you will be subject to those guidelines in June. On web page …


      … the question you posed and the official answer is (note the “lodging in a hotel or motel” part):
      “What will happen if I don’t complete pre-arrival testing?
      Upon arriving in Hawai‘i, you will be subject to the State of Hawai‘i’s 10-day mandatory self-quarantine for trans-Pacific travelers. You will be required to book lodging in a hotel or motel and will only be able to leave your accommodations for a medical emergency. Commercial testing will NOT be provided upon arrival at Hawai‘i airports.

    2. To Eddie regarding quarantining in a condo you own. Owners can do this, unless your complex has additional regulations. We have done this twice and have supported numerous other owners during their quarantine. Safe travels.

  31. So the website used to advertise their business doesn’t need to be secure. It only needs to be secure if there is data that needs protection. At the appropriate time, if they start handling protected health data, those would indeed need to have an https site vs. the companies marketing site which uses http.

    1. Hi Alfred.

      Thanks for your dozens of comments over the years. We’re happy to hear that business there is rebounding. While SSL may not be technically required, having an expired certificate for a company in the data protection field certainly strikes us as odd at best.


  32. As usual,as clear as mud. I know Biden talked about a vaccine pasport coming through the feds, it has something to do with the airlines. Lt Gov Green also said,they may use the covid vaccination record card and check for a certain percentage for fakes.
    I’m hoping for something that is easy and efficient and not ridiculous in someway.
    Aloha Guys

  33. Sitting here at KoOlina getting ready to fly to Maui. The only issue is with Walgreens not having enough test appointments for the five of us. Had to go to CVS to get the test for travel to Maui at 139.00. We had to cancel some activities to remain with in the family budget.

  34. Green says the risk of getting caught and facing prison or a fine won’t be worth it for visitors.

    Yeah that “trust me” mentality works great for gun control laws too!

  35. Where are you seeing indications that CDC cards issued at vaccination are being forged? I think I agree with Lt. Gov. Green on this. The vaccination cards should be sufficient for travel within the US. It seems to be a simple answer to a simple question: have you been vaccinated, if so show us the CDC card. Simple, Easy. Of course because it’s simple and easy, I have no doubt that Gov. Ige will nix it and go for the most complicated system possible. Just my opinion.

    Thanks for the updates, please continue to keep us informed. We still plan to visit in June, and again in November.

    1. Hi Lee.

      Thanks. There was a link to an article that just came out today. A Google search will yield many others.


    2. Dear Lee, I agree with you & I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year!!♡♡ I’m getting very excited & can’t wait. I’m a teacher & fully vaccinated now. I’m waiting on the vaccine passport also! Take care, stay safe, & healthy. God Bless you…Psalms 91:11:)

  36. A little further investigation shows that the security certificate for https://www.firstvitals.com expired 6 days ago (3/25/21). Sloppy that their IT staff would not have caught that… Good eyes guys! I suspect they will have that certificate renewed shortly!

    Mahalo for all you do!

    1. Inexcusable security mistake for someone that is going to be handling EHR and need to maintain HIPAA and other compliance including CCPA and potentially GDPR. This would get you fired in many companies. I’m not even saying it is a guaranteed security issue. I don’t know their segmentation and don’t know their hosting plan and if the site touches a segment with stored EPHI etc…. it’s an awful look though given what’s going on. Guessing they are Hawaii based is why they are the front runners currently. I’ll be curious how their block chain usage works.

        1. Hi Will.

          Hey – watch that. LOL. I hate to tell you how long we have worked in IT, but let’s just say it has been a very long time.


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