Hawaii Visitors Spending 40% More, But Enjoying It Less?

Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed

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2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”

  1. We fly to the Big Island on May 4th from Florida. I am still unsure. If we have had both of our shots, will we have to have COVID testing done 72 hours before the flight?

  2. Someone suggested researching First Vitals after the above information. They are a Honolulu based company! What a surprise!

  3. I do have a quick question, our flight leaves at 5:30 PM from Oakland. We can get a covid test at Kaiser, however it will be 73 hours before the flight as Kaiser’s last time slot is 4:30 PM.
    Should we gamble on the 73 hours or just wait until the next morning?
    Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Lee.

      Sounds like an unnecessary risk to exceed 72 hours. Our understanding is the rules will be enforced.


      1. Thank Tim, we did book it for the next day in the morning. Hopefully Kaiser can get the results back to us pretty quick.

  4. I believe that forcing people to get a vaccine before traveling is a way of controlling my rights as a American,there are laws against using my medical records. Been to Hawaii several times,with this new way of things because I won’t get a vaccine I can’t fly. Nothing there I miss any way.

    1. Immunizations are required for all sorts of things already – school, military, and certain international travel destinations. People are treating CoVID like it’s something new and magical, when really it’s not, and we need merely drop a new virus into an existing framework.

      You are correct that there are laws against accessing your medical records *without your permission*, but there are still instances in which government or private agencies may do so (for example, if you come into the hospital unconscious).

      Of course, you might find vaccination a limitation on your rights. It is also the right of the State of Hawaii to decide that unvaccinated or untested travelers pose an unacceptable safety risk to their community.

      Technically speaking, you still don’t (and likely won’t) need the vaccine to fly to Hawaii, but you WILL require a negative CoVID test. Frankly, this is expensive and inconvenient, but on my last visit I did it to help protect myself and Hawaii. I look forward to being able to use my vaccination to be both socially responsible and to streamline the process for travel.

      What “rights” exactly do you think are impaired by vaccination requirements? Your right to contract a potentially fatal illness? Your right to put others at risk of dying? Your right to not be a responsible member of the community and help end the pandemic?

      Honestly, as a healthcare provider this belligerence mystifies me. We are tired of watching people die, and I would do a LOT more than just get a vaccine to save lives from this terrible illness.

      Maybe you need to consider not just your rights as an individual, but your responsibilities as a member of society.

      1. I wish that this board had a video posting option. Your powerful testimony comes from both an educated, realistic framework and your facts blunt any anti-vax argument out there. You covered all the objections in an intelligent, forceful manner.

        Personally, I am convinced that the Q-bots are largely behind the rash of misinformation floating in the “netosphere”.

      2. Excellent comment. What are people afraid of? So what if I have to get it again in six months or twelve. I wear a seatbelt everyday, take my vitamins, cook meat to Avoid botulism or whatever, how is this different?

        1. What are we afraid of? Well, these are experimental vaccines with no longterm safety data. Do they cause autoimmune diseases, cancer? We do not know and will not for quite sometime.

      3. Larry D; I respectfully disagree with you. Primarily, because none of this has ever applied to any other communicable deadly disease and there have been plenty. Americans have always been given free choice without limitations. As it should be. Free choice also includes locking yourself in your home, wearing a mask or a space suit and never seeing another living soul until the all-clear whistle is blown. The constitution does not have a caveat stating you cannot travel between states “except”. The federal government and some state governments are illegally remaining in a perpetual “state of emergency” in order to continue these limitations on our movements and abilities to earn an income. As long as people are willing to allow these things to continue because they are being fed barrels of fear, we will never be a free society again. We are NOT free right now. Unfortunately, covid has caused a fog in the air preventing some people from seeing it.

        Vaccinations should ALWAYS be voluntary. They are only giving the illusion that this vaccine is voluntary. But, when you’re being shamed or the government is saying if you’ve been vaccinated you are free to enjoy life again without a mask (only around other fabulously vaccinated people, of course), that’s not voluntary. That’s coercion, which is absolutely mind blowing to me that its not obvious to others. I will accept the shame, its worth it to me. I don’t live in fear. It only manifests what is feared, just so the person can say, “I told you so.”

        1. Kimberly. Really? There are state school, medical environment, military and foreign travel requirements for vaccines aplenty.

          State vaccination laws include vaccination requirements for children in public and private schools and daycare settings, college/university students, and healthcare workers and patients in certain facilities.

          You aren’t really arguing that highly contagious diseases, such as measles, mumps, rubella, and whooping cough should not be required of school age children?

          The military requires boot camp registrants to have seven different vaccines to prevent the spread of highly contagious diseases in the interest of preserving readiness.

          You wouldn’t be in favor of entire regiments to be decimated as they were in the 1918 pandemic?

          As a private citizen, you can certainly opt out. Just don’t plan on any international travel, cruises or attending certain events. The private sector, foreign governments and businesses certainly have the right to”refuse service to anyone”.

          1. Pretty sad that a simple decision to do something that offers so much potential for society has become a political football.
            I totally get that some people are nervous or skeptical, that’s human nature, but far too many people are putting
            out BS that is simply false and meant to make a divisive political statement at the expense of society as a whole.
            The vaccine is saving thousands of lives. Try telling someone that lost a loved one to Covid that you don’t think Covid vaccines are a good idea.
            The profound narcissism that has crept into our daily lives is shocking.

          2. Spot on John, and all this is being stoked by the politicians to dive us just so that they can get re-elected. It’s a sad state of affairs.

          3. Well stated John W. We have always made sacrifices for the betterment of all. There is always some morons who choose to whine and bitch.

        2. Kimberly with all due respect your knowledge of history is severely lacking. LOL free choice to what? Turn down something that will save your life? Without limitations? Care to elaborate on that.

          Yes you should consider locking yourself in your house and never coming out. Vaccines have rarely to never been totally voluntary. The rest of us would like to get back to some semblance of a normal life. You dont fine by us but let the rest of us get back to our normal lives while you hide in your house.

          Your coercion is absolutely mind boggling.

          Guess what I dont live in fear either! I bet that comes as a big shock to you. Being shamed? Who is shaming you into getting a vaccine? Certainly not me. I might give you a sideways look for not doing so but freedom gives you the right to do what you like but not to challenge said consequences should you become ill.

          LMAO shamed by the very government who is simply trying to protect the good of all. Stop whining about your individual rights here. You have every right not to get one. But private business has every right to say guess what no vaccine no travel. SO what will your choice be? LMAO and if you get it you bet I will be the first to say to you see I told you so! I am guessing you have never chosen to be vaccinated because of your freedoms?

          1. your exactly right JOhnny B I am trying to figure out why so many of them are on this site none seem intent on coming to hawaii but rather just to complain

      4. Wait until the fall out starts. Tourism will be hit hard. No one wants to go there that bad and they will find this out the hard way.

        I’m sorry you got suckered into taking an unproven and poisonous mRNA vaccine that may cause you psychical harm, alter your DNA permanently, or kill you down the road all for a vacation?

        I guess you don’t value your body but I get it most American’s don’t value real health all they think they need to do is pop a pill or take a shot vs really understanding what they put in their mouths is what makes you healthy. Health doesn’t come from the end of a needle.

        This virus has a 99.74% recovery rate.

        We need to collectively make healthier choices vs thinking you will be healthy by pills and needles. That is something I will be in it together for.

        Hell no on this deadly vaccine!!!

        1. RR. R-U-SERIOUS? The mRNA has nothing to do with DNA. DNA is found in the double helix and determines your particular characteristics (eye color, etc.). The RiboNucleicAcid (RNA)is a natural chemical found in your body and mine. The “m” is a messenger protein that mimics the spike protein on the CV-19 virus, alerting the body to invasion, so that your natural antibodies can dispatch the invader.

          While an mRNA vaccine has never been on the market anywhere in the world, mRNA vaccines have been tested in humans before, for at least four infectious diseases: rabies, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and Zika. mRNA technology was discovered in the 1940’s.

          Likely, none of this matters to you since you choose to believe what you choose. Perhaps readers open to the truth will glean something from this post.

        2. RR totally agree that a healthy lifestyle offers more protection then an unhealthy one. I like to think I’m
          one of the healthy ones….Lot’s of exercise, Mediterranean Diet and low body fat…..big deal.
          I could have died had I contracted Covid though unlikely, and pretty much zero now that I’ve had the jab, but more important, it’s not about you and me.
          It’s about everyone. The almost off the scale disregard for people less fortunate, genetically, financially, circumstances or whatever is astounding. The lack of concern for being a healthy spreader of Covid to those less fortunate is narcissism on steroids
          Adding to your remarkable sense of entitlement is thinking Hawaii is going to miss people with your perspective…..the biggest
          problem Hawaii tourism is facing is the pending explosion of demand for a safe and beautiful place exceeding supply..

        3. Amd you would be wrong. Many will now come to Hawaii while you whine about this and sit at home. Noon e forced you to be vaccinated

        4. Fine with us RR. We don’t want tourists that don’t respect rules and have an aggressive, defiant type of attitude. We don’t need your business at all. Go to Mexico or Nicaragua instead! There are plenty of of considerate, respectful tourists we’d rather have who honor rules, respect local customs & and actually stimulate our economy.

    2. No one is forcing anyone. You are free to not get a vaccine, not take a test and then spend 10 days in quarantine to mitigate a real risk to the community because you do not have the right to spread COVID. Even with a vaccine, you have to give permission for the “passport” provider to access your health care data associated with the vaccination. No one is using your medical records, except you. Unless you give that approval, even if you are vaccinated, no one will know unless you choose to make that information available.

  5. Aloha Rob and Jeff!
    I’d like to know what Beat of Hawaii’s opinion is on this situation.
    I just read an article about at least three Hawaii residents that are fully vaccinated, becoming infected with Covid-19.
    Does this concern anyone else?
    Does the fact that the vaccine’s efficacy is yet to be determined?
    Personally, I think it’s a bit premature to assume that we can get the vaccine, and immediately get up close and expect that the miracle of banishing covid has occurred.
    What say you?
    Mahalo for everything you do!

    1. Hi Pam.

      Thank you. We are not in the medical field but are nonetheless professional researchers. As you said vaccination-based travel won’t mean that COVID is over for multiple reasons including variants, those not getting vaccinated, and more. At the same time, e’re happy to see visitors returning since the economy here in Hawaii is devastated, especially small businesses. Hopefully, some balance will ensue albeit likely that it won’t be all smooth sailing ahead. We will be hearing from the state in the next couple of days at most.


    2. First of all Pam staring with your last sentence. NOT one scientist is saying ok you got the vaccine you can throw out all of the safety protocols such as wearing a mask, social distancing etc.
      2nd Sure you can read any number of a million articles that will go along with your way of thinking. Guess what NO scientist has said once vaccinated you cannot get the virus. Please do pay attention when health officials speak. NONE have said this. In fact quite the opposite.
      No it doesnt concern me because I pay attention. Yes you can still contract the virus potentially after being vaccinated. However unlike if you were un vaccinated and you get the virus your chances of being hospitalized and severely ill go way down with the vaccine.
      There is a lot of research out there if you choose to read it. But I encourage you to REALLY listen to Dr Fauci and our health experts. IF you do they would have kept you for asking these questions. SO NO it does not concern me at bit.
      Once again “Personally, I think it’s a bit premature to assume that we can get the vaccine, and immediately get up close and expect that the miracle of banishing covid has occurred.” Not ONE health official has said this.

  6. 1) We will never be able to manage COVID down to zero risk and zero cases. The vaccines are showing 90% efficacy in the real world and you can still transmit the virus (at least to some degree) even if you have the vaccine. However, the statistic that really matters is the vaccines effectiveness in preventing severe disease and death. Those numbers are minuscule for vaccinated folks

    2) Nearly half of all Hawaiians have at least one vaccine dose and the percentage is much higher for those at high risk and those in the service industry. The combination of the traveler being vaccinated and many locals being vaccinated should limit COVID hospitalizations

    3) Recognize that Aloha may not be at its peak in the early days. I think Hawaii is going to be overwhelmed in the short term. Re-adjusting to crowds, traffic, fewer services available as things ramp back up, etc. will be stressful. Please come with a patient and kind attitude.

    1. A nicely balanced comment, thank you!

      Ultimately, the fear mongering will not be respected if the outcomes don’t match the mongering.

      You should hear my (60-something year old) neighbors on Kauai piss and moan about the expected “hoards” of tourists clogging the roads starting tomorrow, especially with the Hanalei Hill road situation. The afternoon window access lines already go back to Hanalei town in one direction, and past the (permanently closed) PV Eats in the other direction. They have been vaccinated for Covid-19, but not for tourists!

  7. I’ve called the governors office on multiple occasions with their answer stating they are waiting for the CDC’s recommendations. Now that the CSC has made it official, vaccinated people should be allowed to bypass quarantine or any kind of pre/post test. Why is it, I feel the State still won’t accept this? Probably because although I was vaccinated when I returned home to Hawaii, had a negative covid test the day before I landed and a negative test 4 days after my arrival home, I still had the National Guard check on me 6 times? Go figure.

  8. Make false cards a hefty fine, like 10000 and jail!
    Otherwise, you are back to square one with verification and Hawaii trusted partners only.
    3 trips postponed cause the prep anxiety was overwhelming from nyc.

  9. Well, I hope these bureaucrats in Hawaii get their act together before I’m at the 72-hours-before-my-final-leg flight to Maui, which is less than 3 weeks now! Mahalo for all the timely updates BOH! This trip to Hawaii is getting to be more work with the preparation than my trip to Walt Disney World last October!

    1. Hi Steven.

      We hear you. At least for now, many kinds of travel have taken on a whole new level of complexity.


  10. Aloha!!! I’m planning to go to Maui in September. Can you confirm the info I read from the Maui Mayor regarding his new guidelines like testing upon arrival even after the 72 hour COVID testing. Also, his recommendation for those vaccinated be at least 14 days prior to departure, because that would contradict the CDC recommendation of 3 mos. that is going to confuse many people.

    1. Hi Michael.

      It would be safest to wait until the state decides on how it will handle vaccination travel and then see what happens on Maui. Anything like this needs to be approved by the state.


  11. what’s the process of the people whos been vaccination? do we show our card before we aboard the plain I’m flying on Hawaiian Airlines

    1. There is no process currently for those who are vaccinated. As of today, Hawaii still requires anyone entering the state to have a negative Covid test no more than 72hrs prior to flight departure. Whether that will change is still unknown.

  12. Thank you for this current update. There will always be critics of Governor Ige for his often seemingly draconian policies surrounding Covid19. And despite such criticism, I would like the people of Hawaii to give our Governor the greatest Mahalo and respect for keeping our state the lowest per capital death rate in the nation, in all 50 states! And to his support for our marvelous health care institutions in Hawaii that he protected from overwhelming demands elsewhere in our nation. Just imagine how an additional 2000 deaths would likely have occurred had Ige not followed a very strict program. I thank him, our health care system, and our leaders who kept Hawaii the safest place in our nation, while recognizing and praying for those amongst us and who did not survive and for their families.

    1. Huh? Ummm, a factor still not known with Covid 19. Nothing different than annual flu shots for another virus never immunized, or HIV. Realistic, and who knows, after one year after vaccination, maybe we’r just might be immune. Guess it really depends on how many citizens care enough about protecting their families, friends, and others to unselfishly get vaccinated.

      Frank R.

  13. this may sound weird but how do I prove that MY vaccination card is real? I have already had it laminated.

    thank you

    1. Hi Mary.

      We haven’t heard yet but the Lt. Gov. indicated the vaccination cards will come first, before any passports.


    2. Dear Mary, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year!!! I can’t wait♡♡♡ My Grandfather was in the Navy & in Pearl Harbor. He survived Pearl Harbor& I’ve always wanted to go to Pearl Harbor to pay my respects!!♡♡

      1. Andrea — Pearl Harbor is indeed a special place. I’ve been numerous times; try and get the first reservation in the morning. It’s nicer going out to the memorial when you see it w/o all the previous folks standing around on the memorial and you get to see it is empty of people.

        1. Carmen, I’m think I’m going to book a tour of PH with the E Noa so we will probably get out there early.Definitely want to go to the USS Arizona.

        2. We are not confident of long term effects of vaccine so will not be getting one. We have our tickets for June to come to Kauai. We hope the 72 hr testing will be sufficient. Would we get grandfathered in if there was a change?
          Thank you.

          1. Hi Connie.

            There is no indication that anything will change regarding the option for 72 hour pre-travel testing.


    3. We were told NOT to laminate the Vaccination Cards because the heat process ruins the labels showing the vaccine code AND if you ever need to get another shot (like next year) as a booster, the laminated card will be useless!

  14. I am fully vaccinated and coming to Maui on April 6th!! This trip has been postponed twice because of Covid last year. I can’t wait to see, smell and touch the island sand! I’m a toes in the sand kinda girl, love my Hawaii! Aloha Nui loa!

    1. Dear Cindy, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year!!! I can’t wait♡♡♡ I’m getting very excited:)

  15. I appreciate the updates. But as I disagree with mandatory vaccines we need to also realize some
    key info isn’t coming out in the news. For instance, Washington State has had over 100 people fully vaccinated test positive for Covid. So proving you’ve had the vaccine can really mean nothing. When does this end!? Guess I might not ever be able to visit the beautiful islands again. 🙁 Thanks for keeping us updated

    1. Wendy, not getting vaccinated is your choice. But you can’t reasonably expect others still waiting for the vaccine to be forced to be exposed to you.

      I expect you will still have the option to have a negative test in hand or quarantine.

      The 102 people who have tested positive after vaccination is out of 1.2 million fully vaccinated people (.01%), for context.

      Aloha and thanks as always to BOH for the updates!

      1. Why is it assumed that everyone has covid? There are $330+ million people in America. Relatively speaking, the numbers are still pretty low as far as “ cases” are concerned. I myself have been around 1000’s of different people through work, shopping, traveling etc… its been over a year since this started and I haven’t even had a cold. You can be in the same room with 10 people who have the flu, not catch it, but still develop immunity to it. Which could also be true for covid.

        1. @Kimberly T
          Answer – Why take the chance?

          When the entire world is trying to stop this virus from raging on, why would ANYONE be so irresponsible and take a chance on being the weakest link in the chain? Assuming EVERYONE has the virus is the best, easy to approach this…until at least we come up with a way to ID those who can no longer transmit.

      2. I believe there is a 14 day incubation period following your final shot for you to reach the maximum effectivity of the vaccine. Exposure during the 14 days after 1st shot leaves a % vulnerability higher than after 14 days. Same for reduced vulnerability after 2nd shot. These windows and the fact that none are 100% effective 14 days after final shot may explain why some small number of vaccinated people may contract the virus. I believe that death, need for ventilator and need for hospitalization are drastically reduced for vaccinated people. Thanks to BOH for the updates.

        1. Hi Dan.

          Thanks. We appreciate you checking in here on vaccination and your many other comments.


    2. Dear Wendy, for people who don’t want to be vaccinated they can still do the test. Vaccine isn’t a requirement but an option.

    3. The vaccines are not 100% effective, they say Pfizer and Moderna are about 95% effective, J&J 65% effective. So you will have vaccinated people still contracting Covid.

      1. I think you’re confusing vaccination with imunization. The COVID vaccines don’t PREVENT you from getting COVID. they just prepare your body so that if you do it will be able to fight it off better/more quickly. Thus preventing hospitialization and death.

    4. True statement about Washington…..but doesn’t go far enough. Here’s a little clearer picture. Of the one million people vaccinated about 100
      tested positive, everyone of those postive tested people either had very minor symptoms, the equivalent of a minor cold or no symptoms at all.
      In other words the vaccine is incredibly effective and if you have had it you can consider yourself very well protected. Not really sure which is more likely, getting struck by lightning or dying from covid after being vaccinated, but I’m sure someone somewhere will come up with that statistic at some point!
      So sad the people sticking their heels in the ground about not getting the vaccination, if you are not in the small group that shouldn’t get it for health reasons, then it’s the right thing to do not just for yourself but for everyone you come in contact with.
      Aloha to all and by this summer this debate will have an entirely different perspective once everyone who can has had the chance to be vaccinated

  16. Where’s Hawaii’s vaccination numbers of those at middle to high risk. If they’re vaccinated then why not open up travel? Vaccination passports are in violation of hippa laws.

    1. I would feel much safer traveling for 10 hours knowing others in the airport and on the plane had received a vaccination as I have. What is the big deal? Why not help protect your neighbors and family? I don’t see why this is such a problem.

      1. CB if you’ve been vaccinated, you are safe. Correct? Also, not everyone can get the vaccine right now and not everyone can take the vaccine. So, you would be much better off and happier just taking care of yourself and not worry about everyone else.

        1. As CB writes, protecting others shouldn’t be a problem or a big deal. Just taking care of yourself is necessary, but not sufficient.

      2. Not everyone can get the vaccine for medical reasons. If one does come down with covid-19, the treatment has a higher success rate than the vaccine in preventing the virus.
        What has not been mentioned is the folks who have recovered from covid-19 and who are relying on their immune systems instead of getting vaccinated. There are many variables involved in a person’s decision of whether to vaccinate or not.

        1. Tell that to 550,000+ and still counting dead Americans. While medical indications are a valid reason if recommended by your doctor, your observation about treatment and success rates flies in the face of the number above. You have already succumbed to that horrible thing called vaccination. I assume that you went to school, so measles, mumps, rubella, hooping cough, probably shingles and now HPV are no longer a risk for your concern. If you are concerned about mRNA technology, get the J&J one and done. Same as the measles vaccination.

          1. Well, I guess no one died of the flu last year, only covid-19. Give me a break!
            I did have the chicken pox as a child and shingles as an adult therefore do not need the shingles vaccination according to my doctor. My point was that if one has recovered from covid-19, it would make sense that they may not need the vaccine. This covid-19 vaccination is not even FDA approved. Getting vaccinations of this nature should always be a choice and not forced or mandated, especially when some are so immune compromised that their doctor said it’s too risky.

          2. There have been approximately 2,854,665 CV-19 deaths reported worldwide. In the U.S, 555,001 people have died of COVID-19 between January 2020 and April 5, 2021. (Johns Hopkins). Doctors and scientists are working to estimate the mortality rate of COVID-19, but at present, it is thought to be substantially higher (possibly 10 times or more) than that of most strains of the flu.

            According to the CDC: “Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. Even if you have already recovered from COVID-19, it is possible—although rare—that you could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 again.”

            Dr. Fauci corrected this piece of misinformation spread by Senator Rand Paul during public testimony in the Senate.

            The EUA was issued by the FDA for the very reason that CV-19 is probably 10 times more deadly than the common flu. The J&J version uses the same technology as the shots you had when entering school if you are concerned about mRNA technology.

            As I said in the previous post, should your physician advise against the vaccine, of course you should demure.

        2. Lisa, The treatments are very effective but it must be taken very early into the onset of the disease and it needs to be administered by IV in a hospital setting. So you need to know that you are positive very early on, get to a hospital and request it, and they will probably only give it to you if you are high-risk population. Younger people probably do not qualify, and end up becoming superspreaders. Having as many people as possible get the vaccine is the absolute best way to protect yourself and your community. Right now, children are not eligible to receive the vaccine and it is our duty to get vaccinated to protect those that can’t.

    2. Larry, Vaccination passports do not violate HIPAA laws in any way. HIPAA prohibits medical providers from disclosing your private medical information to others without your permission.

      A vaccination passport would be a voluntary program that you would sign up for that would allow you to vouch for the fact that you got the vaccine. Your choice, your disclosure.

      If you don’t want to get the vaccine, or you don’t want to disclose that you got the vaccine, that’s your choice. But you are subject to whatever rules that the airlines and the state of Hawaii sets, which it sounds like you would be continue to fall under their pre-testing or quarantine rules. It’s just that people who are vaccinated and willing to share that information are hoping Hawaii will allow them to bypass testing and quarantine requirements. Changes nothing for you. And has nothing to do with HIPAA.

  17. Aloha. What is the criteria for ending the state of emergency and returning to free society in Hawaii? The constitution protects inalienable rights which include free travel and commerce and do not include digital health passports controlled by big tech, big pharma, and big government.

    The states that have removed all restrictions (like Florida)are thriving economically and their COVID cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continue to decline. Clearly these government restrictions do nothing to alter the course of the virus. The case rate and death rate in Hawaii have been relatively low compared to other places. Looking at the numbers there is no reason for continuing interventions.

    Doesn’t anyone in Hawaii want to return to the pre-COVID free way of life?


    1. Hi Becky.

      Thanks for your input on this. Vaccination will be an option and not a requirement. Testing will continue as the other option to avoid quarantine.


    2. Actually, a substantial amount, probably a majority of people do not want to return to “the pre-COVID free way of life.”

      If your income is not based on tourism, your quality of life is orders of magnitude better without the tourists. A few would be fine. But these islands get slammed.

    3. “The case rate and death rate in Hawaii have been relatively low compared to other places”. Thanks for noting that Becky; it’s in part because of government restrictions. The choice is simple, a more open economy and more deaths, like Florida, or more restrictions and fewer deaths. I know which is more Ohana.

  18. When it became apparent that the most the CDC was going to simply give you a card with very scant unverifiable information as proof of vaccinations, I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before the buying of those cards would commence.

    What needs to be done is to figure out a durable way to prove you vaccinated. And vaccinations passports don’t seem to be able to do that unless you are willing to provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt, like proof of appointment along with the card information.

  19. Aloha!

    You say “While passports may be a ways off, vaccination travel should commence shortly”

    How can it commence without a passport or card of some kind?


    1. Hi Jon.

      The Lt. Gov. has indicated it will start with the vaccination cards themselves, not passports.


    2. Jon S… The “passport” is a concept not a physical thing. Right now, your vaccination card is your “passport”. In the near future you will be able to upload your info to companies that will create those databases but right now, if you’ve been vaccinated, you have your card. If you don’t have a card, you’ve not been vaccinated anyway!

  20. Josh Green is out of his depth as a physician. And Hawaii is way behind the curve when it comes to EDUCATING its citizenry about COVID.

    What else is new? Sad.

  21. What will the requirements be for kids? No approved vaccine available this summer. Do we have to pay for costly COVID tests for kids before travel? Do we have to pay for costly vaccine verification to avoid tests?

  22. What will the requirements be for kids? No approved vaccine available this summer. Do we have to pay for costly COVID tests before travel? Do we have to pay for costly vaccine verification to avoid tests?

  23. Traveling to Kauai from LAX the first week in May. First time since COVID. Recommendations for where to get pre-travel COVID test? Thx

      1. Thabk you. That is helpful. But I was looking to narrow the list by hearing about folks personal experience. In other words, who would have the best Yelp review for pre travel COVID testing out of LAX (efficient, timely, low cost, etc.)

        1. Hi Mychal.

          I’m sure you’ll get some help. We have a large number of LAX originating Hawaii travelers here.


    1. Walgreens if you have them there. Free (so far haven’t received a bill) and we had the rapid results for 4 of us in 4 hours. They only take appointments a few days ahead but open it up in the evening so i think Friday evening I booked up Monday for Wednesday trip.

      1. But CHECK FIRST! There is a Walgreen’s on darn near ever corner in our city of 850,000+ but not a single Walgreen’s in the state that does Rapid Results Testing. CHeck the Walgreen’s website for your town and look for locations with the Red Dot.

  24. I’d be interested to see how First Vitals can verify vaccines from grocery store pharmacies. Many people got their vaccinations from a provider other than their personal doctors. How do they verify those shots? From what I understand State and Feds keep track of the number of vaccines given, but not the names of those vaccinated. I truly don’t think forged CDC cards will be a huge problem, so I agree with Lt. Gov. Green. From what I’ve read, if we reach herd immunity it will be a moot point anyway. I also hope they get it together soon, as our trip is coming up in mid-June.

    Mahalo for keeping us up to date on all of the never ending changes in Hawaii travel.

    1. Aloha
      My school district provided vaccine shots for its staff. After receiving both shots from a different healthcare provider. I forwarded the pdf file that had records of both shots to my personal doctor, for my records. I’m sure there must be some form of contact tracing to show you received it.

    1. Hi Joerg.

      Our understanding is yes they are. It all seems a little confused at this moment, so we look forward to more clarity sooner than later.


  25. Is there a test we can get that we don’t have to pay $120 each for? That seems to be the only option, we are flying SW and they now have accepted testing but only from their California hubs. All the accepted tests we can take are over $100. Totally ridiculous! Flying out of Portland OR, if anyone has suggestions please let me know.

    1. Hi Karly.

      We’ll ask others to comment on testing near PDX. Many have reported their tests were totally paid for by insurance.


      1. My test at carbon health in Portland at airport for my flight on Alaska air was $120 and my insurance only paid $50. I have flight in may on United to Hnl and the cost at carbon health is now $170. In January the rest result was done before I got back to the house from the test .

    2. Hi Karly. We got ours at Walgreens with ID NOW rapid test (results came back in less than 3 hours). It was cost free, although I don’t know why. I have seen comments from others saying their ID NOW rapid test at Walgreens was free. Plenty of Walgreens in PDX, so you can go to Walgreens website and check which ones offer the ID NOW rapid test – not all Walgreens do.

      1. ED and KARLY… That’s the catch – there is no Walgreens in our entire state that offers Rapid Testing!!! And what you pay for is not the test but the “service” – Walgreens isn’t making anything extra off the shots as the government pays for them but outfits like Xprescheck have popped up to be a profit making organization.

      2. This Walgreens web page allows you to search for store sites and the tests they offer at each site:


        For the ID NOW test there are two locations in Portland and two in Beaverton. after that you have to drive to Wilsonville or farther.

        @Ed C. … I have used Vault Health twice with success (as long as I departed on Thursday) because my local Walgreens did not offer any testing at the time, in December 2020 or February 2021 (they offer testing now). Was your ID NOW test covered by health insurance? Did Walgreens allow you to book appointments more than 48 hours before you wanted to get your test? Thanks.

        1. Paul M – I really have no idea why it was cost free. We did input our insurance information as was required on the online appointment form. Walgreens only opens appointment times 3 days in advance. We needed ours to be done no earlier than Wednesday so I checked the website Sunday morning for availability. The only days “bookable” were Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on Sunday.

          1. @Ed. C – I just ate the Vault Health test costs on my two trips, but I would like to have Walgreens bill my supplemental Medicare health insurance and see what they will pay. I would rather spend the $119 per test in the Oahu economy. Vault Health would not deal with Oregon health insurance billing.

  26. Good! It comes too late for us this year, as we’ve made plans to go elsewhere. However we’ll certainly be back in 2022! Fully vaccinated and ready to go!!

    1. Dear Stacy, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year!!! I’m getting very excited& can’t wait ♡♡♡

      1. @Andrea B – Congratulations on planning your lifelong dream trip to the State of Hawaii! Hopefully you will enjoy reading on the BeatOfHawaii.com website about all of the COVID-19 screening and vaccination rule changes that will take place over the next year. Who knows, maybe we will all be back to normal traveling by the time you board your flight? Let’s hope so. Aloha!

  27. Looks like the CDC has approved travel for those vaccinated news.yahoo.com/fully-vaccinated-people-travel-u-152100303.html, wonder when Hawaii will implement this?

      1. We just returned to Hilo from a mainland getaway. Hilo to HNL on Hawaiian. Then HNL to SLC on Delta. From there we drive to Idaho for a family visit. Then back to SLC for a flight to Tampa FL. via Atlanta. Drove all through north central Florida. It was spring break and very busy. Nice to see. We found a “ free COVID testing site” so we took it. NEGATIVE results back in 36 hours. Returned to DLC after 9 days of traveling Florida. Took the Rapid ID test inside the airport in Salt lake City at Xprescheck. $200 each for the wife and myself. Results back in 20 minutes. NEGATIVE. Followed all the guidelines on “Hawaii Safe Travels” website. Got the QR code and downloaded test results.Flew from SLC to HNL on 3-30. Arrived HNL only to see a huge line waiting to get through the checkpoints. Our final destination was Hilo. We live here. Had to do all the nonsense at HNL, then upon arrival into Hilo, we were told we needed to test again. Not mandatory, but if we refused, even tho we had negative results from 36 hrs previous, we had to quarantine at home for 10 days. Took the test. Edited 15 minutes. Once again … NEGATIVE.
        Only in Hawaii did we experience such nonsense.
        Welcome home

  28. From CDC.gov 4/2/21
    Updated Information for Travelers

    Fully vaccinated travelers are less likely to get and spread COVID-19.
    People who are fully vaccinated with an FDA-authorized vaccine can travel safely within the United States:
    Fully vaccinated travelers do not need to get tested before or after travel unless their destination requires it
    Fully vaccinated travelers do not need to self-quarantine

    1. “Fully vaccinated travelers do not need to get tested before or after travel unless their destination requires it”

      Uh oh…lol

  29. I love Hawaii. I hate the confusion created by its leaders. I’ve had family members living there since 2011, consequently all of us spend a lot of time flying back and forth between the mainland and the islands. I arrived back in West Virginia on January 30, 2020 and have remained here since the pandemic. However, I am booked for a flight in July staying on O’ahu and Big Island. Even though I am fully vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine and can prove it, I will take a covid test to avoid the quarantine, BUT my state is not a Save Travels Partner, so I have to “travel” just to get a test from the list of partners even though tests are offered on nearly every street corner around me these days. It just seems odd that I have to go through this when I am vaccinated, but regardless this process should not be this complicated. Also, I can’t get clear information on what I need to do to get to the Big Island after staying in O’ahu for five days beforehand. Additionally, I need clear information as to if the Rapid Diagnostic Test (ID NOW) is an accepted test. I know they say check the website for all details… believe me I have, but some information is just not there or if it is it is incomplete or unclear. Respectfully saying, I understand that rules need to be in place to protect everyone and I truly want rules however, I would really appreciate it if Hawaii could simplify this process. I could go anywhere, but Hawaii holds my family and Hawaii has been very good to us. I want to support the state and the people who live there, but in order for me to this Hawaii has to make it simpler and more realistic to get there. Please provide any insight you may have and I thank you.

    1. Hi Amy.

      Testing by mail is available from anywhere in the US so that should not be a problem. Also if you have specific questions, you can reach out to the state’s Safe Travels help desk at 855-599-0888 between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time.


    2. Hi Amy. The ID NOW rapid test offered at Walgreen is accepted by the state of Hawaii. We used it in February to travel to Maui. It took about 3 hours to get our results, which they emailed to us.


    3. AMY…
      First, depending on when you are traveling back “home”, it is possible that Hawaii will by that time accept vaccination validation (aka “Vaccine Passport”) as all you need to enter the state with no further testing needed.
      Second, I feel your pain – our state is the same – Rapid Testing everywhere but no “Trusted Partners”.
      Third, Vault Health offers by mail/in home testing BUT they don’t offer Rapid Testing so be careful if you use them that you accommodate the 72 hour window. You can order your test anytime in advance and then schedule your Zoom appointment appropriately. (They need to watch you administer the nasal swab test.) BUT, if you are over 65, make sure to check NO when they ask if you are on Medicare or they won’t offer you a test – it’s a billing issue thing. (Check to see if your state offers Vault testing for $0 as mine does.)

      1. Barbara,

        Thank you for this information! I tried to order the Vault test so I could “test” it out before July. They would not send it to me, which led to sole frustration and now I know why! I told them I had medicare! Wow. Thank you so much for this, now maybe Vault will be an option …. if I still need it by then!

    4. Addition to Ernest’s comment… yes, rapid test is acceptable BUT it has to be done by a Trysted Partner which often isn’t easy to find.

    5. It is really so easy. Just get a test and don’t listen to all those useless discussions. I got it at SFO Airport and I am sure you can probable get it at any Airport now. Yes, it was expensive, but what you spend in Hawaii, the most expensive state I have ever been to, it is not much. Time will tell and eventually Hawaii will implement new procedures in additon to the test and get it right. The want to protect their people and have evry right to do so.

  30. I have travel plans to Maui that were delayed from a year ago, it is time that Hawaii move past testing and accept the vaccine. As a healthcare educator, I received the vaccine 12/31/2020 and the followup vaccine 30 days later. This should be the norm and not the exception. The required testing should only be performed for those who have not received the vaccine.

    1. The President of Argentina has just tested Positive after being vaccinated 3 month ago.
      Testing needs to stay in place to protect the public.

  31. Hit the nail on the head. Hawaii state government has no leadership in this. I love here and if you want total backwoods, government, this is your state!

  32. Aloha Guys!

    Mahalo for your excellent reporting and keeping us updated over the past 12 months on the ever-changing requirements to enter HI.

    Do you or any of your readers have suggestions for a “reliable” testing center in Orange County that can deliver the test results within the 72 hour time frame?

    I’m not excited about having another passport, but if it helps us bypass pre-travel testing, I’m in.

    Thanks again 🙂

    1. Hi Cheri.

      Thanks. Lots of Orange County folk here so hopefully someone will lend a hand to your question about Orange County testing sites.


    2. CHERI F… It’s not a “passport” but rather your vaccination card. “Vaccination Passport” is a concept not a physical thing – your card is the physical documentation.

  33. RON (Sorry I can’t find your post)… I agree with you that the Passport Card offered by the State Dept is a valuable possession and could be just as valuable for vaccination certification . HOWEVER, the federal government has stated they absolutely will not get involved with issuing vaccination validation. That is the responsibility of the local and/or state level governments. The Feds have issued the standard card to be used but they will not take responsibility for storing that information. (It would be nice if the “card” was indeed “wallet size”!

  34. thanks for your continuing information. a suggestion for a secure vaccination passport could be made along the style of a “passport card”. They have at least 4 different types of security on them. they are the size of a credit card. they are optional items you can get when ordering new passports. They seem to be a hardy card and a secure one. whoever the state dept. has making them does a good job.
    thanks keep up the flow of info.
    Ron K

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