2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”
Ed. C
According to the AP, White House press secretary Jen Psaki says “there will be no federal vaccinations database and no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential.”
Many states, including mine, say they will not get involved in vaccine “passports”.
If there is no national database and many states won’t get involved, this whole issue is moot.
I’ve never understood how it would work, anyway, when the only information on my vaccine card was the date and lot numbers of my 2 shots. No name or any other identifying information.
It isn’t moot in Hawaii! The Governor is forcing it on everyone that comes to Hawaii. Tell me…..You had 2 shots, do you think it is right to require you to test before flying to Hawaii? If so, then what was the purpose of getting the shots? Don’t they work? You tell me!
By July, cases will most likely be so low, and US cases will be so low, that a passport for Hawaii will just be a waste of gov’t time and money.
If everyone that wants a vaccine gets one. And nearly all of the high risk people get one. And if the vaccine prevents people from ending up really sick more in the hospital. And the rest are willing to accept the risk or are young and healthy enough to probably not feel much, where is the benefit associated with travel mandates and passports in Hawaii?
Ige and many of these State Governors simply don’t want to give up their newly found Emergency Proclomation power. One governor even stated, in a briefing, that he would like to end emergency orders, but if he does his State would no longer qualify for Federal Emergency funds.
Follow the money trail. How much does anyone think the State and Counties are getting reimbursed for the vaccine distribution? ( Maybe $38 million?) Equipment, salaries, locations.. All can be upcharged a bit here and a bit there. In Maui they do alot of vaccinations at Maui Comm. College. With the campus basically closed, how cheap SHOULD it be for a once in a lifetime pandemic? What do you all think counties reimbursement is?
Also, concerning vaccines for the once in a lifetime pandemic… Why hasn’t Phizer and Moderna adopted J & J’s secret sauce recipe for the single dose vaccine? Sure would make herd immunity that much easier…. $$$$$$$%, thats why.
Keep telling yourselves the govt is telling truth. In the meantime, French govt officials are dining maskless in fancy restaurants while normal citizens are locked down and restaurants are closed.
Many thanks for the vaccination passport update. The possibilities of fraudulent acts have been mentioned everywhere. Maybe a way to tie the validity of a passport to the person presenting it could be achieved by using matching fingerprints as verification. Another way could be a scan of the passport presented in conjunction with the scanning of a driver’s license to be sure that certain identifications match. There are ways to confirm validity — let’s make it happen.
I can kinda understand waiting till July for the passport. They’ve pushed it this long, at least after July 4 there aren’t any major holidays for a bit. I’m just happy Kauai has finally rejoined the program. I Just got my first vaccine dose today, husband is fully vaccinated, our rebooked trip isn’t till August. I’m guessing we’ll still have to test our 3 kids, but hoping with us being vaccinated it will cut down 1/2 the stress. Hope all continues to go well.
Thank you again for all your up to date info!
Thanks BOH for this great travel and now medical blog but is it possible that those giving medical advice list their educational degrees and schools attended and years of study and experience so we readers can distinguish who has a medical degree and who gets knowledge of covid from a YouTube channel.
So now we may have to give up our rights with a vac passport to travel to Hawaii!?! No thank you. Driver licenses, social security cards etc have always been forged. We’re going to punish everyone because of a few derelicts? Get vaccinated was bad enough, but giving up my rights will never happen
Wow! Lot of posts! Been a tough year for everyone and lots of different perspectives. I vote we all realize
everyone is coming from a different perspective and the simple fact is we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel
and everyone is reacting in their own way..,
Get the vaccine if you are comfortable and if you are not, it is what is. Flying is an incredibly safe form of travel, but there are still
some people that are afraid of flying.
Just be aware a lot of false info is being spread..
Aloha to all and this will be a thing of the past……soon.
The White House today ruled out imposing a national vaccine passport of any kind. I would suggest that state and local government initiatives to do so can only fail.
This is not news. Its already been stated since the beginning that the vaccine could need to be a yearly booster like the flu shot. And creating these vaccines in the early onset of the illness, there are always mutations and factors that need to be taken in as time moves forward and scientists understand more.
My friend is a pharmacist in research for drug companies- he says a booster is needed every 4 months…Ps my friends healthy 89 year old mom died of a massive stroke within 48 hours of Covid vaccine & my sister’s best friend’s daughter miscarried her 7 month baby within 24 hours of Covid vaccine …less than 1% of side effects for any vaccine are reported. See data at CDC or vaccine injury US gov. Website.
Science 101 … correlation does not necessarily imply causality. It suggests avenues of exploration, but your post suggests a causal relationship that has not been proven. Obviously, your intent is to frighten people and prevent them from taking the vaccine.
Joerg H,
While your response is intended to frighten people into taking the vaccine. People have a mind. They can disseminate information and decide for themselves, if it is right for them or not! Everyone does not have to agree with your conclusions!
I think you missed my point. This whole idea of people “making up their own minds”, and “getting their own information” has led to a lot of misinformation leading to wrong conclusions. There’s a reason that there are Dr’s that specialize in infectious diseases and people who have degrees in Public Health. If anyone could “figure it out for themselves” we wouldn’t need those folks. Bottom line is that I’m not trying to scare anyone into taking the vaccine, or NOT taking the vaccine. What I am trying to do is point out the fact that folks like you are using unscientific methods to come to incorrect conclusions (see my post where I talk about correlation not implying causality). Even that’s OK with me. If you decide that some fat teenager sitting in his mother’s basement sucking on a big gulp is a better source of information than the CDC, and based on that you decide to not take the vaccine sure, go ahead, that’s up to you. Where I have a problem is then you post that kind of misinformation on a site like this in an obvious attempt to scare people away from taking a potentially life-saving vaccine. Personally, I’ve been vaccinated, and am looking forward to my trip to Hawaii this summer, where I, and I suspect the rest of the folks in Hawaii, won’t miss folks like you.
Ed D.
Well Joerg H, I won’t miss you either. Nothing the CDC has done is supported by science. Wear a mask! Don’t wear a mask! Wear a double mask! I live in Florida and our so-called covid rate is not out of line for our population, when compared to States that have locked down and basically ruined people lives and livelihood! You, or the cdc, can not prove to me, or anyone else that the vaccine is effective, or that you can’t still get it, or pass ir on to others after you have it! Prove me wrong!
Tara D
Do you have any updated information on children traveling to Hawaii? There currently isn’t a vaccine for them
Vaccination travel passports are illegal in this country.
Besides, the shots you are getting are not vaccines.
Why do I say that?
Because there isn’t a shred of Covid viral matter in the shot ingredients, and that’s what defines a vaccine. There must be viral material in the shot, That’s how your immune system builds up the antibodies to defend your body from the virus at a later date.
Now, if it were in fact a vaccine, then why do you have to continue to wear a face mask, social distance, wash your hands, and the usual hygiene protocols.
These shots that are being given to you human guinea pigs without informed consent are using experimental human genome altering mRNA technology using the CRYSPR techniques. CRYSPR is used in gene research and DNA manipulation techniques to split the DNA sequence to allow another fake gene to be inserted or to remove out a specific gene or set of genes. Do you really want to be a test subject for this transhumanistic program?
Remember, that the Nuremberg Trials sentenced to death and some to a lifetime in prison for doing research like this on their human prisoners. Now you’re allowing yourself to be a human test subject of your own free will. You have been gaslighted. And that’s a sad thing.
The Hawaii tourist industry will continue to hurt and not get back to the greatness that it once was until the state fully opens up travel without restrictions, passports or shots.
Covid-19 is not what you’ve been told it is.
It is a hearty form of the common cold, as we all have Covid viruses in our bodies already, it’s just that there are times when the virus gets out of hand.
Whatever happened to the flu numbers?
None of this is factual. You also didn’t spell CRISPR correctly. Do not spread false information during this time on this website. I hope that those who run this site will remove your comment.
Your friendly Microbiology PhD
So I guess you are now the Grammar police? Who are you to tell someone that they should have their comment removed from the site? Give us a rest. Just because you claim to be a Microbiologist, doesn’t make you one! Why don’t you quit spreading misinformation. Covid is just one more man made Chemical that was released from a Lab in Wuhan and intentionally, sent to the World. Greg K. is correct to ask: “Whatever happened to the flu numbers?”
Stop trying to be the man on here. It isn’t working!
Greg K,
It’s okay for the tourism industry be hurt and never fully recover – we’re okay with this. 10 million (plus) tourists a year is NOT greatness. It’s unlivable. Let’s never go back to this, ever.
Johnny B: Without a robust tourist industry, Hawaii will be taken over by the Hawaiian Heritage Movement, and that will be disastrous for the wonderful people of Hawaii, including my family who has lived on Kauai since the 1890s when the Portugues missionaries and plantation managers were coming over in the sailing ships. Yes, the US military provides a lot of income to the state, but the tourist industry is the big kahuna. Otherwise, the state will make the growing and selling of marijuana legal, and then that industry will take over. Oahu will be covered in a shroud of smoke. And I’m not talking about the burning of excess sugarcane or pineapple plants. 😂
My friend is a pharmacist in research for drug companies- he says a booster is needed every 4 months…Ps my friends healthy 89 year old mom died of a massive stroke within 48 hours of Covid vaccine & my sister’s best friend’s daughter miscarried her 7 month baby within 24 hours of Covid vaccine …less than 1% of side effects for any vaccine are reported. See data at CDC or vaccine injury US gov. Website.
I’m not sure how they are going to build a National vaccination database since pharmacists are not required to record the names of the people they vaccinate. They record numbers but not names- I just checked with the pharmacy.
I also think the problem of forged CDC cards for travel
Is overblown- just my opinion. We travel in June- hope Gov. Ige can make up his mind before then. If not, we’ll test, but we won’t like the expense!
We’re still on track for our April 21st trip and will be happy to get a COVID-19 NAAT test (Walgreens) on April 19 (72 hours before our final departure on 4/22). We had our 2nd COVID Vaccine (Pfizer) today and feeling great!! We will do WHATEVER it takes to fly to Paradise! This will probably be our last trip to Hawaii (we’re getting older) and want to make it our best one yet. For those who are refusing to follow the science, you are welcomed to stay home, or vacation in Florida, where they don’t care if you get sick and die from the virus!
Mahalo to BOH for keeping us Mainlanders up-to-date.
Couldn’t agree more. We are scheduled to come in August, and I’m just waiting patiently to see how it all shakes out by then. Just got my first Pfizer shot, and should get the second on 5/2. But whatever the requirements are in August, that’s what I’ll do. I don’t get why people make such a big deal about this, it’s not the end of the world to get a test, or a shot, or whatever. Thanks to BOH for keeping us up to date on the latest developments, I’ll be following carefully in the coming months to see what we need to do. Oh, and ignoring all the armchair quarterbacks that have an opinion on vaccines, tests, the economy in Hawaii, etc.
One of the main concerns about vaccination cards remains the possibility of forged cards. This is a real issue.
I’ll take my chances with a card risk vs. having my personal information and health data hacked by some third world (or China, Russia, Iran, NorKo) thug.
Has there been any indication what will become of that 3 month cutoff for people who have been vaccinated if and when a travel card or passport becomes available? Also, if the US does not adopt a vaccine passport will it be legal for Hawaii to require one ? Sure would be nice if just once the Gov. would cover more of the common concerns and questions people have when giving an update. It would certainly make pushing the “purchase” button on airline tickets much less stressful.
The leadership by the President would certainly aid the adoption of standards for recognition of tests, vaccinations status and medical fitness to travel however the 9th and 10th amendments to the Constitution as held by SCOTUS do not require Federal Rules in the field of Health and Safety of Citizens and specifically allow States to retain those rights and duties not expressly restricted to and governed by the Federal Government. Indeed attending to the health and welfare of those citizens in a state is a duty of the State Government.
Whilst the President is reticent to commit to any specific proposal and the Governor is also. playing a very political game it should be recognized that the political fall out of some folks losing their vacation of choice would be far less than a decision which led to multiple directly attributable fatalities, hence no one wants to put a stake in the ground. This has been exacerbated by the Democrats and Republicans Politicizing Covid as they did with the border. The President now finds himself in difficulties over the border through policies adopted, he will rightly be very cautious of taking actions on Covid 2 and the pandemic which could hand ammunition to his opponents, be they in the opposition party or within his own. Does not help us travelers though.
Still I think we are through the worst of it and assuming vaccination levels it 70-80% we could return to a distanced form of normality by the summer. Christmas was very quiet but things are really picking up in the islands so with a bit of luck, people will get jobs again, the state will start to get tax revenues and we can all return hopefully a bit wiser and a bit kinder then before.
Oh my, the beat goes on. Glad for these Beat of Hawaii updates. Were scheduled for Kauai 30 June, hope it works. Their government is making it difficult to spend my money
I live in Texas where the Governor just signed an order banning vaccination passports for our residents.
How does Gov. Ige intend to address those who live in states where this action has been taken?
Will the vaccination card be “enough” proof?
I think I can answer that question about living in a state that does not allow vaccine passports. I think this means that for people in The states that outlaw the vaccine passports a business is not allowed to require a vaccine passport but obviously that state has no ability to control what other states require and has no way to stop a person from acquiring a vaccine passport so they can travel in a different state .
Thanks for the update , not such good news for travelers but definitely good news for the testing companies like carbon health, the fee now is $170 in Portland for my may 5 test at Pdx. This is a price increase from $130 I paid in January .
Surely a simpler, cheaper test could have been introduced for Hawaii travel by now. Most tests likely are accurate enough to mitigate whatever it is they are still trying to mitigate. (because it sure isn’t hospitalizations they care about anymore.)
July? WTF? Ige, or whoever is “advising” him, are leading the free world in incompetence with COVID. New York started its vaccine passport program 10 days ago. Started it! And Hawaii needs another 90 days to get going with its program? I mean, what a complete cluster you-know-what.
I really hope that Hawaii can get this figured out! We had a trip scheduled for last June, then rescheduled for July, then rescheduled for August, and never got to go. We have a trip scheduled now for the end of June. We are both vaccinated, but if they move opening to July 4th, we will be past the “3 month” window Hawaii governor Ige wants. It is really difficult to make plans. I hope Lt Gov Green can impress upon Ige the need to figure this out sooner than later. We miss Hawaii and would like to return, but I am not up to going with testing and quarantines. Mahalo for listening.
So I’m a bit confused and please would you clarify about the vaccine.
We have planned trip towards the end of May to Maui. We will be fully vaccinated 3/12 weeks prior to our arrival date. My vaccination card will be complete. At this point in time- are you stating we will still need to get a covid test 72 hours before we depart?
A concern is if the test results will conflict with a test.
I’m confused on how it works if you do not opt for the vaccination and/or passport since it’s not a requirement. Does it remain as it is now with having to be tested before flying inter-island or from the mainland?
What about children? They cannot be vaccinated yet and it is age discrimination and a violation of the Equal Protection Clause to treat them differently, especially since they are not allowed to be vaccinated yet
Stupidest damn thing EVER to require US citizens to need ANY kind of passport to travel to Hawaii or even between the Islands! The insanity has to stop and sooner rather than later!
I appreciate all of the great information you provide on this site, mahalo! I had seen earlier on in discussions about vaccination travel that it would need to be within three months of getting the vaccine, do you know if that is still under consideration? We are planning to visit in September, and don’t know if we should wait to be vaccinated until mid-June so we can meet this criteria. Seems like we should get vaccinated as soon as possible. Mahalo.
I think Hawaii residents with a fully vaccine card SHOULD be allowed to travel interisland without taking a covid test!! More people would go see family if they didnt have to pay $125-$150@ for a covid test after being vaccinated!!
Question: If we have been vaccinated and have a valid vaccination card (and can present this at the airport), will we be able to freely fly to Hawaii? I’d rather not enroll in CommonPass, CLEAR, or some other tracking database. Thank you!
Yes, 5 years and older will need to get tested. I am unclear if 5 year olds are to get the test or not, but at any rate that should answer your question. I wish you the best.
Sure hoping the Governor will update Hawaii’s travel guidelines soon as we have been fully vaccinated but shouldn’t have to pay and wait for a negative test since the CDC guidelines came out. Flying to Kauai and hoping to rent a car.
Thank you.
Around May 5, both my husband and I will be fully vaccinated. We plan to have a flight to Hawaii on June 4.
Our COVID-19 tests have already been reserved and would like it very much if we get updates on the “Avoid COVID-19 Testing & Quarantine” for fully vaccinated travelers.
I’d like to make a suggestion that would be helpful to many travellers who have a difficult time meeting the 72 hour test window. ( I tested and did not get results in time and had to quarantine)For those who have been vaccinated expand the testing window to 5 days.
Dear BOH,
I’m somewhat surprised you would post a comment where someone claims Ivermectin & Vitamin D cure Covid-19?! She might as well have added swallow with bleach! Ivermectin is commonly prescribed for heartworm in dogs & cats. It treats parasitic infection,not viruses. Please vet such harmful B.S.!! Thank you
Many Doctors say that Covid 19 is totally curable with Ivermectin and Vitamin D. I hope people realize this and stop this incredible fear mongering. I hate to see the lives of people with small businesses destroyed over this.
Thank you.
Connie B
stop spreading lies and misinformation please. Those are not facts in any way shape or form. Do not want to get one fine by me but stay home and away from the rest of us who are responsible.
No sense talking to people like Paul C., they think that they are doing the right thing. But in reality, they are just sheep that will believe anything the government tells them to do! I am with you on this.
So, the facts that are out there are you can still be positive for the Rona even fully vaccinated. So then what? You’re fully vaccinated and you can still spread it and still wear masks, so what’s the point?
Again, you are wrong. HCQ with zinc and vitamin D does cure mild to moderate Covid 19 infection. Ivermectin does as well and is the lowest side-effect drug you will ever find. Paul, facts are facts. These drugs are known, these vaccines are experimemtal and those are indisputable facts. Yes, I DO know what I am talking about and I do not say them lightly. Facts matter, even if you don’t like them.
There are no medical doctors that support Lynn H’s comments. Please moderate this misinformation.
Will F
Yes! You’re quite correct. These “vaccines” aren’t even vaccines, they are experimental gene therapy. I won’t be getting them. I think I’m going to purposely get Covid so I have the antibodies and can avoid the scarlet letter of vaccine passports.
Connie, HCQ along with zinc and vitamin D cure mild to moderate Covid 19 infections, though not severe infection. Ivermectin works, also, and has about the lowest side-effect profile of any drug. Dosages are based on weight. These drugs are known, vaccines are experimental and I choose not to participate in this lab experiment. And I will travel unvaccinated.
Rather than she said he said, let’s see what Merck and the Infectious Disease Society of America had to say about your claim. From today’s Washington Post:
“Merck, the company that manufactures Ivermectin, says there’s too little evidence the drug is effective against the coronavirus. The Infectious Diseases Society of America opposes it as a treatment for patients. Even if a clinical trial were to show Ivermectin helps reduce covid-19’s harmful effects, the drug would not make a person immune to the coronavirus. The right products for that job are vaccines.”
We are not confident of long term effects of vaccine so will not be getting one. We have our tickets for June to come to Kauai. We hope the 72 hr testing will be sufficient. Would we get grandfathered in if there was a change?
Thank you.
A lot of people cannot take the vaccine for various medically compromised conditions.
You shouldn’t be so mean and smart mouthed.
If you’re overweight and continue to eat, I assume you won’t need treatment if you have a heart attack?
Geeze, be nice.
Dumbest thing I read today! I guess the fact that people that have been supposedly fully vaccinated and have STILL tested positive for the virus and since when were YOU appointed to be the person that decides who gets healthcare regardless of their vaccination status!?
Y’all are spot on. My comments were cold and maybe cruel. I’ve lost several close friends from it. I’m sorry for my words and my sincere wish is not one more person get it or die from it.
Ladies and Gentlemen. In one corner we have COVIDMan, protector of the righteous and science-based superheroes. In the other corner, we have the NoNos – that special group of people who have all the facts, know more than virologists, microbiologist and more than thirty years of science to actually have the opportunity to use that for the benefit of mankind.
Reminds me of those Friday evenings in front of the black and white TV watching in rapt awe of how Gorgeous George finds a way to put down the evil Undertaker. For faux wrestling fans that was life in the 50’s. You know, when life was simple. We loved or at least respected our neighbors. We celebrated a vaccine that would actually erase the scourge of Polio.
Take a breath, y’all. You don’t know as much as you think you know. You know, like believing the vaccine changes our genes? Or like the last election was stolen. I could go on, but open minds are hard to find these days.
Everyone has their personal preference regarding the vaccine. There are no guarantees with the shot and there are risks involved in getting the shot. If one gets Covid they should expect to receive medical treatment if they have not received the shot. Who are you to make such a statement about not getting the vaccine and not getting medical help should one get Covid? There’s no need to be ugly. You have your preference and others have theirs. Get off your high horse. Hopefully you won’t be faced in the coming years with adverse affects from the vaccine. No one knows what if any they may be since the trials are not being followed up as they should be for long term affects. Do your homework and research. Shocking information.
According to the AP, White House press secretary Jen Psaki says “there will be no federal vaccinations database and no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential.”
Many states, including mine, say they will not get involved in vaccine “passports”.
If there is no national database and many states won’t get involved, this whole issue is moot.
I’ve never understood how it would work, anyway, when the only information on my vaccine card was the date and lot numbers of my 2 shots. No name or any other identifying information.
Ed C.,
It isn’t moot in Hawaii! The Governor is forcing it on everyone that comes to Hawaii. Tell me…..You had 2 shots, do you think it is right to require you to test before flying to Hawaii? If so, then what was the purpose of getting the shots? Don’t they work? You tell me!
Hospitalizations… 2 weeks to keep hospitals from over flowing…..
March 2020
Flash forward to 2021…… yup, a large portion of y’all have been duped.
Watching Hawaii chase its tail is entertaining…
By July, cases will most likely be so low, and US cases will be so low, that a passport for Hawaii will just be a waste of gov’t time and money.
If everyone that wants a vaccine gets one. And nearly all of the high risk people get one. And if the vaccine prevents people from ending up really sick more in the hospital. And the rest are willing to accept the risk or are young and healthy enough to probably not feel much, where is the benefit associated with travel mandates and passports in Hawaii?
Ige and many of these State Governors simply don’t want to give up their newly found Emergency Proclomation power. One governor even stated, in a briefing, that he would like to end emergency orders, but if he does his State would no longer qualify for Federal Emergency funds.
Follow the money trail. How much does anyone think the State and Counties are getting reimbursed for the vaccine distribution? ( Maybe $38 million?) Equipment, salaries, locations.. All can be upcharged a bit here and a bit there. In Maui they do alot of vaccinations at Maui Comm. College. With the campus basically closed, how cheap SHOULD it be for a once in a lifetime pandemic? What do you all think counties reimbursement is?
Also, concerning vaccines for the once in a lifetime pandemic… Why hasn’t Phizer and Moderna adopted J & J’s secret sauce recipe for the single dose vaccine? Sure would make herd immunity that much easier…. $$$$$$$%, thats why.
Keep telling yourselves the govt is telling truth. In the meantime, French govt officials are dining maskless in fancy restaurants while normal citizens are locked down and restaurants are closed.
Many thanks for the vaccination passport update. The possibilities of fraudulent acts have been mentioned everywhere. Maybe a way to tie the validity of a passport to the person presenting it could be achieved by using matching fingerprints as verification. Another way could be a scan of the passport presented in conjunction with the scanning of a driver’s license to be sure that certain identifications match. There are ways to confirm validity — let’s make it happen.
Hi Geo.
Thanks for your input on the possibility of fraud with vaccinations.
yes, by all means. lets give them access and control to more of our data.
I can kinda understand waiting till July for the passport. They’ve pushed it this long, at least after July 4 there aren’t any major holidays for a bit. I’m just happy Kauai has finally rejoined the program. I Just got my first vaccine dose today, husband is fully vaccinated, our rebooked trip isn’t till August. I’m guessing we’ll still have to test our 3 kids, but hoping with us being vaccinated it will cut down 1/2 the stress. Hope all continues to go well.
Thank you again for all your up to date info!
Hi Lynde.
Thanks for this and your more than 50 other comments. We’re glad you can return to Kauai this summer.
So is age 16 and up for the covid19 vaccine starting Monday April 19 down from May 1 in Honolulu Hawaii oahu.
Thank you
Thanks BOH for this great travel and now medical blog but is it possible that those giving medical advice list their educational degrees and schools attended and years of study and experience so we readers can distinguish who has a medical degree and who gets knowledge of covid from a YouTube channel.
Hi Tim.
Thanks for the input on this and other issues.
So now we may have to give up our rights with a vac passport to travel to Hawaii!?! No thank you. Driver licenses, social security cards etc have always been forged. We’re going to punish everyone because of a few derelicts? Get vaccinated was bad enough, but giving up my rights will never happen
Wow! Lot of posts! Been a tough year for everyone and lots of different perspectives. I vote we all realize
everyone is coming from a different perspective and the simple fact is we are seeing a light at the end of the tunnel
and everyone is reacting in their own way..,
Get the vaccine if you are comfortable and if you are not, it is what is. Flying is an incredibly safe form of travel, but there are still
some people that are afraid of flying.
Just be aware a lot of false info is being spread..
Aloha to all and this will be a thing of the past……soon.
Hi John.
Thanks very much. Your still going strong after nearly 200 comments.
The White House today ruled out imposing a national vaccine passport of any kind. I would suggest that state and local government initiatives to do so can only fail.
Today’s heaflines;
“Current COVID vaccines could be ineffective by next year”
This is not news. Its already been stated since the beginning that the vaccine could need to be a yearly booster like the flu shot. And creating these vaccines in the early onset of the illness, there are always mutations and factors that need to be taken in as time moves forward and scientists understand more.
My friend is a pharmacist in research for drug companies- he says a booster is needed every 4 months…Ps my friends healthy 89 year old mom died of a massive stroke within 48 hours of Covid vaccine & my sister’s best friend’s daughter miscarried her 7 month baby within 24 hours of Covid vaccine …less than 1% of side effects for any vaccine are reported. See data at CDC or vaccine injury US gov. Website.
Science 101 … correlation does not necessarily imply causality. It suggests avenues of exploration, but your post suggests a causal relationship that has not been proven. Obviously, your intent is to frighten people and prevent them from taking the vaccine.
Joerg H,
While your response is intended to frighten people into taking the vaccine. People have a mind. They can disseminate information and decide for themselves, if it is right for them or not! Everyone does not have to agree with your conclusions!
I think you missed my point. This whole idea of people “making up their own minds”, and “getting their own information” has led to a lot of misinformation leading to wrong conclusions. There’s a reason that there are Dr’s that specialize in infectious diseases and people who have degrees in Public Health. If anyone could “figure it out for themselves” we wouldn’t need those folks. Bottom line is that I’m not trying to scare anyone into taking the vaccine, or NOT taking the vaccine. What I am trying to do is point out the fact that folks like you are using unscientific methods to come to incorrect conclusions (see my post where I talk about correlation not implying causality). Even that’s OK with me. If you decide that some fat teenager sitting in his mother’s basement sucking on a big gulp is a better source of information than the CDC, and based on that you decide to not take the vaccine sure, go ahead, that’s up to you. Where I have a problem is then you post that kind of misinformation on a site like this in an obvious attempt to scare people away from taking a potentially life-saving vaccine. Personally, I’ve been vaccinated, and am looking forward to my trip to Hawaii this summer, where I, and I suspect the rest of the folks in Hawaii, won’t miss folks like you.
Well Joerg H, I won’t miss you either. Nothing the CDC has done is supported by science. Wear a mask! Don’t wear a mask! Wear a double mask! I live in Florida and our so-called covid rate is not out of line for our population, when compared to States that have locked down and basically ruined people lives and livelihood! You, or the cdc, can not prove to me, or anyone else that the vaccine is effective, or that you can’t still get it, or pass ir on to others after you have it! Prove me wrong!
Do you have any updated information on children traveling to Hawaii? There currently isn’t a vaccine for them
Vaccination travel passports are illegal in this country.
Besides, the shots you are getting are not vaccines.
Why do I say that?
Because there isn’t a shred of Covid viral matter in the shot ingredients, and that’s what defines a vaccine. There must be viral material in the shot, That’s how your immune system builds up the antibodies to defend your body from the virus at a later date.
Now, if it were in fact a vaccine, then why do you have to continue to wear a face mask, social distance, wash your hands, and the usual hygiene protocols.
These shots that are being given to you human guinea pigs without informed consent are using experimental human genome altering mRNA technology using the CRYSPR techniques. CRYSPR is used in gene research and DNA manipulation techniques to split the DNA sequence to allow another fake gene to be inserted or to remove out a specific gene or set of genes. Do you really want to be a test subject for this transhumanistic program?
Remember, that the Nuremberg Trials sentenced to death and some to a lifetime in prison for doing research like this on their human prisoners. Now you’re allowing yourself to be a human test subject of your own free will. You have been gaslighted. And that’s a sad thing.
The Hawaii tourist industry will continue to hurt and not get back to the greatness that it once was until the state fully opens up travel without restrictions, passports or shots.
Covid-19 is not what you’ve been told it is.
It is a hearty form of the common cold, as we all have Covid viruses in our bodies already, it’s just that there are times when the virus gets out of hand.
Whatever happened to the flu numbers?
Greg K. You are definitely onto something. They allow just
enough negative information out to cover “informed consent”. Its pretty sick.
None of this is factual. You also didn’t spell CRISPR correctly. Do not spread false information during this time on this website. I hope that those who run this site will remove your comment.
Your friendly Microbiology PhD
So I guess you are now the Grammar police? Who are you to tell someone that they should have their comment removed from the site? Give us a rest. Just because you claim to be a Microbiologist, doesn’t make you one! Why don’t you quit spreading misinformation. Covid is just one more man made Chemical that was released from a Lab in Wuhan and intentionally, sent to the World. Greg K. is correct to ask: “Whatever happened to the flu numbers?”
Stop trying to be the man on here. It isn’t working!
Who said you could be the spelling police?
You know I’m right but won’t admit it that I’m right.
Right on Greg. Even is you misspelled a word, you’ve got the big picture!!!
Greg K,
It’s okay for the tourism industry be hurt and never fully recover – we’re okay with this. 10 million (plus) tourists a year is NOT greatness. It’s unlivable. Let’s never go back to this, ever.
Johnny B: Without a robust tourist industry, Hawaii will be taken over by the Hawaiian Heritage Movement, and that will be disastrous for the wonderful people of Hawaii, including my family who has lived on Kauai since the 1890s when the Portugues missionaries and plantation managers were coming over in the sailing ships. Yes, the US military provides a lot of income to the state, but the tourist industry is the big kahuna. Otherwise, the state will make the growing and selling of marijuana legal, and then that industry will take over. Oahu will be covered in a shroud of smoke. And I’m not talking about the burning of excess sugarcane or pineapple plants. 😂
My friend is a pharmacist in research for drug companies- he says a booster is needed every 4 months…Ps my friends healthy 89 year old mom died of a massive stroke within 48 hours of Covid vaccine & my sister’s best friend’s daughter miscarried her 7 month baby within 24 hours of Covid vaccine …less than 1% of side effects for any vaccine are reported. See data at CDC or vaccine injury US gov. Website.
I’m not sure how they are going to build a National vaccination database since pharmacists are not required to record the names of the people they vaccinate. They record numbers but not names- I just checked with the pharmacy.
I also think the problem of forged CDC cards for travel
Is overblown- just my opinion. We travel in June- hope Gov. Ige can make up his mind before then. If not, we’ll test, but we won’t like the expense!
Thanks for your prompt updates on these issues.
Hi Lee.
Thanks for your input on vaccine travel.
So if we are Vaccinated are we still required to download a covid test before vacation which we will be coming April 16th?
We’re still on track for our April 21st trip and will be happy to get a COVID-19 NAAT test (Walgreens) on April 19 (72 hours before our final departure on 4/22). We had our 2nd COVID Vaccine (Pfizer) today and feeling great!! We will do WHATEVER it takes to fly to Paradise! This will probably be our last trip to Hawaii (we’re getting older) and want to make it our best one yet. For those who are refusing to follow the science, you are welcomed to stay home, or vacation in Florida, where they don’t care if you get sick and die from the virus!
Mahalo to BOH for keeping us Mainlanders up-to-date.
Hi Steven.
Thanks. Glad you are heading this way later this month! We appreciate your 50 comments to date.
Couldn’t agree more. We are scheduled to come in August, and I’m just waiting patiently to see how it all shakes out by then. Just got my first Pfizer shot, and should get the second on 5/2. But whatever the requirements are in August, that’s what I’ll do. I don’t get why people make such a big deal about this, it’s not the end of the world to get a test, or a shot, or whatever. Thanks to BOH for keeping us up to date on the latest developments, I’ll be following carefully in the coming months to see what we need to do. Oh, and ignoring all the armchair quarterbacks that have an opinion on vaccines, tests, the economy in Hawaii, etc.
Hi Joerg.
Thanks. Glad you can head to Hawaii this summer. We appreciate your 70 comments to date.
You’re a jerk…we all have our own minds and can make our own decisions!!!!!!!!! Thanks
One of the main concerns about vaccination cards remains the possibility of forged cards. This is a real issue.
I’ll take my chances with a card risk vs. having my personal information and health data hacked by some third world (or China, Russia, Iran, NorKo) thug.
I’ve lost track. Is this season two or three of the comical soap opera call As the Hawaiian Economy Burns?
What a joke of a governor and government.
Has there been any indication what will become of that 3 month cutoff for people who have been vaccinated if and when a travel card or passport becomes available? Also, if the US does not adopt a vaccine passport will it be legal for Hawaii to require one ? Sure would be nice if just once the Gov. would cover more of the common concerns and questions people have when giving an update. It would certainly make pushing the “purchase” button on airline tickets much less stressful.
The leadership by the President would certainly aid the adoption of standards for recognition of tests, vaccinations status and medical fitness to travel however the 9th and 10th amendments to the Constitution as held by SCOTUS do not require Federal Rules in the field of Health and Safety of Citizens and specifically allow States to retain those rights and duties not expressly restricted to and governed by the Federal Government. Indeed attending to the health and welfare of those citizens in a state is a duty of the State Government.
Whilst the President is reticent to commit to any specific proposal and the Governor is also. playing a very political game it should be recognized that the political fall out of some folks losing their vacation of choice would be far less than a decision which led to multiple directly attributable fatalities, hence no one wants to put a stake in the ground. This has been exacerbated by the Democrats and Republicans Politicizing Covid as they did with the border. The President now finds himself in difficulties over the border through policies adopted, he will rightly be very cautious of taking actions on Covid 2 and the pandemic which could hand ammunition to his opponents, be they in the opposition party or within his own. Does not help us travelers though.
Still I think we are through the worst of it and assuming vaccination levels it 70-80% we could return to a distanced form of normality by the summer. Christmas was very quiet but things are really picking up in the islands so with a bit of luck, people will get jobs again, the state will start to get tax revenues and we can all return hopefully a bit wiser and a bit kinder then before.
Oh my, the beat goes on. Glad for these Beat of Hawaii updates. Were scheduled for Kauai 30 June, hope it works. Their government is making it difficult to spend my money
Hi guys.
Glad you’re heading this way soon. Thanks.
I live in Texas where the Governor just signed an order banning vaccination passports for our residents.
How does Gov. Ige intend to address those who live in states where this action has been taken?
Will the vaccination card be “enough” proof?
I think I can answer that question about living in a state that does not allow vaccine passports. I think this means that for people in The states that outlaw the vaccine passports a business is not allowed to require a vaccine passport but obviously that state has no ability to control what other states require and has no way to stop a person from acquiring a vaccine passport so they can travel in a different state .
Thanks for the update , not such good news for travelers but definitely good news for the testing companies like carbon health, the fee now is $170 in Portland for my may 5 test at Pdx. This is a price increase from $130 I paid in January .
Surely a simpler, cheaper test could have been introduced for Hawaii travel by now. Most tests likely are accurate enough to mitigate whatever it is they are still trying to mitigate. (because it sure isn’t hospitalizations they care about anymore.)
July? WTF? Ige, or whoever is “advising” him, are leading the free world in incompetence with COVID. New York started its vaccine passport program 10 days ago. Started it! And Hawaii needs another 90 days to get going with its program? I mean, what a complete cluster you-know-what.
I really hope that Hawaii can get this figured out! We had a trip scheduled for last June, then rescheduled for July, then rescheduled for August, and never got to go. We have a trip scheduled now for the end of June. We are both vaccinated, but if they move opening to July 4th, we will be past the “3 month” window Hawaii governor Ige wants. It is really difficult to make plans. I hope Lt Gov Green can impress upon Ige the need to figure this out sooner than later. We miss Hawaii and would like to return, but I am not up to going with testing and quarantines. Mahalo for listening.
So I’m a bit confused and please would you clarify about the vaccine.
We have planned trip towards the end of May to Maui. We will be fully vaccinated 3/12 weeks prior to our arrival date. My vaccination card will be complete. At this point in time- are you stating we will still need to get a covid test 72 hours before we depart?
A concern is if the test results will conflict with a test.
So much information that changes by the minute.
Hi Irene.
That is correct. Until something else is announced, you will need to comply with the Safe Travel testing in order to avoid quarantine.
I’m confused on how it works if you do not opt for the vaccination and/or passport since it’s not a requirement. Does it remain as it is now with having to be tested before flying inter-island or from the mainland?
Everyone has to take a pre-test for covid-19 within 72 hours of coming to the islands whether vaccinated or not.
What about children? They cannot be vaccinated yet and it is age discrimination and a violation of the Equal Protection Clause to treat them differently, especially since they are not allowed to be vaccinated yet
Stupidest damn thing EVER to require US citizens to need ANY kind of passport to travel to Hawaii or even between the Islands! The insanity has to stop and sooner rather than later!
Do you Have your real ID ready? Guess what if not you’d need a passport to fly. FYI and yes you do need it to fly tkbhawaii or anywhere else
I appreciate all of the great information you provide on this site, mahalo! I had seen earlier on in discussions about vaccination travel that it would need to be within three months of getting the vaccine, do you know if that is still under consideration? We are planning to visit in September, and don’t know if we should wait to be vaccinated until mid-June so we can meet this criteria. Seems like we should get vaccinated as soon as possible. Mahalo.
Hi Carol.
The state has said nothing about that recently. We’ll have to wait, but our sense it it will be longer than that.
I think Hawaii residents with a fully vaccine card SHOULD be allowed to travel interisland without taking a covid test!! More people would go see family if they didnt have to pay $125-$150@ for a covid test after being vaccinated!!
Keep your islands. Keep your covid passes too. We won’t be back as long as the madness lasts.
That’s perfectly fine Ed. Not everyone can afford a vacation to Hawaii. Enjoy your trip somewhere else.
Question: If we have been vaccinated and have a valid vaccination card (and can present this at the airport), will we be able to freely fly to Hawaii? I’d rather not enroll in CommonPass, CLEAR, or some other tracking database. Thank you!
Hi Mel.
That has not yet been indicated by the state.
Does anyone know if children under 16yrs will also need a Covid test?
Yes, 5 years and older will need to get tested. I am unclear if 5 year olds are to get the test or not, but at any rate that should answer your question. I wish you the best.
I also am curious about this as children under 16 are not being vaccinated currently, that group is still in the testing phase.
Apologies, I am curious about the vaccination requirements for children under 16, not testing requirements. 🙂
Any work from the Governor yet? Been waiting since Friday, with fingers crossed
Read the article in Maui Now: Vaccine Passports Delayed
Sure hoping the Governor will update Hawaii’s travel guidelines soon as we have been fully vaccinated but shouldn’t have to pay and wait for a negative test since the CDC guidelines came out. Flying to Kauai and hoping to rent a car.
Thank you.
Hi Karin.
We just updated this and hope that helps with your planning.
I agree fully
Around May 5, both my husband and I will be fully vaccinated. We plan to have a flight to Hawaii on June 4.
Our COVID-19 tests have already been reserved and would like it very much if we get updates on the “Avoid COVID-19 Testing & Quarantine” for fully vaccinated travelers.
Regards Kindly,
I’d like to make a suggestion that would be helpful to many travellers who have a difficult time meeting the 72 hour test window. ( I tested and did not get results in time and had to quarantine)For those who have been vaccinated expand the testing window to 5 days.
May I ask which trusted partner site you used?
Dear BOH,
I’m somewhat surprised you would post a comment where someone claims Ivermectin & Vitamin D cure Covid-19?! She might as well have added swallow with bleach! Ivermectin is commonly prescribed for heartworm in dogs & cats. It treats parasitic infection,not viruses. Please vet such harmful B.S.!! Thank you
Many Doctors say that Covid 19 is totally curable with Ivermectin and Vitamin D. I hope people realize this and stop this incredible fear mongering. I hate to see the lives of people with small businesses destroyed over this.
Thank you.
Connie B
stop spreading lies and misinformation please. Those are not facts in any way shape or form. Do not want to get one fine by me but stay home and away from the rest of us who are responsible.
Who said it’s misinformation? The mainstream media? Doctors have come out, but they have been silenced. People like you are part of the problem.
No sense talking to people like Paul C., they think that they are doing the right thing. But in reality, they are just sheep that will believe anything the government tells them to do! I am with you on this.
So, the facts that are out there are you can still be positive for the Rona even fully vaccinated. So then what? You’re fully vaccinated and you can still spread it and still wear masks, so what’s the point?
Again, you are wrong. HCQ with zinc and vitamin D does cure mild to moderate Covid 19 infection. Ivermectin does as well and is the lowest side-effect drug you will ever find. Paul, facts are facts. These drugs are known, these vaccines are experimemtal and those are indisputable facts. Yes, I DO know what I am talking about and I do not say them lightly. Facts matter, even if you don’t like them.
Lynn H. BRAVO! Well said!
There are no medical doctors that support Lynn H’s comments. Please moderate this misinformation.
Yes! You’re quite correct. These “vaccines” aren’t even vaccines, they are experimental gene therapy. I won’t be getting them. I think I’m going to purposely get Covid so I have the antibodies and can avoid the scarlet letter of vaccine passports.
Connie, HCQ along with zinc and vitamin D cure mild to moderate Covid 19 infections, though not severe infection. Ivermectin works, also, and has about the lowest side-effect profile of any drug. Dosages are based on weight. These drugs are known, vaccines are experimental and I choose not to participate in this lab experiment. And I will travel unvaccinated.
Who told you that? The Tooth Fairy?
Rather than she said he said, let’s see what Merck and the Infectious Disease Society of America had to say about your claim. From today’s Washington Post:
“Merck, the company that manufactures Ivermectin, says there’s too little evidence the drug is effective against the coronavirus. The Infectious Diseases Society of America opposes it as a treatment for patients. Even if a clinical trial were to show Ivermectin helps reduce covid-19’s harmful effects, the drug would not make a person immune to the coronavirus. The right products for that job are vaccines.”
And, please, don’t say “fake news”.
We are not confident of long term effects of vaccine so will not be getting one. We have our tickets for June to come to Kauai. We hope the 72 hr testing will be sufficient. Would we get grandfathered in if there was a change?
Thank you.
Great so if you GET covid19 I presume since you wont take the vaccine you will not expect medical treatment when you get it.
Paul C – you are a smart man!
No, he is a coldhearted man.
My thoughts exactly
A lot of people cannot take the vaccine for various medically compromised conditions.
You shouldn’t be so mean and smart mouthed.
If you’re overweight and continue to eat, I assume you won’t need treatment if you have a heart attack?
Geeze, be nice.
Dumbest thing I read today! I guess the fact that people that have been supposedly fully vaccinated and have STILL tested positive for the virus and since when were YOU appointed to be the person that decides who gets healthcare regardless of their vaccination status!?
Paul C that is just mean. These are not even true vaccines. They are experimental gene therapy. Do some research before you pop off.
Paul C. The vaccine is not a one size fit all. Some people are actually allergic to the ingredients. Please save your rude comments.
I am shocked at how cold you are, Paul. So if you suffer serious side effects from the vaccine, will you forego medical treatment?
Y’all are spot on. My comments were cold and maybe cruel. I’ve lost several close friends from it. I’m sorry for my words and my sincere wish is not one more person get it or die from it.
Well, this has been certainly entertaining.
Ladies and Gentlemen. In one corner we have COVIDMan, protector of the righteous and science-based superheroes. In the other corner, we have the NoNos – that special group of people who have all the facts, know more than virologists, microbiologist and more than thirty years of science to actually have the opportunity to use that for the benefit of mankind.
Reminds me of those Friday evenings in front of the black and white TV watching in rapt awe of how Gorgeous George finds a way to put down the evil Undertaker. For faux wrestling fans that was life in the 50’s. You know, when life was simple. We loved or at least respected our neighbors. We celebrated a vaccine that would actually erase the scourge of Polio.
Take a breath, y’all. You don’t know as much as you think you know. You know, like believing the vaccine changes our genes? Or like the last election was stolen. I could go on, but open minds are hard to find these days.
Everyone has their personal preference regarding the vaccine. There are no guarantees with the shot and there are risks involved in getting the shot. If one gets Covid they should expect to receive medical treatment if they have not received the shot. Who are you to make such a statement about not getting the vaccine and not getting medical help should one get Covid? There’s no need to be ugly. You have your preference and others have theirs. Get off your high horse. Hopefully you won’t be faced in the coming years with adverse affects from the vaccine. No one knows what if any they may be since the trials are not being followed up as they should be for long term affects. Do your homework and research. Shocking information.