Hawaii Visitors Spending 40% More, But Enjoying It Less?

Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed

Is this the future of Hawaii travel? Back in the news again today.

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2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”

  1. I have been visiting Hawaii at least twice a year since 2014. My daughter has a home on Oahu and I am very fortunate to have my family and this convenience on the island. Because we have a place to stay, and are fortunate enough to use one of my daughter’s vehicles, we have, most times, rented a car for three weeks out of the month and a half of our stay, and since this crazy “pandemic”, it’s obvious that prices have skyrocketed. Can we SHOUT price gouging? How in the world does the State of Hawaii in good conscience, condone/allow this, and how in the world do you expect tourists that help Hawaii’s economy/your businesses thrive and/or stay afloat when you make it impossible for people coming to the island access to travel. I will continue to come, however, most people are not afforded the luxury I have when I visit. Is the State of Hawaii going to continue to allow this, or are they allowing this in hopes that noone will come to the island because of covid. It’s been a year now … most people have gotten their vaccines, tests AND masks are mandatory, quarantine is in place, colds and normal sicknesses seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth…people are probably safer now than they ever were before this pandemic zeroed in on us, yet, to get back to my point for writing here….we have car rental companies taking advantage of the very people that they rely on to keep their companies going. I will never understand people that take advantage of others during times of adversity. Hawaii is and always will be worth the visit…it’s beautiful yet expensive even in normal times,(lodging, food, airfare, car rentals, PLUS shopping that helps you to keep your businesses) however, you make it more difficult to afford coming when prices skyrocket for no reason other than covid AND greed. Shame on you Hawaii and those of you who use this CONTROL over all of us.

    1. It is a supply and demand issue. A lot of cars were sent back to the mainland last summer as the cars were not being rented due to lack of tourists. Many car rental companies reduced their fleets, i.e., sold their cars. This situation is not unique to Hawaii. I saw on the news last night car rentals rates are up all over the US due to the rental companies reducing their fleets. Demand is driving the prices up. If you find people who will pay $150 per day versus $50 per day, you would charge the higher amount, too. On top of this, the computer chip shortage is keeping car production low, so who knows when rental inventories will be back to normal?

  2. Hawaii will not be getting many visitors this year. Try to book a rental car. For example, in Kona car cost 1500 for a week . That’s twice what my room would of cost. Going to florida, no tests or vaccine needed and no masks, rental car 300 for week. Best governor in the country hands down.

    1. I just saw a report that people are renting U-Haul vans instead of paying up to $700 a day for a rental car. I guess I was lucky last October/November when I got a Hertz Car for 5 week and paid $750. On the other side, Maui was deserted at that time making it the best stay ever.

      1. I am aware of some “enterprising” individuals on Kauai that are renting their spare (usually poor condition) vehicles to tourists under the table. What could go wrong?

      1. Population of Florida in 2020-21.48 million
        Population of Hawaii in 2020-1,407,006

        This might explain the difference in numbers. Just sayin…..

        1. Well, if you do the math I came up with one out of every 617 Florida residents died versus one out of 2993 Hawaii residents…
          John S was all about the cost to him, coming to Hawaii now, and how he didn’t want to be inconvenienced taking extra precautions to protect others.
          If Hawaii had the same ratio of deaths as Florida, 2280 people would have died rather then 478…..that’s a lot of lives saved.
          Businesses can and will recover, you don’t recover from dying, and equally important is the devastation to loved ones that those that died left behind..

      2. Florida population 22 million and growing. Average age 42.4 years. Percentage adult obese = 28.4. Many communities in Florida have long been known as God’s waiting room.

        Hawaii population 1.4 million and stagnant. Average age 39.1 years. Percentage adult obese = 23.8.

        It’s not an apples to apples comparison. You cannot compare Hawaii with Florida or any of the mainland states (maybe Alaska). It is impossible to close down visitors or enforce a two week quarantine in any mainland state without the benefit of everyone needing to arrive at the airport where you can “tag” them.

        I don’t live in Florida and I don’t care one way or the other about their governor.

        1. David it sounds like you are saying someone older dying of Covid is less important?….that obesity should be factored in? I totally get there are health factors playing a role in who dies from Covid but the protections are in place to protect everyone. Everyone is important and the people running around saying I’m healthy or young so I’m not worried about precautions or vaccines (Sorry Barbara!) are essentially saying they don’t care if they pass on Covid to someone who may be more vulnerable.
          What does all this have to do with visiting Hawaii? I’ll tell you, the debate on the level of Aloha here is a real one. Nice, respectful friendly people have a great a time here. Angry disrespectful people not so much. It’s amazing that our country has divided into camps that either feel protecting others is important or feel it’s all about them and their personal liberties and others be damned.
          Hawaii has done a great job protecting lives and many people have jumped through a few hoops to experience it without the normal level of crowds.
          It’s not a perfect situation here and the rental car deal sounds far worse to me then taking a test or wearing a mask around others, but these are unusual and difficult times for everyone and the angry finger pointers that divide people into my side or the enemy will be much happier in Florida.

          1. “David it sounds like you are saying someone older dying of Covid is less important?”

            I did not say anything like that.

            I said you can’t compare Hawaii with Florida. Or with New York or Massachusetts or New Jersey, for that matter, which have the highest COVID-attributed death rates per capita population in the country. The governor of New York get’s an Emmy for his COVID performance. They should at lest give Ige a participation ribbon for a per-capita death rate less than 10% of New York’s rate.

          2. Hey Johnw, Florida is not filled with “angry finger pointers that divide people into my side or the enemy”, as you so inaccurately portrayed it as being. Florida is every bit as welcoming and fun loving as Hawaii. Hawaii is a great place to visit and is some of the most beautiful scenery in the world. When you say things like you just did, people like me just discount you as being just another “unfounded” opinionated individual.

          3. Well Ed you are correct about gross generalizations and in fact you can find good people anywhere you go…..however quite a few people on here have been in fact, angry finger pointers and touted Florida over Hawaii.
            I pointed out the fact that Florida has had many more deaths per capita then Hawaii.
            (I actually like Florida and lived in West Palm Beach for a bit!)

          4. JohnW
            We are jazzed to be coming in June and we are happily prepared to jump thru whatever hoops Hawaii has in mind. I respect the islands and its governorship for their ability to keep the virus from raging thru the islands.

      3. Hawaii is the most isolated place on the planet. In the Continental United States we have freedom of movement. Most of the country has moved on and getting on with our lives, not hiding in the basement and shaking like a scared chihuahua.

    2. By far the worst governor in the USA but by all means go there to covid ravaged Florida where they don’t count the cases or the bodies.

      1. You are totally off base with that comment about Florida. We live in Central Florida and I can tell you from first hand experience that covid has not been the problem that it is being made out to be. We don’t have ambulances flying through the streets at all hours of the day and night and we also have friends within the Hospital system that have told us there Hospitals are NO where near at capacity. So if you are going to tell falsehoods and make comments in an attempt to scare people from Florida, there will always be someone “who lives there” to call you out! Nice try!

        1. Well MR Ed,
          I also have a number of family and relatives in Florida who work in the healthcare system. Your numbers have always been lied about by your governor. I could really care less about your state. I will never again visit there and it has basically nothing to do with Covid. A horse is a horse of course of course………… I will spend MY money in Hawaii and anywhere else. Funny yall have been doing nothing but crapping on Hawaii. See how that feels when someone attacks your state? Dont like it do you? Be nice and if your not planning a trip to Hawaii go promote Florida somewhere else.

  3. I can’t wait to read the criticism I’m going to get for this post. Bring it on – I’m ready – but I have to say this.

    If you, as I am, are signed up to receive copies of the responses to BOH’s topics, you know that you receive sometimes dozens of emails each day 95% of which these days seem to be argument for or against Covid vaccination.

    Guess what, folks…. NOBODY CARES! People have long since made up their minds as to whether the vaccine does or doesn’t fit in their lives and nothing you will say on this site will change their minds!

    What you will accomplish, however, is that, in a fit of boredom, members such as myself will just start deleting anything and everything and posts which have merit, which offer good information, which actually have something to contribute will be deleted unread.

    If you need to have a “soapbox” for pro- or anti-vax comments, please go elsewhere on social media. This is a site for advice, information, comments, experiences with travel to Hawaii. Not a site for medical debate!

    1. Barbara,
      You are one smart lady!
      Half of these “Vax” experts do not know what they are talking about, and this site has turned into a political forum having nothing to do with Travel to Hawaii.
      I, too, delete most posts without reading, and typically only read what BOH writes.
      If you don’t want to get COVID, if you don’t want to get vaccinated, if you don’t want to get tested, then just stay home for a year or so. No one cares. And just like in an election year, your opinions will not change my opinions. Research facts from reliable sources and then keep your opinions to yourself.

  4. Hi , Jacobsen vs Massachusetts was actually decided in 1905 and the United States supreme court held that since no one would be vaccinated by force and the only punishment for not being vaccinated as required for smallpox was a. $5 fine ( $100 in today’s value ) the court was not worried about a persons harm if they refused the vaccination .

  5. Once again thanks for your very informative blog, I think some of those questioning the constitutionality of requiring a person to be vaccinated should look at the precedent set by the case Jacobsen vs Massachusetts in which the Supreme Court of the United States upheld the state law that authorized cities to require vaccinations to protect the public health , this case is still the precedent and has been since 1907.

  6. GP
    No one said you HAD to have the vaccine. It is an option to forgo testing and/or quarantine. Nothing illegal about that. Did you read the whole article or listen to the Gov news conference?

  7. Are they serious? That is non-constitutional. There are many people who will never get vaccinated they should not be forced to and they’re saying that the travel you must be. That is flat-out illegal and unconstitutional get it together Hawaii get it together you are the laughing stock of the country through the Cove in crisis

    1. No one is being forced to get vaccinated. If you don’t (or can’t) want to get vaccinated. Then just get a negative Covid test. It’s very simple, and not a constitutional issue.

    2. First, the “unconstitutional” argument is always a silly one. What part of the Constitution is being violated by allowing passengers to bypass quarantine with proof of a vaccination? We have 1000’s of laws just in driving vehicles and no one brings up the Constitution

      Second, no one is being “forced” to have a vaccination. If you don’t want to vaccinate, you can take a COVID test to bypass quarantine.

  8. Thank you for the timely update Guys.
    Travel to Hawaii has surely become complicated. I now have a clear picture of what has happened with the rental car companies. Seems the companies shipped all their cars off island and sold all their cars as to stay in business. Now that tourism is beginning to return and there is need for more cars, new cars are hard to get because of a lack of semiconductors. Looks like that car imbalance thing will be around for awhile.

    1. Hi Roy.

      Thanks. Yes that is largely the case. We can’t say whether the rental companies are also taking advantage of the situation or not?


  9. Steven S.
    I am considering Walgreens, but I thought that sounded too easy. You sound like you have done your homework? We can have them do the test 3 days before leaving the Mainland?

    TIA for your insight …

    1. We were there last week, and were told that a shipment of rentals is to arrive April 27 in Maui. Hope so, because it was such a pain not having a car on our latest trip.

  10. I dont see this as confusing at all. I sincerely dont care what hoops we might have to jump thru to make our Hawaiian destination! I will swim if I have to. I have too much respect for the people and the Islands to complain about it. Perhaps a little less gas lighting by BOH would be helpful in keeping some of the trolls we see non stop here who apparently NEVER plan to come to Hawaii and leave this great resource for those of us willing to do what we need to do to enjoy the Aloha spirit!

    1. I don’t think BOH is gaslighting at all. They are allowing freedom of speech and practicing non-censorship. These are standards that are in short supply today. Not everybody agrees with your observations. Thankfully, BOH is allowing differences of opinion.

      1. I agree with Curtis, I think seeing different opinions is important…for example the irrational “they can’t require vaccine passports it’s unconstitutional!” perspective versus the fact it’s is a just a very efficient additional tool to support tourism and will help ease the crowding on arrival….. That debate on here helps define what a healthy perspective on the subject is. Pragmatic or angry and irrational? The choice is clear.
        Has anybody noticed that the anti vax debate pits some people outright lying or promoting some extremely crazy ideas (5G, Plandemic Dr Mercola and the best of all…. Bill Gates is tracking you!) versus the simple fact that a huge effort by highly educated and experienced leaders in their field with no political agenda but a simple desire to save lives produced a very safe and effective vaccine that has already been proven to have saved untold thousands of lives?
        Anyway, that’s what I get from reading the different viewpoints, there are more people then we realize that have been suckered in.

        1. Oh and besides improving the flow of tourism here in Hawaii by taking advantage of vaccine passports during these difficult times, how did we become a country that so many people don’t think the health and safety of others is important?
          I can’t believe the argument that “I’m healthy I’m not getting a vaccine as Covid doesn’t worry me” is as prevalent as it is….those people can’t see that while they may very well be healthy enough to win the Covid Russian Roulette game they could easily spread it to someone not so lucky.

          1. The vaccine is making COVID a “young person’s disease” now. Check out: theatlantic.com/health/archive/2021/04/young-kids-vaccines-covid/618650/

            “Vaccination is already changing the landscape of COVID-19 risk by age. In the U.S., hospital admissions have fallen dramatically for adults over 70 who were prioritized for vaccines, but they have remained steady—or have even risen slightly—in younger groups that became eligible more recently.”

          2. True that….the simple fact is if enough people get vaccinated the virus will be beaten and if too many people don’t
            we are at risk of it mutating.

          3. Yep all those people who non stop scream about personal responsibility and family values dont give a crap about anyone but themselves all of a sudden. We as a nation have accomplished many great things together. The prior administration didnt create these people but gave them a voice. They and it still think that Covid19 is a hoax created by the world to destroy them. GMAB

          4. Who says you still can’t spread the virus even if you are vaccinated? Nobody knows this so it is an invalid argument to say that those who don’t want to get an experimental vaccine are any more likely to transmit the virus than those who’ve been vaccinated.

          5. Hello this is why you must continue to wear a mask even when fully vaccinated. Its not that hard to figure out.

        2. John W Well stated sir! I have had Bill Gates tracking device for 15 years now! LOL I have no problem with diverse opinions but it gets very tiring to see people trolls non stop spewing lies and BS about the virus that in many cases have zero intention ever of coming to Hawaii. We are actually preparing for our June trip and all the negativity just isnt helpful. Each website is driven by clicks. Thats what I meant. For the most part the guys of BOH do a great job just saying that a little less about confusion. Yes its confusing but if you really want to get to Hawaii you will do what you need to do get there. By the way tourism is way up all over Hawaii so to those saying oh no one is going to go anymore is just BS.

      2. To quote Daniel Patrick Moynihan – “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.” So the problem with social media, etc. is that people who are completely unqualified post their opinions as if they were facts. This causes a lot of misunderstanding, confusion, and divisiveness. We can see that here on BOH where they are trying to draw out the facts from reputable sources and provide some clarity for us. Unfortunately, we then get a lot of folks who comment on here and post “alternative facts”, and misinformation, etc. and it creates a lot of confusion for people who are just trying to find out what they need to do in order to travel to Hawaii. Therefore BOH is placed in the unenviable position of trying to correct all the misinformation, or, just letting it flow and hoping that people can differentiate between it and the truth.

        1. Remember that one of the first “anti-vaxers” was our soon-to-be Vice-President Harris who stated last September that she “wouldn’t be taking the Trump vaccine anytime soon”. Misinformation comes from both sides of the political spectrum.

          1. Not an anti-vaxxer and not what she said. You complain about misinformation and then you spread more misinformation.
            Here is the quote:
            “If the public health professionals, if Dr. [Anthony] Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely,” Harris said during the live debate in Salt Lake City, when she was asked if Americans should take a vaccine, if the Trump administration were to approve one either before or after the election. “But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it. I’m not taking it.”

          2. Off subject Curtis but I don’t understand the “soon to be” comment? about our Vice President? She has been VP since January…unless of course you are buying into the looniest conspiracy theory of our time and there is some weird twist on that floating around? I think her comment was not anti vax but a simple political one that was meant she didn’t trust the prior administration.
            That said, I disagree with any partisan attack that feeds into some peoples fears and you are right that politicians say stupid things just for the sake of attacking opponents.

          3. Curtis that is not what she said at all. She was referring to the prior admin. rush to push thru anything. I was skeptical myself till I did more research into the virus and vaccines. I have many medical professionals in my family and each and every one republican and democrat and independents say the virus is real the vaccines are scientifically sound. I am cool with that information coming from medical professionals.

          4. An excellent example of alternative facts. Now we know that the prior administration was urging the CDC and even pressing the CEO of Pfizer to rush and approve ahead of the FDA in time for the election. Then VP Harris knew these facts and emphasized that under those conidtions she would never take the vaccine. Besides, Pfizer and partners developed the mRNA vaccine without a dime of federal money.

  11. My wife and I travel from Tampa to Kona through Denver on May 6. We will have been vaccinated, tested based on the DEN-KOA leg, will do all the Safe Travels stuff, and hope to pre-clear in Denver (traveling on United). Are we leaving anything out?

  12. Thank you for keeping us updated! 10 of us are scheduled to come to Hawaii in June…all vaccinated. Guess that won’t matter (at least at this point), so we need to start looking into testing. If anyone can help with answers I’d greatly appreciate it.

    1. Is the Walgreens “ID Now” test good for Hawaii travel? It’s a NAAT test from what their site says. (Test 1)
    2. We arrive in Maui June 4. Apparently there is going to be a second test, post travel. I’ve seen something about it needs to be taken within 72 hours after arrival. Is that true or is it immediately after arriving? (Test 2)
    3. We have 5 nights on Maui. If the post travel test is allowed to be three days after arrival, is that good for our jump to Oahu on June 9? If not, is there somewhere on Maui like a Walgreens that can get us our test back in time for that travel? (Test 3?)
    4. Once on Oahu, on June 12 we have also already paid for a “day excursion” to fly from Oahu to Kauai on Hawaiian Airlines and then take a helicopter tour…do we need to test for that also??? (Test 4?)

    While I understand the need for safety, it gets pretty ridicules (4 tests in 9-10 days) when you put all of that down on paper and look at it. Unfortunate times we’re living in…

    Thank you for any answers / suggestions…

    1. Hi Jeff.

      1. Our understand is yes it is.
      2. Details to be released, but it will be on arrival.
      3. No test is needed to travel to Oahu from Maui.
      4. At this point, yes another test would be required within 72 hours prior to the flight to Kauai.


  13. haha… congrats residents.. you can now travel a whopping 50-100 miles to other islands within your State.. Whoopi!!

    Just have to show your card.. Congrats..

    Oh, and no other State has done this or is planning on doing this. NY is only doing it for large events and that is even being scrutinized by its citizens. Ige and Green can tout being the 1st in the Country. Wow, a whopping 1 out of

    maybe someday you can go out without a mask.

    1. Lol, Sean i love your comment. It seems like people want to go to hawaii now just to be experimental lab rats or something 🐀. It reminds me if the situation in North Korea and other regimes.

      Hawaii continues its America last campaign, shocking and sad/pathetic but fully expected i guess.

  14. How can one get verification that you took your shots on the mainland to the Hawaii Department of Health . After I took my shots I continue getting questionnaires on how I feel and if I had any health issues since I received the shots .I would think the CDC would have me on file . I took my shots at Fort Hood Texas . We live with our military children since we are there family child care on Oahu .
    Thank you

    1. Hi Wayne.

      There will be a system put into place for mainland visitors as we mentioned in the post. That isn’t happening yet so there is nothing you can do other than follow the process in effect at this time.


  15. Yes, it is incredibly confusing! After following this newsletter and others to keep up with the rapidly changing environment in advance of our trip, we paid $250 ($125/person) to be tested at a Hawaii Safe Travels approved lab on Friday – exactly 72 hours before our trip (“the last leg of our trip to Hawaii”), only to be tested on arrival to Kona yesterday, and then learn that because we would be traveling on to Kauai 3 days later, we would be required to take time away from our vacation to test again (today). So, $300 later ($550 total for 2, so far), we have long since given back any airfare savings, and will be forgoing a couple of tourist activities to keep within our budget. Further, travelers should know that 4+ star hotels are limiting services, like housekeeping.

    1. OMG Yes I came in yesterday into Kona from California and got my free pass wrist band then I deplane in Kona and also got sent to the covid testing. What the hell is wrong with hawaii. You HAWAII government is all messed up. Get it together HAWAII

    2. there is nothing you posted there that hasnt been known for months

      yes it is more confusing now, but the process you experienced has been the same for 4-6 months, at least

  16. Mahalo BOH for the timely update! We will be there at the end of April, so this is all really irrelevant for us. We have photocopies of our CDC Vaccine Cards, as well as the required negative test results from Walgreens uploaded to the Safe Travels website. Still planning on having a fantastic, well-deserved vacation even with masks on and social distancing.

  17. To say I am aggravated about the rules for inter-island travel is an understatement. I am a Maui resident who recently travelled to the mainland. While there, they opened up vaccinations for non residents and since I am in my mid 60s and could not get a shot before I left Maui, I got vaccinated. Now they are saying that unless you got vaccinated in the state of Hawaii, it won’t count for the inter-island travel exemption. So when I go to Oahu next month, I will still have to get a negative Covid test to return to Maui. Beyond frustrated.

  18. What happens if you only have the first dose of vaccine? Due to allergic reaction. Can you still be called fully vaccinated? Thank you, (or do you have to take the test? )

    1. Hi H. M.

      That isn’t fully vaccinated and yes testing will be required. Also, this is going to start only with Hawaii residents vaccinated in Hawaii.


  19. Wow! While I am in no place to get anyone sick, but being fully vaccinated, it does lower the risk. But again an example of politics taking over for science. Why would the CDC give their blessing for domestic travel, if they weren’t confident? Next. If New York was able to set up plans to allow vaccinated travelers over a month ago, I would think Hawaii would easily be able to copy their model and be ready so much sooner. Instead they have wishy-washy politicians! I know I’ll get to visit, just seems like it will be later rather than sooner.

    1. Dear Mike, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year!!! I’m getting very excited & can’t wait♡♡ I’ve always wanted to go to Pearl Harbor to pay my respects because my Grandfather was in the Navy & survived PH!! Going to Pearl Harbor is #1 on my itinerary:)

  20. The state of Hawaii must be the most poorly managed state in the union and I’m from California which is bad. Your governor is wishy washy and incompetent. I feel sorry for the residents. Mahalo for keeping us updated on matters that seem to change with the wind.

    1. Let’s see your warm weather vacation alternatives:

      California 59,000+ deaths
      Arizona 17,500+
      Alabama 10,000+
      Florida 32,000+ (with state’s gov. hiding the actual numbers)
      Georgia 20,000+
      Texas 48,500+


      Hawaii 474

      That death toll makes Hawaii rank the best, except for Vermont, protecting its citizens. Yup, looks as if Hawaii is doing a terrible job containing the pandemic! Did I mention that 50% of its citizens are now fully vaccinated?

        1. Warm weather states, dude. In Florida, not only can you swim in the viral soup, but apparently it’s ok now to hit and run any protesters to “stand one’s ground”. Yup, wonderful vacation spot!

      1. And let’s be real the vast majority of these recorded deaths had nothing to do with
        COVID-19. If so then we just found the cure for Cancer, Flu, Heart Disease, Diabetes related deaths, etc. heck even deadly motorcycle and auto accidents. If you noticed less and less reporting number of “positive” because it’s creating an enormous gap between those getting it and those dying from it. Hawaii is shooting itself, not in the foot, but in the head. I love BOH for always keeping us up to date.

        1. Curtis you don’t want to believe science, doctors nurses etc fine by me but stop spreading lies which is exactly what your doing. Please do some research.

        2. CURTIS… Obviously you didn’t read my post about how NOBODY CARES what your or others’ opinions are on Covid or the Covid vaccine. We care about what you can contribute to experiences on Hawaii or suggestions. That’s it!

    2. Some of us on the mainland have incompetent governors who are refusing to enable vaccination databases to allow us to travel. We’d gladly take leadership like you have in Hawai’i over grandstanding idiots.

    3. Totally agree. Used to travel to Hawaiian islands several times a year. My money and vacations will be spent elsewhere until the Governor gets his act together

      1. Please with that attitude spend your money elsewhere. You wont be missed this isnt the airport where you need to announce your departure

  21. What are government leaders of Hawaii thinking, I spoke to others who have giving up on Hawaii for vacation and are not going back period, they are tired of the Governor’s insecure decisions based on his own political career, while the people of Kauai are fighting for their lives to stay afloat.

  22. Over one year and a some months and this state still can’t get it right! No plans in place for visitors, even within your own state! And we pay for this incompetence with our hard earned tax dollars. Stand up governor and proclaim, “I am so embarrassed by my incompetence, that I resign!”. People might have a little respect for that!

  23. I postponed my travels with my family to Maui November 2020 because of the COVID testing hoping by Summer they would have abolished this whole idea of 72 hours. Having 3 small grandchildren under the age of 7 makes it difficult for them (and me) to understand the Q-tip up the nose test. Now it appears instead of getting better it is now worse having to have a 2nd Covid test upon arrival…Good Grief people get a grip. Guess yet another trip postponed. How very disappointing. Do you have any idea yet on how that whole 2nd test upon arrival will be implemented. Seems like a lot of hanging around and waiting at the airport at this point. Thank you for your updates…Linda

    1. Hi Linda.

      We haven’t heard much so far about Maui’s plans, but your concern about airport delays is something we are all thinking about. As more information is released, we’ll be updating you.


    2. As much as it upsets me, people like us may never go to Hawaii again. I refuse to travel to somewhere that requires that a q-tip be shoved up my nose just so I go there. At least, I’ve got memories of 5 wonderful vacations and a vow renewal ceremony there.

  24. I got my 2 vaccine shots in California, can I use my vaccine shots card ,to travel to maui on May 16h ,or do I have get tested

  25. Question is re: inter-island hopping travel. I’ve got the pre-arrival test for first week in Big Island covered (have the Vault test kit in hand) but then on 5/2 we move for another week stay on Maui. One article I read on another website states you only need one test for Hawaiian travel but Maui county website states that you must have the required test 72 hours prior to arrival. I’ve covered all the bases by scheduling the second required test in Waimea for 4/29, at least I didn’t have to pay in advance. My husband and I are both fully vaccinated so hopefully we can bypass the second post-Maui arrival testing. Any chance one test cover both Islands a full week apart?

    1. Aloha! From experience (last month island hopping), we tested in Oahu to fly to the Big Island-so I believe your thinking is correct. You need to test on the big island to get to Maui.
      This is the best resource: hawaiicovid19.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/SafeTravels-Quick-Facts-4-16-21.pdf

      We are off to Maui next month then island hopping to Oahu which doesn’t required an additional test. Funny how that works! Two tests to get to Maui and none from Maui to Oahu.

      Safe travels!!

        1. Rose,
          I used the Kidney Foundation lab that is onsite at HNL airport next to baggage claim. $120, took about 15 minutes, had results that night.

  26. Lol, this is going to be a shot show. Just wait until no one os coming to Hawaii anymore. They will drop this like a bad habit.

    1. Even with all the confusion and testing requirements, Hawaii is back to between 60% and 70% of pre-COVID travel (2021 vs. 2019 comparison). This will only improve once they sort out vaccination exemptions an barring any large COVID surges. The “no one is coming to Hawaii anymore” prediction has little support.

      1. It will be more of a Yogi Berra: “No one goes there anymore. It’s too crowded”

        IDK about the other islands, but Kauai vacation rentals are in very high demand for the foreseeable future, even on North Shore with all the road problems.

      2. This is frustrating.have both shots n still cannot go to big island.even my grandkids hate it. Every day a different story. I just want to see my family

    2. The average visitor total per day from April 1st-18th is about 20,000 per day. I don’t think Hawaii is worried about it. Source below.


      1. So down more than 33% over even Spring Break… Take a look at the travel downturn during the recession. How did the State do back then? My neighborhood was mostly foreclosures.

        It’s all good though. Mainland States are open and their people are making money. They’ll be able to gobble up the homes of the locals who lose their homes.

        I’ll buy a distressed home, rent it for a couple years, resell it and make a few hundred thousand. All it takes is patience.

    3. Tourism to Hawaii is ramping up bigtime and funny enough many are making it there with no major issues because they are willing to do what is necessary to get there.
      I know people who never before have considered Hawaii who are going. I am going for the first time and bringing friends with me and a ton of cash to spend in the local community. Dont like it dont go but dont fret Hawaii will be just fine!

      1. Dear Mouse, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year& I’m getting very excited! !♡♡ It will be my 1st trip♡♡

    4. RR, I can’t wait for the cheap, entitled, budget-hunting tourists to stop visiting Hawaii. They barely stimulate our economy. I hope they go to Mexico instead. The wealthy tourists will continue to come to Hawaii as they always have.

      1. JohnnyB..I hate to inform you of this but the wealthy visitors to the islands who come every year and stay for months are not the ones who are supporting predominantly tourist reliant businesses. It is the middle class families who have saved up to take their families on the trip of a lifetime who are the ones supporting those tourist reliant businesses, because they know this could be their one and only time there and they want to do it all. That said, everyone who travels to the islands, regardless if they are staying in luxury resorts, condos, budget lodging or camping spends a lot of money while they are there above and beyond airfare. Grocery stores, big box stores, car rental companies and all restaurants benefit from the visitor’s dollars, whether they are rich or poor. It is comments like yours that drive away people who may have never been there before and are now afraid to come because who wants to go someplace where the locals treat you with disdain. Unfortunately, the struggling business owners are the ones who are paying the price for the visitors who are driven away by hatred.

  27. FWIW….a little off subject but some might find this helpful dealing with travel in these times….I just went to the mainland, flew Hawaiian Air. The return was quite painless and easy.
    They had a list of places to use for testing on their website. Used Worksite labs which is exclusive to Hawaiian I believe, cost 90 dollars and results came in quicker then promised.
    Here’s the good part, they had a separate counter set up at the gate to verify you had been tested and they do the arrival clearance for you at the gate before you leave. They give you a pink band for your wrist and upon arrival you just walk past the screening line and off you go. They did ask for a printed copy of my test results as well as looking at the safe travels website so I would recommend having that with you (I did)
    This was in Seattle, I don’t now if anyone else does this but pretty typical of Hawaiian to be on top of enhancing the Hawaii travel experience.

    1. We used worksite labs and got checked in in PHX for our flight. We also got a wristband to bypass Honolulu and on to Kauai. Had another check in in Lihue. When we got to the car rental they said we were not checked in from Honolulu so they were not going to rent a car to us. I showed them our negative tests and they let us go. Then, we got to our hotel, same issue, again were not going to let us check in until we went through the whole thing again. Finally let us check in after showing our negative test. Basically, the Hawaiian Air guy that gave us our band neglected to check us all the way through to Lihue. The trips part of the Safe Travels app was not updated!! So, I spent a lot of time and had a lot of anxiety over it even though I did exactly what I was supposed to do!
      Bottom line, take a printed copy of your QR code and your negative test result with you!

      1. Flew back to LAX from Maui last night. Kahului airport was so busy. Long lines through security and also on arriving visitors waiting to jump through the covid hoops. The tourists are back! I can’t imagine how the airports will be able to handle the summer crowds unless the governor takes immediate action.
        The approved covid test sights are a scam – $175 each from Ventura plus $125 each in Hilo to fly interisland. Why can’t the free test sights be accepted?
        Lastly, we had a wonderful trip, worth every hassle and expense.

        1. Dear Gail, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year! !! I’m getting very excited & can’t wait♡♡ My Grandfather was in the Navy & in Pearl Harbor. I’ve always wanted to go to PH to pay my respects & that is #1 on my itinerary!

  28. Thank you as always BOH for giving us the most up-to-date info
    We’re making our 2nd trip to the Big Island in early May to celebrate our 35th anniversary. We will both be fully vaccinated & have our 72hr test results/QR codes in hand. We are happy to do our part to keep Hawaii safe, just as everyone we’ve met on our past trips have done. We consider a privilege, not a right, to travel to the islands. Aloha!

    1. Hi Suzanna.

      Thank you. We’re happy to hear you can return to the Big Island next month to celebrate. Congratulations.


    2. As a resident of Kona I applaud your attitude. We really enjoyed the lack of tourists during the first 6 months of the pandemic. We could go anywhere we wanted. Not a tourist in sight.
      But we knew this would not last. Now with restaurants at half capacity it is almost impossible to get a table anywhere in less than an hour or so. Last time out it took 1h 45 minutes to get a table.
      It is frustrating for us who live here and pay huge property taxes to have to wait for someone who is here for a week.
      But we persevere knowing that eventually things will go back to normal and sharing the rock will be a lot easier when everything reopens completely.
      But again you have right attitude and do not feel like you are entitled to everything you want like many posters.
      Safe travels.

  29. Inter-Island Trip Report:
    I had to go on an overnight business trip to Oahu from Kauai. I researched Trusted Partners for testing and found one run by the Kidney Foundation right near baggage claim in Oahu. You can fill out your paperwork for the testing online before arriving, no need for an appointment. Upon arrival I went straight to testing. They asked for ID, gave me the testing kit, and guided be through a self-test process. The whole thing took about 15 minutes. They email my negative result by 6pm that evening and I uploaded the report to Safe Travels.
    The next day I arrived back in Lihue, provided my ID and they looked up my results online and I was done. That took about 15 minutes as well.

    On a whole, a pretty painless process except for the $120 for the test. Can’t wait for a vaccination exception program to get started!

  30. Thank you for this update. I am grateful that when I return to my home in Hawaii after travel, I can likely avoid a second test by providing proof of vaccination.

  31. I keep seeing all this info regarding testing to get to the islands but nothing about what is required to return to the mainland?!?! Will I need a test to board a plane to return? How much are these tests costing? I’d appreciate some cost estimates so I can decide if I’m going with the extra expense.

    1. KATHY T…

      Unless your state has an individual requirement, you should not have to test or quarantine to get back home. As for the cost of the Covid test, that can range from $0 to $200 and depends on whether you require “regular” testing (results hopefully within 72 hours) or Rapid Response testing (results within an hour). It depends on whether you can take advantage, as I can, of testing provided by my state for $0 (as they use one of Hawaii’s “Trusted Partners”) or whether you need to be “rapid” tested at the airport. You need to do your research as to what works for you and from there you will be able to determine the cost.

    2. Kathy, COVID testing rules are different from state to state. What state are you traveling from/to? Most states have lifted there COVID restrictions but there are still some specific exceptions. Copy/paste this link for a state-by-state breakdown as of April 16th. cnn.com/travel/article/us-state-travel-restrictions-covid-19/index.html

    3. I just returned back to the mainland (Indiana) on 4/16 from a 2 week stay in Maui. Not a single piece of information regarding testing/vaccines, etc., was required to be shown to board a plane to return

  32. Thanks for your continued Covid information. I scheduled a trip for my family of five to Maui about three weeks ago to take place end of May. I think I jumped the gun since Maui is now considering an on-arrival rapid test. Considering our vaccinations and pre-travel test, this seems excessive. I feel the risk associated with getting possible false-positive tests and just the stress involved with the whole trip is out-weighing the benefits of a Hawaiian vacation. I just canceled the trip. On the plus side, for all you looking for a car, there is now a Camry available at Avis! The only hiccup I have is that Hawaiian Airlines will not refund our money or allow me to transfer the credit. We now have a travel credit for each of us to be reticketed within the year for travel up to 330 days following that, so basically two years. Hopefully, we can use it. With kids in college and/or military it might be hard to coordinate. I am taking that as a slap on the wrist and my punishment for jumping the gun. Thanks again for your ongoing information. Someday we will get back to something more normal. Until then I will rely on you for the scoop!

  33. We are planning a trip to Maui the mid-May. We have researched the partner pharmacies from which we can get the quick turnaround test…. but when the pharmacist was asked about it in one of the pharmacies, he didn’t know anything about it. Where can we get firm guidance about what is will be required for our entry into Maui (May 14.) Are there specific pharmacies that cannot actually do the quick turnaround? What, specifically, is the name of the quick test we need?

    1. depending on where you’re flying from, a test at the airport was provided for passengers traveling from Sacramento on all airlines. Suggest you check…

    2. Just returned 4/16 from a 2 week stay in Maui. Various Walgreen pharmacies offer a certified rapid ID test (NAAT) that guarantees results within 24 hours. We received ours in about 2 hours. Not all Walgreens offer the tests so you will need to search which ones do from the Hawaii-travel website. It was quick, and we were not charged anything for taking the test. Highly recommend them.

  34. If I’ve had 2 vaccine shots ,do I still need to get negative covid-19 test before I go to maui, going middle of May

  35. If you could please clarify…if we are fully vaccinated, send copy to Safe Travels, show when you land. Got it…Now do we still have to take a covid test 72 hrs before our last leg of connection as well and send to Safe Travels?

    Thank you so much for this clarification. We are visiting in June.

    1. Hi Jeff.

      Unless something changes before then (which is possible), the answer is yes you do need to test within 72 hours of departure from mainland to Hawaii.


  36. Recently the CDC issued this statement and I was wondering if there is any word as to whether the state of Hawaii has acknowledged it and if they are going to consider abiding by this latest directive? “The CDC said Covid-19 tests are no longer required for fully vaccinated people before or after a trip within the U.S., and there is no need for them to self-quarantine. “. I am assuming that the CDC looks at the stats from all the states before they issue updated blanket directives, so they must feel that this would be appropriate for the Islands as well as the mainland. Now, with the state running out of funds to pay for additional testing upon arrival, I am wondering if that will be the catalyst for discontinuing the extra tests and if so, it begs the question as to how important those tests really were to begin with. Were the Governor and the local mayors really that worried about tourists who had already been tested bringing in the virus, or were those extra tests on arrival strictly an effort to discourage and limit tourism?

    1. Where can we get firm guidance about what is will be required for our entry into Maui, May 14.? Are there specific pharmacies that cannot actually do the quick turnaround? What, specifically, is the name of the quick test we need?

      1. Aloha Bill – As a traveler who has successfully completed over a dozen trips to Maui since the start of the Pandemic – you need to do the following:
        1.Get a Hawaii state approved Covid test from a certified partner 72 hours before departure. You can find those at hawaiicovid19.com/travel-partners/
        2. Make sure you upload and fill out the safe travels form 24 hours before departure. travel.hawaii.gov You will receive your QR code from this as well.
        3. There is the potential for a second (rapid) test upon arrival to Maui which will be administered and paid for by the county of Maui – per mayor Victorino. When this will happen has not been announced.

        Keep checking back to BOH for updated information – the Covid travel tab on their site is also very useful

        Thank you BOH for keeping us up to date with the ever changing rules!

      2. It’s the ID Now test, which is a NAAT test and should return results within 24 hrs. That’s at Walgreens Drug in Ohio, at least. Cincinnati area to be specific. Good Luck from wherever you’re traveling.

        1. TOM… There isn’t a single Walgreens in my entire state that offers the ID Now test so consider yourself lucky!

    2. Dear Sheryl, Hawaii is working on the vaccine exemption. A person would need to show the officials their proof of being vaccinated….their CDC card. Very important not to lose this card!! Also upload it to the Safe Travels program. I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year & I’m getting very excited!!♡♡
      God Bless & stay safe!

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