Hawaii Visitors Spending 40% More, But Enjoying It Less?

Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed

Is this the future of Hawaii travel? Back in the news again today.

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2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”

  1. Seems to be a debate on here about the vaccinated vs unvaccinated throwing stones at each other and someone thought the vaccinated folks feared those without shots?? I’m vaccinated and have no fear when I travel. I don’t think it’s being irresponsible by being fine with now my odds of catching Covid from anyone are minuscule and if I did my symptoms would almost certainly be at the most, very mild.
    I think the issue that many have with the anti-vax folks is the simple fact that the more people that get vaccinated the fewer cases of Covid will happen and the sooner that happens the sooner we can all get back to normal. Simple as that. You have to admit the anti vax crew is either basing their perspective on some pretty crazy irrational arguments or even worse, they somehow think it makes a political statement and they are willing to poke others in the face. Auwe!

    1. As long as we allow ourselves to be divided into tribes and labeled (i.e. pro-vax, anti-vax) and allow our government to mandate what should be individual choices, we will never get along. The group being coerced will become more and more entrenched and angry. History shows that this always leads to violence (hence increased disruptions on flights and in airports.) This ends when we restore the individual liberties guaranteed by the US Constitution which many believe are derived from God (see Declaration of Independence). The “pro-vaxxers” may think they are in the right to support vaccination mandates, however, would they like it if their right to make health choices for themselves was taken away? The anti-alcohol or anti-tobacco or anti-meat groups might come for their unhealthy habits. Let’s let go of this and have peace! And then travel to Hawaii. 🙂 Mahalo.

      1. As long as we allow ourselves to be divided into tribes and labeled
        Meanwhile BeckyG Divides and labels. really nice. So we should just bow down to you anti vaxers anti maskers and let natural selection take its course? 600,000 have already died in the USA alone and it would be millions if not for the masks and vaccine but hey keep spreading your divisive message. Meanwhile I will be sitting on a beach in Hawaii enjoying life while all you angry people are here yelling at each other

    2. I agree with you. I am not worried at all to travel and if someone announces (not sure why they would) that they are unvaccinated and I happen to sneeze near them I wonder how quickly they would move! HAHA. I wouldnt really do that.
      I am all for natural selection at this point taking over and doing its thing. I have seen a number of cases where these people were buying the big lie about Covid and on their death beds admitting crap I was so wrong about this. I wish no one ill. Lets be clear. But Karma and natural selection is a real thing. Safe travels friend. We have less than 10 days before we board Hawaiian airlines for 10 wonderful fun filled days in Hawaii

  2. To all the folks who are harping on how vaccine cards can/will be forged – can’t we just be happy that (a) there’s a vaccine and (b) hopefully that will make travel, particularly to Hawaii, easier. It’s been a long year of “glass half empty”. Can’t we just enjoy having the “glass half full” for a while!!!

  3. As I stated I am vaccinated. My issue is that I have the SAME CDC CARD as someone vaccinated in Hi. I received the SAME VACCINE as someone in HI, therefore I should not have to test INTERISLAND either. The same rules should apply. As far as being entitled. It is my understanding that Hawaii relies on Tourism as a very important part of their economy, no? So when I visit every year and spend money there, how does that make me entitled. It seems to me that I’m being helpful and not harmful. I am a very respectful person of the Ocean and Planet. You should be more kind to strangers.

    1. Dear Gloria, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year! I’m getting very excited & can’t wait♡♡ Personally, I’m waiting until next year because I don’t want to deal with all the testing that brings stress with it. I’m most likely only going to Hawaii once in my life because it has taken me awhile to save $$ & I’m definitely not going to chance it. Plus too another reason my friend who will be going with me is still saving her $$. God Bless you & stay safe & healthy:)

  4. We are going to Honolulu on 5/28-21 and I am worry about 72hr testing done . I called to Walgreens and I hope this rapid test NAAT is good and no trouble with it. We are vaccinated via Walgreens and I hope they will download records to Hawaii ???? in addition to cards we have on hand . Or we have to do something extra before this trip?

    1. Inna I. Please be careful with Walgreens. When I phoned them they said 72 hrs to 5 days. When you go to their website, they state that they are not responsible for giving you your info in time for your time of departure.

    2. INNA, We traveled from Tampa,FL to Maui 5/3. We did our Covid testing at a Walgreens (with the Red dot) got our results in 1 hour and 24 hours before our flights we downloaded to the Hawaii Safe Travel site. We changed planes in Denver and our Safe Travels info with results was verified and a blue wrist band was issued. In Maui we walked off the plane and went on our way. Oh the test at Walgreens was free. Hope this helps

    3. You’ll be fine with the Walgreens ID NOW rapid test. It is accepted by the state of Hawaii. Vaccinated or not has no bearing on traveling to Hawaii right now.

      We used Walgreens ID NOW rapid test and got our results in less than 3 hours.

  5. My cousins while on Kauai found a FREE testing site to get out of their bubble (after 3 days). Do you know if there are any FREE testing sites on Maui for inter island travel? I have googled and cannot find.We are Fully Vaccinated … will test prior arrival on Maui and doesn’t seem fair that a local can travel without testing, but I have to Pay a minimum of $150 per person to test again?

      1. We are talking about the Vaccine and Testing … seems to me – everyone is getting the SAME VACCINE … so why should there be a difference? The Vaccination card is issued by the CDC same as the card in Hawaii. Now I say to you Come On!

    1. Not fair? Our local public schools aren’t even in session in Hawaii and you are complaining about how fair it is that you, traveling during a pandemic (and I have said this many times) to a place with very limited health care capabilities about how fair it is that you need to test and follow the rules? This goes beyond insensitive and entitled. Kauai had a bubble program where you pre-tested, post-tested after 72 hours and then could leave the resort, which were pretty pricey resorts. Please do not try and find ways around the current rules in place. Paradise is not cheap (ever, honestly) if you choose to travel during a pandemic, vaccinated or not vaccinated. Plus, would it not make sense to you that a place with limited health resources in the middle of the pacific ocean (can’t be flown three states over for specialized medical care here) would pilot a program locally first? Like you understand that the majority of residents haven’t left the state to keep one another safe in over a year…???….Absolutely ludicrous….not fair…LOL…Ive heard Florida and Mexico are super fair and cheap as chips! Aloha!

      1. Dear Lani, I support Hawaii & their residents being first! Hawaii is your home & the people who live there come first!! Stay safe & healthy:) I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year & I’m getting very excited & can’t wait♡♡ I live in Alabama & I can wait my turn to come to your Paradise!♡♡ Hawaii isn’t going anywhere so what is the rush?

  6. Aloha kakahiaka- I know that this is an apparent topic of interest to those who are obsessed with all things Hawaii that do not live here(again, I wouldn’t go somewhere that was unsure about visitors w/ limited health care in a global pandemic). It will be a while(fall), if this even makes it. That said, along with these what if “pilots” or “guide to vacation passports for Hawaii travel” posts, can you please do a post on the mask mandate. This has been one of the hottest topics in every single leadership meeting of any significance (aside from the type of traveler we desire for our future, especially on Kauai) and I’m yet to see you post anything about masks as a dedicated topic (if I’ve missed it, please correct me). I find that it is a huge source of contention between residents and tourists. Just because someone comes from a state that doesn’t require a mask, doesn’t mean they don’t have to wear it here. I think that this would be a pretty important piece of information to share in a single post (especially an updated one for those who may have forgotten or haven’t seen it mentioned in previous posts) and include the fact that many tourism industry workers live in multi-generational households-the fear of taking this virus home to their elderly family members is a real scenario that deserves consideration over vacation “vibes”. It is clear to many who live here and read your blog that you don’t always post the local resident comments(they must be too darn sharp for tourists ears), which is your prerogative, your website-your rules(and you cater to tourism because that is where you make your money, which is fine), but educating the visitors will be helpful for all. We’ve worked so hard as a community- numbers are up again since re-entering safe travels(I must have missed that post, too). The comments of some of the people here are exactly why residents have been struggling with tourists for many years, the pandemic simply made it boil over.

    1. YOU make one not want to come. I had been 60 times(tourists ask ME for directions) and never encountered anything but aloha until your vitriol. I bet you weren’t even born there. Did you know IZ?

      1. Vitriol. Such a popular word these days. There is no vitriol in expecting visitors to use a mask and social distance or asking for a post on mask mandates. 60 visits makes you a frequent TOURIST, that’s it. There is no substance to your reply and I am not interested in arguing with a tourist about Aloha or trying to help you understand why the residents of this great state are concerned about how many people are coming in and not following the HAWAII guidelines or the over-tourism that has been happening for a very long time. You wanna talk about masks, Hawaii’s limited health care, testing, Native Hawaiian suffering, loss of life due to disease, Hawaii’s land being stolen and used as a personal Disneyland for tourists $$$ that never really filters down to the people who are kind of forced into an industry that helps them survive and not thrive, sure thing. There has been ongoing conversations for MANY YEARS about limiting tourism in Hawaii because it is killing her lands and using Hawaiian culture as an excuse for visitors being “owed” Aloha. Move along, lady- I am not the one. Oh, and maybe listen to the music that IZ made, as he was pretty vocal about his disdain for what tourism did to Hawaii and Native Hawaiian people..that’s a fact and makes you look pretty silly (I’m being nice using the word silly).

  7. Thank you for the latest information regarding travel to Hawaii. I look forward to reading the most current travel updates on Beat of Hawaii. I plan to travel to Hawaii in November ’21 and hope the COVID19 restrictions will be lifted, or much less limiting, by then. I have traveled to Hawaii many times (and also have lived in Kailua for 3 years in the ’80s) so I am eager to returning to Hawaii soon – the most beautiful and hospital state in America.

    1. Dear George, I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year & I’m super excited!!♡♡ I can’t wait & I have my itinerary all completed:) My Grandfather was in Pearl Harbor & he survived. I’ve always wanted to go to Pearl Harbor to pay my respects so PH is # 1 on my itinerary! God bless you & stay safe.

      1. ALOHA! How wonderful for you! Thank your family for your Grandfather’s service!!! I wish you a wonderful trip full of peace & joy! I have yet to visit PH (get there early to get a pass:) but I hear from my relatives it is a very awe-inspiring and reverent experience. Very Cool that you have connections to this piece of important history:)

        1. Dear Nita, Mahalo very much for your kind words!! It was very refreshing to read them & see the Aloha Spirit♡♡ I live in Alabama so it will definitely be a journey to get to Hawaii but it will definitely be worth it for me! God bless you always…Psalms 91:11♡♡

  8. Trying to figure out what is required for trip to Honolulu Sept 6th for 10 days. Will we need COVID- test? Or will proof vaccine be enough? If not can we get test at our local Walgreens rather than test site at Logan airport. Thank you for any help/direction you can offer us.

    1. Hi David.

      The state plans to open travel from the mainland to those who are vaccinated, and that will hopefully come by July. Check back though.


      1. We are returning to the mainland on May 29th from Kauai via Maui. Will we have to get tested (for inter island flight) since we are transiting at Maui even though we will not leave the airport? We are fully vaccinated in the mainland.

        1. Hi Shalene.

          You should not need to be tested since you are remaining at the airport on one itinerary.


  9. Aloha! We just got back from our San Diego to Maui trip and stay at Napili Shores Resort. I just wanted to say that the pre-travel Covid tests from Kaiser which were free were back in 22 hours!! They did a pre-screen at the check in desk at the Hawaiian Airlines departure gate which entailed scanning your QR code from the Hawaii Safe Travels website and receiving a wrist bands. Upon arrival we whisked right through the airport with zero problems just waved right through showing our wrist bands. There was hardly anyone arriving, the plane was not full coming or going but the airport was full with long lines going home with overhead infrared temperature checking but the wait was about 15 minutes. Masks are enforced but not outside or in restaurants while dining. We had a great time absolutely easy as pie so have no fears everyone. Thank you BOH for all that you do. I will be following the vaxx passport news as I am fully vaccinated and we will be returning late October for the Big Island. MAHALO AND ALOHA 🤙🏽

    1. Hi Tammy.

      Thanks. We appreciate your many comments, nice words, and the report on your recent trip to Maui.


    2. Shouldn’t Tammy get an award for the best post on here or something?
      That was a beautiful reality check. Never forget there are a lot of good people out there and even the pettiness that surfaces on the
      Internet is not an accurate representation of reality…
      Very well said Tammy

    3. @Tammy U.
      Thanx for reporting.
      We are doing the Maui trip in June,but traveling from the bay area. We also have Kaiser, and from the three different Kaiser COVID tests we’ve done since last October, the time to get the results have ranged from two days to five days.

      What was your plan if Kaiser’s test results did not come within 72 hours?

      1. I’ll pipe in here JW….I’ve done three trips to the mainland and every test was promised within 24 hours….it came much quicker then that, 8-10 hrs or so. ….it was the worksite labs option which works exclusively with Hawaiian…I’m guessing if you go to your airlines website they will have a list of providers that will not take anywhere near the 72 hrs. I do have a recommendation to print a hard copy as HA used that when I got precleared at the departure gate..
        Gloria, it’s stressful if you haven’t done it, AND, I did get some help downloading it from my son the first time, but my impression is the printed copy works if your download doesn’t work.

      2. My plan if my Covid tests did not come back on time would have been to reschedule my trip for the 4th time. We rescheduled initially before the Hawaii Safe Travels exemption several times. Hawaiian Airlines was very accommodating and so was iTrip Maui and Alamo Car Rentals.
        I would just be sure to emphasize at the time of your test that you are testing for Hawaii travel exemption and that you need the test back ASAP. The kind lady that did our tests recognized the priority and wrote something on our tests which I assume was something along the lines of “priority”. If you have Kaiser I highly recommend using them because your results are loaded on your medical record where you can export as a PDF which is required to upload to Hawaii Safe Travels.
        I also wanted to mention that we did not experience any lack of Aloha while on Maui or any sort of tourism hate but we did see some car break ins at certain tourist trailheads etc. I don’t know how common that was pre-covid because I’ve never seen crimes like that before (we go to Hawaii multiple times a year) it’s definitely something to be extra aware of in my opinion but that sort of thing is happening everywhere.
        Mahalo everyone and BOH for the kind words. Aloha🌺

  10. So I have the same question as Niki S and I’m stressed out about it. We leave for Maui on 5/19 @ 7:10 am. Does that mean that we have to be tested NO LATER than 7:10 on Sunday , May 17 or ? It is the 72 hour thing that is confusing to me – and I’m stressed beyond belief because of this test. We will not have to test again on Maui before going to Kauai. I know that this sounds like a really lame question. We are double vaccinated as well.

    1. Hi Gloria.

      The rule is you need to test with 72 hours of your scheduled flight departure time from the mainland to Hawaii. As for travel to Kauai, if you are just in transit on Maui and don’t leave the airport, then nothing more should be needed. If you are staying on Maui, then you would need to test again before flying to Kauai. That interisland testing rule is unless you are a Hawaii resident, vaccinated in Hawaii, in which case you would not need to test again.


      1. Yes we are staying on Maui so will need to find a testing place. But it is the 72 hour thing … we can test after 72 hours, but NOT BEFORE. Is that correct … so it could be LESS than 72 hours but not more. Please advise. BTW, thanks for all of this info. You all do a great job.

        1. Hi Gloria.

          Thank you. You do not need to be on Maui for 72 before testing. You just need to test within 72 hours of flying to Kauai.


  11. I can’t find “Gp”s comment but thought I’d respond anyway. Yes, those of us “sheep” who have given into science and gotten vaccinated, yes, we probably will “have certain rights” over those who have chosen to not receive the vaccine. Darn that “dangerous and slippery slope” – just like that “slipper slope” of having to have a driver’s license to drive a car or a Real ID to get on a plane or showing a valid birthday ID to drink in a bar. There that “slipper slope” goes again! REALLY!?!?!?!?!

    1. I couldn’t find it either. I find it ironic that some call us responsible people SHEEP. Guess what have you ever traveled internationally before? I am guessing many have not. Want to travel be responsible. Want life to get back to normal? Be responsible Dont want to get a covid vaccine hide in your home for ever and let the rest of us responsible people get back to our normal lives. You sheep have no right to infect those of us who take responsibility and do the right thing

      1. Well you got this wrong about infecting other people … if YOU are vaccinated then don’t worry about unvaccinated people. The vaccine will prevent you from getting it from the unvaccinated people. That’s the point of you are vaccinated you are protected says the CDC.

      2. Have traveled internationally extensively. Other than a few mostly 3rd world countries ( maybe a couple of regions in Africa for example) There has been no widely accepted need for a travel vaccination requirement. (don’t let facts get in your way though) Especially throughout Europe, N. America, S. America, Asia.

        1. Actually, that’s an oversimplification. The CDC recommends that you be vaccinated against a lot of different things before you travel. They even have a list on their website by country that shows what vaccines they recommend before you go there. You are right, however, that very few 1st world counties demand proof of vaccination before they let you enter. On the other hand, with a worldwide pandemic in place, a lot of countries have travel restrictions in place now. For example, travellers arriving in the United Kingdom must present a negative COVID-19 test that was taken within 72 hours of departure. hmmmm … that sounds familiar…

      1. Yup I agree with ya. Wait until we all start showing them fake vaccine cards to get into HAWAII 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 they think they are “” special “”

          1. The vaccine … not the test. Read the writing. Fake vaccine cards are all over the internet. Open your eyes.
            I AM NOT SAYING I WILL DO IT. So don’t be telling me I want prison time. Read the writing

          2. Show me where these fake vaccine cards are. How will they fake it? There are specific. Traceable lot numbers and locations. Also each is registered with the cdc so do tell how you think they will fake these cards and hope to get away with it

          3. I did just that. I found exactly zero. Please show me your source to all these fake vaccine cards. You must be on the dark web.

          4. I live in California & you can “buy” a fake Covid Card pretty much everywhere! My neighbor told me he bought white card stock & downloaded the card from some State that has it posted on their Department of Health site-LOL. I will not take the Vax because
            1)allergic to some vaccines
            2)my friend’s 44-year old nephew just DIED with hours of Moderna jab
            3)my nieces’ BFF miscarried a 7-month old baby within hours of jab
            4)my friend’s mom DIED after suffering 2 major strokes within days of jab
            5) just yesterday my friends son’s 20-year old male BFF went completely blind in one eye from blood clots due to Vax
            6) my brother-in-law runs a hospital, and YES people who ARE fully vaccinated are still being hospitalized and still dying of Covid (all CEO’s of hospitals talk on a regular basis)
            7)there aretherapeutics that WORK for Covid, IF taken early- my CSI doc friend participated in a clinical study for HCQ- got Covid and went back to work in 2 days (obviously not on the placebo:)..Ivermectin worked within hours for another friend who got Covid….another friend took HCQ and worked rapidly as well…too many stories to share here, but you get the pic
            NO THANKS with an “experimental bio-chemical” vaccine….I will take the Covid saliva test to travel without a vaccine card & call it day:)

          5. Fake Vaccine cards.. hmm… have you seen the pre travel wristband they give you for doing the pre test… you can buy the neon green at any Walmart..

            No one needs to fake a CDC card, much easier to buy a $3 pack of bracelets from Walmart.

          6. Appreciate rly you are not aware of the scan barcode in the bracelet. Go ahead try I dare you

          7. So yes, I’d take my chances with a fake card in Hawaii. Any fine is less than testing.

          8. Hey @fbi we have yet another fraudster here apparently he doesn’t realize the multiple layers one must go thru to prove who they are amd that the card is legit.

        1. The state of Hawaii is in the process of working with companies who will verify vaccination records prior to travel. (Clear and CommonPass I believe). When this system is up and running passengers will be allowed to travel without testing. So fake records won’t be an issue

          1. By the time they get all this rolled out, “cases” and deaths will be next to nothing.

            Similar to the national guardsmen doing temp. checks with their $60 million scanners…Even though the CDC determined temp. check unnecessary and useless.

          1. LisaC please do NOT follow her advice or listen to her lies. Any of that was true it would be all over the news but once again lies and propaganda leads the way. There are no real treatments or easy cures but snake oil sales men still exist apprently.

      2. It absolutely should be mandatory for anyone in the public and especially traveling. Funny part is you may not have a choice. PS Hawaii is an island in the middle of the ocean so different rules apply. Alaska is doing much the same.

          1. How will you fake the card? How will you know the location and lot number of the vaccine? Mine is registered with the cdc. So while there may be some fake ones no one will get away with it. Not sure why you think that’s so funny

          2. Well a friend showed me there card so they can not prove it wasn’t me lol. It shows just the lot number and what vaccine it was lol. Just saying it’s easy. Also just saying I AM NOT GOING TO DO IT…. just saying it’s easy and when I was leaving Kona I seen the guy just let the people wave there vaccine cards at him as they deplaned and went right thru them airport doors to freedom. So NO it can not be detected with millions of lot numbers cards etc.

          3. Well, at least you won’t need a vaccine card to go here. With the latest surge in variant numbers, you’re good to go. So, go!


          1. Sean… you, sir, are a waste of time! Your comments are a waste of time! Please keep your foolish comments to yourself!

          2. I dare you Sean. Sit right next to me. You might find yourself squeezed thru a window at 30,000 feet. Why dude seriously? I don’t care if your vaccinated or not but why would anyone do that? Grow up seriously.

  12. I hope the gov will announce
    People with the covid19 vaccine will be available to avoid the quarantine and testing from the mainland travel in June or
    Thank you

    1. YES this is the way it should be for everything. No covid vaccine no travel, no going out to eat no theatres etc etc. You dont want to be safe and cautious and avoid the vaccine STAY HOME and let the rest of us responsible people go about our lives.

        1. has zero to do with paranoia and 100% to do with personal responsibility dont get one stay home Period

          1. There are MANY ways to get the lot number etc etc. so if people will be forced to get vaccinated to get to Hawaii there will be lots of that going on. ( fake cards ) i And BTW it’s just a card no way to trace them all. So it will happen lots of fake cards to get in. They can not check every single persons lot number.

          2. Nancy,

            So what is the solution? Doing NOTHING isn’t an answer. Somehow Hawaii needs to protect itself against the virus. In many ways, they are in the same boat (no pun intended) as the cruise ships. They are an isolated environment that needs to prevent the virus from entering. Besides Hawaii isn’t requiring you to be vaccinated in order to go there, although personally, I think they should. You have the FREEDOM of deciding for yourself if you want to get the vaccine. Then, depending on what you choose, you also have to suffer the consequences of your choice. Do you think that people should have any consequences for their actions?

          3. You sound like a fan no rules for anything and if there are find a way to cheat the system. Funny part is they are traceable and easily. All the state needs is access to the data base to confirm it. Each lot and number are dedicated to certain people show if you show up with a fake card which I hope you do you will end up in jail for fraud. Sure anything can be reproduced but when you consider each and every vaccine is aligned with a persons name you can produce fake whatever and it won’t work. Not sure why your such a proponent for cheating the system.

          4. No one is being forced to get vaccinated. It’s just another choice people will have to avoid quarantine in their travels to Hawaii. The people who do not want to get vaccinated can still get the covid test instead. Hawaii is just giving people more options.

    2. Haha we go to The Islands to relax, avoid and slow pace there. But come on, speed it up and allow us with vaccinations (from the Mainland) țo bypass the testing. Trust the science, simple.

  13. Just arrived on the Big Island and process went extremely smooth. Utilized United’s Pre-clear at SFO that was in between a very quick layover. Upon arrival showed our vaccine cards and basically within minutes was on the rental car shuttle bus. No one waiting at the rental office so was off in less than 10 minutes. So far a great experience.


  14. Gov says he hopes Vaccine Plan in a few weeks … Lt. Gov says he hopes Vaccine Plan by July … the circus show continues!

  15. Just arrived on the Big Island and process went extremely smooth. Utilized United’s Pre-clear at SFO that was in between a very quick layover. Upon arrival showed our vaccine cards and basically within minutes was on the rental car shuttle bus. No one waiting at the rental office so was off in less than 10 minutes. So far a great experience.

    Thanks for all the updates. Aloha!

  16. I thought vacation planning was stressful before, now it is a total turn off. I have cancelled my flights I can wait until next year to travel

    1. 100%..

      NY has a vaccine app. but that is for basically large arenas. And I’ll guarantee, it’ll be short lived.

      1. OK SO if one is vaccinated ( if the vaccine works) one should not worry about ones that are not vaccinated) or stay home if one has that much fear of getting COVID IF they are vaccinated or NOT.
        Wonder if my point makes sense ? 🙆‍♀️

        1. Nancy,
          Get educated about science and stop whining here. And no your point makes zero sense. Are you even planning a trip to Hawaii?

        2. Nancy,

          Makes sense to me, but based on comments left on Beat of Hawaii, some (many?) vaccinated people are very much afraid of, and angry at, unvaccinated people. In fact, some vaccinated people are still afraid of other vaccinated people, so perpetual masks-distancing-fear and desire for authoritarian crack down and censorship of anyone having a different opinion.

          1. Nope not angry or afraid. The unvaccinated (not all) are also the ones screaming OPEN UP THE COUNTRY yet dont want to do their part to make that happen. The bottom line is those of us who are vaccinated are now better protected against the virus. I have too many immune compromised friends and family to take ANY chances.

  17. Hello!! We are traveling to Oahu in August and are planning a day trip to Big Island. Are there any requirements that we would need to comply with for this day trip? Thanks for your input!!

    1. Hi Lynda.

      It would be best to check back closer to August since we don’t know what if anything may be required then.


    1. Yep, looks like we will be taking our family to Florida instead, people are still welcome in that state. Can’t wait to see this backfire on states like Hawaii, what happens when our more constitutional states start playing by the same rules and banning them from coming in???

      1. Actually Casey Hawaii is not banning anyone from coming in, where did you get that idea?
        Obviously they are taking precautions to protect itself from letting Covid get out of control and overwhelming the
        hospitals. Taking a preflight test before coming here has certainly been effective and it’s certainly not unconstitutional to allow vaccinated
        people to skip that minor inconvenience, anymore then having TSA precheck would be as that too let’s you bypass a longer line.
        That said, the type of people that “can’t wait to others suffer” are probably happier in a State that put less of a priority on preventing suffering then Hawaii.

      2. Aloha Casey! As a resident of Hawaii, I think that is a FABULOUS idea. You will LOVE Florida it has to offer LOL! If taking a few extra steps to keep an island community safe bothers you that much and tramples on your “constitutional rights”, maybe read up on a little Hawaiian history and take a look at how Native Hawaiian rights have been screwed with over time. Florida is an EXCELLENT idea for your vacation!! No one is banning you from coming here, they are simply putting measures in place to keep communities with LIMITED MEDICAL RESOURCES SAFE! Enjoy somewhere other than Hawaii, please. Aloha!

      3. Florida is wonderful.. No citizen mask brigades. Restaraunts, theaters, parks, businesses.. All open and welcoming. No temperature checks, No nonsense.

        Cue the ” well move there” crowd:

        I did….It’s so great I bought a second home there. When in Florida, we all laugh at Hawaii and the West Coast.

        1. Then I suppose you’re laughing at this. The blind never see. Ask Narinda Modi.


  18. Hello, I want to make sure I get this right. We are traveling from Chicago to LAX to Lihue on a Friday. Our flight from LAX leaves at 1:40 p.m., which is 3:40 p.m. Chicago time. So Tuesday 3:40 p.m. is the earliest we can do the test, right? Fortunately, we have plenty of availability of the Walgreens ID NOW testing in our area, so that is what we will do. The latest appointment on Tuesday is 4:15 p.m. The earliest the next morning is 9:30 a.m. Should we do it on Tuesday or should we wait until Wednesday morning? Hypothetically what would happen if we the LAX to Lihue flight departure was delayed or if we missed it and had to take a later flight or one next day? Would we be out of the 72-hour window and not have the Tuesday test accepted? Has anyone been in a situation like that? Thank you.

    1. Hi Niki.

      Either test times sound acceptable. If the LAX to Lihue flight is delayed, however, you will not be penalized. If you don’t get on your scheduled flight at all, that is another matter, and we haven’t heard how that would be handled. Likely you will then have to be tested within 72 hours of whatever flight you actually take.


    2. Dear Niki, I hope that you had a great trip to Hawaii!! 🥥🍍🌊🌈✈🏖😍🐢🐠🌺🌴🚕🚦

  19. Aloha-At one point vaccinations were only “guaranteed” for three months and the time you could travel to Hawaii with a vaccine passport was going to be limited to 14 days after your last shot and no more than three months after your last shot. Has that time frame been addressed for the interisland travel opening up some time soon?


      1. Medical evidence at the CDC is that the effects of Vaccination last longer than originally thought. A key issue though is the need to tweak boosters to cover the new variants such as UK, Brazil, S Africa, India and on the mainland the California one. Having made bad mistakes in the past the Medical establishment is continuing to err on the side of caution as there is little empirical evidence as to the permanence of protection.

        1. There’s also evident that the Phizer vaccines at least does offer protection against some of the variant like the South Africa one. This is brand new info … take a look here: nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01222-5

  20. Aloha,
    Any idea how this will work for people living and getting vaccinated in other countries? I got my Pfizer vaccinations in Mexico.I sure would like to go home to the Big Island soon. We don’t have any testing facilities authorized by the state here so it is complicated and expensive to test.
    Mahalo y gracias!

  21. Fully vaccinated and still have to test, incredibly inconvenient where I live. No guarantees I will be able to fly

    1. Dear Tommy, start date for people who have been vaccinated should be July 4th. They will not have to pre travel test. 🏖🚦🚕🌴🌺🐠🐢✈

      1. Andrea
        The news conference last week by Gov Ige and Lt Gov Green said that they “hoped” to extend the the travel exemption to mainland travelers some time AFTER the July 4th weekend if the companies verifying the vaccines can get up and running by then. While I certainly hope so as I travel July 9th, a back up plan is needed by everyone planning to travel in July. Also pay attention to when they allow Hawaii vaccinated people travel from mainland to Hawaii with the exemption. That will come 1st.

  22. Hi , thought this may help as had trouble with the safe travels website , I did fly to Hawaii in January so do know how to fill out the forms , but after my covid test Wednesday may 5 at Portland airport by carbon health and after receiving the negative test result at 5am today Thursday may6 I uploaded my negative test but didn’t get the approved covid negative to show . Instead it shows “not a negative test “. After many attempts to see if it would be approved I messaged carbon health , they responded and told me that safe Hawaii is having technical issues with some approved test providers . Carbon health told me to email the negative test result to info @ gohawaii.com and have them manually approve it . I just now got a reply from safe Hawaii That they are very busy and to bring a copy of the negative test with me and it will be approved in Hawaii. I think they will just manually approve my negative test when I deplane tomorrow . If anyone us having similar problems it may be due to technical problems .

    1. Update on this : a few hours after emailing info @ gohawaii.com and giving them the information they needed I finally did get the downloaded test now showing covid negative.

  23. Its spread certainly by contact in large groups and through extended families living in close proximity, every culture and country like this has spread it exponentially at least among themselves, but they never want to admit it, (and claim outsiders bring it in) except the numbers don’t lie. Just saying, when making travel decisions, you may experience hostility and thought of as the problem, when you are not. Is it worth it? My son and GF want to Honolulu recently from las Vegas on cheap tickets, but had to pay $200 for negative tests first, and said they were not impressed, that everything there was old. But you will see Islanders and ethnic families of 7 people or so all over Vegas, so evidently theres no problem for them to travel in large groups.

    1. Yes Mike, watch out for those “islanders and ethnic people”….the Covid testing has done a great job in keeping Hawaii safe as we open up and in fact many people are having a great time here. if your son and his gf feel taking a covid test before coming here isn’t worth that act of courtesy (especially after getting a bargain on their tickets!) and think Hawaii isn’t new or glitzy enough for them then maybe they are just better off in Las Vegas.
      No hard feelings, Hawaii is not for everyone.

      1. This covid stuff has certainly brought out the worst in people. I don’t think he meant any offense but you certainly took it that way.

      2. Well said, thank you, JohnW. Gotta watch those ethic people. (Sarcasm)

        Thanks, BOH, for the excellent article. Best source of Hawaii info around!

    2. Thanks , interesting to know that Honolulu Just can’t compare with Vegas , I need to do more research on this but I think the islanders and the large ethnic families that came to Hawaii and disrupted the great culture of our long time American island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean need to realize the consequences of their actions .

    1. @Vicky J … November is a long ways away, but … in all of the postings I have read, there has been no “need to be vaccinated” to travel to Hawaii. Some places I read there is Federal law against forcing people to vaccinate to get on an airplane. In addition, there has been no mention on this web site or by the State of Hawaii that a traveler entering the state “needs to be vaccinated.” For now and probably into November (my guess), unless the laws and regulations are dramatically changed, you will have three choices … (1) Use the current Safe Travel program and get a State of Hawaii approved COVID-19 test from one of the State’s “Trusted Partners” 72 hours or less from your departure time for your last travel segment from the mainland to Hawaii, a test result that is “Negative” for COVID-19; (2) use a FUTURE, YET-TO-BE-ANNOUNCED State of Hawaii program to enter Hawaii with a vaccination card to prove you have been vaccinated; or (3) skip choices 1 and 2 and fly to Hawaii to be under mandatory quarantine for 10 days. Obviously, choices 1 or 2 are the most attractive.

  24. Found this site – a bit confusing at first but if you read slowly, it all makes sense. It does state that CommonPass is in “pilot” with Hawaii Safe Travels but it does give a glimpse into what MIGHT be coming. And BTW – some state (such as ours, NM) gift citizens Vault testing at $0! https://commonpass.org/hawaii

  25. We’re in Kauai and getting here was marginally stressful but mostly ok. We got our pre-departure test through Worksite Labs (via the Hawaiian Airlines page). Once you can figure out all the nuances of the Trip document on SafeTravel, uploading the results was easy (Documents). We got the QR code when we filled out the Health Questionnaire. We were given a green wrist band when we checked our bags in San Jose at the airport. We transited through Honolulu – you just go to your gate and if you have a band, they direct you quickly. No further check of the QR code at this point. On arrival in Kauai, there’s a line where several agents check your QR code. By this point, your QR code is supposed to have a green checkmark that the agent sees on his iPad. However, my husband’s did not show up! Luckily, we had a printed PDF of his negative test, and that was enough to allow us to pass. When we got to the car rental, once again we had to show the green checked QR code. My husband’s QR code for the Kauai portion showed red! The car rental agent allowed him to show his San Jose to Honolulu QR code, now checked green, and she let us pass. Once again, we needed to show QR codes on our iphones when checking in at the Westin in Princeville. But now all is done and it’s great to be back here. We just have to do all this again for our inter-island trip to Maui in a week, but oh well. There is something comforting knowing that people really had to test negative to get here. Plus we’re fully vaccinated, so on with the lovely days spent in my childhood home.

    1. Barbarak,

      We are currently in Maui and came from Kauai. We used Kauai Urgent Care to do our testing prior to our flights to Maui and they were great. Pretty quick testing and then you just get your results which only took 24 hours. Uploaded and all was good. Just wanted to share in order to cut down on any stress level or anxiety.

      Also, if you are going to Hanalei, check the schedule for the road closures……

      Safe Travels…….

      1. Had a neighbor stuck in the PV side of the line yesterday. Said they missed the afternoon window, and had to kill three hours waiting for the evening opening. Among other things, watched a couple hundred rental cars get turned around because, apparently, people are unaware the road is closed 6 days a week except very limited windows plus evenings. The rental car companies should hand out a simple piece of paper with the road schedule to everyone renting a car. Doesn’t mean people will read it or “get it, but at some point what can you do.

        1. Hi David, the rental car companies DO make it clear that the road to Hanalei is only open a few times a day. It’s on the screen while you wait in line, and they give you a sheet with the times written on it when you get your car. Our hotel (Westin) also gave us a sheet with all the open/closed times. People just need to read the instructions – and know that they must be followed.

        2. David B-That explains why yuo can’t make reservations for Ha’ena right now. Have you heard when this work will be completed?


          1. Supposedly by end of August, but I know this drill from the Wainiha-Waikoko road repair a few years ago. Was originally going to be “a few months.” Turned out to be 14 months.

            In this case, there is a sheer drop from the top (across the highway from the cop shop) of flaky crumbly soil to somehow secure.

            I speculate won’t be before end of the year. Live long enough and we’ll find out

          2. No, you can still make reservations for Haena right now, but all of the permits sell out within minutes after midnight Hawaii time 30 days in advance.

        3. “People just need to read the instructions – and know that they must be followed.”

          Well, there’s the problem, eh?

      2. Hi Patrick, thanks for the info. We did go to Hanalei yesterday – the road closure schedule was well publicized and it really wasn’t much of a hassle for us.

        Thanks also for the info about Kauai Urgent Care. I didn’t see them listed on the site for trusted inter-island test providers but I guess they must be if you got your test in Lihue from them. I guess it’s part of Wilcox health, which is a trusted partner? A clinic in Lihue would be more convenient for us. We are planning to schedule through CVS Minute Clinic in Kapaa ($139) but they only schedule one week out, so we’ll do that later. I’m glad to be back in Hawaii where I grew up, and happy to comply with the rules – it makes everyone safer.

        1. Barbara, the urgent care is right in Lihue by Costco. They use clinical labs of Hawaii as their testings lab as that is listed as a trusted partner, just FYI. Enjoy your trip.

          1. Thanks so much Patrick – that’s very helpful and I think we’ll end up using that one for our inter-island test for our flight to Maui next week. It’s more convenient for us to go to Lihue than Kapaa – and getting your test results back in 24 hours will reduce stress. I appreciate your suggestion!

    2. This same thing happened to us going to Kauai from Phoenix. The gate agent did not check us all the way through to Lihue. We had trouble at car rental and hotel as well. We did everything right but still so stressful! I sent an email to Hawaiian Airlines and they claim they forwarded it on to management. I made copies of everything and suggest everyone do that. It saved us! So much for paperless technology. Also, Kauai is back to Tier 3 covid rules. Tourists have not caused it, it is community caused so indoor gatherings are back to 5 people. We are still loving our Kauai and happy to be here! Mahalo

      1. Denise k… what kind of trouble at car and hotel? They have nothing to do with your flight so I’m

  26. Thank you for keeping us up to date. Too little, too late for the 10 of us though. With the testing hoops to jump through even if you’re vaccinated and second test upon arrival…it just isn’t worth spending the kind of money we have already put out plus the extra money that is really for a nothing test, wasted time, and inconveniences in trying to do the things we planned. It is supposed to be vacation. Last year when we had to cancel, the funds were held in vouchers for a Hawaiian vacation…we didn’t have a choice. This year, they are willing to forgo Hawaii (including a remarkable refund from Hawaiian Air). Apparently even travel agencies have had enough with Hawaii government BS and they are now suggesting either Galapagos or New Zealand for the same pricing (since we are all vaccinated) during the same June 5-17th time frame.

      1. Mouse… I find your negative comments most interesting since you’ve indicated that you’ve never before been to Hawaii and your upcoming trip is your first!

        1. excuse me what negative comments are you referring to exactly? “Anonymouse
          MAY 3, 2021 AT 11:16 AM

          Good don’t ever come back with that attitude. We will happily take your place and not complain”:
          This is my comment. SO what telling someone with a crappy attitude not go ever go back is negative on my part? Give me a break

    1. Unless you are Australian, good luck being any other nationality and traveling to NZ. They smartly closed their border and locked down the country. Result. They crushed the virus. Everything is back to normal. No masks. No social distancing, and now the test to open up gradually, first with a bubble of Aussies. Want complain about travel rules? Look at the Covid-denying Governors who inhabit states of viral soup. THAT’s why Americans are facing closed borders.

  27. The State of Alaska updated their travel guide on 04/26/2021. Here’s what they say about vaccinated travelers:

    II. Exemptions for Fully Vaccinated Individuals:
    a. Fully-vaccinated travelers do not need to get tested before or after travel.
    b. Fully-vaccinated travelers do not need to self-quarantine after travel.
    c. Fully-vaccinated is defined as more than two weeks following receipt of the second
    dose in a two-dose series, or more than two weeks following receipt of one dose of a
    single-dose vaccine.

    It does not say how to prove vaccination, I assume just presenting the card at the airport will be required. I’ll find out in 5 weeks – we’re gong “north to Alaska….”!

    Hopefully, Hawaii will see that most of the country is moving on. According to John Hopkins University Professor Dr. Marty Makary, more than 95,000,000 Americans are now fully vaccinated and another estimated 100,000,000 carry the Covid-19 antibodies due to recovering from the virus, either from symptomatic or asymptomatic illness (it is now believed that asymptomatic cases have been grossly undercounted). That’s getting close to 2/3 of the population of the United States.

    Aloha, BOH!

  28. Quick question, we received our negative test results back from Kaiser and when we upload them to the Hawaii safe travels site. We get Not Approved: Not a Negative Test result, even though the results are negative and I have uploaded them a couple of times now. Anyone else run into this issue?

    1. Hi Lee.

      We suggest you contact the Safe Travels help desk at 855-599-0888 between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time.


    2. Hi there! Could you keep us posted on what you find about about this issue? I haven’t seen anyone comment that they’ve had this problem yet but that’s been a fear of mine since we found out we had to upload results. Good Luck getting through to the help desk……I sat on hold for about an hour and a half one night and 45 minutes another night trying to talk to a human and finally left a message for someone to call me back and I still haven’t ever spoke to anyone…..that was about a month ago. Thanks and I hope you get it worked out with no problems!

      1. @Jaime … According to this State of Hawaii web page:


        … you can present a paper copy of your negative test results from a Trusted Travel Partner NAAT approved test, if you are unable to upload your results to the Safe Travel web site … here is the text on the FAQ page:

        “Travelers must upload negative COVID-19 test results to the Safe Travels Hawaii platform prior to departure or print out the negative test result prior to departure and have it in hand on arrival to Hawai‘i in order to avoid the 10-day quarantine.”

        1. Thanks Paul – that eases my concern a lot! I knew that they suggested that we bring a print out as well but I thought the upload was mandatory. Thanks again!

    3. I guess my thought is if it is not accepted on the safe travel site then the vendor was not an approved lab, the test was the wrong one or the vendor did not use the correct form (some have to use the Hawaii standard form) Hopefully it is something else or just a glitch.

  29. Under the State of Hawaii Pre-Travel Testing Program travelers will have to test negative for COVID-19 no more than 72 hours before arrival in Hawaii to qualify for the quarantine exemption. Therefore, you need to schedule a test no sooner than 3 days prior to your arrival in Hawaii to be within the 72-hour window. We recommend scheduling your test between 2-3 days in advance of the arrival time of your flight. If a traveler’s test results are not available before boarding their final flight segment, the traveler must quarantine for 10 days or the length of their stay, whichever is shorter.
    The above is from an email I received from Hawaiian airlines re testing. What is confusing is if your results are not available before boarding your final segment (does this mean if you get them in flight or by the time you arrive that you still have to quarantine? Doesnt sound like it will be an issue but curious

    1. Hi Anonymouse.

      Just to clarify, the state says “You will be required to complete testing no more than 72 hours before your flight’s departure time.”


    2. Actual experience on 04/14/21 arrival at HNL. Uploaded all forms/photo/etc. to HI site. Got accepted msg. At departure airport passed airline check, at the HI govt check got approved to fly, no wrist band, she told me I was a random check person at HNL. At HNL the person at HI check station said my covid test results file was corrupted. Then she says I can’t enter. I raise my arm and say “Supervisor”. Supervisor takes my paper results and enters the form and lets me in. My hotel was just as bad and wanted to see the “double green green mark” on the HI site. I explained I don’t have that so how did I get here. Finally got a hotel manager who did his thing. probably a HIPPA violation for a hotel to ask for a medical record, but I was too tired to argue. Bottom line, you can enter with a paper test result

  30. One item we are curious about. Is there a difference in testing between if you are being tested due to symptoms or for travel? Or are they the same test.
    We are jazzed to be locked in for June 4-14th!

  31. Does anyone know if I am not a Hawai’i resident, but was vaccinated in Hawai’i (I’m a student that’s why I was able to get vaccinated here) if I can take part in the vaccine passport for inter-island travel? Some resources say you only had to be vaccinated in Hawai’i but others say you must be vaccinated in the state and a resident. I appreciate any help. Mahalo!

    1. Hi Rose.

      We too have seen that both ways. And the state’s website isn’t updated as far as we can find to reflect that information. We suggest you contact the Safe Travels help desk at 855-599-0888 between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time.


  32. 1,565 comments (as of this writing) to this article, with the majority having nothing to do with travel to Hawaii. Most of my BOH emails are now automatically going into my Spam folder and I don’t even see them unless I think to check. I wondered why my BOH emails had stopped. Hopefully I don’t miss something actually worth reading.

    Mahalo, BOH!

  33. Aloha, I’m hoping someone can answer this travel timing dilemma. I tested positive in Feb 2021 and continue to be asymptomatic but also recently became fully vaccinated. My dilemma is this. The virus can still shed for 90 days or longer, which will still allow positive PCR tests. My 90 days ends on 5/25, our trip is scheduled for 6/6 to the BI, then, to Oahu 4 days later. This is putting me 12 days past the exemption request period. I’m planning to retest now so if the results should still show positive I can file for the exemption. I just need to know if this would be permissible taking this retesting approach? I could still test positive if I wait until the 72 hr PCR pre travel testing which puts me in jeopardy for travel to Hawaii. We cancelled our trip last year to visit our daughter and her family who are stationed with the Coast Guard on Oahu. Therefore, I really want to make sure we avoid any mistakes when filing for the exemption IF the retest shows positive. Best regards and Thank you!

    1. Hi Tim.

      It is safest to contact the state with your testing questions. Safe Travels help desk is at 855-599-0888 between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time.


      1. Hello,

        The help desk number appears to be just a menu selection FAQ. Haven’t been able to reach an actual live person to explain the exemption situation. Any suggestions or other contacts?
        Thank you.

        1. Hi Tim.

          We do confirm that you can reach an agent at that number. You need to go to selection for more options, and eventually, you can say you want to speak with someone after stating your topic. We were put on hold at that point.


  34. I have been visiting Hawaii at least twice a year since 2014. My daughter has a home on Oahu and I am very fortunate to have my family and this convenience on the island. Because we have a place to stay, and are fortunate enough to use one of my daughter’s vehicles, we have, most times, rented a car for three weeks out of the month and a half of our stay, and since this crazy “pandemic”, it’s obvious that prices have skyrocketed. Is this not price gouging? How in the world does the State of Hawaii in good conscience, condone/allow this, and how in the world do you expect tourists that help Hawaii’s economy, your businesses, thrive and/or stay afloat when you make it impossible for people coming to the island access to travel. I will continue to come; however, most people are not afforded the luxury I have when I visit. Is the State of Hawaii going to continue to allow this, or are they allowing this in hopes that noone will come to the island because of covid? It’s been a year now … most people have gotten their vaccines, tests and masks are mandatory, quarantine is in place, colds and normal sicknesses seem to have disappeared off the face of the earth…people are probably safer now than they ever were before this pandemic zeroed in on us, yet, to get back to my point for writing here….we have car rental companies taking advantage of the very people that they rely on to keep their companies going. I will never understand people that take advantage of others during times of adversity. Hawaii is and always will be worth the visit…it’s absolutely beautiful though can be costly during normal times,(lodging, food, airfare, car rentals, not to mention shopping, however, I feel it’s become more difficult to afford coming when prices skyrocket on car rentals for no legitimate reason. Is there any hope out there that this is being discussed or will be resolved? Please and thank you for a response.

    1. Hi Debra.

      We can’t say whether or not they are gouging. But we can report that the car rental companies definitely both sold their Hawaii cars and moved them off-island during the crisis last year. So the shortage is very real. This will come into balance, hopefully, sooner than later.


      1. I don’t really believe they sent them off island… I was on Kauai during the last year and the rental lots were full of cars at Lihue airport! I think they should be prosecuted!

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