Hawaii Visitors Spending 40% More, But Enjoying It Less?

Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed

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2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”

  1. Hello, my partner lost her vaccination card and was wondering if we upload her vaccination records with the QR code through clear and link it to Safe travels, will she need to still have a physical copy of her cdc vaccination card?

  2. Hi,
    I have a few questions about the vaccine card…
    I uploaded my card to Safe travels and it now has a button next to the entry that says “not screened”. Does this just mean that the health form done 24 hrs before the flight is waiting to be completed?
    Also, I will fly United. Do they do the pre-flight confirmation wristband?
    Thanks – this site is a huge help!!

    1. Hi Wink.

      Thanks. Not sure on the answer to your first question. The second answer is yes they do offer that.


    1. Create a “Safe Travels” account at:


      Follow the directions described there. Also review the Hawaii travel information at:


      Unvaccinated folks have to pay particular attention to the “72-hours or less before your departure time on the final flight segment to Hawaii to have your COVID test sample taken” rules. And if the type of test is wrong, or the provider is unapproved, or the result is not negative, do not get on the plane … or you will be immediately sent back or placed into quarantine for 10 days … no exceptions.

    2. Teresa, make sure you use a trusted partner of Safe Travels. If you are flying Southwest or Alaska they have a pre-clear wristband program, so you don’t have to wait in the sometimes very long long line at any of the Hawaiian airports. Remember to fill out the safe travels questionnaire within 24 hours of your flight. Bring a copy of your negative covid rssults as well even after you upload the pdf to the safe travels site.

  3. Very informative. Please can someone answer a question. Those vaccinated overseas in another country (albeit with a vaccine recognized by the CD) are excluded from this and foreign visitors trying to change planes on the mainland have some of the biggest difficulties.

    On my last visit to Hawaii and the Mainland (May-July 21) I heard a lot about certain states offering vaccinations without proof of residence or legal permanent residence. Whilst I was given Pfizer I am told the Johnson vaccine is single shot.

    Which states can a foreign visitor visit, obtain the vaccine and the cdc card and then after the requisite waiting period use that for Hawaii and other states who may apply restrictions as the Indian variant takes hold?

  4. Hi thanks for all information on your blog. Has anyone had difficulty downloading their vaccine card to safe Hawaii . First I took a photo on my card , used my phone to create a pdf . Couldn’t download it. Then got a pdf from the health company that I got my vaccines from and it wouldn’t load . Fortunately clear which a week ago couldn’t link to my provider although They showed as partner to clear did allow a day ago to access and link my provider vaccine acount to clear , then I linked safe Hawaii to clear and am now approved in safe Hawaii .

    1. I am from Florida and we ate no longer requiring tesdemcy. You can get Johson and Johnson at Publix online with appoitment. Georgia requires residency.

  5. I need some clarity on what I need to have when I land in Honolulu. I have my info in SafeTravel and will complete the last step 24 hrs. before the flight. Is that correct? I don’t have to do Clear, CommonPass or anything else?

      1. I was told that if I don’t do CommonPass it takes up to 2 hours to have my vaccination card verified when I get to Hawaii. Is that true?

  6. still very confusing. We have registered with safe travel and sownloaded our vacination cards. But how do we know if the clinic we go to is approved. Allina Health is who we go with they are very large in Minnesota.

    1. If you have a cdc vaccination card snd uploaded that us all that is needed until 24 hours or less before flight when you do the safe travels health questionaire. The place you got the vaccine does not matter if you have the catd

  7. This may have been mentioned already but the Clear Health Pass is valid for 30 days and you can see the hours counting down in the pass itself. If your trip in Safe Travels is past the expiration of the existing Health Pass, you get a rejection when Safe Travels tries to validate your Clear exemption. So you just wait for the Health Pass to expire and then create again within the 30 day window of your trip. Common Pass appears to be the same.

    1. THANK YOU! I noticed an expiration date and that seemed confusing because it’s before my trip. So thank you for the clarification and the need to repeat the process once it expires! Our family appreciates this information!!! Best wishes!

      1. I there any advantage to using the CommonPass or CLEAR apps versus just using the Safe Travels HI state site?

        From reading all these comments, I’m not understanding how these two apps are useful? Just
        lot of what they cannot/do not do. Maybe if you live in California?

        1. Every vaccination exemption is confirmed, either manually at the arrival airport or electronically through CLEAR or Commonpass.

          The benefit of going the extra steps to attain electronic confirmation ahead of time is about 2 hours of waiting at the arrival airport for someone to manually confirm your vaccination card.

          1. Marcus. There is an additional way to verify. Depending on your airline you can get verified when you before boarding, you get a wristband and avoid all lines

  8. Hi, Can you please direct me to the list of CLEAR testing sites for Covid 19? I cannot find it. Thank you

    PS My son is flying to Hawaii on Friday morning at 8:00 am 🙂 YIKES

        1. True, the clearme.com/hawaii web site is not a testing site, but the helpful map at the bottom of the web page the BOH refer to contains a list of test providers across the nation that provide test results, broken down by region and state.

          The section says, “Need help locating an approved lab to get a test near you? Tap the map below to find an accepted COVID-19 testing site. Make sure to get a PCR test within 72 hours of your [final flight segment] to Hawaii.”

          I added the “[final flight segment]” in the above sentence.

  9. Hello, could you please give the direct link for the correct Safe Travels and Clear app like you did for the Verify app? The first Safe Travels app I saw said it was not for Hawaii. I’d sure appreciate it.


  10. Hello all,

    My Husband and I plan to honeymoon in Waikiki. Are we required to use these services? Or will applying for exemption on the safe travels website suffice? I am curious as to how we are supposed to prove we were vaccinated if they do not accept CDC cards.

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Becky.

      Yes, you can use the Safe Travels website exclusively for your vaccination exemption. The others (CommonPass and CLEAR) are merely options, they are not required.


    2. Dear Becky, have a fun & safe honeymoon in Waikiki!! I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Oahu next year & I can’t wait & I’m getting very excited!! 🍍🥥🥳🌈✈🌊🏖🌍🌈 God bless you….Psalms 91:11♡♡

  11. Could please tell me if we will still get wristbands from either Hawaiian or Alaska Airlines if we are fully vaccinated and can show proof of our CDC Vaccination plus and have uploaded the card in Safe Travels or Clear? Once we arrive in either Kona or Maui (we have 2 separate trips booked for December and April 2022), will we be checked again? Thank you for helping me to understand the new process.

      1. The wristbands were not available for all eligible passengers last Saturday on United LAX-LIH. During the flight, United apologized and explained it was due to a really heavy travel day – and there was indeed a crush of passengers that day. Going through the screening at LIH w/o the wristbands was OK if you had been sitting relatively near the front of the plane and got a place at the beginning of the line.

          1. Michael … I searched online and found a Lufthansa Airlines web page that said the CommonPass app was in development … “During the current testing phase, an invitation code is needed to use the CommonPass app. Please type in the following six-digit invitation code:” …followed by a six-character alphanumeric code for Lufthansa.

            Best bet would be to contact your airline or search the airline’s website for a CommonPass code invitation code.

    1. Hopefully by Dec safe travels will be no more! If it is still in place you will get the time saving wristband from Hawaiian Airlines. On arrival straight to baggage claim. No checking at that end for us anyways.

  12. I was able to upload my vaccine card to safe travels for vacation in September. I am a little confused do I still need to go through another site? Or does safe travel verifies my vaccine?

    1. Christi
      Once you have uploaded your trip and vaccine arcs to Safe Travels you are fine until 24 hours before you fly. Once you fill out the online health questionnaire at that time, Safe Travels sends you an email with your QR code. Worked well for us.

  13. So Clear doesn’t seem to have a lot of the county sites in there and neither does commonpass. Apparently the Hawaii government didn’t think this out very well. Lovely.

    1. This is normal for Hawaii government. The ugly rail thingies in Honolulu is costing something like $500,000 per every man, woman and child who resides on Oahu. Pretty sure the residents would have preferred getting the $500,000 each over the rail, but anyway ….

      At some point, they’ll stop the whole safe travels BS. Until then, the circus 🎪 continues.

      1. yup… new forecast is maybe by October Barnum and Bailey will exit stage left.

        I wouldn’t hold my breathe though. I forget all the Greek Lwtters, but Hawaii still has the Omega and Rho variants lined up for early Fall.

  14. Thank you so much for all you do to provide accurate information…as Hawaii changes its rules & regulations. We are visiting your precious island, and your updates have made our travel seamless! We happen to fly out on the date that proof of vaccination went into effect as one of the quarantine exemption. Mahalo for all you do! 🤙🏼💚🌈

    1. Dear Susie, I hope that you had a wonderful vacation in Hawaii!! 🎉🎫👓🩱🛍🩴👒🌍🏖🛩🌞🌈🦩🐢🐠🌺 I’m planning my life long dream trip to Hawaii next year!! I’m getting very excited & can’t wait♡♡♡ God bless you, Psalms 91:11

  15. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

    Hahaha… remain obedient, fill out your “paperwork”. Enjoy your “stressfree” vacation….

    PS: Don’t forget your masks. We are the last State, and it’s for your safety. Except when one of our Mayors goes to D.C. then it’s safe to be maskless…🤡🤡🤡

  16. I’m completely lost on what I need to do before I come to Maui in August. Here is what I THINK I do. Fill out the Safe travel app upload my vaccination card and than fill out Clear app. Anything else I need to do?

    1. Michael T
      You do not need to do Safe Travels AND Clear. On safe travels all you need now is to fill out safe travels health questionnaire within 24 hours or less of flight. They will email you your QR code.

  17. Dear BOH, I have a question that I want to clarify. I will be coming to Oahu next year(April 2022). So, my question is that by then all the safe travel program will have ended? No need to upload cdc vaccinated card or fill out the health questionnaire?! Malaho for all you do for keeping us updated! This feels like one giant maze, lol. Take care & stay safe! 🐠🐳🐢🦩🌺🍍🥥🌍🏖✈🌈🌊

    1. Hi Andrea.

      Thanks for your many comments. We sure hope that Safe Travels will be ended by then, but no one really knows.


      1. Dear Tom, hopefully you will be able to go to Hawaii soon! I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Hawaii next year!! I’m getting very excited & can’t wait♡♡ 🐢🐠🌺🦩🌈🌞🛩🌍🏖❤ stay safe & God bless you, Psalms 91:11

  18. Does anyone know what “Pending verification” means with the Clear app? Will it change at some point to verified, or does it stay that way (and will it matter)? At the bottom below my entered vaccination dates it says “Your proof of vaccination was created on September 28, 2020” which was 14 days after my 2nd vaccine so I am guessing that means when I was considered fully vaccinated? I am in the Moderna study and got my vaccinations early, the study is not sending proof of vaccinations to the state’s database, so aside from the physical card there is no way I can verify anything if these apps are all checking some online database. Thank you in advance.

    1. I just fo not understand this process the card we received fro. Ina health does not have a scam picture. We were vaccinated by the Alina health with the phyzer vaccine. How do we apply for the hawaiian pass

  19. Mahalo for all your updates! We’re looking forward to a “bonus” trip in Sept. Hoping everything is working and we can use the CLEAR app.
    I’m “surprised” Hawaii is so busy. With all the whiners that are never coming back! If only.

    1. Dear Barney, I hope that you have a wonderful & safe trip to Hawaii!! ❤🍍🥥🌞🏖🌍🌺🐠🐢🛩💺🌈 I’m planning my life long dream vacation trip to Hawaii next year♡♡ I’m getting very excited & can’t wait! God bless you, Psalms 91:11

  20. Hello,
    Thank you for the information. So if I am vaccinated, I already filled out the safe travels information and added my uploaded vaccine card for exemption, I do not need to have a vaccine passport correct?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Lexi.

      Yes, you can follow the Hawaii Safe Travels protocol exclusively, and will not require a vaccine passport.


      1. Lexi A, I think you need to bring the original vaccination card and have it ready to show when you arrive in HI.

      2. Seems like a much simpler process than going through the whole vaccine passport nonsense. Scan your card to Safe Travels and show it at the airport. Boom, you’re done. I carry my CDC card whenever I travel, anyway. Just like I carry my passport….

        1. Dear Ed, I do the same thing as you! A smart plan. Stay safe & God bless you, Psalms 91:11 🌍🏖🌞🌈🍍🥥🛩💺

  21. Clear worked well for my wife and me. We were vaccinated at Walgreens here in California with 2 shots of the Pizer vaccine. Clear was able to pull that info directly from Walgreens database no problem.

  22. If anyone has success with getting past the WELCOME screen of the SMART Health Card Verifier, please let me know how you did it! I’m on my 5th download and every one is the same – can’t get past WELCOME!!!

    1. Barbara,

      Which Web Browser are you using? Maybe this has nothing to do with anything in your case, but I sometimes have trouble getting through menu-driven web sites (e.g., logging into a bank account or a frequent flyer account on airline site) using Chrome, but when I switch to MS Edge, it works fine.

      My IT guy is the one that suggested this to me ….

    2. It did not work for me as well, but I was able to scan my vaccination card (the same one everyone else seems to have), but it says “Only valid vaccine SMART Health Cards are currently supported.” So I guess it depends where you were vaccinated? Best wishes!

  23. It’s incredibly frustrating for those of us who participated in a clinical trial (me, the Moderna trial in Seattle) cannot use the proof of vaccine cards we received as trial participants for the vaccine exemption since it is not an official “CDC card”. My card has all the exact same information, but was issued by the research institute, so isn’t a CDC card. I’ve contacted my trial folks and they are miffed as well but they do not have CDC cards. Our state doesn’t use VAMS either. Any suggestions please? Or is a negative test my only option for an exemption? Thank you for your thoughts.

    1. Hi Julie.

      If you are not able to verify through the three options Hawaii is providing (Safe Travels, CommonPass, and CLEAR), then there is nothing other than testing as far as we can tell. Feel free to check with the Hawaii Safe Travels help desk at 855-599-0888.


    2. Hi Julie. I’m in the same boat! First I just want to say thank you for your participation in the study to help get the vaccine out there! I understand the sacrifice and risks taken as I’m also a Moderna study participant.

      I too have been running into these same vaccine verification problems, and unfortunately since we received our vaccines before the FDA approved it, then our study sites do not have access to the state’s vaccination databases to enter our information (found that out yesterdayfrom the study site). I finally called Safe Travels and spoke to someone, they said they’ll accept a letter from a healthcare provider authenticating the vaccine administration. Our study sites have MDs, so I just reached out to my site in San Diego and asked for a letter from the MD, then I’m going to email Safe Travels with my copies of the letter and the different lining vaccine card, to get someone there to validate the information I reviewed today. I cannot afford to have our family of 10 get stuck in quarantine on Kauai if something goes wrong with this plan (but I’m also going to get Covid tested too, just to be safe). Seems like a ridiculous amount of extra steps, but I want to cover my bases. Best of luck to you!

      1. Thank you so much for all of that helpful information. I too was wondering if I should call and see if there was some other verification they would accept. You are right though, I don’t want to arrive in Maui next month and have something go awry so I will probably take a test to be safe. It’s frustrating to have to take this extra step but I’m fortunate to be able to visit Hawaii. Safe travels and thank you!

        1. Update! I requested a new vaccine card from the study site, and now I have one that has CDC written on it and they said it is the same one that everyone gets! I also got the study doctor to write that letter authenticating my vaccines yesterday, before getting the new vaccination card today. Now the only unresolvable issue is they cannot enter the vaccine in the state’s official vaccination database for anyone who is checking this online, but I am finally feeling more hopeful that no one questions the authenticity of my study vaccinations! Take care.

          1. Dear JC, Have a safe,fun, & wonderful trip to Hawaii🌍🌈🌞🏖💺🛩🍍🥥🐢🐠🌺

  24. CLEAR HEALTH PASS is now definitely different than it was a few days ago!!! Hundreds of “partners” and they can be sorted by state. Of course (Murphy’s Law), OPTUM, which is where we got our shots, is not listed so it remains useless for us! I’ll keep checking but we uploaded to Safe Travels and I”m only going to invest a certain amount of effort!

    1. Dear Barbara, in this blog it was stated that Safe Travel is an acceptable verification for proof of vaccination. The other two are options, not requirements.God bless you, Psalms 91:11❤

  25. Does this change anything for Hawaii resident inter-island travel? Do Hawaii residents still need to show proof of vaccination?

    1. Hi James.

      No, you do not. The change to eliminate interisland travel restrictions took place last month.


  26. BOH,
    You guys rock! I am a resident on Maui but travel to see family 2x a year. Your site has been so very helpful navigating my travels. Concise, up to date good info
    Many mahalos!!!

    PS I was on the email BOH list even before we moved here 😎

    1. Hi Julie.

      Thank you! We appreciate your nice words and your first-time comment. Hope to see you again soon.


  27. “Note: CommonPass does not accept CDC vaccination card uploads.”

    CDC vaccination card is all most people (including my household) have, so what good is CommonPass? Some states even allow you to opt out of their state vaccination database….

    1. Hi Ed.

      Yes, complicated. It worked for us; we were vaccinated in Hawaii. Therein the question about whether these are helpful. Sometimes yes and sometimes no.


  28. SMART Health Card Verifier could actually be useful I guess – IF it let you go past the opening page! Have downloaded it three times and still can’t get past WELCOME!

  29. Thanks for keeping the public abreast to this very fluid situation.

    The one thing that is difficult with all of these passes is that they don’t provide much support for minors that are old enough to be required to have a negative covid test but too young to have gotten the vaccine.

    I’ve tried to add a minor on the clear app, but it’s simply giving me a way to share the app for a minor to download. I am unable to find a way to add a minor to my clear app and upload their negative test so I can link them on the safe travels website like how I did for the adults.

    1. Hi Rich.

      Yes, these aren’t yet working for under age 18 as far as we could determine. Not sure what that hold-up is.


  30. Medical fascism is here. You might wish to review WW2. If we don’t learn from history we are destined to repeat it How about Herpes passports? Or maybe tuberculosis passports? Or flu passports? What amazes me the most is that in 2019 big pharma was ranked one of the LEAST trusted agencies on the planet – but today – we want a passport for an unapproved experimental gene therapy injection…. Wow. Sending you peace, love and healthiness. PS Health is not found in needles.

      1. Would be highly beneficial if WPC and many others would be willing to put in the work and take a couple of basic biology classes to help with critical thinking skills.

    1. Oh, then you must not have children or care that the polio vaccine saved a generation following WW II. Did you get lost somehow and stumble onto a site other than Telegram?

      1. I totally agree with you. Sad how easily people tun over their body and health for the largest experiment on humanity ever conducted. No informed consent, no liability on the part of Big Pharma or gov. You might want to check with your life insurance co. Many are denying payout if you have been vaxed. God bless us all.

    2. WPC I would beg to differ. Good Health can be found in a needle if it’s a vaccination that saves your life. I am a huge proponent of holistic health practices and think prescription medicine is a last resort. However the Covid vaccination has in fact saved tens of thousands of lives and also prevented even more from long term suffering. So clearly the vaccinated people are enjoying much better health then the many unvaccinated people that are still getting Covid are. They in fact did find good health from a needle.
      My question is this, and I’ve made this point before …….nobody is forcing anyone to get a vaccination, we all are allowed to make our own choice . Just like you are free to believe any conspiracy theory you want….,Chemtrails, Q anon, the great election lie , Bill Gates microchips whatever, it’s a personal choice to believe what you want just like the choice to be vaccinated is. So you want to exercise your personal choice and not get vaccinated, Ok, your choice for you but, why do you feel the need to try and talk somebody else out of doing something that can clearly save their life? What’s the motivation? In fact the more people that are vaccinated the less likely you will be exposed to the virus.
      There is no down side to you if others get vaccinated.

    3. I totally agree…too many sheep believing in a crooked establishment. A disease you have to take a test (that isn’t even 100% accurate) to even know you have it! Healthy people being treated like they’re sick.. Ridiculous. I won’t jump through hoops to go anywhere.

  31. Here’s the response from CommonPass 7/8/2021 when I reached out to them about not being able to upload my vaccination info…

    “The Common Pass currently supports SmartHealth cards issued through participating partners. For vaccination, we are trialing with the following providers:

    Louisiana Department of Health
    RBC Rwanda Biomedical
    XYZ Labs

    Unfortunately, CommonPass does not support your health provider at the moment, that’s why you won’t be able to upload your vaccination card on CommonPass. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you.

    We are working to expand our labs and partners, so please stay tuned for our expansion in the coming weeks and months. Follow us on Twitter @MyCommonPass for information on our current active trials.”

    1. JC… Last I looked – and I haven’t seen any updates, Common Pass for travel to Hawaii was in “beta test” and was currently only available for Vault Testing and, I believe, testing by Xprescheck. In addition, it is only available for flights out of Phoenix and one other airport location. I can’t find the site that gives that information and it may have been updated but at one point, not all that long ago, it was very restricted. Perhaps that’s why you were having problems. But, again, if you’ve been vaccinated, uploading testing isn’t necessary as testing isn’t necessary.

      1. Thank you Barbara! Just when I think I understand everything, I read something else that confuses me. I’ve been vaccinated, just CommonPass only works with very limited places to allow verification of your vaccine. I’ve also done Safe Travels, and Clear (app), but hoping by the time we go in September things will be easier and not harder (Delta variant may change things).

        I am confused about inter-island travel, from Kauai to Oahu, are there any extra steps? We’re flying from California to Kauai for a week and then to Oahu.

        I’m also in the Moderna study, and I was vaccinated in August and September 2020, so I’m a little concerned they’ll have timelines for vaccines, and it will be over a year since my first vaccines. I hope I’m not restricted.

        Thank you in advance for any comments/information.

        1. Hi JC

          I’m sure you’ll hear from Barbara, but just to add, nothing is required when flying interisland.


  32. Angie T
    Pfizer has just asked the CDC to give 3rd doses after 12 months as a booster. My opinion is this will be approved. Those not getting vaccinated will be testing worldwide for some time to come. We will see

  33. Paige
    There is more to do than just uploading your vaccine card for your trip. You must fill out your Safe Travels info before you can upload your vaccine card. Each adult traveling must have their own email account. This process takes a bit if time and can be confusing so don’t wait until the last minute. You also need to fill out your health questionnaire on the Hawaii safe travels site within 24 hours of your flight. Good luck

    1. Lexi A, I think you need to bring the original vaccination card and have it ready to show when you arrive in HI.

  34. I am traveling to Oahu on JUly 14. I have been vaccinated. Where do I upload my vaccination info before I travel?

    1. @Paige C

      At the top of each BeatofHawaii.com webpage there is a “COVID-19 TRAVEL” tab … click on the tab and click “COVID TRAVEL GUIDE” (currently updated June 28, 2021) and other tabs for answers to your questions … especially learn about the “Hawaii Safe Travels Program.”

      The State of Hawaii government leaders are making ongoing changes to policies and rules, so I recommend returning to BeatofHawaii.com every day between now and your July 14 departure to be on top of the latest rules and procedures. Your airline may be able to help you, too.

        1. Hello
          Can this get any more confusing?

          We have a trip planned to Kauai on September 7th thru 16th. Me and my wife have both set up accounts in Hawaii Safe Travel, up loaded our CDC vaccination cards showing both doses, and plan to fill out the questionnaire 24 hours before our flight on 9-7. Do we need to do anything with the two plans below:

          SMART Health Card from CommonPass works. 
          CLEAR Health Pass

          Any clarity you can providedat this would be appreciated.

          Thank you for all your articles and information


          1. Hi Bill.

            No, do not need to use either of those. They are an option. You can stay exclusively with Safe Travels. Just be sure to have a physical copy of your vaccination cards with you as well.


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