Hawaii Visitors Spending 40% More, But Enjoying It Less?

Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed

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2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”

  1. So the latest science, at least this week, shows that after six months the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna lose 50% of their effectiveness. And those two vaccines were designed to only be effective against the original strain, the spike protein. They do not address the proteins on the virus from the Beta, Gamma, and Delta variants, and now Lambda is coming along. That is why we are experiencing breakthough infections- people getting Covid even though they have been vaccinated. On the other hand, those with natural immunity have a much wider protection as the body recognizes all five proteins of the virus, not just one. Interesting further note, when comparing infection rates between those vaccinated and those with natural immunity, those who have been vaccinated are experiencing infections at a much higher rate than those with natural immunity. Posting links is not allowed on this site, but if you do a search on Natural Immunity vs. covid-19 vaccination: what the CDC isn’t telling you, you will find a very interesting discussion on this topic.

    1. Are you a doctor or epidemiologist? If not, please save your armchair medical advice for your friends. That most hospitalized with covid right now are unvaccinated suggests your information might be false.

  2. Lt Gov Josh Green, just posted a 30 min video from a news program. He talks about all the covid issues going on in Hawaii. This info is tremendously helpful.
    Aloha Guys

  3. Where can we now find the “expanded” sites where we can get 72 hour Covid testing? Previously, we had to drive 7 hours to find Rapid Results testing – hopefully this expansion will improve on that because we anticipate that negative testing will be needed as well as proof of vaccination.

  4. This would definitely be a step in the right direction. I’m sorry that Hawaii is being so hard-hit. At the very least I hope that this wave will encourage people to get the vaccine.

  5. REMEMBER… As stated in the initial comments, COMMON PASS only accepts DIGITAL vaccination proof. Most states DO NOT provide this capability (yet).

  6. My body, my mind, my soul,
    Remember not all of us can take vaccine some of our body’s do not except synthetic properties we are not all made the same

    And for the ones who fought, got wounded and died.for this country thank you and bless you… but it looks like we all might die so so sad

  7. Hi,and thank you for the information.I am planning a trip to Hawaii,and possibly re-location in the future.
    Is there a document /resource to reference that breaks down the process for obtaining the necessary documentation for travel(vaccine passport/safe travel)? I’m a bit tech challenged. This being said ,I would really appreciate your assistance in simplifying the process!!
    Thank you!

  8. well it looks like freedom has finally died in hawaii. our founding fathers said,,for those who trade their freedom for safety,, will get neither freedom or safety. the vaccines are a scam,, they dont keep you from catching covid ,,or do they keep you from spreading covid either,, they only temporary reduce your symptoms, when you get covid,, this is from the vaccine makers themselves.the vaccines cause horrible side effects ,,including, death,, check the goverment tracking system VARES. there was no long term testing on these vaccines,,they cause your body to make spiked proteans that could cause millions of horrible injury’s and deaths.the covid passports make no provision for the people who have cautht covid and recovered and now have natural immunity ,,and make millions of people 2nd class citizens.it was never about health but about social control and loss of rights given to us under the constitution. next will come social credit scores and total digital money ,,like in china. the goverment has lied to us about everything about the virus ,,if americans allow this to happen ,, they deserve what they get,,welcome to 1984 and the brave now world.

  9. Russell S
    The U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, commonly known as HIPAA, prevents specific health care-related entities from sharing someone’s identifying health information without the person’s knowledge or consent. It doesn’t prevent you from asking people whether they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19, and it doesn’t prevent that person from answering the question

    HIPAA is among the most misunderstood laws in the country, assumed to confer much broader medical privacy than it actually does. For one thing, the law covers the sharing of information, not the seeking of it. And it applies only to specific entities, “such as insurance providers, health care clearinghouses, health care providers and their business associates,”

  10. Go to Hawaii News Now if you want to see it….Queens West has declared a disaster and has stopped taking anymore patients…other hospitals are getting close. They are overwhelmed with Covid patients and over 90 percent are unvaccinated…..something to consider also, forget the inane arguments by the Covid deniers and anti vax folks….the reality is if you come here on vacation and get badly hurt or ill your ability to get treated is being compromised. Something to think about anyway.

      1. Mahalo guys and appreciate you keeping getting this discussion out there…..the old adage that people’s opinions say more about them then what they are expressing their opinion on has never been truer then on this subject, some pretty crazy perspectives on here and it’s telling. …..it’s kind of ironic, the leaders of the state are simply trying to protect everyone, all the pushback is from the people that don’t see the need to try and do what is best for the safety of all and can’t quite grasp that reality are the people that the state is trying so hard to protect. If they were heartless they could just say ok everyone, you had your chance to get protected and now it’s on you. But they are not and rightfully so. As the post by MyChal below so well points out, a lot of people have been victimized by misinformation. They are making bad choices on false information. The State is not choosing sides and deciding one side is the winner and the others are looser’s. They are taking the moral high ground and simply trying to do the right thing.
        This will run its coarse one way or another, more people will get vaccinated and sadly more unvaccinated will take their turn with the virus and see if they are lucky. Either way at this rate most of Hawaii will be either vaccinated, recovered (or partially recovered and living with the lingering effects ) or dead at some point. It didn’t have to be that way.

        1. “a lot of people have been victimized by misinformation. They are making bad choices on false information.”


          anybody who thinks that vaccines or vaccine mandates or vaccine passports will do anythign to stop the spread of covid, are indeed victimized by misinformation

          all travelers need to be tested. no exceptions

    1. I am not denying covid could be overwhelming the hospitals, however my mom has been a long-time resident of Hawaii for 30 plus years, and she can attest to the nurse that posted on here that Hawaii’s shortage of hospitals beds have been a real problem since the beginning of time (and not just hawaii, all over the US). Also here is a secret, if you get hurt go to kohala hospital, my.mom and I have a good friend who works as an ICU nurse at the kohala hospital, and he informed us that the hospital is EMPTY, despite the media’s talk of the cases rising and it being the highest case numbers on the island. Real life sources of information do not always add up to what the media is perpetrating.

  11. Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated – The only numbers that matter are hospitalizations and deaths.

    Associated Press – 6/29/21
    U.S. Deaths in May 2021: Unvaccinated 99.2% (18,000) Vaccinated 0.8% (150)

    CDC – 7/16/21
    99.5% of COVID deaths are from unvaccinated individuals

    Maryland Heath Officials 7/7/21
    100% of COVID deaths were unvaccinated individuals. 93% of hospitalizations were unvaccinated

    South Carolina Health Dept. 8/17/21
    July 2021 – Hospitalizations: 77% Unvaccinated Deaths: 79% Unvaccinated

    Wisconsin Department of Health 8/20/21
    July 2021 – Hospitalizations: 73% Unvaccinated Deaths: 91% Unvaccinated

    University of Arkansas College of Public Health
    98% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated

    Hawaii Dept of Health 7/11/21
    Since the first people were fully vaccinated in Hawaii (Jan 2021), 98% of hospitalizations were unvaccinated individuals and 99% of deaths were unvaccinated.

      1. Australia, where are you getting a number of 95% of patients hospitalized for COVID are vaccinated? There was a story in New South Wales where the Health Minister misspoke and said all but 1 were vaccinated when he meant all but 1 were unvaccinated. He corrected his statement in the same news conference but of course the internet ran with the wrong data.

        Israel, as of July 22, 56% of hospitalizations are vaccinated people. Why is this number so high? Because most adults are fully vaccinated in Israel. To make the point, if 100% of individuals are vaccinated, 100% of the hospitalizations will be vaccinated.

        Once you get to high vaccination rates, percentages do not tell the story. Consider these numbers: In the last month Israel had 73 severe cases of COVID compared to over 1000 at the peak in January before vaccines. 1.5% of COVID cases are becoming critically ill compared to 4% back in the peak.

    1. Um, Mychal…you do understand that virtually ALL of the deaths in 2020 and MOST of the deaths in early 2021 (through spring), were the “unvaccinated” that had NO ACCESS to the vaccine, right?

      Slapping these numbers without showing or explaining the context is a Joke…OF course 90+ percent of those who died are unvaccinated.🙄

      1. Jim R.
        The AP analysis was for the month of May 2021. The Maryland numbers were just for the month of June 2021. South Carolina July 2021. Wisconsin July 2021. Etc. etc.

    2. that list if full of abject lies. every single one that doesnt specify the exact timeframe and has the impossibly high numbers is going back to december and january and including hospitalizations and deaths from the pre-vaccine surge, which includes upwards of 90% of situations where vaxs were never an option, in order to intentionally obfuscate the data

      the fact that when you look at south carolina and wisconsin’s july-only numbers you see the % of hospitalizations as unvaxxed dipping into the 70s. If you look around at current data in the US and other countries like israel (where pfizer is common like here), you will see that 10-70+ % of hospitalizations are actually vaccinated.

      some recent data from US

      in last week:
      25% of covid deaths reported by IL dept of health were breakthroughs (34 of 134)

      37% of covid deaths reported by MA dept of health were breakthroughs (18 of 49)

      while its obvious the vaccine provides a measure of protection against hospitalization and death, the media and state and federal health authorities are constantly overstating its effectiveness in order to coerce an uninformed public to the result they desire

      and of course we have known since day one that the vaccine is not intended to stop infection and spread, and that all these measures substituting vaccine credentials for actual testing are self-defeating. even the CDC has come to admit that vaccinated individuals are likely to get infected and carry similar viral load to unvaxxed, and potential to infect others

      any policy which relies on segregation of vaccinated and unvaccinated is merely virtue signaling at the end of the day

      1. In other words, 75% of deaths in Illinois last week were unvaccinated. I think that perfectly illustrates the point that everyone should get vaccinated. Also, one week is a very small data set. I would encourage folks to look at the dats over a longer period of time. In Illinois, for example, from May 1 (when over 75% of seniors were fully vaccinated)to August 18:
        Total Deaths – 1,814
        Breakthrough Deaths – 223
        Percentage of Breakthrough Deaths: 12.3%
        Unvaccinated deaths: 87.7%

        More importantly, in this highly vaccinated period (May 1 to August 18), Illinois is averaging 16.5 deaths per day compared to a peak of 183 deaths per day just before vaccines started becoming available (December 2020).

        As a community/state/country becomes highly vaccinated, you are going to see the percentage of deaths from vaccinated individuals go up. This is not because the vaccine isn’t working it is because the number of unvaccinated persons are in the minority. You have to look at the raw number of deaths. In Israel, for example, over half of the hospitalized cases are indeed breakthrough cases, however, total deaths per day are 1/3 as many as the peak back in January (pre-vaccine).

      2. Also, in response to your comment that my list is “full of abject lies” and “intentional obfuscation”, I listed the time periods in my original post and clarified in missing time periods in my response to Jim R. As you can see, I am not including data in the pre-vaccine period. One of your proof points that I am “lying” is that Wisconsin and South Carolina hospitalizations have “dipped into the 70s if you look at July only”. Did you read my comment? Here is a copy/paste so you don’t have to scroll up:

        South Carolina – July 2021 – Hospitalizations: 77% Unvaccinated
        Wisconsin – July 2021 – Hospitalizations: 73% Unvaccinated

        In both instances I listed numbers “in the 70s”

        Before you start calling people liars, maybe read a little more carefully.

        1. “any policy which relies on segregation of vaccinated and unvaccinated is merely virtue signaling at the end of the day”

          Hard to argue that point, when that is exactly what it is… Nice Jaime. 🤙

  12. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    I’m confused if the goal of travel passports is to slow the transmission of the Delta variant on the islands it’s a little to late.

    Before Delta testing and a vaccination passport had a chance with much less transmittable variants of covid, but Delta is so transmittable no amount of testing or vaccine passports are going to slow it’s spread.

    You only have to look at Israel’s 78 percent vaccinated population, Delta is running through their population like a hot knife through butter. Israel has come to the conclusion nothing can be done about Delta spread.

    Delta has gotten a hold foot hold on Australia a super locked down society like Australia cannot stop the spread of Delta.

    And now New Zealand the gold standard of covid quarantine and lockdown. Delta is beginning it’s run across that island nation.

    So what’s the passports goal?

    Once Delta gets a foothold it’s game over, so why have passports?

    I’m open minded make a good argument why this is a good idea today?

    1. It’s simple. If you’re vaccinated, and you still get COVID, you are significantly less likely to be hospitalized or die. Sure, you might still get sick, but the vaccine will keep it from becoming severe. That will keep the hospitals from being over run like they are now with unvaccinated people.

      1. JOERG H
        That’s a good point, but they’re currently break through cases and vaccinated individuals are dying from covid infection.

        The one thing I have not learned are newly vaccinated seeing break through infections or only individuals vaccinated early on 6, 7 or 8 months ago having all the break through issues.

        Is a passport going to be deemed invalid when an individuals old vaccine isn’t working with the current variant of covid?

  13. This seems ridiculous when the vaccine is showing that it doesn’t prevent you from getting covid. In fact, the vaccinated are the majority of people getting Covid at this time, thus making the vaccine passports worthless.

    1. So how do you think that when over 90% of the Covid patients in the hospital are unvaccinated? Really, I’m not trying to pick on you, just curious what rationale you could be using to draw that conclusion that is completely opposite of mine….I get the Seattle paper and today’s headline was a story that across the state the hospital staff is extremely frustrated with the exploding numbers of unvaccinated that are filling the hospital…one quote was”the people that are saying no to the vaccine are not saying no to medical care when they need it”….they are angry and frustrated…..that’s coming from the people that run the hospitals. They are particularly upset because the unvaccinated are preventing others from getting the care they need and this is starting to boil over.
      Doctors and nurses treat everyone equally, they don’t judge, but now they are starting to be unable to treat people in need because of the unvaccinated.
      What do you know that proves them wrong?

      1. Numbers here numbers there. I also read that 95 to 99% of hospitalized patients with covid were VACCINATED In israel and Australia. So what gives?? You can only go off of what you have witnessed with your own eyes, I only hear of vaccinated people being hospitalized which leads me to believe that it is mostly the vaccinated being hospitalized with covid. And maybe the vaccine does not do what it says it does!

          1. Top Israeli Health Official: Vaccinated Account For 95% Of Severe And 85-90% Of New Covid Hospitalizations

      2. I don’t think we can trust any numbers put out there. They have been proven tine and time again to be inflated to fit their agenda. All I’m saying is that vaccinated or unvaccinated, people are getting it. I still stand that it should be a choice. There have been thousands of deaths just from the vaccine, and even more with severe adverse side effects. With Covid having a 99% survival rate, people should have the choice to make the decision for themselves and not be “bullied” and discriminated against because of their choice. And what about HIPPA? This is absolutely a violation of the law that protects individuals rights to their privacy of medical records.

        1. Joanna
          Hippa does not apply.
          The U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, commonly known as HIPAA, prevents specific health care-related entities from sharing someone’s identifying health information without the person’s knowledge or consent. It doesn’t prevent you from asking people whether they’ve been vaccinated against COVID-19, and it doesn’t prevent that person from answering the question

          HIPAA is among the most misunderstood laws in the country, assumed to confer much broader medical privacy than it actually does. For one thing, the law covers the sharing of information, not the seeking of it. And it applies only to specific entities, “such as insurance providers, health care clearinghouses, health care providers and their business associates,”

      3. “So how do you think that when over 90% of the Covid patients in the hospital are unvaccinated?”

        because thats a lie. look at current hospitalizations, not historical way back to before anyone was vaccinated. US is about 50/50 vaxxed/unvaxxed and while the vaccines provide a small measure of pretection, 10-40% of the hospitalized are still vaccinated

    2. Australia, where are you getting a number of 95% of patients hospitalized for COVID are vaccinated? There was a story in New South Wales where the Health Minister misspoke and said all but 1 were vaccinated when he meant all but 1 were unvaccinated. He corrected his statement in the same news conference but of course the internet ran with the wrong data.

      Israel, as of July 22, 56% of hospitalizations are vaccinated people. Why is this number so high? Because most adults are fully vaccinated in Israel. To make the point, if 100% of individuals are vaccinated, 100% of the hospitalizations will be vaccinated.

      Once you get to high vaccination rates, percentages do not tell the story. Consider these numbers: In the last month Israel had 73 severe cases of COVID compared to over 1000 at the peak in January before vaccines. 1.5% of COVID cases are becoming critically ill compared to 4% back in the peak.

  14. I am further confused.

    Experts admit the vaccine program has failed. May require a 3rd booster.

    Experts are calling to reinstate PCR testing for both vaccinated and unvaccinated, because BOTH are getting sick. Question the statistics being fed to you! Most labs cannot test for the new ‘variants – how can numbers be rising without actual proof through tests? (which have a high false-positive record as it is) Ask this question.

    The vaccination passports collect much more data on people than just vaccination status. Why? Not allowing service or entrance to establishments?! Direct violation of the Nuerenborg agreement. This is another red flag and abuse of our personal freedoms. “Show me your papers”! History repeats itself.

    Ask questions!!
    Yes, there is a problem. This problem needs to be solved. We need to work together not increase the void. Question and research these issues – both sides. Listen to MSM AND Brighteon. Together a solution is there – in accordance with the constitution of this great country called America! Maintain personal freedoms. Any action threatening our freedoms should be questioned!

    Thanks guys for letting me speak my truth. You provide a good service to both sides of this coin. I love Hawaii, raised my kids there, and I know that our beautiful islands will get out from under this problem!! Mahalo!

    1. You need to stop listening to do many conspiracy theories. The bottom line is that the vaccines are very effective at preventing severe COVID. That’s why our hospitals are filling up with primarily the unvaccinated. Sure can you still get sick if your vaccinated? Absolutely, so that’s why we need to continue to all wear masks. If we would all do both those things we could finally put an end to this. If we continue to conflate masks and vaccines with violations of our rights, we are going to be living with this for a very long time.

      1. Thank you,Joerg for your straightforward info. Most all of the conspiracy issue are nothing more than baloney. This garbage is coming from sources that have other motives on their mind and in long run it’s hurt everyone including them.

      2. But then there was this…besides new articles, based on real life stories, friends, family…the only stories I hear of are the VACCINATED being hospitalized. My friend’s father took the 2nd shot, a week later, he was hospitalized for 6 days, had to be put on life support. Another friend died right after 2nd shot. Another friend’s son 40 years old died immediately after 2nd shot. And so many stories of friends who went for 1st shot and didn’t go back for 2nd shot because the reactions from 1st shot were devastating. How are real life stories conspiracies?? If you want to call anything a conspiracy theory it is the media.

        Top Israeli Health Official: Vaccinated Account For 95% Of Severe And 85-90% Of New Covid Hospitalizations

  15. Aloha-Can you further clarify 1)under the common pass section? The note seems contradictory. How can you scan your vaccination record into the app if they don’t accept cdc vaccination card uploads? I’m guessing I just don’t understand the different terminologies.


  16. So if you had Covid and have natural immunity you need to be vaccinated with a vaccine that is less effective every month? People are seriously losing their minds. Anyone notice when they stopped testing vaccinated the virus expanded? Isreal reported the lack of effectiveness back in may. Yet some how the best country in the world so they say though we are ranked 37 in health care and spend 4x more for healthcare than the next country somehow didn’t know this. It’s almost like it didn’t fit a narrative.

    1. I agree people have lost their minds! None of what they are doing make sense. Why should the unvaccinated be punished when 80% of hospitalized covid patients are obese. If we are going to discriminate against the unvaccinated, how about we get to the real root of the problem, that people need to take better care of themselves. Not all unvaccinated persons are obese, and therefore will not take up a hospital bed with covid.

      1. Nailed it…Paranoia is setting in an pushing people to believe losing individual liberties is the only way.

        Reality check: We need to check Governments, and pursue why this happened, to make sure it never happens again.

      2. amen. its been this way since the start. never in history have we quarantined the healthy. covid is either comparable to, or less deadly than, the seasonal flu based on your age group. we need to quarantine the old and unhealthy and let the rest of the world live their lives

  17. so glad that we went to Hawaii when we did. We most definitely will not be going back with that kind of garbage. This is America where we have the freedom to travel where we want in the USA. Hawaii is not that special.

  18. Dumb

    all “passports’ do is allow the vaccinated to act without care while they superspread

    testing testing testing is the way out

    1. The way out is people taking care of themselves. Taking vitamins, eating healthier, drinking water when you are thirsty, getting enough sleep, going outdoors and getting away from phones and TV’s. Its a medical fact that stress does more damage to our bodies than anything else. You want to know why the homeless aren’t getting sick and dying from this virus? They don’t have media access readily available to them. If they were fed the propaganda the way we are, we would probably see a lot more deaths in homeless communities. Stop focusing on the numbers, they mean nothing. Example: “Honolulu cases reach 596, and 4 new deaths… wait…4 deaths is not a lot… I know!! “That brings the total deaths to 595 since the start of the pandemic.” Its just words. 4 deaths from what?? 596 cases of what?? This would literally end tomorrow if everyone voluntarily shut out the media.

      I only wish everyone to be well physically and mentally. The bickering and arguing over masks and vaccines is only causing more damage to our health. The anger and rising blood pressure around this country is palpable. Its never been this bad. I miss happy people and smiling faces.

      Have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

      1. Yes! The homeless have this beat with their vitamins, balanced diet and healthy lifestyle as well as plenty of ready access to water when they are thirsty.….finally a rational anti vax argument, don’t watch Fox News!

        1. I am sure homeless people have immune systems that would most of us to shame. They don’t need synthetic vitamins. They live outdoors.

    2. So true! Look at the charts and it went too 600 plus people infected soon after Hawai’i stopped making everyone test and let the vaccinated in without. Guess they wanted it to happen. So sad for all the residents.

    3. Exactly vaccinated people need to own up to being super spreaders. They think they are doing good for the world, when in actuality they are the ones spreading covid doing the virus. It’s obvious to me that they are only trying to discriminate against the unvaccinated by not allowing them into restaurants etc, while the vaccinated are allowed and keep spreading the virus.

      1. Actually, the vaccine they are giving everyone is for the original virus that doesn’t exist anymore. So, the vaccinated are just like the unvaccinated, as you put it, “part of the problem”

        1. Popycock. Where did you get your degree iniminology? You v sound like another of those folks who have an MD from the University of Facebook. The variant is just that. It’s the same virus, it’s just mutated a bit.

  19. Thank God. Now make sure the tourists/returning residents have to test again, too, since we already know there is asymptomatic transmission and breakthrough illness. Personally, I think they should have implemented this locally before ever reopening to tourists, and then included tourists in it after we reopened.

    1. “For international travelers arriving in the State of Hawai‘i from Japan, Canada, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines and Tahiti, only tests from Trusted Testing Partners will be accepted for purposes of bypassing the State’s 10-day traveler quarantine including any tests verified through the State’s Digital Health Pass Partners – AZOVA, CLEAR and CommonPass. Travelers originating from any other international destination and coming directly to Hawai‘i do not have the ability to test for purposes of bypassing the State’s 10-day traveler quarantine.”

      source: hawaiicovid19.com/travel/

  20. I have a CA paper vaccination card but you say Common Pass wont accept a scan of that. Never even heard of the Smart QR code and how to get that??? I remember a year ago the US saying oh no, we would never require a vaccination passport yet here it is. Wouldnt it make more sense to just have everyone’s vaccination records in one system so whatever state or airline needs to access it for verification they could? Thank you

    1. Kym, if you were vaccinated in CA you should be aware that you can go to the CA Dept of Public Health (google CDPH) and easily get a QR code with your vaccination information. It’s very quick and easy, perhaps you could help spread this information to your circle of family and friends.

  21. It will be a vey long time before we vacation in Hawaii again, if ever. I refuse to “ show my papers “ And yes, I am vaccinated.

  22. So we are going to ignore Hiaap laws? Thought the Lt. Governor would be more aware of this FEDERAL LAW!! Guess it doesn’t apply to Hawaii!! Oh here is thought, they brought in medical ships to New York and L.A. for Covid. Why not bring them to Pearl Harbor to care for those with Covid. Thus freeing up ICU beds. How simple!!

    1. You are misinformed. It is not a HIPAA violation.

  23. I’m really sorry that all this is going on and even more sorry that I have to cancel my trip to Kauai in December. We are not a herd, we are human beings that have a mind of our own, so Kauai will be off my list until all this blows over
    Thank you for hearing me out

  24. Just arrived on Maui yesterday from California. People who are vaxed, it’s really simple. No more waiting for your test and uploading a pdf. Same process, but you just take a picture of your vax card (“Show me your papers”). through safe travels and you are pretty much done. Health questionnaire a day before we left and we were done. Flew Alaska and plane was about 60% full. FYI, it is insane busy in Maui. I have been coming to Maui all of my life, as I have family here. There are lines especially for dinner everywhere. I never thought I would see a line at L&L BBQ that is 30 people deep. If there is one suggestion is the make your dinner reservations as soon as you figure out your trip. We have a condo over here which we rent out and we tell our guests, first thing to do is secure your dinner reservations first. Almost everyone has been thankful for that advice. Can’t wait until they change the seating from 75% to 50%. That should be a tipping point……Aloha

  25. No thanks, just back to normal. Especially for hawaii but also a little bit for mainland USA also. Alot are just fed up with the ongoing bs & the fact research is being done on the fly as justification for all this. It doesn’t sit well with me.

    1. Unfortunately, because so many people have refused to vaccinate the delta virus was allowed to flourish. As the disease evolves so do the actions we need to take. It’s not a static world, it is ever-evolving. Get vaccinated everybody.

      1. But the vaccinated: A. can still get any version of the virus and B. Can still spread it. So why don’t they have to test? This is what the numbers show, but those who don’t test are happy so ignore it and blame others while being among the spreaders. So sad.

  26. I just set up my Common Pass account but the QR code is only good until October 18, 2021 and I leave December 1st so I will do it again in October. Apparently good for 50 days. Also, once I took out my QR Code which I had printed and the camera took a picture of it, I was done. No copying numbers to my clipboard or going to Safe Travels or going to the Exception page. Just have your paper copy and it’s easy peasy.

      1. Yes you are right. That was my mistake. I did try to link my Common Pass with Safe Travels but my Common Pass does not use my middle name and my airline reservation on Safe Travels does use it. It wouldn’t link. Any suggestions?
        Is there any advantage to using Common Pass if I have my vaccination card uploaded in Safe Travels as well as my QR code from my state health department.

  27. I just set up CommonPass, and it was pretty easy. In my case, the State of California has a database of vaccination info, which Walgreens reports into. I went to that site (myvaccinerecord.cdph.ca.gov) and got my QR code, which I saved to my phone. I then downloaded and installed the CommonPass app on my phone, and created a new “pass” (when they asked for a code, I just entered Hawaii). Then I uploaded the picture of the QR code from the state website, it validated, and I had a Hawaii pass. Then, when you look at the actual CommonPass Hawaii l pass just below its QR code there’s a long string of numbers and letters. I copied that to my clipboard and then went to Safe Travels. Once there, I created a trip, and then went to the exception page, clicked on CommonPass, and pasted that long set of numbers and letters into the blank. It thought for a second, and *poof* it said Verified. I know it sounds like a long complex process, but it only took me about 10 or 15 minutes to complete. Now I have to wait until tomorrow to fill out my health questionnaire, and it’s Kona here I come on Sat!!!

      1. Quick question, I’m travelling from LAX to HLN, and then on to Kona. Will they check my safe travels info at HLN, or Kona?

    1. What is the benefit of using Common Pass instead of just uploading your vax card pics or test results directly to your Safe Travels trip quarantine exemption?

  28. I am coming to Maui this October and I am not vaccinated, it is my understanding that I just need to have a negative test result from approved testing sites within 72 hours of my arrival. Is this correct?

    1. You have time to get vaccinated before your trip which will make it much easier and safer for you and the Hawaiian people. Please get the vaccine. It is the key to stopping the Delta variant and others that may come our way. Thank you.

      1. Since fully vaccinated people can still be covid positive and spread it, the safest thing is to test negative. If it’s really about community spread, we have to look at testing as essential.

    2. @Steph A. … No, you need to have a negative test result from a State of Hawaii “Trusted Travel and Testing Partner” where the sample was taken within 72 hours of the DEPARTURE time of your FINAL non-stop flight segment from the mainland U.S. departure airport to the Maui airport.

      1. Yes I had mixed up the word Arrival & Departure. My question now is that I arrive to Hawaii on a Tuesday. when I get tested it would have to be on Saturday to fit the allotted time frame, I’m concerned my results wont be on time before I board the plane.

        1. Yes, that’s the challenge, trying to find a testing site that can get the results back in time. Here in LA, we have testing sites at LAX can return your results in 1 hour, 3 hour, or 48 hours. My brother and sister-in-law used them to get they needed. I would suggest looking into airport testing at your airport.

        2. I did my testing through AFC urgent care, they offer the nasal test with results 1 hour later or the saliva test which I favored more, with next day results by 8pm. You may have to do the nasal test since you are flying on a tuesday though I think. You will also fill out the questionnaire on safe travels hawaii 24 hours before flying and you will be emailed a QR code which you will need.

          1. But make sure if you do the nasal test that they know it is for traveling to hawaii, they tried to give me the more invasive nasal test the first time I flew to hawaii this year when they didnt have the saliva test yet. The nasal test for traveling is much less invasive thankfully. And make sure you wait in line at your connecting flight airport to get your wristband so you can enjoy an expedited arrival when you land in Hawaii.

      2. @Paul M. Slight correction. According to this article you can also get your test from one of the testing partners that Clear or CommonPass use and then link that through. Both are free to use, and it expands the list of testing partners quite a bit.

        1. @Joerg H … Yes, your correction is correct. The list of testing providers was expanded when I was not looking closely, and is confirmed in the first paragraph of this page:


    3. If you no vaccination, then please stay home and away from Hawaii. Unless there’s a medical reason for not getting it, why would you not? It’s people like you that we have such a huge surge in case numbers and it’s extremely selfish. Our case load has been and currently is higher that at any point in this pandemic. Go to Florida, they’ll let you do whatever you want. Thanks

      1. Agreed. No vaccine, don’t travel. Stay home, isolate. There are SO many people with health issues, kids, cancer patients, my neighbor’s 6 year old son with a heart transplant., etc… I’m all for I’ll informed not thrusting death upon me. People aren’t allowed to smoke on planes and in restaurants anymore. Smoke yourself to death in your own home. I don’t see the difference. Sorry, I felt it needed to be said.

      2. David R,

        Unless you want to pay my property taxes, and maintain my property that I own in Hawaii. I will come and go as freely as I want, because I have the right to travel between the places I live. I follow all protocols, as well as stay home for the 72 hours before I board my plane, and in the multiple trips I have made to my Home in Hawaii, I have never been exposed to Covid in either place, let alone any other place I’ve traveled.

        It’s definitely NOT people like me who are the reason you “have a huge surge in case numbers”. It’s those people that aren’t being tested, and are allowed to travel there. It’s locals who travel to the Mainland who don’t get tested on their return, because they choose to do the 10 day quarantine. It’s those who don’t abide by the quarantine, and go out transmit it, when they don’t realize they have it. The reality is that people who abide by the testing protocol are NOT the majority who are currently spreading this around the Islands, which is why they are saying it IS mostly the local residents.

        1. Don’t really care about the property you own here, I stand by what I said..no vaccination then stay home. What gives you the right to potentially infect our Kapuna if your a negative test carrier? If you’re not willing to be part of the solution then you’re just part of the problem. You have NO rights in that regard, we all need to have the same goal, not your idealistic and selfish point of view. Thanks

          1. You are no different than the rest of us. You can be a carrier and transmitter just like everyone else on this planet.

            My entire family, except my kids are in Hawaii..all MY Kapuna I have left, and I live there, when I want to, and I’ll continue to do so, because I ​have EVERY right to freely travel, come take care of my place, my family and my business there.

            Yeah, “we do all need to have the same goal, and doesn’t involve forcing people to do your will or keep them from their home and family, Thanks…

      3. Ok except there are some people who dont want to get the vaccination and have dear family to visit in hawaii. The unvaccinated get a negative covid test to travel but I guess that isnt good enough. Meanwhile the vaccinated are spreading covid, without having to test negative for travel.

  29. I am flying from Houston to Honolulu on United. Then Hawaiian Air to Maui. Do they check your SafeTravel info in Honolulu or Kahalui?

    1. If you are going to remain in the airport without picking up and rechecking baggage (ie, passing security in or out), they will check in Maui. If you are going to have to do your own baggage transfer rather than United doing it for you, then you will have to go through the check in both places.

    2. MICHAEL T… They will test you at HOUSTON and give you your wrist band there. Make sure that happens otherwise you will be stuck in a long line on Maui. We recently flew Hawaiian out of Phoenix. They validated our vaccination status and gave us our wrist band when we checked in downstairs. However, it took about 5-10 minutes because we each had to log into Safe Travels and show the green checkmark as well as show our Covid Vaccination Card. We are Premier so there was only one person ahead of us. The other hundred or so folks – well, I can’t imagine that even the middle of that line got their wrist bands at check in when it took 5-10 minutes for each party. HOWEVER, unbeknownst to all of us, they were also offering to be validated and given wrist bands at the gate up until a certain point prior to boarding. When we got to Kauai, there had to be 100 folks lined up to be checked while those of us with wrist bands sailed on through. They did have 6 screening points but still, that had to be a long wait.

      1. Barbara M – The antectdotal information I’ve seen says it really doesn’t take long if you have to do it upon arrival. So many people having wristbands is cutting down drastically the time spent on the other end. Of course, this would be dependent upon the size and number of planes arriving.

        When we went to Maui in February (pre-wristband era) we were through the line at OGG and still beat our luggage to the carousel.

        Going to Kaua’i in 3 weeks and hoping to get wristbands at PHX as we have a 1.5 hour connection. We’ll see what happens!

        1. Ed C… You reference “anecdotal information” but we’ve seen the lines! We arrived on Kauai on July 16 and saw approximately 100 people standing in the “no wristband” line at the Lihue airport. We changed planes in Honolulu and obviously those 100ish folks weren’t from out inter-island flight. How many flights they were from, we’ll never know but the line went out back into the main corridor. In fact, we couldn’t even see the “Wristband” sign pointing to bypassing the line until we realized that was what folks were doing – I left my husband and walked forward until I saw the sign. We flew from Phoenix as well but you didn’t say which airline you were traveling with. Earlier today I posted twice on the scenario for Hawaiian at Phoenix Airport. If you are flying Hawaiian, that is one month old information.

    3. Want to move through the Hawaii process faster? Get your wristband at the GATE, take a carry on and back pack only. Get right off the plane and be the first one at the rental car counter. If staying where you can cook, stop at Costco or Target (take your own bags or buy there as they are NOT free like in some states. Make all reservations way head for tours, renting snorkel gear and eating at restaurants. Easier to eat out for lunch and cheaper. On Oahu ride the bus with an all day pass you can buy at the ABC store. Seniors are only $1.00 per trip! Enjoy your vacation!

  30. Hi , I have no idea what happened and this was my third trip to Hawai’i with safe travels , I arrived in Hnl July 29. I had tried downloading my vaccine card about 2 weeks ago and it wouldn’t load , one was a pdf from Salem hospital and one was a pdf I made from a photo of my vaccine card . So I used clear and downloaded my vaccine card , then linked clear to my safe Hawai’i and got a green checkmate , it said exempted :vaccine , I got my QR code the day before my flight to Hnl. At San Francisco airport I showed my QR code to get my bracelet . The woman said you need to download your vaccine . I said if did that on clear, linked it to safe Hawai’i and got a green checkmate and QR code . She said the QR code only means you filled out the health questions. I have no idea why I had to download the vaccine card at airport while I had been previously approved a week before flight . Prepare for the unexpected I guess.

      1. But those vaccinated elsewhere than US still continue with Test and Safe travels website to and from Hawaii but no need inter island. Is that correct? I cannot see that changing any time soon as the White House has been very clear they do not include vaccination status in decisions on entering the USA at this time.

        1. Hi Rich.

          That’s correct. Those who are vaccinated outside the US still need to comply with testing per Safe Travels. And at this time there are no requirements for anyone traveling interisland.


        2. We are flying back to Maui later this year. Already booked from Toronto through SFO, where we do the test again if the Canadian one is not accepted. We are fully vaccinated, but are taking no risks. Hopefully the present wave of infections will be gone by then.

          1. Gerhard

            Hawaii only accepts vaccinations from US states and territories at this time. Testing is your only option.

  31. I’m flying United from Houston to Honolulu, then connecting with Hawaiian Air to Maui. When do you have to show your SafeTravel information and vaccination card? In Honolulu or Maui? I’m not using CommonPass or Clear.

    1. Michael T
      Last I knew United was participating in preclear where you get a wristband in Houston where you show them your QR code from safe travels and you are good to go AND avoid the line in Honolulu. You get the QR code after you do the safe travels health questionnaire , but you can’t do this until 24 hours or less before your flight. If you DO NOT get the wristband you still need to show United the QR code before your flight, but you get to join the LONG line in Honolulu. United and Hawaiian Air are in different terminals. Try not to check luggage as it will go much faster. Good luck.

    2. Aloha Michael,

      You’ll share the Safe Travels QR code with united near the gate before you board the plane. The long line moves really fast. They will give you a wrist band. My experience has been that wristband gets you through to your next destination. Unless protocols have changed once again, this is my personal experience for the last 4 trips to the mainland I’ve made, going through HNL back home to Kauai.
      Enjoy your trip!

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