Hawaii Visitors Spending 40% More, But Enjoying It Less?

Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed

Is this the future of Hawaii travel? Back in the news again today.

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2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”

  1. This is complete BS! Never going to Hawaii again! Spending my $ else where and we went every year for 50+ years! We are 4th generation vacationing in Hawaii … not anymore

    1. That is good that you are not going because they have plenty of visitors who will comply and I for one would like to keep my family living their safe from infection. MOM

    2. We do not need people like you visiting there who would so easily disregard the fact that these are Islands and public health rescue is more limited due to medical facilities requiring more due diligence and care for the islanders and tourists.

      1. Hi Mary.

        I take it someone who doesn’t hold vaccine passports in high regard is not very much welcome.

        I wouldn’t worry too very much. Based in no small part upon the posted comments of Hawaiians as directed to those who would visit Hawaii, I would think your concerns about an influx of unwashed tourist visitors shouldn’t need be too great. It occurs to me more than a few are taking the not-so-subtle hints to heart and are passing Hawaii by.

        Perhaps of more concern might be how you will get them back in the future.

        “Every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.”

        – Dr. Steve Maraboli

        1. Not at all Heyward , you said you are from Georgia I believe? I give you a perspective from Hawaii. Prior to Covid tourism was exploding and people were starting to question how much is too much. Then this summer we really got lesson in that. The pent up demand and little competition from International destinations turned parts of the islands in to the Las Vegas strip or Disney World. It got ugly. The issue wasn’t so much the numbers, but the type of tourists. Fewer people in the resorts and basically a “backpacker” or bargain hunter tourist. The problem was they were not spending much money. The strain on the resources wasn’t balanced with money flowing back to the economy.
          It highlighted the fact that Hawaii needs a balance of tourists that put something back into the economy, not just get the cheapest air fare possible, stay on the cheap and cook in their (possibly) illegal B and B. We can’t support an influx of that. Mass tourism can work in Orlando or Las Vegas, it can’t go un checked like that here…..I’m not blowing smoke out of my Okole. I’m referencing a recent 90 minute panel discussion on the local PBS station that had all the major stakeholders included. Leaders from business, tourism and the unions as well as significant government officials involved in decision making. They referred to the influx we had as “Mctourists”. We don’t have the room to support that type of tourism. If a bunch of people show up and don’t spend the money that creates a livable wage for people to survive it simply won’t work for the people living here. So the bottom line is, your concerns are unfounded, the visionary view is not concerned if we will have enough tourists, the real concern is the quality and diversity of tourism that’s needed to create a win/win scenario for all.

          1. Hello JOHNW.

            Thank you for your explanation of Hawaii’s tourism based economy goal. Hawaii’s desire to improve the financial quality of its tourist is indeed interesting.

            You are indeed correct Sir. I reside in Georgia; founded as a Debtor’s Colony. You may recall that for decades we also essentially possessed a one product economy. That was cotton.

            Some years ago we decided that rather than pin our future on the hope that the appetite of the boll weevils that returned each year might be less, we ought consider another position. We transitioned our economy from being dependent upon cotton to other agricultural products and again to auto and aircraft production and international business. Has it changed the “Old South” atmosphere and culture? Sure it has. Does it present problems? Certainly it does. But poverty and unemployment are down and it allows us to better weather economic downturns and to steadily improve the quality of life of our residents.

            But of course each chooses their own course. In view of Hawaii’s desired path, perhaps it should consider abandoning the Vaccine Passport and instead require Bank Letters of Credit from its tourist visitors.

          2. Hayward your point about the importance of diversification is correct and well supported and understood here, however implementation isn’t something that happens over night. The comment alluding to ellitism is understandable but misses the bigger picture. The debate covered this well but here’s the Readers Digest version…..the beach’s, private neighborhoods and State Parks were as crowded or more so this summer. then ever. The road to Hana was a nightmare. Obviously you can’t generalize but there were way more then the normal amount of people disrespecting the environment then usual this summer. In addition to all that retail was down 40 percent. The point was made by the head of the retail association that the people visiting stores were not spending and were the type of people that would look at a piece of clothing and then just set it down and not hang it up. (I was actually surprised she was as harsh as she was) . Anyway, what that translates to is the retailer’s and others trying to make a living cannot. They used the old adage about tourism spending as an analogy. A tourist spends a twenty dollar bill at a hotel, it goes to the front desk clerk who buys a plate lunch, then the plate lunch place spends it to get food delivered , the delivery guy then buys shoes with it for his child. Etc etc. The problem is that wasn’t happening this summer. The working class population was being cut out of the equation (except for maybe the rental car folks!)
            Anyway, the elitism is if you don’t see the need for the service industry employees over here to make a living. Taking that perspective even further, we have people that are losing their jobs in retail and other areas due to the budget tourist and they cannot find a decent rental because of the plethora of vacation rentals. All the while budget travelers are stretching the natural resources to their limit. That is the equation that a better balance has to be found for.

      2. yawn… Maybe if the State spent more on the hospitals than they did on thermal scanners at the airport or on the MPD/HPD/KPD I’d have some hospital sympathy.

        Instead they bought the hospitals more masks, and face shields..

        Billions of dollars thrown at each State. In 18 months Hawaii could have had some pretty nice extra space.

  2. Here’s hoping that every establishment that requires proof of a vaccine goes out of biz soon. Insanity to me so many are so afraid and will easily give up freedom for alleged safety Good luck Hawaii and aloha forever

    1. Funny enough, I feel the same way about places that don’t care about covid.

      Guess time will tell how many people are concerned about themselves and those around them and how many are not.

    2. Auwe! Kavika.

      You cannot use the sacred context of “aloha” by wishing death to businesses who simply ask their patrons to express their kuleana (responsibility) and true aloha to other patrons. By your name you may be of Hawaiian ancestry. Your mother would be ashamed of your lack of kuleana.

      1. Oh come on Pele isn’t watching, and I bet you weren’t born there either or you wouldn’t be here. Anyone knew IZ please stand up!

        1. The aloha spirit is leaving the islands due to over-touristing, high cost of living with low wage hospitality jobs, and the utter lack of regard for HI’s people and our lifestyle shown by the majority of the tourists, most especially the ones who chose to come during the summer of a pandemic. Or the majority of the ones who post here.

  3. As a first responder vaccinated early. There is no digital record of that. All of the verification apps don’t see these.
    Penalizing the people we called hero’s a year ago is sad.

    1. Joel, No doubt that there will be cases like yours that will need to be addressed. I Believe that at least one of them, CLEAR or Common pass will accept an uploaded vaccination card. But in ether case, there are also people, for example one who participated in the trials, etc. that will have an issue and something needs to be done to handle all these kinds of cases. However, having said that, I don’t think that “do nothing” is the right answer either. What I find interesting is that many of the same people who are resisting vaccine passwords are doing so for the very reason that would SOLVE your problem. They don’t want to end up in a “government database”. Personally I find that a little funny, since know it our not, they are Already in a Bunch of “government databases”. What’s one more if it will help stop a pandemic?

  4. It’s frustrating that the location of clusters isn’t being disclosed. If it were reported people could see if they could have gotten infected and get tested. It would also alert others to where infections occurred. Common sense to provide information like this but they’re more afraid of getting sued! We should sue the state for not providing critical information.

  5. What a mess. We traveled to the islands several times a year. Haven’t gone since Covid. Too Complicated. Flights always cancelled due to changes. The rules set on the islands you can’t keep up with. Hawaii will never be the same. Hawaii’s once thriving economy will take years, if ever to recover. Very sad.

    1. I find it interesting that people, since the beginning of this pandemic, have predicted the demise of the Hawaiian economy, and it’s yet to happen. As a matter of fact, this summer, the number of visitors to the islands has been so huge that Hawaii is talking about how they can handle the crowds, and/or REDUCE the number of visitors. So, I doubt that you and your ilk threaten to withhold travel to Hawaii is really scaring anyone there. You’re free to vacation where you please, and if that’s not Hawaii, I doubt anyone there will miss you.

  6. Vaccinated or not…everyone can potentially spread CoVid and all of its variants. Everyone can get CoVid (although those that have had it already have the best immunity, far better than any vaccine’s protection that has lost so much of its effectiveness and requires continual boosters). Everyone can die with CoVid.
    The difference between those that have been vaccinated and those that have not is that the unvaccinated cannot die from the vaccine. Do your own research…go to the CDC’s website and see their VAERS report.
    Stop dividing our community.

    1. I don’t know where you’re getting your information, but I can tell you that “do your own research” is the path to us getting to where we are today with TONS of misinformation, wrong conclusions, etc. floating around on social media. You posting here is a great example of “do your own research” leading to incorrect conclusions. The vaccine has proven itself to be safe and effective. Sure, are there some people who have gotten a bit sick from it, yes, that’s true for any vaccine. But deaths? Not many, if any. The VAERS database should be taken offline, at least to the general public, because so many people misunderstand what that data really is/means. If you look at the VAERS website they say “When evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Reports of all possible associations between vaccines and adverse events (possible side effects) are filed in VAERS. Therefore, VAERS collects data on any adverse event following vaccination, be it coincidental or truly caused by a vaccine. The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event.”. So numbers from that database can lead you to the wrong conclusion about the safety of the vaccine if you aren’t an expert in the field, and can’t cross-correlate that data with other data about individual cases. The intended use of that database is to gather information about POSSIBLE adverse reactions so that followup can be performed to Validate and see if indeed this adverse reaction was indeed caused by the vaccine. This is something that the experts know, but that “do your own research” by unqualified people clearly don’t know or understand even though it’s clearly written right on the VAERS website. At this point, I’m begging BOH to Stop allowing posts about the pandemic that aren’t sourced from a recognized expert source like the CDC. Even Mine.

      1. CDC expert source? How do you make such a statement about an organization that is recommending these vaccines for pregnant women without ANY teratogenicity studies done? These are the people I’m supposed to rely on for “expert” advice? I don’t think so!

        1. I don’t know, maybe because they are a $15 billion agency that is charged with providing us with the correct advice, etc.? Also they use some of that money to hire some of the most preeminent people in the field. So, as I see it, it beats taking advice from some YouTube video made by some guy in his mothers basement or some radio talk show host who’s hawking horse dewormer as a COVID remedy. In addition it lines up with the advice from other expert laden agencies like the WHO, NIH, etc. etc. etc.

          Look, bottom line is that this site is supposed to be about travel to Hawaii. You, or my, opinion on things like the vaccine, or what things Hawai has or hasn’t put in place are irrelevant to that purpose. What’s relevant is that Hawaii has rules, if you follow them you can travel to Hawaii and have a good time as we recently did. If you don’t like them, then fine, don’t go, I doubt you will be missed. But in the end, it is what it is.

          1. It’s quite obvious we sit on opposite sides of this matter, which is ok. Let me say I have spent hours reviewing information as to why the “safety and effectiveness” of these “vaccines ” should be questioned in an open forum, with experts from both sides to debate the concerns. Why hasn’t this happen? ( In my corner, Robert Kennedy Jr, of CHD) I do not take info from YouTube ( most of the credible, intelligent people who are raising valid questions about this therapy have been censored from YouTube, which you should find highly concerning). The fact is , yes , this is a travel website but this narrative of vaccine passports needs to be seen for what it truly is – data collection, as in every piece of personal information you can imagine. Btw, I’ve been to Hawaii a couple of times. Maybe the focus should be on educating people on overfishing, using sun screen that doesn’t kill the coral reefs and how to effectively manage the plastic pollution that is choking the Hawaiian sea life before the ocean is destroyed and it won’t matter what viruses come our way.

          2. Joerg, that’s easy to say when you have been vaccinated. Thankfully, you were given that choice due to it’s early release. However, vaccinated or not, it does directly affect travel. I think its arrogant to say those who don’t want the shot should just not go to Hawaii, because they won’t be missed anyway. And let me remind you, there is NO law that says the goverment or any business can do what they are doing. The constitution still trumps the goverment and businesses. People HAVE to stop making this a them and us situation. It’s ridiculous.

      1. LOL “Dr” Christina Parks is a science teacher with a Doctorate Degree, not a medical degree. She is also out of step with medical experts..I.E. she’s a conspiracy theorist

  7. Aloha Hawaii.

    Good luck with keeping your economy afloat with this nonsense.

    I am sure you will supplement with government bribes/hand outs…but not for long.

    This will not be forgotten.

    1. We and so many of our friends who love Hawaii are owing to be sure to go visit more often, and stay longer, as we appreciate your Islander nature of care and concern for others. Mahalo.

    2. We and so many of our friends who love Hawaii are vowing to be sure to go visit more often, and stay longer, as we appreciate your Islander nature of care and concern for others. Mahalo.

  8. Hi I wanted to see if i can be unsubscribed from the mailing list.

    Thanks for your articles but i dont think i will be returning to hawaii after what i have seen with this covid response.

    Good luck to Hawaii and farewell!

  9. Wow! A COVID Vaccine Passport yet the State and Honolulu City & County still haven’t figured out their State ID and Driver’s License Renewal backlog problem?

  10. Barbara M – I can’t find my reply to your reply either. For that matter, I can’t find your reply to my reply! The Menehune must be messing with the BOH bros website!

    I was actually referring to showing the QR code at the arrival airport. When they scan it, it opens up your account on their computer. I have a current picture uploaded to my Safe Travels account, also, so maybe that’s how they know there’s no problem and it’s actually my QR code. Just guessing.

    I also always have to show the account on my phone at hotels and car rental.

    1. Hi Ed and Barbara.

      The comments from you both are all there. Probably obfuscated at the moment, as there has been a deluge of comments this week. If there’s a problem though, please let us know. You guys have a good weekend!


  11. ED C… Apologies that I cannot find your response to my comment… It appears we are both right and both wrong! When we flew on July 16, Hawaiian Air in Phoenix required us to log into Safe Travels (we did it in on our phones). They explained that they’ve discovered that paper printouts can come from anywhere so they want to see that you know the log in to your Safe Travels account. But obviously you’ve had the opposite experience. Guess hoping for the “easy way” (printout) is good but be prepared to log in. (BTW… Our hotel required us to log in as well. Believe me, I remember that because I repeatedly did my husband’s log in incorrectly and had to retrieve my lap top from the car where that site pre-populated the log in! DUH!)

    1. Barbara
      This whole thing rapidly changes. We flew out of Seattle on July 9th. Hawaiian air checked our ID, found us in her computer and gave us both wristbands. We got them at the gate as we did not check luggage. We were on different islands for 4 weeks. Each hotel made us pull up safe travels and show it to them. They would not accept our paper copy. None of them could take our QR code either. Had the same issues at the car rental places. Maybe I should have left the wristband on for the whole month. Lol.

      1. NANJO>>> Exactly and I suspect it changes airport to airport and hotel to hotel! I’ve had folks on FB say their hotel didn’t require anything from them! (Don’t know that I would want to stay there!) It was interesting that when we moved from one Marriott on Kauai to another on Kauai, all they wanted to see was our bill from the previous Marriott lodging because since they are universal in their requirements, that meant we’d been accepted by #1 so #2 accepted us with no fuss! When we were there, we took our wristbands off but you could tell by the wear-and-tear that some folks continued to wear them as a badge of honor.

  12. Is it too much to ask for people to just listen to what the Frontline Doctors, Nurses, Scientists are saying and not what some random Facebook post is saying? Is it really that difficult to believe that newspapers across the country, whether they be from Texas, Washington California Hawaii etc are all reporting the truth and the few “alternative facts” folks have an agenda.
    This surge could have been prevented if more people had gotten vaccinated when they could have. There is no denying that. It’s mostly unvaccinated people in the ICU’s and the few vaccinated ones are rare breakthrough cases and generally with other health issues making them more vulnerable.
    That’s were the discussion has to start from. Admit that fact, then tell us why you don’t want the vaccine….and please, stop posting misinformation to try and convince vulnerable people to make a choice that could cost them their life.
    It’s getting out of hand, here in Hawaii we have a Lt Gov that has been working tremendously hard for everyone, vaxxed or not, and not only as Lt Gov, but as an emergency room doctor, yet…. Anti vax protesters are gathering outside his residence and making death threats and anti semetic attacks against he and his wife and young children……where is this craziness gonna end?

    1. Yes. This. I wish BOH would stop posting the posts that contain vaccine disinformation, too. It only perpetuates more people believing the nonsense.

    2. disinformation? this very statement contains two outright lies

      “This surge could have been prevented if more people had gotten vaccinated when they could have. There is no denying that. It’s mostly unvaccinated people in the ICU’s and the few vaccinated ones are rare breakthrough cases ”

      1. vaccines dont prevent infection and spread
      2. breakthrough cases are not “rare”, nor are breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths. depending on the state, 20-40% of all hospitlaizations and deaths are among the vaccinated


  13. Hawaii has lost over a Billion dollars in tourism dollars in 2021 and restricting tourism by forcing persons to get or be vaccinated to visit Hawaii will not help especially when you can still contract and spread Covid even when vaccinated. In my state over 40% of the persons currently hospitalized with Covid are vaccinated. While I am in no way downplaying the virus I believe we should keep an open mind for alternative options. Thank you for your time and consideration.

      1. only if you want to see the islands turn into a disaster of homelessness, despair, and junk on the sides of the roads.

        For a virus with a 99%+ surinal rate, and a vaccine that provides a few tenths of a percent of extra protection for the vast majority.

        The response doesn’t match the dilemma

        1. Where do you people keep coming up with this 99% BS. Look at the# who got covid and look at the numbers that died it’s around 22%. I don’t know what conspiracy theory you people are coming up with

    1. Exactly, there are a lot of vaccinated people being hospitalized. Did you know that per the CDC, a vaccinated person is defined as someone who has had both shots for 2 weeks? So if someone is hospitalized with covid 13 days and 23 hours after they were injected with both vaccines, they are recorded as unvaccinated. So the numbers on the vaccinated hospitalized persons are in actuality even much higher than as reported.

      1. It appears you do not understand the concept of “fully vaccinated.” There is a time period which your body needs to develop the antibodies to fight the virus. That period has been determined to be two weeks. That is why no one is considered fully vaccinated until they have had the prescribed dosage of the particular vaccine they were given, and two weeks have past. That is why two weeks are required before you can use the vaccine to travel.

        Where is the proof of your claim that “a lot of people who have been vaccinated are being hospitalized?” That flies in the face of the words of professionals (drs, nurses, immunologists) who are on the front lines fighting this. Frankly, I don’t believe it to be true, and your claims without facts to back them up just throw more confusion into the pot. What is your point here?

        1. There is a ton of data out there showing that those that are vaccinated still can & do contract C19c & are being hospitalized, many in serious condition and up to death. Also, those that are vaccinated are spreaders of the virus. Just go to an uncensored browser like Duck Duck Go &
          Look up breakthrough cases, especially in Israel &
          Gibraltar as these 2 had massive & very early pushes to get most of the sir populations vaxxed. They are having huge numbers of cases when the vast majority of their citizens are vaxxed. Don’t take my word for it, step away from the half truths & omissions you are hearing on the msm & do your own research. Here’s just one link showing a MA hospital where 74% of their SARS-Cov2 patients WERE vaxxed:


          Or this:

          I am an R.N., so I am a huge researcher & question asker. I have spent hundreds of hours of personal research for over a year and a half because I want to know Truth . Science is observation & gathering of data. ALL data, good, bad & indifferent. The very fact that the msm is not showing but one very skewed side is deeply troubling. Again, I beseech you to research on your own. You are going g to be very surprised
          as my 2 links are sincerely the tip of the iceberg. I encourage people to do everything they can to boost their immune system, vaxxed or not. I wish you much good health.

          1. Here is one you might have missed that provides a direct quantitative comparison of the unvaccinated and fully vaccinated, from a CDC summary of May to July infections in Los Angeles:

            The unvaccinated had an infection rate that was 4.9 times the infection rate for those who were fully vaccinated.

            The hospitalization rate for the unvaccinated was 29.2 times the hospitalization rate for the fully vaccinated.


        2. “Where is the proof of your claim that “a lot of people who have been vaccinated are being hospitalized?” That flies in the face of the words of professionals (drs, nurses, immunologists) who are on the front lines fighting this. ”

          those anecdotes are just what you say they are… words

          go to any state dept of health website and you will find that 20-40+% of all cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are from vaccinated people with (what they were trying to pass off as “rare” not so long ago) breakthrough cases

      2. Where did you get your information about a lot vaccinated people being hospitalized? I believe this is misinformation.

        1. I’m a frontline worker. Not 1 of our current inpatient Covid positive patients are vaccinated. Every last one are not vaccinated. Some have come in screaming hoax etc but just before they get the vent or their loved one, they ask for the vaccine. The vaccine is good for 6-8 months just like our typical flu vaccine. A Booster is now going to be offered. Don’t believe they we who just don’t want to see the truth. Hard to keep out compassion for patients when these people don’t care about others.

          1. No doubt these counts can vary from one part of the country to another, but I’m a nurse too & know other RN’s all over the country( some related to me 😊) . I know for a fact that our very large regional hospital here in the southeast has right at half their Covid unit patients that ARE vaxxed. How do I know? A sweet friend works the Covid unit. I’m in a large nurses’ online group, & from
            The 74% of vaxxed patients reported in a MA hospital recently , to percentages that range from 30% to much higher. Of vaxxed patients in hospital are being reported. Israel, whose population was massively vaxxed very early on (they cut a deal with Pfizer before their vax was even released to get their citizens mass vaxxed), are seeing huge resurgences & hospitalizations right now & the vast majority of their country is vaxxed. You can look that up to verify. I wish you the very best, these are very trying times to be a nurse, particularly in a hospital setting.

          2. Cindy, thank you reconfirming what I have been reading and seeing with the data I have been studying in Scotland, I would love to see some real data on the US to analyze, but I haven’t found good sources yet. Everyone keeps claiming that the unvaccinated are overwhelming the hospitals, when in fact what I am reading and hearing, is that it is actually the vaccinated, and the partially vaccinated, that are overwhelming the hospitals. Also I hear of lots of nurses quitting because they do not want to be enforced to take the jabs, and this is partly creating a shortage of beds in the hospitals, because of shortage of staff, in places that they are mandating the vaccine for healthcare workers. It is a disgrace that the unvaxxed are unfairly being blamed for overwhelming hospitals, when those unvaxxed numbers actually include partially vaccinated persons who haven’t yet fulfilled the CDC’s 2 week mark past their 2nd shot to be considered fully vaccinated.

            For anyone who cares to see the truth of what is really going on in the hospitals, watch this video from a sincere, honest human being who worked in the COVID units in Honolulu, Hawaii, he got FIRED for saying what he did in the video!


        2. Oscar Da Lahoya hospitalized…

          22.5% of people in Maui hospitals

          15% of breakthrough cases are vaccinated, and that number has climbed steadily

      3. You are all missing an important point. The vaccination is only good for 6 to max. 8 month.
        Good examples are Iceland and Israel. Here in Ontario, Canada, breakthrough infections are between 22 and 25%, with an increasing number ending up in the hospital. Soon, it’s back to the drawing board and get a third shot, then a forth etc. People will get really tired of lining up every 6 month.
        Best way is still testing. Shutting down does not really work as we have seen before.

        1. Actually, if people had gotten vaxxed in the first place we wouldn’t be where we are now, that is a known. Testing is inconsistent at best and often doesn’t show positive until several days after they have spread the disease around.

          1. “Actually, if people had gotten vaxxed in the first place we wouldn’t be where we are now, that is a known.”

            Sorry, no, that is not a “known”. That is a speculative narrative.

          2. It appears an entire generation flunked high school logic. Go back, look at the stats and try to think it the through once more

          3. But I is probably pretty good speculation, at least there would be less “severe” cases leading to hospitalization/deaths. Hard to say what the future holds, though, since the vax is not as effective as first touted.

            And I agree with you that testing is imperfect, including false positives and false negative. Anecdotal, but an example of the later: the outfit that does much of our handyman work on Kauai had an unvaxxed employee that recently traveled to mainland, and used the 72 hour negative pretest from a “trusted partner” to avoid quarantine. Then after he was back in the office, got symptoms and had to quarantine, along with three co-workers that he worked with (who were all fine). Caused a great economic disruption. He followed the pre-test rules, but was told that the test does not detect pretest infection in which the virus has not yet started shedding.

        2. Gerhard,
          I agree with you that a booster shot will be required for most people and that aggressive testing is a good thing, however I think you are understating the effectiveness of the vaccines. It is important to focus on the vaccines ability to limit severe cases and fatality
          The Ontario Public Health Department published these statistics for the period from 12/14/21 to 8/7/21:

          Deaths Fully Vaccinated: 57 (1%)
          Deaths Not Fully Vaccinated: 4,792 (99%)

          Deaths Fully Vaccinated under 80 year old: 11 (.05%)
          Deaths Not Fully Vaccinated under 80 year old: 2,298 (99.5%)

          Ontario Current Numbers – August 29, 2021
          In ICU: 96 Not Fully Vaccinated (92%) and 9 Fully Vaccinated (8%)
          In Hospital but Not in ICU: 156 Not Fully Vaccinated (85%) and 27 Fully Vaccinated (15%)

          1. It changes every day. We did start vaccinations later than many countries due to delays of getting the vaccine and our Government ordering too late. So compared to other countries, we are 1 -2 month behind. The real truth will come out then, if they decide to tell us the actual numbers. Sometimes I think they are not very honest and publish numbers to scare people and drive them to get the vaccine, even though our vaccination rates are very high compared to other countries. I think we are around or over 80% with one shot and over 70 % for two shots.

          2. Yes, may the real truth come out! per the CDC, a fully vaccinated person is defined: “For the purposes of this guidance, people are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 ≥2 weeks after they have received the second dose in a 2-dose series”

            There is a claim being made in the US that the unvaccinated are overwhelming hospitals/are the majority catching COVID/resulting in death.
            Maybe we should ask the question: How many of these “unvaccinated” individuals might actually be individuals that have actually received 1 dose of the vaccine, or received 2 doses, but not yet reached the CDC’s 2 week mark to be considered fully vaccinated, hence contributing to the unvaccinated numbers, even though they have already been injected with the vaccine. Perhaps those who have received the vaccine but not yet fulfilled the CDC’s 2 week mark should be separately categorized as “partially vaccinated,” rather than lumped in with the unvaccinated. When you think unvaccinated, you would think that would mean received no amount of vaccine, but this doesn’t seem to the case…the partially vaccinated would be lumped in with the unvaccinated, if you follow the CDC’s guidelines of what a fully vaccinated individual is.

          3. Here’s some data via Public Health Scotland (can find all this data on their website):

            DEATHS FROM VACCINES within 28 days (non-COVID related) over 6 months (from 12/8/20-6/11/21):

            Dose 1 deaths = 3,275
            Dose 2 deaths = 2,247
            Total = 5,522 vaccine deaths


            COVID RELATED deaths over 8 months (from 12/29/20 – 8/19/21):

            **Unvaccinated = 3,096 deaths
            Dose 1 = 277
            Dose 2 = 264
            Total = 3,637 Covid-related deaths

            In summary: 5,522 vaccine-related death, VS 3,637 Covid related deaths. Or rather, 60% vaccine-related deaths vs 40% covid-related deaths.

            ** do note that the unvaccinated number of 3,096 deaths may include individuals who received only 1 dose of the vaccine for 21 days or less; per the Public Health of Scotland, the definition of an unvaccinated person is: “An individual that has had no doses of COVID-19 vaccines has tested positive, or has had one dose of COVID-19 and has tested positive less than or equal to 21 days after their 1st dose of COVID-19 vaccine. Hence, the unvaccinated may include partially vaccinated having only had 1 dose for 21 days or less…

          4. I also forgot to mention, there is no data yet that I can find on the Public Health of Scotland’s website yet, on the number of Vaccine-related deaths past 6/11…the above data for vaccine-related deaths contains only 6 months, vs the covid-related deaths contains 8 months worth. This was due to the data I could find on the Public Health of Scotland’s website, the Vaccine-related deaths data would need another 2 months to make it more comparable to the COVID-related deaths, so the 60% vaccine-related deaths could very well be understated due to only have 6 months of data.

          5. You’ve been duped Susie…very simple to find those numbers and how they were manipulated.instead of looking at a partisan based website just look at the numerous non partisan ones fact checking your misinformation. Some websites took that and ran with but it essentially took the amount of all the deaths for any reason and even though no link could be made to the vaccine it still blamed the vaccine, in fact the amount of deaths for the population was slightly lower then normal. I.e. people die all the time in any 28 day period, it has nothing to do with the vaccine. this type of misinformation is killing people everyday.

          6. Sussie,

            You’re doing exactly what I’ve been talking about. What Public Health Scotlands report (publichealthscotland.scot/media/8568/21-07-28-covid19-publication_report.pdf) actually says “COVID-19 vaccines are estimated to significantly reduce the risk of mortality for COVID-19, however a small number of COVID-19 deaths are still expected in vaccinated people, especially in vulnerable individuals where the vaccine or the immune response may not have been effective. Evidence has shown that vaccination is highly effective in protecting against death from coronavirus (COVID-19). Data published by Public Health England (PHE) has shown that individuals who receive a single dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine have approximately 70 to 85% lower risk of death with COVID-19 compared with unvaccinated individuals, and for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine this rises from approximately 80% after one dose to 95-99% after two doses. Modelling analysis from PHE and Cambridge University’s MRC Biostatistics Unit estimates that 36,900 deaths have been prevented in England as a result of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, up to 09 July 2021.” I also pulled their spreadsheet on post vaccination deaths, and like the VAERS it says “This spreadsheet includes data on the number of deaths occurring within 28 days of receipt of a COVID-19 vaccine in Scotland from 8 December 2020 (the beginning of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme) to 11 June 2021. The analysis includes all recorded deaths due to any cause and does not refer to deaths caused by the vaccine itself. As the vaccination programme is being rolled out to the entire adult population, many people will experience an illness or death in the days following their vaccination by coincidence.” In other words, you are looking at death data that hasn’t been linked to the vaccines. Just RAW data on deaths post vaccination and you have leapt to the wrong conclusion. Again, I’m Begging BOH, please stop allowing posts like this.

          7. Calling those deaths “from vaccines” is incorrect.

            “The article cites data from Scotland’s national public health agency that shows that between Dec. 2020 and June 2021, 5,522 people died within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. It compares that number to a report from the National Records of Scotland showing that between March 2020 and July 2021, 704 people who had no pre-existing conditions died of COVID-19 in Scotland. But using those figures alone leaves out key context. Public Health Scotland explains that though 5,522 people did die within 28 days of receiving a vaccine, that number includes “all recorded deaths due to any cause and does not refer to deaths caused by the vaccine itself.” The agency adds that this tally of coincidental post-vaccine deaths is actually lower than the 8,718 deaths that would be expected based on average monthly death rates in Scotland.”


          8. but I personally do not agree with claiming that any death is a mere “coincidence” but definitely agree with the pre-existing condition idea; 78% of hospitalized COVID patients are obese.

      4. From coronavirus.org. Rationale: As of April 30, 2021, CDC reported 10,262 (known) SARS-CoV-2 vaccine breakthrough infections (Source: cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7021e3.htm). Although statistically rare, this affects a significant number of people. The CDC should include reporting breakthrough cases that do not result in hospitalization or death as they contribute to transmission and we do not know yet if they result in Long Covid, collecting this data will contribute to this much-needed research of long-term effects.

    2. Good Day Joseph P

      I also try to hold an open mind for alternatives as regards mitigating COVID’s impact.

      I was present on Oahu from Nov 2019 until mid-July 2020. I watched firsthand the closures of hundreds, if not thousands, of small tourism related businesses for reasons of COVID. At first the effort to restrict visitors, restrict inter-island travel, close businesses, and invoke stay-at-home measures appeared to work. But regardless of these efforts, in mid-summer 2020 the bottom fell out and, as you point out, by year’s end in excess of a billion dollars of economic loss had occurred.

      The sad truth appears to be there presently exist only one condition whereby one may be assured of not becoming infected. Unfortunately that condition is for one to have heretofore departed this life. Any thing less is subject to the nature of viruses and their infection of humans as has evolved over millions of years. In short, it appears there currently exist no drug. no vaccine, no organic defense in human beings, or perhaps in the environment itself, such as to eliminate this virus from the world’s population. And then we encounter the matter of other animal forms that are known to retain the virus.

      Considering these rather bleak premises (I realize many BOH readers will not), then just what is Hawaii proposing to meet its population’s expectations of eradicating and banishing COVID from the islands?

      I read the BOH with a feeling of déjà vu for once again Hawaii appears to view travel restrictions as a major portion of its salvation.

      Yet in spite of prior more restrictive travel restraints, the fact is, just as with all the inhabited world, COVID is present and flourishing in Hawaii and it will most likely not soon depart. At its best, Hawaii’s reapplication of travel limitations appears to be a second attempt to be eaten last.

      As to the economic future. We might consider that one may barricade oneself from the barbarians, only to slowly die of starvation.

      1. HEYWARD B… YOu obviously have a lot of time on your hands! This site is about travel to Hawaii not a discussion site for COVID and certainly not a site where one has the privilege of writing the Great American Novel on the topic. You aren’t saying anything new – please save the rest of us from having to open your posts only to find repeated boredom.

        1. Good Day Barbara M.


          In actuality my time is very precious to me.

          I suggest COVID and travel to/from Hawaii are inextricably intertwined.

          Please recognize my “Great American Novels” are within the allowable character count as provided for by the BOH moderators.

          As to content, should you be disinterested might I respectfully suggest you simply pass the postings by?

      2. I don’t like all these comments about Covid and vaccines but your comments were food for thought. I have been going to Hawaii for 50 years and own a timeshare in Oahu. I visited Oahu and Kauai this year but I was vaccinated and tested negative both times. I hope Hawaii recovers as Hawaii seems like home to me. I think we need to go back to mandatory testing for all travelers and enforce vaccinations. Yes, Covid needs to be brought under control in ALL the states.

      3. @HEYWARD B. … I enjoyed reading your post because of your 2020 Oahu infection experience and your perspective on how the virus has affected Hawaii and other places around the globe. My view is more optimistic than yours, but this is a free forum owned by the BOH moderators, not us commenters, so if they felt comfortable sharing your longer-than-normal post I always yield to their judgement. No complaints from me. I view every post here as a valuable opportunity to expand my knowledge about Hawaii travel and, unfortunately, the impact the virus has had on that travel. I am on O’ahu right now, and I am off to enjoy a north shore lunch with my son, who lives here. Life doesn’t get much better than this!

        1. Thank you Paul M.

          My attempt is to challenge us to think beyond the today, tomorrow, next day impact of COVID upon Hawaii and travel and to examine the problem with a broader perspective. The issues facing Hawaii are not mere inconveniences, but rather deadly serious and may be present a very long time.

          Polio, for example, required 60 years from identity to effective vaccine.

          I understand many are uncomfortable and unsure. I also understand we are a right-this-minute society. But I think we by now must accept a band-aid and Mercurochrome approach will not solve this pandemic.

          The answer is there, but we will not find it unless we search and ask questions. And we can accomplish neither unless we are willing to grasp some uncomfortable aspects of what is occurring. Not just from the virus, but ourselves as well.

  14. Note to Hawaii residents: your a state, its not YOUR state. Anyone can come and go as us citizens, rude or not. Whats with the entitlement crap? You live there, thats it, and hope you dont loose your job and become homeless. You don’t have power over people visiting or leaving etc, just a resident. Its called being an American! You don’t own the land really either, everyone pays taxes on it and the government can take it if it wants too. Hawaii is the same as any other states. Hawaiians are not a privileged class in America, everyone is equal under the law anyways.

    1. Note to CF: (your) sic.; (loose) sic. It really help to understand the English language before posting. BTW, don’t you believe in the 10th Amendment and the right of each state to make its own decisions?

    2. CF, if you haven’t been to Hawaii recently there are quite the number of tourists visiting the popular islands. It is Governor Inge that is the issue as he is never really clear on his communication to the tourist community. The impact the tourists are having is a real thing. Long lines at grocery stores and to go restaurants are sometimes 20-30 people deep. The locals aren’t use to that type of thing. Just like other parts of America, they are having a hard time finding workers to work at restaurants or any other business right now as they are being paid more to stay at home compared to working for a living. Plus, you throw in the reduction of restaurant tables that a restaurant can have at 75% and that throws a wrench in offering reservations for dinner. Have a little compassion for the locals as their lives are impacted more than anyone is Hawaii.

    3. CF This kind of attitude, while not only incorrect since citizens of individual states have rights and laws under the state government, is exactly the kind of attitude that begets the lack of aloha and “tourist go home when there is no pandemic, let alone in the middle of the worst global health crisis since the early 1900’s.

      1. I suggest you spend some time researching the law. The term Kama’aina which is incorrectly applied to all residents means of the land. Hawaiian Law recognizes the link between the Hawaiians and their land. It establishes rights and allocates certain land Hawaiian Homelands to Hawaiians alone. Individual states and Commonwealths have distinct laws with differences on the rights and responsibilities of citizens. The definition of each state is based on the geographical are and those that reside or have affairs in that geographical area. Debate has merit when it is informed.

        1. I am well aware of the differences between NH, Kama’aina, malahini and tourists. I am not sure what about my comment made you direct your comment toward me. They seem better addressed to the seeming troll CF.

          1. Aloha Dee. Yes I replied to the other comment and it posted reply to you. The Menehune must have been messing with their computers again. Stay safe

    4. WTH is your point other than to rail against the good people of Hawaii? Stay home. Hawaii does not need y0ur selfish attitude.

    1. When I was in Hawaii in May a Canadian Citizen traveling in my party was told… “ Your vaccination does not count if you weren’t vaccinated in Hawaii”. That was from the Aloha Kona Urgent Care Clinic on the Big Island Hawaii.

      1. Because at that point in time, vaccinations were not accepted in lieu of testing, and when it first opened to vaxxed, it was first only for residents and then a couple weeks later for US Citizens. It remains US Citizens at this time.

  15. Question…leaving in a week for our Kauai vacation.

    We have downloaded our vaccination card to the Safe Travels website on our computer. Is there an app for Safe Travels that we should also download to our phone as well?

    We are going to forego the vaccine passport app as doesn’t sound like its necessary and we are not real tech savvy..


    1. Hi Marc.

      Have a great time on Kauai. You just need to use the state’s Safe Travels website. Nothing more. There is no app. for that.


    2. Marc,

      Use the web based app on your smart phone like Safari for iPhone to access Safe Travels. Save your password so you can access at the airport if needed. If you are flying one of the partners like Alaska or Southwest, they should provide you with a pre-clearance wristband so you don’t have to wait in the clearing line at the Airport in Kauai. Hope this helps. Happy to answer any questions as I go to Hawaii frequently.

      1. Great info Patrick… I did look for the safe travels app in the play store and didn’t see it…I have an android phone…thoughts?


    3. That’s all you need. I just got back from 2 weeks in Maui. I flew United from Houston. They have a desk by the gate where you show your QR code and they give you a wrist band and you are done. Nothing else needs to be done but enjoy your trip.

    4. It’s my understanding that 2 days prior to flying Safe Travels will send you a QR code after doing the medical questioneer and you can print it out to show at the airport to get the wristband so no having to deal with websites and such causing delays in line and making people grumpy..lol. my resort and car rental want to see the wristband also so I suggest you leave it on until then. I’m thinking I’ll just leave it on if it will makes others feel safer around me. sigh. Not overly computer savy and my husband only has a flip phone so glad I can print something out. Have a safe and fun trip. I’m going in a month.

      1. Thanks Kathleen…I also like having a print out rather than relying on my phone…old school…lol

        Enjoy your trip as well.


      2. Kathleen… Your information is actually close but not quite correct… You can only do the Health Questionnaire within 24 Hours of your flight so the reference to “two days prior” is not correct. Also , you cannot print it out. You Must be able to Log Into Safe Travels to show them the QR Code And the green checkmark. (It you show them a print out – you could have gotten that from anyone! Seeing that you know the log in to Your Safe Travels is security to the process.)

        1. I contacted CLEAR as I was concerned with being able to access on my phone and it was the CLEAR person who told me I would get a QR code to print out. ” once you receive the QR code you can print it and present it at the gate”. I’m thinking they would know. and she specifically asked if it was for travel to Hawaii.
          I forget about the health questioneer being within 24 hours but that just means within 24 hours vs 72 but should still be able to print out.

          1. Kathleen… I don’t really understand why you’re depending on a rep on the other end of a phone line for information rather than someone with direct experience but that is your choice. CLEAR is only available for the purpose of COVID clearing for residents of only about 5 states in the country! <aybe you are in one of them – I'm not. Add to that the fact that it appears that policy changes airport to airport and airline to airline – and maybe even day to day. But that's your choice. FYI – you can't print out the Health Questionnaire nor can you print out the GREEN Checkmark that results from your completing that Questionnaire which is what at least Hawaiian Air and Marriott Hotels are requiring to see. Good luck!

  16. I just returned from a short trip to Maui. We go to Hawaii about 6-8 times a year as we have family on the islands. I am vaxed and had no issues with Safe Travels and was a simple process like usual with Safe Travels and just uploading a photo of your vax card. Not ideal in my mind to have to, “Show Your Papers,” but it is what it is. Hawaii is aggressive in their approach as they have limited hospitals in all islands except for Oahu which has a lot more bandwidth. Maui was as crowded as I have ever seen it with tourists so you have to be understanding to the locals in their frustration. We went to Times Market and the lines were long just to purchase food items. Even the local type restaurants had lines and wait times which I have never seen before and I have been going to Maui since I was a kid in the 70’s. Be kind and resourceful in your approach. Make your restaurant reservations well in advance as many tourists wait and then they have minimal options to dine. I was in a parking lot going to the market and there was probably a line of 30-40 people for L&L BBQ which is a basic place. To go only. The food truck places are jammed packed as well. Just be patient and revise your expectations for the amount of time it takes to do most things. Good luck on your travels to Hawaii.

    1. Have been booked for a year now with my time share resort so will have kitchen and such. Have been many times so don’t need to be doing all the touristy things…just lots of enjoying the lanai and sea breezes. Have 2 outings booked and waiting as needed to book a sunset roof dinner at Fleetwoods. My party of 4 are all vaccinated. Wanting to observe whatever I need to do to make locals and other visitors feel safe. Just hoping to relax and do some walking along beach and bird watching. Needing this vaca but not wanting to stress anyone out so willing to abide by whatever mandate is in place when I go.

    2. Barbara M – actually, you can print it out. I’ve done it every time since the Safe Travels policy has been in effect. I always carry a print copy of the QR code and show that upon arrival. Never been an issue.

      1. The “QR Code” is simply a very efficient time-saving tool for a State of Hawaii authorized screener at a Hawaii airport (or a screener performing “pre-clearance” at a mainland airport) to look up a traveler’s Safe Travels account on a tablet computer (such as an iPad). No typing of a traveler’s name or other identifying information is required to bring up the traveler’s information.

        When I open my iPhone camera app and point the camera lens at my Safe Travels QR Code, either displayed on my iPad screen or printed on paper, then I receive a prompt “Open in Chrome?” because my default web browser is Google Chrome. When I click “Yes” I am taken to the following screener login web page:


        Because I am not an authorized screener already logged into my iPad I cannot see my Safe Travel account information that is tied to my QR code.

      2. You may be able to print the QR code but not the screen with the green checkmark. At least that was my experience and both Hawaiian Air and our hotel required to see that green checkmark. But what does it matter?!?!?! It doesn’t take much to err on the side of caution and know you can access that site from your phone.

  17. I wish they would mandate that only vaccinated visitors can visit. Only then will i be able to feel safe enough to fly to Hawaii and have a wonderful vacation.

    1. Has the state you live in mandated that only vaccinated people can travel there?

      If not, how can you feel safe enough to live there?

        1. if i fly i dont want to sit next to a vaxxed person who has not tested

          it was much safer to fly to hawaii a few months ago when everyone was tested. now half the people on the plane have a fairly high chance of being infected and contagious

          1. Problem with testing is there have been issues with that too. 72 hours,3 days pre-flight, many have come down with it because of contact in the 3 day period leading up to traveling. It’s not infallible.

    2. I have a friend that just flew to the islands, vaccinated and tested positive within 72 hours of flying. Your point makes no sense!

      1. Sadly a vaccine does not guarantee you will not get COVID. It does however, cut down on the severity of the symptoms.

    3. Mandate Mandy? If your a fan, why not advocate for mandates that hurt your family or buisness? Because mandates are supposed to be good in any way shape or form for individual rights in America? No.

  18. I hope things will get easier by feb 2022 thank you. Have been going to Hawaii [ Kauai ] since 1984 thank you again.

    1. Dear James, I’ve postponed my April 2022 trip until 2023 because right now I don’t feel comfortable traveling anywhere where cases are high. It has been my lifelong dream to go to Hawaii for vacation, so what is alittle more time?! I feel that my decision is the safest one to make for myself & others. Stay safe & be blessed😇❤🐢🐠🌺🌍🏖🏝🛩🌞🌈🌊🕶👙🛍👒🩴

      1. Andrea don’t worry about the covid. Go and have fun and live your life. Dont wait life is short. The people and leadership in Hawaii are the problem. If those dont bother you then green light!

        1. Dear CF, I definitely will be going. My travel partner who will be going with me is still saving $$ also so we aren’t ready right now. This also gives me more time to save $$$😍 When I do go I will definitely enjoy & have fun every second of the trip! God bless you! 😇

          1. Anytime Andrea 😀. If you cant go there’s always key west snd other keys and places like ssnibelnisland or even south beach miami too. Or usvi. All are much more friendly places now and dont diss tourists like there nothing.

          2. CF
            Because so many of them are dying! Sure, go to Florida. Only 3.1 million cases of COVID and 52k deaths. More than 17,000 Floridians are hospitalized with Covid-19, another record; around 230 people are dying every day. Florida leads all states in the number of hospitalizations and deaths per capita. Sure, go to Florida. Hard to diss tourists when you are dead.

            This suggestion got to be the nuttiest advice here!

          3. Responding to Dee: I live about a half-mile outside of Miami proper. (Can’t At present I don’t know of anyone who has COVID. In this area anyway, COVID was even here before the now-accepted timeline (can’t post link here, look it up, December 2019.) 👀
            Can’t speak for the rest of FL but I just did pass through for a few days and things did seem “off”in some places (no joke intended 😐).
            It’s been mind-blowing to read through these threads and realize just how crowded the islands have been. Maui, Kauai are not South Beach (although Miami Beach *did* cancel Spring Break…another topic). Tough to absorb that many visitors. It sounds like folks out there are about ready for another break if anything.
            (One reason why I’ve been reading so much on here is that I have a co-worker who had a trip planned to Kauai in early Sept. Have been trying to get in touch with him but can’t find his digits anywhere….)

      1. What about Canadians who want to go to Hawaii (once the border opens to Canadians again)? Are there different requirements regarding Safe Travel, vaccination proof, etc? Any info would be helpful. We are not planning to go until mid January 2022, flying from Vancouver, Canada via LA with United to Hilo, and have had our 2 Pfiser jabs in April and June, 2021. We realize much can change till 2022 of course. Just wondering what it looks like now.

        1. The border is open for Air Traffic. It never closed. You have to take the test before departure. Canadian vaccination is not accepted at this time.

        2. Juergen D
          Yes you can come to Hawaii when Canada allows you into the US and allows you back to Canada. You will have to follow the Canada rules. You will need an APPROVED by Hawaii safe travels covid test 72 hours or less before your flight from LA. Hawaii does not accept vaccinations from anywhere but US and it’s territories so you can’t use that exemption at this time. Maybe it will change by Jan. Good luck.

  19. So the $64,000 question…. If you are a foreign visitor and excluded from the Vaccination Passport unless you were vaccinated in the USA, will you not allowed to eat when in Hawaii? The vaccination passport needs to cover foreign visitors before it can be used in a non travel basis though the QR code from Safe Travels was usable if one could upload a pdf of vaccination report. Trouble is there is no interest in Washington with regard to Vaccination and travel so I do not see any activity soon to get to global standards. The current plan seems to be to isolate the USA.

  20. I enrolled both myself and my husband on the safe travels web site…had issues uploading the signatures but eventually did. Now with your update I have uploaded the CLEAR pass and have myself enrolled. My problem is..my husband doesn’t have a smart phone so can I enroll him on mine or do we need to get him a new phone? Also, now that I have linked CLEAR to SAFE TRAVELS HAWAII I don’t know how to retrieve my code that would be scanned. I contacted them but no response. Is it not accessible until I am within the window required to travel? It’s all so confusing with all these apps.

    1. Hi Kathleen.

      Others with more experience may well lend a hand. Thanks in advance for that.

      First, there is no obvious reason you couldn’t have two logins to Clear on one phone. Log out of one and log in to the other. At least as far as we can see.

      Regarding QR: If you mean the QR code from Safe Travels, you won’t receive that until after you complete the health questionnare.


    1. Yes, we used Walgreens for our July trip. We received our negative test and uploaded it to safe travels. We then received a OR code which didn’t work. Was told that it seemed that CVS, Walgreens and Kaiser had computer problems. I was lucky enough to have printed out our negative test and able to get through the airport in Maui. A very stressful ordeal.

    2. Be sure to get one of the Hawaii approved tests from Walgreens. If I recall correctly from the time I used them, one of their tests does not qualify.

  21. Aloha my fellow BOH readers: I have a general question so please anyone answer, Malaho😊 Who has used AFC urgent care for their test & how fast did you get the results back? I have a AFC right around the corner from where I live & it is very convenient! My plan now is to come in 2023 so if Hawaii is still doing the testing then this will work out nicely. I look forward to the responses. God bless you & stay safe! Psalms 91:11😇

      1. Dear Ernest, Malaho for replying😊 Knowing that you got your results back so fast is definitely reassuring to me in case if they still require test I’m 2023 which is now my target 📅!! Stay safe 🙏

  22. It is a good idea to look at the bigger picture when we discuss vaccinations, masks and their impact on travel.

    We aren’t losing the freedom to travel; we have a societal responsibility to travel safe for ourselves and others. We have many travel restrictions and a basic, simple, one is speed limits. With speed limits I still have the freedom to travel in Hawaii and they help me do so safely (I get both freedom and safety). Masks – I would be a little skeptical about going into an operating room or a dental office where the nurses and doctors didn’t wear masks, as is done in non-covid times.

    Vaccines have not taken away any of my freedoms but they have made my life safer. Vaccines are not scams, they have almost eliminated polio, measles, chicken pox, etc. around the world. And they are required by most schools in the U.S. They have kept children from catching these viruses, just as the Covid-19 vaccines do. This is not social control but social responsibility. As with all vaccines there is no 100% protection but the vaccines do work. I understand that I may still contract any virus I’m vaccinated against but, especially in the case of Covid-19, my symptoms my be less and I may not get as sick. Thankfully the Covid vaccine was able to be developed in a short time (thanks to today’s technology) and the FDA approved an Emergency Use Authorization for distribution. It is comforting to me that the Pfizer vaccine concluded all three study phases (Nov. 18, 2020) with 43,000+ participants. It’s pretty obvious that this was a large study.

    I feel for those like Phil Valentine who was a vaccine skeptic and passed away from Covid-19 without being vaccinated. Whatever one feels about a talk show host’s position, it is important to have discourses about topics. We lost one, and it didn’t have to happen.

    1. Jim, that is the most well thought out and intelligent post anyone has made. You make extremely valid points and for everyone who’s a non-vaxxer , skeptic or conspiracy theorist should read your post. Anyone who’s equating Covid, the vaccine and 5G cell towers needs to be locked away from society so that they will do no further harm. This IS a societal problem and it can’t be solved without the majority of us aiming for the goal. Well done sir…

      1. David R

        Thank you for your kind words. We love Hawaii, specifically Kauai, and hope for the quickest, best solution to the Covid virus, or any menacing pathogen.


  23. Aloha BOH Bro’s

    Tonight we went to an outdoor club located on The Sacramento River. There was a live rock n roll cover band playing AC/DC, Guns & Roses and the like. I recognized every song they played some better than others. Bottomline good crowd, no politics, no covid talk and no Afghanistan.

    It’s time to live with covid and get on with our lives.

    Aloha Guys I hope all is well with you and yours.

    Tomorrow we’re off to Monterey for 3 days smoke free ocean air good eating and trip to the aquarium fun.

    1. Like Florida has been doing for close to a year now… welcome to the club..

      For all those ” Florida is a Covid mess”… try multiplying Hawaii’s count by 20-22…..adjusting for population, Hawaii not looking so good…

      And then you can’t put a price tag on HAPPINESS, enjoy yourselves Hawaii, things could be worse.

  24. Help please. We’re heading to Kauai in less than 2 weeks. We’re vaccinated & have complied with Safe Travels. We’ll fill out the health questionnaire 24 hrs prior. Unless the pre-test is reinstated, we should be good to go, right? How important is the passport? Every time I think I have it under control, more changes are brought up & I’m barely keeping up caring for my husband 24/7. It’s been 11 long years since we’ve taken a proper vacation. If it’s just a matter of waiting in a longer line for verification, I’m not bothered by that. Hoping the airport clear pass wristband will help with that. Mahalo

    1. Hi Louise.

      There is no need to do one of the passports – those are optional. Yes what you said should be all that is needed unless anything changes. We’ll keep you up to date for sure. Have a great time on Kauai.


      1. Mahalo for your reply. Yes, were so excited. It’s been 11 years! The only other question I haven’t found a clear answer to is, Where do we show our QR code AND get the wristband? As my husband is disabled, I’ve contacted TSA to advise them we’re bringing his motorized scooter & borrowing their wheelchair. We will leave the scooter & our bags curbside with a sky cap & obtain their chair. I don’t know if we have to get in the line to get the wristband from a Hawaiian Air agent, the gate or somewhere in between. Any help would be appreciated.

        1. Hi Louise.

          What airport will you be flying from to Hawaii? Someone may help who has transited there. It will either be at the gate or at a nearby customer service kiosk.


          1. @Louise T … I fly out of Sacramento airport, too (even though I live in Oregon; long story) … I found this information on the Sacramento airport information website:


            “Get a skycap right there for assistance (from any airline ticket counter) or call from any courtesy phone.

            Each airline is responsible for providing wheelchairs for their customers with disabilities, from curbside drop-off to the aircraft. Contact your airline’s reservation desk a minimum of 72 hours prior to your flight to reserve wheelchair service. Wheelchair service is provided free of charge.

            For curbside ADA assistance, please call 916-877-3339 for domestic airlines and 916-877-2000 for Aeromexico and Volaris Airlines..”

          2. Aloha Louise.

            You will get your wristband directly from the Hawaiian Airlines agent at the ticket counter, when your bags are checked in, and you get your boarding passes…just show them your QR Codes. Most airlines to Hawaii are doing this now. If you already have your boarding passes, and you’re not checking your bags at the ticket counter, you will go straight to the TSA checkpoint in Sacramento, and on to your gate. You should be able to get the wristband there at the gate also.

          3. LOUISE T… JIM R is absolutely correct EXCEPT you will need to show them your hard copy original Covid vaccination card as well so that handy. You will have to log into Safe Travels so they can see not only your QR code but the GREEN CHECKMARK as well (which you get when, 24 hours pre-flight, you complete the 1 minute or less Health Questionnaire. Logging into Safe Travels is the only way they can see that you’ve completed everything. That caught us by surprise so make sure you can do that from your phone. (That was the process when we flew Hawaiian on July 16 – doubt it has changed.)

          4. @BARBARA M … I am flying in less than 24 hours and just completed my Health Questionnaire, with my scanned vaccine card PDF file attached to my trip in my Safe Travels account. I can see the QR code in my Safe Travels account but there is no green check mark, like I saw when I traveled last time to Oahu in February 2020. Either my account will be reviewed in the next 23 hours and I will receive a green check mark, or perhaps when I go through Southwest pre-screening in Sacramento the mark will appear, or maybe when I pass through screening in Honolulu? We will see … but the check mark is definitely not there (for me) after completing the Health Questionnaire.

            p.s. The Google Chrome web browser on my Windows PC would not accept my signature when I was completing the Health Questionnaire web page … so I used the Microsoft Edge web browser instead and it worked correctly. Go figure …

        2. Louise
          Hawaiian air gives out the wristbands. You get at baggage check or gate your choice. You just show your WR code and documents. So easy. Let ove Hawaiian air. Does not matter the airport with them. Have a great vacation.

        3. LOUISE>>> Every airport/airline is different but they are usually very transparent for what you are to do. We flew Hawaiian out of PHoenix and if that is your scenario, I can provide weeks old detail.

        4. We flew from PDX and the wristbands were given at the gate where an agent checked QR codes and paper copies of test results.

    2. Hi Louise – My family of three just returned from Kauai last night and everything related to using SafeTravels went smoothly. No need to worry. Not sure where you are flying out of but getting the pre-cleared COVID wristband at the departure airport will save you time vs. doing that in LIH.

      Enjoy your trip!

  25. “Hawaii officials have repeatedly stated that vaccinations will only be an option, not a requirement.”


    tell that to Hawaii congressman Ed Case who just co-sponsored the HR4980 bill to require vaccinations for ALL domestic flights

    if Hawaiians want to have a future, you need to be more responsible when electing officials

  26. sadly if this becomes a reality my husband and I will find other more attractive places to vacation we have been coming to hawaii since 1976 we choose to remember how nice it was to visit in those days there have been many more serious infectious diseases in our lifetime with no restrictions on american citizens as this one for instance my mom had polio covid is a walk in the park compared to that she spent 6 months in an ironlung unable to breathe on her own because she was paralyzed from the neck down i dont see the same thing happening here.

    1. Great, find another place to visit.

      People: Wake Up ! Don’t sell your soul for a vacation.

      “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul in the process?”

      I will Never give in to this evil.

  27. Have any of you figured out that no matter what you post on this site – vaccination vs not, masks vs not – you are not going to convince anyone to change what they believe to be the truth about such things?

    What you are doing is simply being annoying! Those of us who are devoted to this site for good solid information about traveling to Hawaii – Covid or not – are having to weed through all your “solid”, “indisputable”, “totally professional” information, about which we could care less, to find information of value for upcoming trips.

    Please let us all indulge in our own beliefs. As I said, you’re not going to change them by writing the “Great American Novel: Covid”. Please let this site return to being the valuable source of information it is.


  28. Dear BOH, I am a long time reader who has never commented before. I truly appreciate and value all of your insights on Hawaiian travel and updates on the latest travel restrictions and requirements. I note in your comment policy that you indicate comments should “stay on travel – not politics”. Could I please request that you delete all of the comments dealing with the usefulness of masks and vaccines and the pros and the cons of the masks and vaccines as politics. The anti-Vaxers and anti-maskers will go to their graves believing they are right and no marshaling of facts will change that. Meanwhile your excellent travel blog is being corrupted and anyone looking for travel advice and information is required to wade through the abrasive politics to find actual travel information.
    Please keep up the good work keeping us advised of the latest information. My next trip to Kauai is scheduled for the end of October and I am relying on your information to help determine if I need to reschedule. Mahalo.

    1. sadly this isnt possible when half the people literally are misinformed and think that they are safe and virtuous merely because they are vaccianted, yet they continue to drive the actual problem

      Due to the abject failures of our government and media to inform people, it is necessary for us to educate each other.

      If you dont want to see comments about covid policy, dont view blog entries dealing with covid policy


      1. Yes Jamie L. Thank you.

        There are always two sides of every coin and two sides of every story. Please no name calling…antivaxxers or otherwise.

        Unfortunately everyone only sees their side and instinctively labels the other side.
        Let’s all try to see the other point of view. Maybe they will be right, maybe you will be right. That’s how we develop a dialogue and how we come together as a community.

    2. SO agree! BOH has been an invaluable source of information, for which I am grateful. We planned several trips over the last year, most cancelled, but were able to go in June, and hopefully will go again in November to visit our kids. The travel info is great, but many of the comments have little to do with travel, and a lot to do with political leaning, and invective against those with opposing opinions. I can read that anywhere–don’t really need it here. I skip over most of the comments after reading the first line.

    3. I agree!! There are plenty of forums on the internet to post comments about Covid politics, masks, vaccines and statistics in general. Regarding Hawaii-specific Covid issues, there are a number of online newspapers which offer opportunities for reader comments, letters, etc. where you can express your views. I had until recently been recommending visitors to subscribe to BOH and to read not only the excellent articles but also the reader comments which I described as generally interesting and insightful. But now I tell visitors to read the still-excellent articles and ignore the reader comments….Rob and Jeff, please remind your readers that this is a travel blog and not a free-for-all to make personal attacks and insult readers you don’t agree with.

    4. Yes, I sure wish the BS to end. People are spreading tons of misinformation, and some comments have devolved into name calling. There are other places for that to happen, it does not need to be here on this site.

  29. At the risk of repeating myself, what about Hawaii’s Canadian visitors. A good number of us are fully vaccinated and would like to be included in the process of being able to show “proof of vaccination” to expedite the process of travelling to Hawaii. We are twice annual visitors and would appreciate some consideration like US visitors.

  30. Under the Law of The Construction of the United States they can not restrict your movement. This Vaccine Pass Port
    Restricts movement. Wake up People

  31. Beware of COVID testing cost. Used a provider from the list on Hawaii Safe Travel Program. Advertised $199. Insurance denied the cost as they were billed $650. How does that work. So make sure you fully understand what you’re getting.

    1. Almost every approved test site says insurance does not cover the required test for travel. It’s a personal expense, usually paid upfront to the provider.

      Of course, suspected exposure and exposure tests, where not free, would be something different. I am referring strictly to the travel tests.

      1. DIANA J>>> I beg to differ. You don’t need to tell the testing facility why you want to be tested and testing is free. HOWEVER… If you want Rapid REsults testing, yes, that does carry a fee.

        1. You need to be able to have the correct test for travel, and receive the results back in time. To get the travel test, you pay.

          1. DIANA J… That is not correct. There is no such thing as the “correct test for travel”. The NAAT/PCR test which is universal applies travel or not. It is correct that the Antibody and/or Antigen tests are not valid for pretty anything including travel. And if you want quicker result return, you usually have to pay for that luxury (but apparently no longer always). But if you take the PCR test and are willing to wait for 72 hour turn around, there is no charge. But there is not “correct test for travel” except that it be the NAAT/PCR test which is normally what someone would get for any reason including surgery, etc.

          1. NANJO… Not all Walgreens offer Rapid Results testing. There isn’t a single Walgreens in our entire state that does so. And it also appears that Walgreens charging or not charging is location by location. In fact, checking tonight, in our state it appears you cannot even schedule a vaccine using Walgreens except by going through the state DOH.

      2. The ID NOW rapid test at Walgreens is free of charge (at least it was for us). You do not have to tell them you need the test for travel. The only thing that matters is that it is a test accepted by the State of Hawaii – which the ID NOW rapid test at Walgreens is.

  32. There seem to be a lot of FAUX News and Facebook “experts” with time on their hands. Stay safe and sane.

    “To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
    ~Thomas Paine

  33. Funny how you got those numbers from Australia only 20% of the Australian population is vaccinated but the heaviest rainfall

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