Aloha. I received a communication from Hawaiian Airlines today which I thought I should share. It refers to Safe travel on Oahu and the requirement to prove vaccination to gain admittance to the Hawaiian Airlines lounges. There is a link to the official website where it states that foreigners may produce proof of vaccination overseas, so I would presume that will apply to Hotels and Restaurants too. One piece of not so good news for some folks vaccinated overseas is that only Pfizer, Moderna and J&J are acceptable as these are the ones recognized in USA. The Uk, Indian, Russian and Chinese Vaccines are not on the list. Luckily I insisted on Pfizer which seems to come out top on most scales and is globally accepted. Anyway this is information from the County / State not opinion so I thought I would share,
I would hope Safe travels adopts a similar policy in time, allowing vaccinated foreign travelers the same facilities as US residents vaccinated in the USA.
Update. Given the Federal Government has now chosen to accept foreign vaccinations on the advice of the CDC for entry to the USA, it is surely logical that the States follow suit
People may not like vaccination laws but they are allowed and this Supreme Court decision is still the legal precedent. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court’s decision articulated the view that individual liberty is not absolute and is subject to the police power of the state.
That case is ripe for review. There is a new, more conservative court now. This will not stand. Lawsuits are already being drawn up Tyranny will never work in America. No matter how well you want to dress it up!
Stare Decisis isn’t what it used to be. In fact, it never was. Jacobson was decided in 1905. Maybe you can think of some decisions contemporaneous with Jacobson that became ripe for review long ago??
Oh I can think of a few “tyrannical” requirements that would put Jacobson on sound footing:
Can you smoke at will in any restaurant or flying on an airplane?
Can you be fined for refusing to wear a seat belt?
If you have children, can they attend public school without vaccination?
If you own a business, can you just say no to OSHA?
If you don’t see where I am going, then you must believe that the Supremes are simply clueless about past precedent for the public good.
David B
I was thinking more along the lines of Pleesy and Dread Scott. Are they Stars Decisis? You can cherry pick all you want. So can l.
James B
David B. You cannot be serious. Are you seriously saying that an Amendment to the. Constitution, and finally the legal unwinding of Jim Crow with Brown v. B eliminating separate but equal, equates with decisions that support legal requirements for the public good are somehow comparable?
You are seriously mistaken by your assertion that this will be finally denied, unless that is, your first assertion that the Court, our Court, is somehow excused from precedent and settled law because… well… they’re now a Conservative court.
David B
James B,
Did I say the Jacobson decision would be overturned?
No, I did not say that.
I just said Stare Decisis is not the end all be all, and my very strong implication is that this is a good thing. Politics follows culture. So do judicial opinions in their own way.
I have no idea if the fed, or some state and/or other government entity re will enact some sort of COVID vaccine “mandate” law, under which people are punished with jail/fines if they refuse, their kids taken from them, or held down against their will and given the shots. Such laws would no doubt be challenged, and then we will find out.
James , I don’t think the Supremes were clueless about past precedence and I’m sure they had plenty of influence from other artists, however they were pretty ground breaking on their own. Especially when Diana Ross was with them. By and large the public good was well served by their music though!
Tim m
Here are other court decisions that followed Jacobson: The Supreme Court reaffirmed its decision in Jacobson in Zucht v. King (1922), which held that a school system could refuse admission to a student who failed to receive a required vaccination.[8] Jacobson has been invoked in numerous other Supreme Court cases as an example of a baseline exercise of the police power, with cases relying on it including Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927) (sterilization of those with intellectual disabilities), Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158 (1944) (limitations on parents having children distribute pamphlets in the street), and Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton, 515 U.S. 646 (1995) (allowing random drug testing of students).
ALOHA Beat of Hawaii. Can you PLEASE stop the endless posts that have nothing to do with Hawaii, like these two lawyers arguing case law. And all the vax misinformation. This site has become like a Redit virtual fist fight. It has nothing to do with travel at this point. Please follow your own rules.
Here is an interesting observation regarding international visitors, esp. Canadians, like me.
I have made all my dinner reservations for our trip in October and November to Maui.
Will Restaurants accept the Vaccine Certificate from Health Ministry in Ontario, Canada?
Ours are two pages with watermarks that need to be downloaded from the Privinacial Government Website. I contacted 3 of the restaurants where I booked dinner. None could tell me if Canadian vaccine certificates are or will be acceptable. Yes, CDC certificates which can be purchased at every street corner in the US are fine. Ours, almost impossible to copy, seem to be not acceptable.
Over the last couple of days there’s been a rapid decline of reported new covid cases on Hawaii, does that mean the islands have reached herd immunity?
If you crunch the numbers with a population of approx 1,416,000 Hawaii’s single vaccine shots received is now over 1,060,656, fully vaccinated is over 791,000, plus a reported 66,925 confirmed cases of covid and god knows how many have gone unreported.
With those kind of numbers you could make a good argument that Hawaii has reached herd immunity.
What do you think?
I know there’s been some reporting issues, but if the trend holds true that’s good news for everyone.
We concur with you that things may be looking up although it’s getting harder to be optimistic on this seemingly endless roller coaster. Waiting for this morning’s numbers.
I assume you are reading the HI-EMA COVID Dashboard. The total hospitalized with COVID is down 10%, although that’s dominated by Oahu numbers. Agree too early to call a trend.
By the way, another absolutely gorgeous day out here on the Kauai North Shore. Don’t tell anyone.
Richard C,
I think you make some good points. The fact that so many people have natural immunity from contracting the virus ofter gets overlooked. For example, having natural immunity does not allow you an exemption from the vaccine passport.
It would have been nice if the health department would have tracked how many vaccines recipients already had Covid in the past. That way we could avoid double counting the vaccinated and the naturally immune.
In any case, it is still way too early to draw any conclusions, but the 7-day case average has dropped in the last week from around 920 per day to 740 per day. Pretty significant.
the efficacy of “natural immunity” i.e. someone who’s had COVID and now has the antibodies hasn’t been studied very much. It’s clear, though from the few studies there are that “natural immunity” plus the vaccine provide the best protection. Take a look at
What’s being debated is if the “naturally immune” should get one shot or two of the mRNA vaccines. In either case, the government in Hawaii should address the “naturally immune” question. On the other hand, you can pretty easily solve the problem by just going ahead and getting vaccinated and thus getting your card and avoiding all the trouble.
I agree with you. Measuring the level of effectiveness of one’s natural immunity appears difficult. Some studies show that you may have natural immunity even with a lack of anti-bodies (something to do with T cells). Another study shows that the level of COVID sickness may make a difference – the more severe the Covid, the more immunity). Natural immunity + vaccine may give you the best immunity, that is what I would do.
I am skeptical that the reason so many people argue against getting immunized is because of vaccine risk. Little to no data support any severe outcomes from taking the vaccine. It seems to me that the resistance is based primarily on rebelling against institutions and other idealogical “reasons” (it is my body, you can’t make me, you are infringing on my rights etc.) and then folks try to justify it by saying it is unsafe.
If this were a more deadly virus, like Ebola, all this resistance would fade away.
Thanks for the info on CommonPass Hawaii and Clear Health Pass. If using Common Pass do you still need to fill out the Hawaii Safe Travels health questionnaire within 24 hours of travel?
Trudy… That’s why the Vaccination Passports are sort of a waste of time – at least at this point in time – you still have to do Safe Travels and if you didn’t do the Vaccination Passport, simply upload your covid info there. It took me half hour of wasted time to figure out neither Passport would work for me!
Barbara. Most commenters have determined vaccine passports are useless. I’ve read only two commenters that finally made Common Pass work. You may have noticed yesterday that Lt. Gov. green was looking forward to Clear and Common pass as – “they will make life in Hawaii easier”. One wonders if he’s talked to any mainlanders about this (one of them works for Hawaiians).
Fred, this is typical. People who use it like I did, usually don’t post “hey, I used it and had no problems”. People who had trouble, on the other hand, are more likely to post a complaint. What would be interesting to find out is how many people actually use Clear or Common Pass to get their exemption vs. those who just upload their card. The only one who knows that right now is Safe Travels themselves.
I know that there are a lot of limitations to both. Most of those stem from the fact that they both want to validate your information. Since there is no centralized database with vaccine info in it they have to develop partnerships with different government and private entities. What that means is that there are going to be holes in their coverage. This could easily be solved by a single, centralized databased managed, say, by the CDC that everyone who’s giving out the vaccine has to feed. Here in California the state has such as database, and you can get a QR code from them. You can use that QR code with CommonPass like I did in order to verify your vaccination status. If we had the same system on a national level life for apps like Clear and CommonPass a lot easier.
Please can you assist with any information on how this works for foreigners? Will UK proof of vaccination be acceptable? The President has an isolationist policy towards the UK and EU to minimize Covid rates. Is Hawaii closing to foreigners as well? It would be great if you could find out in what way Foreigners and those vaccinated overseas can satisfy Hawaii requirements. Not that anyone should be visiting at present following the Governor’s request but I am concerned following the inactivity at the White House, States may also be in no hurry to remove restrictions once they are in place. No one wants to be blamed for covid rate rises.
Are you speaking about proof of vaccination for restaurants and hotels? In that regard we have seen nothing indicating one way or the other whether the vaccinations need to take place in the US or not. We’ll keep an eye out for that. Thanks for your many comments!
Please delete me from receiving any post from people who post comment about your site. Some how I checked something and no longer wish to read comments from others.
I still want to read your first hand articles
I am now in Kauai on vacation and have a Safe and wonderful time, thank you for helping me get here.
It would be one thing if this vaccination were a true vaccine that stops or kills the virus but it isn’t. It’s nothing more than a therapeutic that lessens the symptoms in vaccinated people if they contract Covid. The tyranny and stupidity that’s happening in Hawaii is only going to destroy Hawaii’s economy and cause more bankruptcies. As another people said, I’m afraid that I will never be able to see my home (Kauai) again because of this ridiculous foolishness. There are plenty of other places that people can chose to vacation where they are not treated like criminals or lepers, where they are welcomed by businesses, hotels, and locals. Keep shooting yourself in the foot Hawaii!
Yes we wonder with you what the lower numbers mean. Are they relevant or will we find out tomorrow that another lab didn’t report and gets added to the data, as has happened multiple times before. Hopeful that numbers are going down, that’s for sure.
Don’t look now but CA and FL almost same numbers today. FL trending lower and lower.
UK, India..anyone? Only a Liberal wouldn’t follow the science and see the trends from those countries. course the Gov and Mayors will claim the vaccine passport was the reason for the downward trend.
What about Canadians?? Double vaxxed and providing a pre-travel negative Covid test, but not recognized by the Safe Travels program.
Unvaccinated locals travelling back and forth between the Mainland, don’t require testing and spreading it everywhere. Grrrrrrr….
Yep, that’s right. I said it.
In the midst of all these crazy, questionable rules and regulations I want to thank you guys for allowing both sides of the coin to be expressed. We should all continually question the narrative and keep open to new ideas. This is how together we will beat this problem.
If you have ever wondered what you would have done during the holocaust, the civil rights movement, the fight for women’s and children’s rights, human slavery? You are doing it now.
A question we should ask ourselves. Think of our children’s future. Never give up!
Thanks again for your flexibility and courage in getting to the bottom of things and keeping truth an option. Take care. Mahalo!
I fear i may never see home again! My dreams of raising my son in the beauty of the island culture and traditions stolen by false claims of safety. Aloha is such a sad word now!
Thank you ever so much, Highgate Hawaii, Merriman’s and whatever other businesses are mandating the vaccine. You are making this HI resident and our family very happy. You have my business.
“employees can either be vaccinated or be tested regularly.”
this policy is nonsensical and anti-science. giving vaccinated people a pass not to test, and encouraging more people to get vaccianted, so as not to test, is the exact *opposite* of what should be done to slow the spread
“The ACLU says, “Far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable among us, including people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated and communities of color hit hard by the disease.””
this is somewhat embarrassing position by the ACLU, basically orwellian doublespeak. Again, vaccination protects the vaccinated, it does not protect other people. This is known science. Nor are chlidren at any substantial risk from covid, the flu and a dozen other things are more deadly to them than covid
CDC report from last week, from august 2020 to august 2021
“During the reporting period, there were only a total of eight “COVID-19-related” deaths among the 1,790 minors admitted to hospitals around the country”
yes, thats *eight* total deaths, of 73 million children
Please consider that some people are merely not just visiting hawaii for vacation, but rather to visit family. It is sad that we don’t have the freedom to choose whether we wanted to be vaccinated or not in order to go into restaurants etc, or perhaps even board a plane someday, very very sad including the nurses who don’t have a chose and are forced to find a different jab that doesnt require the jab. So many of us are healthy and have natural immunity/antibodies that will prevent us from going to the hospital, we should not be penalized for this. It is just not fair or right.
How can you know that you have natural immunity/antibodies? How do you know you won’t end up in the hospital or send someone else? What’s not fair is that those who refuse to get vaccinated don’t feel they should be responsible for anyone else except themselves. We are a society, we look out for each other. Making it only about you is not what a successful society should aim for.
There is a blood test to confirm if you have the antibodies. It’s pretty simple.
Nancy S
From FDA website:
Until scientists get more data on how much protection antibodies provide against being infected again with this virus, everyone should continue to take steps to protect themselves and others, including wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet away from other people outside of their home, and washing hands, even if they have had a positive antibody test.
People who wear personal protective equipment (PPE) at work should continue to wear PPE, even if they test positive for antibodies to the virus.
Joerg H.
those are cheery picked numbers. Here are some more for those who care to know all the facts over richly the last year or so:
“As of September 2, over 5 million children have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic. About 252,000 cases were added the past week, the largest number of child cases in a week since the pandemic began. After declining in early summer, child cases have increased exponentially, with over 750,000 cases added between August 5 and September 2.”
“The age distribution of reported COVID-19 cases was provided on the health department websites of 49 states, New York City, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Since the pandemic began, children represented 15.1% of total cumulated cases. For the week ending September 2, children were 26.8% of reported weekly COVID-19 cases.”
The good news is that child deaths are very low, 0-0.03% of deaths from COVID. Hospitalization rates among children, however, are at about 4.1%, which is still good.
Now for the really BAD news is that COVID cases, AND hospitalizations among children are growing, particularly in states that are heavily anti-mask and where children are going back to school. “From late June to mid-August, weekly COVID-19–associated hospitalization rates among children and adolescents increased nearly five-fold, according to one of the studies that examined data from 14 states.” “The study also found that hospitalization rates were 10 times higher among unvaccinated adolescents who were eligible for the shot than those who were fully vaccinated.” “The second study found that during a two-week period in August, coronavirus-associated emergency department visits and hospital admissions for children and adolescents were highest in states with the lowest vaccination coverage.”
What’s not been study very much is the instance of Long COVID in children but it appears to be some concern.
Brendan B makes a good point that vaccination gives the vaccinated a pass not to test. I can’t help but doubt the absolute accuracy of the prevailing opinion that the vaccinated are neither carriers nor susceptible to C19.
Personally, I’d rather be in the company of the recently tested, rather than the company of the fully vaxed. In the perfect world, fully vaxed AND recently tested, but that’s not going to happen. Thank you.
So, the obvious answer to your question is get vaccinated. If 100% vaccination rate could be achieved, even though breakthrough is possible, it is clear that the severity of the case is controlled by the mRNA stimulating the specific antibodies to fight same. The problem is vaccine resistance by a vocal minority.
BTW, your focus on children deaths is misplaced. At the epicenter of the Delta (and now Mu) spike in FL, 33% 0f the cases are those under age 20. For the last week’s reporting period of August 26 among Floridians ages 12 to 19, cases were up 45%, and for those younger than 12, cases rose a significant 58% during the same time period.
It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that the Governor’s no mask mandates for schools order is responsible.
Read more here:
Hi. Can you please explain what will happen in the following scenario? Before the restrictions were made, an outside wedding venue for friends and family totaling 25-30 was booked and paid for. People are traveling from the mainland. Do we have to uninvite people who already paid for their trip; and eat the cost of the food for the guests above the limit? Thanks.
Love BOH site, lots of good information here. We are booked to go to Maui in October and are familiar with the “Safe Travels” program. My question is: In order to get the “Clear” bracelet from the airlines, do we enroll in the “Clear Health Pass” too? This seems like double work, but will do,this if it means a quicker, hassle free visit. Can you clarify?
Thanks. No you do not need to use one of the apps. You just need to use Hawaii Safe Travels protocol, and show the resulting QR code to the airline before boarding. We suggest you not get on the plane without it. It could save you a ton of time.
What concerns me is that, as an older person, who was able to get the Moderna Vaccine early on–January and February–what is the long-term viability of the 3 vaccines that have approval for use in the US? And how does the fact that the Israelis, who vaccinated their country with Pfizer, are thinking its protective effects begin to wear off after 6 months, as they experience more and more breakthrough infections? So, though vaccination passports sound like a good idea, if we begin to discover that the vaccines protective effects are not long-lasting, are we going to create a kind of false comfort?
for a nice description of what happens over time with the vaccine, and what’s going on in Israel right now. The readers digest version is that over time the vaccine becomes less effective at protecting you from getting COVID initially, but MORE effective at preventing severe COVID.
This whole concept that “my civil liberties” are under attack is bit of an insult to
the many sacrifices America made in WW2 to defend those civil liberties. This country made a lot more sacrifices then just wearing a mask or getting a vaccination to win that war.
Hawaii really doesn’t want the type of tourist that can’t respect our situation, so your comment is a win/win deal. (though you shouldn’t be using Aloha if you don’t understand it)
I know that it is far too early to ask about the the state / island requirement for booster vaccinations, but I will ask anyway hoping that you have heard some chatter.
We plan to be in HI after Thanksgiving 2021 for 2 weeks. That roughly coincides with a date 8 months since my second Pfizer vaccination. That is important since I can’t get the booster till then. It is possible that I may not be able to get the booster until after I leave for HI!
I realize that the FDA has not ruled on this yet, but has there been any talk yet about what the state / island governments may do regarding a date when a booster is required, or when they believe the original vaccination expires?
George. We’re in the exact same boat. You can count on the politicians to use as many “Gee Whiz” digital apps (constantly updated for every possible reason) and leave visitors and part-timers in the lurch. Apps are a PR Stunt – so the politicians are actually doing something. Check the Lieutenant Governor Green’s statement on 9/8/2021: “all we really have to do is, work with either Clear or CommonPass, who we already have a deep relationship with, who are helping us with the Safe Travels program to show that people are vaccinated. He said it would make life easier in Hawaii. Right- anyone who has spent time checking out the three digital apps they are not easy, and in fact are useless. D
Also, vaccinations don’t even stop the spread, scientifically, they only lessen the symptoms, that’s it. You can still get COVID, still carry it, and still spread it, so this vaccination mandate is upside down. At least require the locals who are getting it to wear face masks because I’m here now and they don’t wear them.
Remember that you have a 99.9% chance of full recovery if you get CoVid.
If you are not vaccinated, you can get CoVid, you can spread CoVid and you can die from CoVid.
If you are vaccinated, you can get CoVid, you can spread CoVid and you can die from CoVid and you can DIE from the vaccine. And now the vaccinated are being mandated to get boosters!
Do your homework- check the CDC website and see the VAERS report. Look at the numbers for Vaccine deaths.
I am not sure if you are purposely trying to mislead people or you are just uninformed. The VAERS database is not show ANY numbers for vaccine deaths. Let me clear up the confusion. VAERS is a database run by the CDC and the FDA and is designed so that any person can report an adverse event that occurs after a vaccination. Anyone can enter an event – it is not moderated in any way. The system helps researchers detect patterns that may warrant a closer look.
As of 8/30/21, VAERS received 7,218 reports of deaths (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. This only indicates that someone died at some point after receiving the vaccine NOT that the vaccine caused the death. For example, someone could have been vaccinated and had a deadly heart attach 2 weeks later and submitted this death as a possible adverse event. Most probably, the heart attack was not caused by the vaccine but it has been reported to VAERS.
Researchers use this database as a starting point to study whether the death is linked to a vaccine. In summary, the CDC says, “A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy and medical records gas bit established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines”. The only exception is the possible link from the J&J vaccine in a few rare cases of TTS and blood clots.
Your comment implies that the COVID risks are the same whether you are vaccinated or not That is simply not the case. Here is one current example from Queens Health Systems in Hawaii (9/2/21):
149 Hospitalized: 22 fully vaccinated(15%) | 127 not Vaccinated(85%)
37 in the ICU: 2 fully vaccinated (5%) | 35 not Vaccinated(95%)
33 on Ventilators: 2 fully vaccinated (6%) | 31 not Vaccinated(94%)
…and that also leaves out the fact that breakthrough cases, at least in Canada, only account for 25-28% of all new COVID cases. Note that we aren’t tracking breakthrough cases that don’t result in hospitalization in this country for some reason.
Misinformation alert. The number of deaths shown to actually be from the vaccine are nearly zero. BOH, please stop this misinformation from being spread. It’s dangerous.
More misinformation. The DEATH RATE for people who have contracted COVID in the US is between 1% and 2%. You don’t have to be a scientist to figure this out since the number of people who have contracted COVID is close to 4.5 million, and over 660K people have died. Also, note that our ability to treat severe COVID in this country has improved (not with the use of horse dewormer though), so our death rates have stabilized somewhat and the chances of dying if you are vaccinated and contract COVID are significantly less than if you are unvaccinated. Note that’s the death rate alone. It’s not the rate at which people contract severe COVID that requires hospitalization, which is what’s filling up our hospitals right now. It also doesn’t include the Long COVID cases, which appear also to be lower among the vaccinated.
If you are vaccinated you are better protected against severe COVID than the unvaccinated.
Indeed, it’s been shown that the vaccinated CAN spread COVID. That’s the reason for the mask mandates. However the rate at which this happens is still being studied. Also note that the number of breakthrough cases (i.e. cases of COVID among the vaccinated) is still being looked at. In Canada they are saying it’s somewhere around 25%. So, that means that 75% of vaccinated people don’t even GET COVID.
Your chances of dying from COVID if you are vaccinated are lower than your chances of dying from COVID if you are unvaccinated mainly because the vaccine protects you from severe COVID, which includes death.
BOH – and was there a typo – that Sandy Baz (Maui County Mgr) states that the ACLU “does” agree that vaccine mandates are a violation of civil liberties because the paragraph goes on to say that the ACLU says they aren’t a violation. I read it three times and came away confused each time. Mahalo.
Yes, well these hotels will just lose business. Many travelers are not vaccinated, so the other hotels will accept them. Also, It’s the locals who are getting COVID in Hawaii, not the travelers, so this is stupid.
BOH – So are you saying that you now have to have a Vaccination Passport versus just proof of vaccination. As I’ve mentioned before, in many cases – such as ours – none of those approved Vaccination Passports are available to us as our state does not provide “digital” vaccination “cards” (so that eliminates CLEAR) nor is the facility at which we were vaccinated – one of the largest providers in the state – shown on the Common Pass list (so that eliminates Common Pass). Can you clarify – mahalo nui loa.
common pass is asking for six digit invitation code from an airline or destination. When will Hawaii send out this code or do they even know that this app is worthless until they complete the process. Hawaii seems more like a third world country and part of the US.
If you’re talking about getting your vaccine exception from Safe Travels, that’s not correct. You can get that exception via CommonPass, and not have to upload your CDC vaccination card. Note you still need to fill out the forms on Safe Travels, just not upload your vaccine card. I just went through this a few weeks ago, and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t changed.
I live in CA, and the state has a database you can access and get a QR code from that CommonPass accepts.
I used that for CommonPass. Clear, on the other hand, partners with Walgreens and all I had to do was enter my login info for my Walgreens account and it used that.
Heyward B.
There is an adage that history repeats itself.
Honderich H. & Popat S., (2021, April 9), Why America has a problem with vaccine passports. Retrieved from:
“Two centuries before the coronavirus reached the US, yellow fever ravaged America’s Deep South – states like Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi. … Hardest hit was New Orleans.
It would take 22 outbreaks, 4 decades, and ~150,000 deaths for the disease to burn itself down to manageable levels.
Over time, it became clear that surviving yellow fever meant immunity from future infection. …
White residents who had developed immunity – who had “acclimated” – sat at the top, while those who hadn’t were denied jobs and life insurance. Fathers would not let their daughters marry non-acclimated men … .
In a crude attempt at certifying immunity, residents were quizzed by employers and landlords about their history with yellow fever, which epidemic they were in, and who had witnessed their illness. …
We wouldn’t do this in 2021.
Or would we?
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
– George Santayana
Unlike 200 years ago, there is now a highly effective vaccine, which has only minor side effects. Why only 50% of Americans will get it is a total mystery.
But when they are dying in the hospital with Covid, all of a sudden they have trust and are begging their friends and family to get vaccinated. What a shame it takes serious deathly illness to realize that the vaccine is safe and sane!
“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.”
Thomas Paine
Get vaccinated and you won’t have to worry about some bogey man.
We concur that many comments are getting excessively long. More changes will be forthcoming to our comment policy. Thanks for your two hundred or so comments of varying lengths…
Odd that a few are calling vaccines requirements “anti” Aloha. The very core of Aloha is caring about others not just yourself.
Aloha. I received a communication from Hawaiian Airlines today which I thought I should share. It refers to Safe travel on Oahu and the requirement to prove vaccination to gain admittance to the Hawaiian Airlines lounges. There is a link to the official website where it states that foreigners may produce proof of vaccination overseas, so I would presume that will apply to Hotels and Restaurants too. One piece of not so good news for some folks vaccinated overseas is that only Pfizer, Moderna and J&J are acceptable as these are the ones recognized in USA. The Uk, Indian, Russian and Chinese Vaccines are not on the list. Luckily I insisted on Pfizer which seems to come out top on most scales and is globally accepted. Anyway this is information from the County / State not opinion so I thought I would share,
I would hope Safe travels adopts a similar policy in time, allowing vaccinated foreign travelers the same facilities as US residents vaccinated in the USA.
Update. Given the Federal Government has now chosen to accept foreign vaccinations on the advice of the CDC for entry to the USA, it is surely logical that the States follow suit
People may not like vaccination laws but they are allowed and this Supreme Court decision is still the legal precedent. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court’s decision articulated the view that individual liberty is not absolute and is subject to the police power of the state.
That case is ripe for review. There is a new, more conservative court now. This will not stand. Lawsuits are already being drawn up Tyranny will never work in America. No matter how well you want to dress it up!
So, James. From your post I deduct that precedent and stare decisis has been eliminated from jurisprudence, now replaced by a “conservative court”?
Stare Decisis isn’t what it used to be. In fact, it never was. Jacobson was decided in 1905. Maybe you can think of some decisions contemporaneous with Jacobson that became ripe for review long ago??
Oh I can think of a few “tyrannical” requirements that would put Jacobson on sound footing:
Can you smoke at will in any restaurant or flying on an airplane?
Can you be fined for refusing to wear a seat belt?
If you have children, can they attend public school without vaccination?
If you own a business, can you just say no to OSHA?
If you don’t see where I am going, then you must believe that the Supremes are simply clueless about past precedent for the public good.
I was thinking more along the lines of Pleesy and Dread Scott. Are they Stars Decisis? You can cherry pick all you want. So can l.
David B. You cannot be serious. Are you seriously saying that an Amendment to the. Constitution, and finally the legal unwinding of Jim Crow with Brown v. B eliminating separate but equal, equates with decisions that support legal requirements for the public good are somehow comparable?
You are seriously mistaken by your assertion that this will be finally denied, unless that is, your first assertion that the Court, our Court, is somehow excused from precedent and settled law because… well… they’re now a Conservative court.
James B,
Did I say the Jacobson decision would be overturned?
No, I did not say that.
I just said Stare Decisis is not the end all be all, and my very strong implication is that this is a good thing. Politics follows culture. So do judicial opinions in their own way.
I have no idea if the fed, or some state and/or other government entity re will enact some sort of COVID vaccine “mandate” law, under which people are punished with jail/fines if they refuse, their kids taken from them, or held down against their will and given the shots. Such laws would no doubt be challenged, and then we will find out.
James , I don’t think the Supremes were clueless about past precedence and I’m sure they had plenty of influence from other artists, however they were pretty ground breaking on their own. Especially when Diana Ross was with them. By and large the public good was well served by their music though!
Here are other court decisions that followed Jacobson: The Supreme Court reaffirmed its decision in Jacobson in Zucht v. King (1922), which held that a school system could refuse admission to a student who failed to receive a required vaccination.[8] Jacobson has been invoked in numerous other Supreme Court cases as an example of a baseline exercise of the police power, with cases relying on it including Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927) (sterilization of those with intellectual disabilities), Prince v. Massachusetts, 321 U.S. 158 (1944) (limitations on parents having children distribute pamphlets in the street), and Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton, 515 U.S. 646 (1995) (allowing random drug testing of students).
ALOHA Beat of Hawaii. Can you PLEASE stop the endless posts that have nothing to do with Hawaii, like these two lawyers arguing case law. And all the vax misinformation. This site has become like a Redit virtual fist fight. It has nothing to do with travel at this point. Please follow your own rules.
Can’t agree more. These guys arguing case law need to go somewhere else and is so tiring. It has nothing to do with this Hawaii travel site.
Mahalo, BOH.
Thanks for the cherry picking, Tim. Man, those are some ripe cherries!
I am familiar with the Buck decision, “three generations of imbeciles are enough”. Yep. Indeed.
Then the random drug testing of school children. Hell, school kids cant fight back. No 4th Amendment for them.
Roughy to you by the same people that got you the Honolulu rail lol how’s that working out.
Here is an interesting observation regarding international visitors, esp. Canadians, like me.
I have made all my dinner reservations for our trip in October and November to Maui.
Will Restaurants accept the Vaccine Certificate from Health Ministry in Ontario, Canada?
Ours are two pages with watermarks that need to be downloaded from the Privinacial Government Website. I contacted 3 of the restaurants where I booked dinner. None could tell me if Canadian vaccine certificates are or will be acceptable. Yes, CDC certificates which can be purchased at every street corner in the US are fine. Ours, almost impossible to copy, seem to be not acceptable.
Hi Gerhard.
We haven’t seen anything from the state or counties about international vaccinations so far.
Aloha BOH Bro’s
Over the last couple of days there’s been a rapid decline of reported new covid cases on Hawaii, does that mean the islands have reached herd immunity?
If you crunch the numbers with a population of approx 1,416,000 Hawaii’s single vaccine shots received is now over 1,060,656, fully vaccinated is over 791,000, plus a reported 66,925 confirmed cases of covid and god knows how many have gone unreported.
With those kind of numbers you could make a good argument that Hawaii has reached herd immunity.
What do you think?
I know there’s been some reporting issues, but if the trend holds true that’s good news for everyone.
Hi Richard.
We concur with you that things may be looking up although it’s getting harder to be optimistic on this seemingly endless roller coaster. Waiting for this morning’s numbers.
If I’m not mistaken it looks like today it’s 392 confirmed 37 probable for a total of 429.
That’s a good number looks like hospital numbers are just starting to decline.
We’ll see if the trend continues.
I assume you are reading the HI-EMA COVID Dashboard. The total hospitalized with COVID is down 10%, although that’s dominated by Oahu numbers. Agree too early to call a trend.
By the way, another absolutely gorgeous day out here on the Kauai North Shore. Don’t tell anyone.
Richard C,
I think you make some good points. The fact that so many people have natural immunity from contracting the virus ofter gets overlooked. For example, having natural immunity does not allow you an exemption from the vaccine passport.
It would have been nice if the health department would have tracked how many vaccines recipients already had Covid in the past. That way we could avoid double counting the vaccinated and the naturally immune.
In any case, it is still way too early to draw any conclusions, but the 7-day case average has dropped in the last week from around 920 per day to 740 per day. Pretty significant.
the efficacy of “natural immunity” i.e. someone who’s had COVID and now has the antibodies hasn’t been studied very much. It’s clear, though from the few studies there are that “natural immunity” plus the vaccine provide the best protection. Take a look at
What’s being debated is if the “naturally immune” should get one shot or two of the mRNA vaccines. In either case, the government in Hawaii should address the “naturally immune” question. On the other hand, you can pretty easily solve the problem by just going ahead and getting vaccinated and thus getting your card and avoiding all the trouble.
I agree with you. Measuring the level of effectiveness of one’s natural immunity appears difficult. Some studies show that you may have natural immunity even with a lack of anti-bodies (something to do with T cells). Another study shows that the level of COVID sickness may make a difference – the more severe the Covid, the more immunity). Natural immunity + vaccine may give you the best immunity, that is what I would do.
I am skeptical that the reason so many people argue against getting immunized is because of vaccine risk. Little to no data support any severe outcomes from taking the vaccine. It seems to me that the resistance is based primarily on rebelling against institutions and other idealogical “reasons” (it is my body, you can’t make me, you are infringing on my rights etc.) and then folks try to justify it by saying it is unsafe.
If this were a more deadly virus, like Ebola, all this resistance would fade away.
So those vaccinated in Canada are banned from Hawaii restaurants and also from some hotels, correct?
Uncertain. Check the website, there are approved forms that need to be completed and verified. It is not looking good for foreigners to come here.
Thanks for the info on CommonPass Hawaii and Clear Health Pass. If using Common Pass do you still need to fill out the Hawaii Safe Travels health questionnaire within 24 hours of travel?
Hi Trudy.
In the case of all the apps, you still need to complete the health questionnaire.
Trudy… That’s why the Vaccination Passports are sort of a waste of time – at least at this point in time – you still have to do Safe Travels and if you didn’t do the Vaccination Passport, simply upload your covid info there. It took me half hour of wasted time to figure out neither Passport would work for me!
Barbara. Most commenters have determined vaccine passports are useless. I’ve read only two commenters that finally made Common Pass work. You may have noticed yesterday that Lt. Gov. green was looking forward to Clear and Common pass as – “they will make life in Hawaii easier”. One wonders if he’s talked to any mainlanders about this (one of them works for Hawaiians).
Clear and Common Pass cannot be used more than a couple of months (41 days for Clear I believe) before they depart so it won’t work in advance.
Fred, this is typical. People who use it like I did, usually don’t post “hey, I used it and had no problems”. People who had trouble, on the other hand, are more likely to post a complaint. What would be interesting to find out is how many people actually use Clear or Common Pass to get their exemption vs. those who just upload their card. The only one who knows that right now is Safe Travels themselves.
I know that there are a lot of limitations to both. Most of those stem from the fact that they both want to validate your information. Since there is no centralized database with vaccine info in it they have to develop partnerships with different government and private entities. What that means is that there are going to be holes in their coverage. This could easily be solved by a single, centralized databased managed, say, by the CDC that everyone who’s giving out the vaccine has to feed. Here in California the state has such as database, and you can get a QR code from them. You can use that QR code with CommonPass like I did in order to verify your vaccination status. If we had the same system on a national level life for apps like Clear and CommonPass a lot easier.
Thank you for the timely info.
Requirements for Canadians to enter who have proof of vaccination
Please can you assist with any information on how this works for foreigners? Will UK proof of vaccination be acceptable? The President has an isolationist policy towards the UK and EU to minimize Covid rates. Is Hawaii closing to foreigners as well? It would be great if you could find out in what way Foreigners and those vaccinated overseas can satisfy Hawaii requirements. Not that anyone should be visiting at present following the Governor’s request but I am concerned following the inactivity at the White House, States may also be in no hurry to remove restrictions once they are in place. No one wants to be blamed for covid rate rises.
Hi Rich.
Are you speaking about proof of vaccination for restaurants and hotels? In that regard we have seen nothing indicating one way or the other whether the vaccinations need to take place in the US or not. We’ll keep an eye out for that. Thanks for your many comments!
Please delete me from receiving any post from people who post comment about your site. Some how I checked something and no longer wish to read comments from others.
I still want to read your first hand articles
I am now in Kauai on vacation and have a Safe and wonderful time, thank you for helping me get here.
Hi Bill.
Thanks. Glad to hear you are having a great time. The weather has been beautiful as well.
We deleted your subscriptions to comments. Just so you know, there is a link on each comment email you receive that allows you to unsubscribe as well.
Is Maui excepting Canadians that are fully vaccinated with AZ.
It would be one thing if this vaccination were a true vaccine that stops or kills the virus but it isn’t. It’s nothing more than a therapeutic that lessens the symptoms in vaccinated people if they contract Covid. The tyranny and stupidity that’s happening in Hawaii is only going to destroy Hawaii’s economy and cause more bankruptcies. As another people said, I’m afraid that I will never be able to see my home (Kauai) again because of this ridiculous foolishness. There are plenty of other places that people can chose to vacation where they are not treated like criminals or lepers, where they are welcomed by businesses, hotels, and locals. Keep shooting yourself in the foot Hawaii!
Well said! I’d been saving “miles” on Hawaiian Air….to see beautiful Hawaii once more before I die…….BUT….this is stupid! Forget Hawaii!!!!! Sad.
Aloha BOH Bro’s
It seems before implementing these changes Hawaii’s covid numbers continue to decrease on their own.
It will be interesting to see if this is just an anomaly or is Delta covid surge coming to an end on Hawaii.
Hi Richard.
Yes we wonder with you what the lower numbers mean. Are they relevant or will we find out tomorrow that another lab didn’t report and gets added to the data, as has happened multiple times before. Hopeful that numbers are going down, that’s for sure.
Don’t look now but CA and FL almost same numbers today. FL trending lower and lower.
UK, India..anyone? Only a Liberal wouldn’t follow the science and see the trends from those countries. course the Gov and Mayors will claim the vaccine passport was the reason for the downward trend.
A timely song comes to mind.. Hawaii 78 by the beloved Israel Kamakawiwo’ole
What about Canadians?? Double vaxxed and providing a pre-travel negative Covid test, but not recognized by the Safe Travels program.
Unvaccinated locals travelling back and forth between the Mainland, don’t require testing and spreading it everywhere. Grrrrrrr….
Yep, that’s right. I said it.
In the midst of all these crazy, questionable rules and regulations I want to thank you guys for allowing both sides of the coin to be expressed. We should all continually question the narrative and keep open to new ideas. This is how together we will beat this problem.
If you have ever wondered what you would have done during the holocaust, the civil rights movement, the fight for women’s and children’s rights, human slavery? You are doing it now.
A question we should ask ourselves. Think of our children’s future. Never give up!
Thanks again for your flexibility and courage in getting to the bottom of things and keeping truth an option. Take care. Mahalo!
Hi Nancy.
Thanks for saying that and your many – mostly unrelated to this topic – comments. We hope all is well over there.
I fear i may never see home again! My dreams of raising my son in the beauty of the island culture and traditions stolen by false claims of safety. Aloha is such a sad word now!
I fear the same. Best of luck to you.
Thank you ever so much, Highgate Hawaii, Merriman’s and whatever other businesses are mandating the vaccine. You are making this HI resident and our family very happy. You have my business.
Sorry to say but I feel the exact opposite. 🙁
“employees can either be vaccinated or be tested regularly.”
this policy is nonsensical and anti-science. giving vaccinated people a pass not to test, and encouraging more people to get vaccianted, so as not to test, is the exact *opposite* of what should be done to slow the spread
“The ACLU says, “Far from compromising civil liberties, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable among us, including people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated and communities of color hit hard by the disease.””
this is somewhat embarrassing position by the ACLU, basically orwellian doublespeak. Again, vaccination protects the vaccinated, it does not protect other people. This is known science. Nor are chlidren at any substantial risk from covid, the flu and a dozen other things are more deadly to them than covid
CDC report from last week, from august 2020 to august 2021
“During the reporting period, there were only a total of eight “COVID-19-related” deaths among the 1,790 minors admitted to hospitals around the country”
yes, thats *eight* total deaths, of 73 million children
I guess if people object to the ever changing rules they don’t need to visit. I wish people would quit arguing about this.
Please consider that some people are merely not just visiting hawaii for vacation, but rather to visit family. It is sad that we don’t have the freedom to choose whether we wanted to be vaccinated or not in order to go into restaurants etc, or perhaps even board a plane someday, very very sad including the nurses who don’t have a chose and are forced to find a different jab that doesnt require the jab. So many of us are healthy and have natural immunity/antibodies that will prevent us from going to the hospital, we should not be penalized for this. It is just not fair or right.
How can you know that you have natural immunity/antibodies? How do you know you won’t end up in the hospital or send someone else? What’s not fair is that those who refuse to get vaccinated don’t feel they should be responsible for anyone else except themselves. We are a society, we look out for each other. Making it only about you is not what a successful society should aim for.
There is a blood test to confirm if you have the antibodies. It’s pretty simple.
From FDA website:
Until scientists get more data on how much protection antibodies provide against being infected again with this virus, everyone should continue to take steps to protect themselves and others, including wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet away from other people outside of their home, and washing hands, even if they have had a positive antibody test.
People who wear personal protective equipment (PPE) at work should continue to wear PPE, even if they test positive for antibodies to the virus.
those are cheery picked numbers. Here are some more for those who care to know all the facts over richly the last year or so:
“As of September 2, over 5 million children have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic. About 252,000 cases were added the past week, the largest number of child cases in a week since the pandemic began. After declining in early summer, child cases have increased exponentially, with over 750,000 cases added between August 5 and September 2.”
“The age distribution of reported COVID-19 cases was provided on the health department websites of 49 states, New York City, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and Guam. Since the pandemic began, children represented 15.1% of total cumulated cases. For the week ending September 2, children were 26.8% of reported weekly COVID-19 cases.”
The good news is that child deaths are very low, 0-0.03% of deaths from COVID. Hospitalization rates among children, however, are at about 4.1%, which is still good.
Now for the really BAD news is that COVID cases, AND hospitalizations among children are growing, particularly in states that are heavily anti-mask and where children are going back to school. “From late June to mid-August, weekly COVID-19–associated hospitalization rates among children and adolescents increased nearly five-fold, according to one of the studies that examined data from 14 states.” “The study also found that hospitalization rates were 10 times higher among unvaccinated adolescents who were eligible for the shot than those who were fully vaccinated.” “The second study found that during a two-week period in August, coronavirus-associated emergency department visits and hospital admissions for children and adolescents were highest in states with the lowest vaccination coverage.”
What’s not been study very much is the instance of Long COVID in children but it appears to be some concern.
All the above is from the CDC.
Brendan B makes a good point that vaccination gives the vaccinated a pass not to test. I can’t help but doubt the absolute accuracy of the prevailing opinion that the vaccinated are neither carriers nor susceptible to C19.
Personally, I’d rather be in the company of the recently tested, rather than the company of the fully vaxed. In the perfect world, fully vaxed AND recently tested, but that’s not going to happen. Thank you.
So, the obvious answer to your question is get vaccinated. If 100% vaccination rate could be achieved, even though breakthrough is possible, it is clear that the severity of the case is controlled by the mRNA stimulating the specific antibodies to fight same. The problem is vaccine resistance by a vocal minority.
BTW, your focus on children deaths is misplaced. At the epicenter of the Delta (and now Mu) spike in FL, 33% 0f the cases are those under age 20. For the last week’s reporting period of August 26 among Floridians ages 12 to 19, cases were up 45%, and for those younger than 12, cases rose a significant 58% during the same time period.
It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that the Governor’s no mask mandates for schools order is responsible.
Read more here:
6500 students in LA County under quarantine after the first week of school.
Hundreds of student cases here in Hawaii schools on a weekly basis. And <18 cases are a large portion of Hawaiis new cases. It's not a mask problem.
States like NY haven't barely started school yet.
Hi. Can you please explain what will happen in the following scenario? Before the restrictions were made, an outside wedding venue for friends and family totaling 25-30 was booked and paid for. People are traveling from the mainland. Do we have to uninvite people who already paid for their trip; and eat the cost of the food for the guests above the limit? Thanks.
Hi Vanessa.
We’d suggest you contact the health department on the island where the wedding is happening to inquire.
Have about 400k hawaiian airlines miles that’ll be collecting dust for a while.
I’ll take them if you don’t want them.
Love BOH site, lots of good information here. We are booked to go to Maui in October and are familiar with the “Safe Travels” program. My question is: In order to get the “Clear” bracelet from the airlines, do we enroll in the “Clear Health Pass” too? This seems like double work, but will do,this if it means a quicker, hassle free visit. Can you clarify?
Hi Michael.
Thanks. No you do not need to use one of the apps. You just need to use Hawaii Safe Travels protocol, and show the resulting QR code to the airline before boarding. We suggest you not get on the plane without it. It could save you a ton of time.
Wow this is ridiculous.
What concerns me is that, as an older person, who was able to get the Moderna Vaccine early on–January and February–what is the long-term viability of the 3 vaccines that have approval for use in the US? And how does the fact that the Israelis, who vaccinated their country with Pfizer, are thinking its protective effects begin to wear off after 6 months, as they experience more and more breakthrough infections? So, though vaccination passports sound like a good idea, if we begin to discover that the vaccines protective effects are not long-lasting, are we going to create a kind of false comfort?
Great question. This isn’t really the forum for that discussion. But take a look here:
for a nice description of what happens over time with the vaccine, and what’s going on in Israel right now. The readers digest version is that over time the vaccine becomes less effective at protecting you from getting COVID initially, but MORE effective at preventing severe COVID.
Hawaii is now on my “no travel list” for vacations. I will keep my civil liberties and my tourist dollars here on the mainland. Aloha.
This whole concept that “my civil liberties” are under attack is bit of an insult to
the many sacrifices America made in WW2 to defend those civil liberties. This country made a lot more sacrifices then just wearing a mask or getting a vaccination to win that war.
Hawaii really doesn’t want the type of tourist that can’t respect our situation, so your comment is a win/win deal. (though you shouldn’t be using Aloha if you don’t understand it)
I know that it is far too early to ask about the the state / island requirement for booster vaccinations, but I will ask anyway hoping that you have heard some chatter.
We plan to be in HI after Thanksgiving 2021 for 2 weeks. That roughly coincides with a date 8 months since my second Pfizer vaccination. That is important since I can’t get the booster till then. It is possible that I may not be able to get the booster until after I leave for HI!
I realize that the FDA has not ruled on this yet, but has there been any talk yet about what the state / island governments may do regarding a date when a booster is required, or when they believe the original vaccination expires?
George. We’re in the exact same boat. You can count on the politicians to use as many “Gee Whiz” digital apps (constantly updated for every possible reason) and leave visitors and part-timers in the lurch. Apps are a PR Stunt – so the politicians are actually doing something. Check the Lieutenant Governor Green’s statement on 9/8/2021: “all we really have to do is, work with either Clear or CommonPass, who we already have a deep relationship with, who are helping us with the Safe Travels program to show that people are vaccinated. He said it would make life easier in Hawaii. Right- anyone who has spent time checking out the three digital apps they are not easy, and in fact are useless. D
“Maui restaurants and bars will now need to close by 10 pm. Guests are to remain seated and not socialize.”
these arbitrary measures are hysterical. Anyone caught at a bar after 10 will surely faced increased risk, or perhaps turn into a pumpkin!
Beautiful place, terrible leadership!
Also, vaccinations don’t even stop the spread, scientifically, they only lessen the symptoms, that’s it. You can still get COVID, still carry it, and still spread it, so this vaccination mandate is upside down. At least require the locals who are getting it to wear face masks because I’m here now and they don’t wear them.
Love Hawaii and usually visit once or twice a year, but looks like I’ll be spending my money in Cancun or Florida.
Remember that you have a 99.9% chance of full recovery if you get CoVid.
If you are not vaccinated, you can get CoVid, you can spread CoVid and you can die from CoVid.
If you are vaccinated, you can get CoVid, you can spread CoVid and you can die from CoVid and you can DIE from the vaccine. And now the vaccinated are being mandated to get boosters!
Do your homework- check the CDC website and see the VAERS report. Look at the numbers for Vaccine deaths.
I am not sure if you are purposely trying to mislead people or you are just uninformed. The VAERS database is not show ANY numbers for vaccine deaths. Let me clear up the confusion. VAERS is a database run by the CDC and the FDA and is designed so that any person can report an adverse event that occurs after a vaccination. Anyone can enter an event – it is not moderated in any way. The system helps researchers detect patterns that may warrant a closer look.
As of 8/30/21, VAERS received 7,218 reports of deaths (0.0020%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. This only indicates that someone died at some point after receiving the vaccine NOT that the vaccine caused the death. For example, someone could have been vaccinated and had a deadly heart attach 2 weeks later and submitted this death as a possible adverse event. Most probably, the heart attack was not caused by the vaccine but it has been reported to VAERS.
Researchers use this database as a starting point to study whether the death is linked to a vaccine. In summary, the CDC says, “A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy and medical records gas bit established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines”. The only exception is the possible link from the J&J vaccine in a few rare cases of TTS and blood clots.
Your comment implies that the COVID risks are the same whether you are vaccinated or not That is simply not the case. Here is one current example from Queens Health Systems in Hawaii (9/2/21):
149 Hospitalized: 22 fully vaccinated(15%) | 127 not Vaccinated(85%)
37 in the ICU: 2 fully vaccinated (5%) | 35 not Vaccinated(95%)
33 on Ventilators: 2 fully vaccinated (6%) | 31 not Vaccinated(94%)
…and that also leaves out the fact that breakthrough cases, at least in Canada, only account for 25-28% of all new COVID cases. Note that we aren’t tracking breakthrough cases that don’t result in hospitalization in this country for some reason.
Misinformation alert. The number of deaths shown to actually be from the vaccine are nearly zero. BOH, please stop this misinformation from being spread. It’s dangerous.
More misinformation. The DEATH RATE for people who have contracted COVID in the US is between 1% and 2%. You don’t have to be a scientist to figure this out since the number of people who have contracted COVID is close to 4.5 million, and over 660K people have died. Also, note that our ability to treat severe COVID in this country has improved (not with the use of horse dewormer though), so our death rates have stabilized somewhat and the chances of dying if you are vaccinated and contract COVID are significantly less than if you are unvaccinated. Note that’s the death rate alone. It’s not the rate at which people contract severe COVID that requires hospitalization, which is what’s filling up our hospitals right now. It also doesn’t include the Long COVID cases, which appear also to be lower among the vaccinated.
If you are vaccinated you are better protected against severe COVID than the unvaccinated.
Indeed, it’s been shown that the vaccinated CAN spread COVID. That’s the reason for the mask mandates. However the rate at which this happens is still being studied. Also note that the number of breakthrough cases (i.e. cases of COVID among the vaccinated) is still being looked at. In Canada they are saying it’s somewhere around 25%. So, that means that 75% of vaccinated people don’t even GET COVID.
Your chances of dying from COVID if you are vaccinated are lower than your chances of dying from COVID if you are unvaccinated mainly because the vaccine protects you from severe COVID, which includes death.
BOH – and was there a typo – that Sandy Baz (Maui County Mgr) states that the ACLU “does” agree that vaccine mandates are a violation of civil liberties because the paragraph goes on to say that the ACLU says they aren’t a violation. I read it three times and came away confused each time. Mahalo.
Hi Barbara.
We re-read it as well, and that is her quote. Thank you.
I read that the ACLU does agree with vaccine mandates. I think she was misquoted.
Hi Nancy.
Either misquoted or it was strangely stated. Bottom line per their website is that ACLU does agree.
I’m not sure what the relevance of this is either way.
With all due respect, neither the Maui County Manager nor the ACLU determines civil liberties.
Heyward… It is about as relevant as all of your commenbts are!
Yes, well these hotels will just lose business. Many travelers are not vaccinated, so the other hotels will accept them. Also, It’s the locals who are getting COVID in Hawaii, not the travelers, so this is stupid.
BOH – So are you saying that you now have to have a Vaccination Passport versus just proof of vaccination. As I’ve mentioned before, in many cases – such as ours – none of those approved Vaccination Passports are available to us as our state does not provide “digital” vaccination “cards” (so that eliminates CLEAR) nor is the facility at which we were vaccinated – one of the largest providers in the state – shown on the Common Pass list (so that eliminates Common Pass). Can you clarify – mahalo nui loa.
Hi Barbara.
Not at this time. Right now it is just your proof of vaccination that is required.
We are hearing frequently that something else will need to happen in order to have validation of proof, and that is likely to be these passports.
common pass is asking for six digit invitation code from an airline or destination. When will Hawaii send out this code or do they even know that this app is worthless until they complete the process. Hawaii seems more like a third world country and part of the US.
Bob, just use HAWAII, that worked for us.
BOB – Why are you even messing with Common Pass. Just upload your stuff to Safe Travels – you have to do it anyway, Common Pass or not!
If you’re talking about getting your vaccine exception from Safe Travels, that’s not correct. You can get that exception via CommonPass, and not have to upload your CDC vaccination card. Note you still need to fill out the forms on Safe Travels, just not upload your vaccine card. I just went through this a few weeks ago, and I’m pretty sure it hasn’t changed.
Joerg. Common Pass does not accept CDC card uploads. What do you provide Common Pass so they can verify you’ve been vaccinated?
I live in CA, and the state has a database you can access and get a QR code from that CommonPass accepts.
I used that for CommonPass. Clear, on the other hand, partners with Walgreens and all I had to do was enter my login info for my Walgreens account and it used that.
There is an adage that history repeats itself.
Honderich H. & Popat S., (2021, April 9), Why America has a problem with vaccine passports. Retrieved from:
“Two centuries before the coronavirus reached the US, yellow fever ravaged America’s Deep South – states like Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi. … Hardest hit was New Orleans.
It would take 22 outbreaks, 4 decades, and ~150,000 deaths for the disease to burn itself down to manageable levels.
Over time, it became clear that surviving yellow fever meant immunity from future infection. …
White residents who had developed immunity – who had “acclimated” – sat at the top, while those who hadn’t were denied jobs and life insurance. Fathers would not let their daughters marry non-acclimated men … .
In a crude attempt at certifying immunity, residents were quizzed by employers and landlords about their history with yellow fever, which epidemic they were in, and who had witnessed their illness. …
We wouldn’t do this in 2021.
Or would we?
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
– George Santayana
Unlike 200 years ago, there is now a highly effective vaccine, which has only minor side effects. Why only 50% of Americans will get it is a total mystery.
Hello TL.
The most often cited reasons why Americans will not become COVID-19 vaccinated:
They do not trust the government.
They do not trust the COVID-19 vaccine.
They do not trust vaccines in general.
Very difficult to legislate trust.
But when they are dying in the hospital with Covid, all of a sudden they have trust and are begging their friends and family to get vaccinated. What a shame it takes serious deathly illness to realize that the vaccine is safe and sane!
“To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.”
Thomas Paine
Get vaccinated and you won’t have to worry about some bogey man.
enjoy Hawaii.. it’ll be a fun couple years
Aloha BOH Bro’s
Wow posts have gotten really wordy here you guys ever thought about cutting it back to maybe 140 characters.
Kind of short and sweet.
Actually I usually lose interest reading a post at about 111 characters.
Oh crap 💩 that’s way over 140….Ok 2000 it is…
Hi Richard.
We concur that many comments are getting excessively long. More changes will be forthcoming to our comment policy. Thanks for your two hundred or so comments of varying lengths…