Hawaii Visitors Spending 40% More, But Enjoying It Less?

Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed

Is this the future of Hawaii travel? Back in the news again today.

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2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”

  1. Already have a trip scheduled for Honolulu in mid April, but we may have to reschedule if my husband doesn’t get his 2 doses of the vaccine. I’m a nurse so I’ve received my first dose and in 2 weeks my second dose. It’s hard to even get an appointment for a vaccine here in Kentucky if you aren’t a healthcare worker or an elderly person. Hopefully with more vaccines coming out, the process of getting an appointment will become easier.

  2. Thanks BOH for your continued updates on vaccination policy. My question is how do I return as a Hawaii resident without a smart phone? I cannot loade the safe travel ap on my iPad.

    1. Hi David.

      If you are traveling with anyone who has a smartphone and can add the app, that will take care of it. Otherwise, we’d suggest you contact the state to inquire at 1-800-GOHAWAII.


  3. Wow! This points out the question if the vaccines are really effective? Hmmm! Thanks for your continued coverage of this perplexing issue. I say – prove it’s safe and effective before getting jabbed. I’m not afraid of getting the shot I’m afraid of what’s in it! If it is effective why do we need boosters? What are the long term effects? If it is safe why are the drug companies exempt from liability or accountability? Smells like a big profit scheme – especially with yearly boosters. Too many questions thus far…………. Ask questions – find out the truth. I sure don’t know. Mahalo for listening. Concerns of a ‘grounded Nomad’.

  4. Mahalo for the timely update BOH. We have our first COVID vaccine shot scheduled for mid-March and should have our 2nd vaccine around 2 weeks prior to our planned trip to Maui (late April). Hoping for the best but prepared to cancel IF we have to (also planning a 2-day stay in the Bay Area of Calif) upon our return.

  5. Aloha,
    “ While the current vaccines will prevent illness”…
    I don’t think you want to be making that claim…

  6. We are in Maui right now. We arrived on January 14. We had a covid test the day before traveling on Alaska airlines at a Carbon Health tent at the airport. We had results within an hour. When we flew out, Alaska gave us each a pre screening bracelet which allowed us to skip the lines upon arrival at Kahului. It was smooth and easy and our vacation has been wonderful! Sad to say it is ending in just a few more days!

  7. The chance of an Outlier who is Vaccinated but still a carrier is possible…. but THAT can be said for any person who’s been vaccinated for a known BAD Virus, even bad ones like Measles, etc. It’s a very slim chance! Far far less, than all the other NON-Vaccinated passengers or visitors…

    That’s like saying, we should check to make sure everyone has full immunity to many many other viruses that we’ve been inoculated for, over the years…

    BUT…. as we’ve learned, these things take time to cross the political barrier. SO, we’ll wait.. 😉

  8. Thank you for the information. I hears that there were 2 new resort bubble resorts added to the existing 6 on Kauai. Do you have that information? I can’t seem to find it! Thanks you

  9. Thank you for the very valuable and informative article. Perhaps Kaua’i can give some guidance to States on the mainland, as there is ZERO direction from the federal or state level on how the vaccine will be distributed, where, when, and to whom. For now we are all just staying home, wondering what the next step will be in resolving this pandemic and when the vaccine will be rolled out for the general population. Truly a sad state of affairs in this country.

  10. Aloha! I was hoping you were going to address the vaccine soon. And you did! I will be fully vaccinated by mid-March, and hoping to keep my travel dates to Kauai in late May. I still have concerns, which will keep me from making my air travel reservations (using my Hawaiian credit) and possibly pushing my dates out again. I know things can change quickly on this front, so will remain patient. Please keep doing all that you do! Mahalo!

    1. Hi Katie.

      Thank you. Yes, hopefully, it will get implemented in time for your late-May vacation. Seems like we are due for some good news.


  11. I would think that the state of Hawaii, would want to have a good many of its citizens vaccinated against covid before, truly opening up and that would include the most vulnerable first.
    Aloha Guys

    1. Hi Roy.

      That makes sense. We haven’t heard the two concepts discussed together by the state – opening tourism more and where Hawaii is in its vaccination process.


      1. Faci has said, once you get about 80% of your population vaccinated that stops the virus dead in its tracks. About 60% stops the spread. So think about it, if most people in Hawaii are vaccinated, than they are protected from the virus. I know that Lt. Gov. Green is a big follower of Faci and that’s how vaccines have worked in the past. Now, getting everyone vaccinated is the hurdle, lets hope the new administration coming in does a better job.

  12. The medical experts have said if you can’t get it you can’t give it. Geez. And next I’ve will want Ankle straps w vaccine dates

  13. Hi Folks,

    It looks more and more like state government is bound and determined to quash tourism in Hawaii once and for all. So sad!

  14. The state legislature will get involved. That brings to mind the old saying about ‘too many cooks spoiling the stew’…evidently daily rule changes are not enough, so we will see if they can manage twice daily rule changes..if I sound cynical, its because I am. The Hawaiian rule changes for residents and travelers alike have had more plot twists than a soap opera. Our group of 6 has officially written Hawaii off for vacation for all of 2021. Sorry we truly are, and we sorely miss the wonderful people, the “aloha” and the ambience that has made Hawaii our favorite….sigh…keeping our collective fingers crossed for 2022…

  15. Its just the hawaii govt needs to do what Florida is doing as to opening june 1 and getting thier act together, getting people back into housing and off the damn streets.

    Getting people back to work is also critical, as is the tourism. Mandates and saving a few lives really is secondary in the big picture.

    If your old or sick or at risk it’s important to stay home and not rely on masks or mandates. Common sense in hawaii would go a long way in restoring a sense of aloha and curbing the anti American sentiments on the islands. What was latent hatred of America Americans and tourists is now active and out in the open. Its ugly and its real.

  16. Plain and simple please. For Kauai only if you had both your vaccines. Do you still have to do the 3 day quarantine? Don’t want to get there quarantine for 3 days and paying for a condo those days to. Traveling in March

    1. Currently, upon arrival on Kauai you ARE required to quarantine at a resort “bubble” location for 3 days minimum before being released after obtaining a negative Covid test. This is regardless of if you have been vaccinated or not.

  17. Honestly, I don’t even read these anymore. I have visited Hawaii at least 80 times, often for months at a time. And your policy initiatives and implementation have been so incoherent I assume whatever is announced will be rescinded within days, or delayed or only apply to a specific island or cancelled altogether. I have NO plans to visit Hawaii soon. As much as I love Hawaii and respect the host culture, the local population needs to have the opportunity to diversify the economy without the pressure of tourist demands. AND the political decision making needs to be more coherent and carefully thought out with the safety of everyone in mind before I would trust the decisions. Malama Pono

  18. Aloha,

    It seems like there are daily changes to what Hawaii will or will not accept for visitors. I
    really do understand that the vaccine may not prevent someone from transmitting the virus, but really, IF the state of Hawaii wants to allow visitors, they need to decide what the rules are going to be, make them the same across all islands and the STICK TO THEM unless something new and untoward comes up that advises otherwise. People simply cannot make plans with the daily rule changes. I got notified that my whole household is in line to get vaccinated next. I am looking forward to being a little more free in the next few months. But I need to know what, exactly, the rules ARE before I go anywhere, AND that they won’t change on me on a moments notice.



  19. Stopping transmission is the goal? Hmmm … I thought the important goal was to make sure hospitals were not overloaded. Only 9 ICU beds, etc., is all we hear about, at least with respect to Kauai anyway. Remember “flatten the curve”? Me neither.

    If this vaccination works, by which I mean keeps the vaccinated individuals out of the ICU due to COVID, the proof will be in the pudding; greatly reduced COVID hospitalizations and deaths. I believe this is the reason they authorities are giving priority to old and health compromised people.

    Time will tell.

  20. As always, thank you for your continued fast reporting, even if things continue to be unclear. Really hoping things start calming and coming together by summer. The whole country is up in chaos still, I don’t feel their will be any clarity for a while.

    1. Hi Lynde.

      Thanks for all your comments. It feels like we are all hoping for at least some more clarity soon.


  21. Well looky there, the IATA is setting up a “Universal Travel” app that will in essence become an all electronic version of “show us your papers”. And also notice that with the rush to develop vaccines that everyone was crying for that they have no clue as to how long the supposed immunity will last and whether or not you can still be a carrier if you get the vaccine. Talk about rushing the product to market without having hardly any of the answers. But then of course for the vaccine manufacturers, it was NEVER about the effectiveness and longevity of the vaccines effectiveness as much as it is about how many hundreds of millions of dollars they will make from making the vaccine. If you still don’t grasp just how much the world at large has been played by this then there is literally very little hope for you as YOU are exactly the kind of person they want that just gets in lock step and follows “ze orders”. That’s why I will wait for the J&J vaccine that is going thru a longer test regimen than what all of the others did. They want it to work without any of the current unknowns.

  22. Hi All, good news for people in the resort bubble, that want to test out, but just overall good news for people to have a quick option in their everyday lives. Much more affordable than Poipu MD, and I can actually order now for the Abbott test. I got on the waitlist yesterday, then received an email today.


    The Ellume COVID-19 Home Test: This is the only at-home test that can be done without a prescription. Consumers should start seeing it on store shelves in some areas in early 2021, a spokeswoman said, and it will also be sold online. It will cost about $30. It delivers your results wirelessly to a smartphone app in about 15-20 minutes.

    Abbott’s BinaxNOW COVID-19 Ag Card Home Test: You will order this test through a digital health platform called eMed after answering screening questions. Once you get the test, a certified guide will walk you through collecting your sample via video call. Distribution is expected to begin in January to “select states and employers,” an eMed spokesman said. The test will cost $25, plus overnight shipping. Results are available in about 15 minutes.

    Lucira COVID-19 All-In-One-Test Kit: This is the only at-home test that uses molecular technology, which can pick up very small amounts of viral genetic material. (The at-home tests from Ellume and Abbott are based on antigen technology.) The test will cost about $50, and Lucira expects to have it on the market nationwide by early spring. To get the test, you need a prescription from a health care provider who suspect you have COVID-19. It takes about 30 minutes to deliver results.

  23. Mahalo for being the best source of information and superior to Garden Isle and others.

    Please in replies and comments include if possible Kauai and what is happening there. The mayor (LOL) does not consider that Kauai is a part of the islands and slack keys to another tune. So what is happening on all the other islands may or may not be true of Kauai. Unless the legislature passes rules for all the islands Kauai’s may still prefer destroying peoples livelihoods and the economy. He should have invested the governments money in an ability to have more ICU beds instead of test kits. So knowing how Kauai relates to whatever happens is important. Mahalo

    1. Hi Mounque.

      We do try to cover Kauai as best we can, in addition to the other islands. We appreciate your input, other comments, and the levity (intended or not) about Kauai slack keying to another tune.


    1. Aloha Kristine,

      A mandated Covid vaccine will not be required to travel to Hawaii, at least not anytime soon. At this point Hawaii can’t afford to hinder its travel industry recovery process, and you would likely see thousands of discrimination based lawsuits from people that are not going to take the vaccine. For example; people who are property owners that don’t make Hawaii their primary residence.

  24. Aloha,we are attempting to figure out the covid testing Hawaii’s travel partners Go Health Urgent care gives helpful info on the SFO testing except they don’t specify which test is given for rapid results. Can you help us go in the right direction?
    Mahalo for your time, Margo

    1. Margo,

      I am in Maui right now and come about every other month as we have a place in Maui. We took off from San Jose. Alaska Airlines has partnered with Carbon Health. Had to go to airport two days prior to our departure date and take the COVID test. Results gaurenteed within 24 hours. We received our test the next day and they upload to their app. You get your PDF from the website and upload to the Safe Travels website to get your QR code. Alaska Airlines in San Jose did a pre-clear so you don’t have to go through that line to show your QR code and results which is worth it’s weight in gold. Alaska gave us wrist bands that showed we were cleared. We had friends come over on Southwest and they didn’t have the pre-clear process. Overall, the process was quick and easy compared to when we came back in November.

  25. Hmmmm, does it make sense that those who’ve had Covid are not being considered as immune? This has never been addressed, so why are they considering Only those who get vaccinated be allowed to travel with no restrictions? They don’t even know how long the vaccine will last, and their best “guess” according to Fauci (🙄) is a year. How many millions have had it, but will still be forced to get tested or vaccinate, before traveling? Trillions will be siphoned from the average taxpayer, as Governments fund Big Pharma and their Billionaires pocketbooks! Follow the Money…

    1. Hi Jim.

      Thanks – that makes 191. Just to be clear, there have been exemptions here for those who have recovered for some time.


    2. From the FAQs on the Hawaii Safe Travels Web Site. Chock full of useful information, and a cute picture of a small child to get your attention. It is tricky. They only give the exemption if it has been less than 90 days since you had a positive test, which has to be the right type of test. For example, having antibodies to show you had the virus, but never having had the correct positive active virus test, will do you no good:

      “If I have recovered from COVID-19 but still test positive for the virus do I still have to quarantine?

      In order to qualify for a COVID-19 exemption to the 10-day quarantine, you must submit the following two pieces of information:

      A copy of a positive molecular COVID-19 test (NAAT or PCR) from a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certified laboratory taken no more than 90 days and no less than 11 days prior to your departure date.

      A signed letter from a medical provider stating that you have not exhibited symptoms and are fully recovered – this letter must be signed at least 10 days after your positive test and no more than 14 days from your departure date.

      To request an exemption, go to ag.hawaii.gov/travelexemption. Please allow a week for processing.”

      1. Mahalo David,

        So, if I read this right, you have between 11 days and 90 days to travel to Hawaii, after you’ve had Covid, with proof you had covid by a specific type test result copy? Plus, you need a signed letter from your medical provider saying you have not had symptoms, are fully recovered, and it must be signed at least 10 days after your positive test and 14 days or less before you leave for Hawaii?

        So the state of Hawaii is considering that if you’ve had Covid and recovered after 90 days, you have to go through the same ridiculous process of testing as someone who’s never had it, when you likely have antibodies for far longer; Yet, you’ll soon be able to travel freely, if the government has your vaccination record, even though someone who is vaccinated likely has just as much of a risk of transmission than someone who actually has current immunity?

        Does that some it up accurately? LOL…please tell me how this makes sense? 😖

        1. Does any of this make sense? We also have had the virus and gave blood to make sure we have the antibodies. We have a card proving the antibodies from the American Red Cross. This unfortunately doesn’t prove anything or is useful to show we are immune.

        2. Jim R & Karen W:

          Don’t shoot the messenger! I just copied and pasted that test from the HI Safe Travels web site.

          Anyone who believes that the HI Safe Travels rules, or any government rules at any level of government for that matter, need to “make sense” or “be fair” or “follow the SCIENCE” (my favorite), you will be frustrated, annoyed, disappointed, all of the above.

          Is any meaningful number of people in fact getting re-infected after 90 days? I don’t know the answer to that question. Hawaii (Josh Green?) decided that 90 days is the only acceptable “immunity” time period for the Safe Travels Program. That was back in early October.

          1. Aloha David,

            Definitely not shooting the messenger. LOL. I was only making a pretty obvious point, and my final question was rhetorical. 😎

            This entire process of government overreach is mind-boggling. There is clearly no science that backs up most of it…that’s for sure. The evidence proves that these arbitrarily established measures (by mostly one person, no less) will never completely stop this virus, and now, apparently these measures are “slowing the spread” far less than before, while continuing to destroy people’s livelihoods.

            I’m still calling bullsh** that continued shutdowns are necessary, when a state like South Dakota (who never decided to shut down and has a better economy because of it) is declining in cases per 100k. They let their residents accept the responsibility of their own actions, and their residents are taking it seriously. I’m also still not 50% (let alone 100%) convinced that Hawaii’s lack of cases and lower death count (comparatively) has everything to do with their governmental draconian measures, since it was proven early on that this virus is far less effective in environments with higher humidity year round.

            Not to mention (at this point) the “experts” have no clue whether people taking the vaccine will/will not be asymptomatic, or if they can/can’t still contract Covid. These same “experts” are also clueless IF vaccinated people may/may not be able to transmit the virus, if contracted…which (in essence) means they may not get sick and die, yet they still may not be immune to getting it, and may pass it on. Obviously there was not near enough studies done, with this rush to market.

            I am not saying this state shouldn’t take any precautions, especially with the lack of medical services; however, I am saying they have yet to figure it out without making it worse for its people economically, when they should have been far closer to getting it right by now, which equals Horribly Bad 👎 Management.

  26. Aloha, my name is Denise. I enjoy reading your commentaries. I am currently recovering from Covid. There is increasing evidence that the immunity is long term and possibly 98% effective against reinfection. I will not be getting the vaccine as it is not necessary and possibly dangerous to do so considering previous infection. What will be Hawaii’s stand on this. It would literally break my heart to never come back!

  27. Thanks for your informative daily updates. I just got first vaccine and second will be February 8th. I am a resident, returning to Oahu March 17th. Unfortunately I do not have a smart phone and I am inArkansas where there are no trusted partners. I hope the documentation showing vaccination dates will be sufficient.

    Please advise me if I should be OK.

    Mahalo nui loa!

    1. Aloha David! There are at least three Walgreens (trusted partner) locations in AR that do the Rapid Tests, two of which are in Little Rock. You need to schedule your appt ahead of time and form what I am seeing it becomes available about 96 hours before you want to test. This is the provider we will use in April, testing in TN. Mahalo to BOH for keeping us up to date on the ever-changing travel requirements.

  28. Just think about this. All the people were told who have had Covid, do they have to get vaccine or test.
    Why is this not being addressed.

  29. Tammy P. thank you for reminding me that it’s about the lives of people. Apparently, I didn’t understand that. Apparently, me abiding by the Hawai’i Island’s required Covid-19 testing is not enough;for you. I’m doing what is required to visit Hawai’i. We’ve ensured we’ve not been near anyone who could be near anyone possibly infected with Covid-19. We’ve distanced ourselves from our family all 2020, and now 2021, because they are essential employees. We ALL want to live, and doing our part. Hawai’i says we can visit and we will. Mahalo and Aloha

  30. I’m surprised that they’d get rid of the testing. Even if you’re vaccinated, even if you’re in the 95% where it is effective, it doesn’t mean that you can’t still get a really light, asymptomatic version of COVID and be contagious until your system clears it. It just means your body is really good about knowing what to do when that happens.

    1. I am sure, once they, J. Green and Co., get the message, they will change their mind and require testing again. Who knows what they do anyway, every day offers a new surprise.

      1. I am not going through all of this and spend my hard earned dollars just to go to Hawaii. I planned on going in august 2021 but will be looking for other places to go instead. This sounds like a major nightmare

    2. Aloha Laila,

      I am not sure why you believe they would get rid of testing? Hawaii Govt. Officials have not said they will be shutting down their Safe Travels Program at all, at least not that I have read. Correct me, if I am wrong, Rob or Jeff…am I missing something here???

      Under the “Will mask mandates remain?” section in the article above it states, “As he [Green] pointed out, we won’t know whether someone has or hasn’t been vaccinated, and vaccination will not be required.”… The latter infers that tests will still be required for travelers who do not get vaccinated, as they are Not mandatory.

      Mahalo for clarification, BoH! 🙂

      1. Hi Jim.

        Correct, vaccination, testing, and the exemption for those recovered will all work in parallel for the foreseeable future.


  31. Johnson and Johnson just announced the rollout of their single dose vaccine in March. That will help. I believe they are going to produce 1 billion doses this year.

    1. It likely will be slow in the first half of the year, then ramp up the fall they are shooting for 1 million doses. I posted an article from today down below that they are currently about three months behind schedule on the productions.

    2. That’s great Gerhard, but it’s been a month, since the first dose was given, in the US, and (to date) there’s been less than 10.3 million doses issued, most of those being first doses. That translates to even less people being fully vaccinated (if you do the math), sas currently it requires 2 Doses. Even when it requires one dose, how long do you think it would take to vaccinate 330 Million people, at this pace…especially since nearly half the country are Not going to take it (at this point), because if distrust. It will be a minimum of 2.5 to 3 years, IF they force people to take it. Do you think that will happen without civil unrest, and potentially civil war?

      Food for thought…

  32. Thank you for continuing to keep everyone posted on what is happening. It is greatly appreciated. Our fingers are crossed we will be able to travel from Colorado to Kauai on February 10th with vaccinations.

    We check your site daily for updates!

  33. Hello Tammy T.

    We are flying Alaska & they’ve recommended Carbon Health, & on Hawai’i rules page they state test results by next day. The cost is $179, but other places charge as low as $129; Costco does mail-in but they MUST be done by “ZOOM” so a licensed person sees you perform test, under their direction & they confirm proper placement into mailer. Other options are up to 72 hrs, but harder to ensure since so many are requested. The required NAAT test include the PCR tests, & have to be taken within 72 hours of you LEAVING from Seattle, the last leg of flight to Hawai’i. Good luck. Have fun in Hawai’i.

    1. Thank you Linda! I’ve talked to CVS and Walgreens. Hawaii really needs to expand the 72 hrs to 96. Some travelers are not going to drink Mai tais but to see family they haven’t seen for over a year. I am taking all precautions to travel safely and following the rules to gain entry in Hawaii. Aloha and thank you!

    2. Hello, my husband and I flew to Maui dec 21-26. We tested using Carbon at an airport test site. And got our result in less than an hour. It was all very smooth. I’m planning to go again in March. I will probably have been vaccinated, but am also looking at testing just in case. Please..Be flexible and Keep updated on the requirements and you will have no problems. Aloha.

  34. This is about people’s lives, not if we get our annual tropical vacation. This is about hospitals being overwhelmed. If you go to Hawaii and get injured or get ill and there are no beds available that will certainly be unfortunate. The world is different place now. Accept it. Stop risking the lives of the Hawaiian people so you can sip a mai tai on a beach. Of course they want and need tourism, but they also want to survive. I am patient and I will wait as long as necessary to travel back to Hawaii safely. Thank you BOH for keeping us up to date on the latest news.

    1. Tammy,
      Thank you for your response to my advice from Linda. I have family that live in Maui I have not seen for over a year. My daughter gives me updates from living on the island herself. If you’ve read the information posted on the website you’d know that the majority of the covid is from people who live on Maui. Not tourists. I feel confident I will take all the precautions to safety travel to Maui. There are other reasons people travel to Hawaii other then drinking Mai tais. Thank you and aloha

  35. I hope Hawaii keeps the Trusted Partners testing. Frankly, getting vaccinated is difficult, if not impossible, for people down the priority chain.

    1. There is likely going to be a gut of vaccines by April, if not earlier. Phara’s are doing their part, actually way beyond expectations; but, the govt needs to step up with the distribution (applying the vaccines). Hopefully with a changing of the national/federal guard coming shortly, we will see an improvement in the process.

      1. Let me explain what I meant by “glut”. Here is a latest update on J&J’s trials:

        Yes, they are behind on production – important if their vaccine passes, but their ramp up seems fast and J&J’s vaccine is a one shot deal, unlike Moderna and Pfizer’s two-shot requirement.

        Here is a clip from the CDC

        As of December 28, 2020, large-scale (Phase 3) clinical trials are in progress or being planned for three COVID-19 vaccines in the United States:

        AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine
        Janssen’s COVID-19 vaccine
        Novavax’s COVID-19 vaccine​

        1. JWI,

          All that means absolutely “Jack”, if they can’t get people vaccinated as fast as it’s distributed. As I stated above, with less than 10.3 million doses in the US (mostly first doses from the start date 12/14, when the initial dose was given a month ago) to date, it will take at least 2+ years to vaccinate the entire country (330 Million people), and we both know that will never happen, since nearly half the country will not be taking it anytime soon, if at all.

          That you said you are “hopeful” that this regime change will help made me giggle…especially knowing that they have manufactured this “bottleneck” in this system of distribution, by creating a prioritized vaccination program. It makes Zero common sense to have any prioritized system, when they are already delivering it faster than it can be administered, and they are tossing it out in some areas. 🤷‍♂️

          It’s been stated that J&J are expected to produce 1 Billion doses this year, and my bet is that less than 10% (being conservative, as I really believe it will be lower) of that will be distributed within US borders. This is ALL about money. as it’s always been the easiest way for the rich to bleed more from those who aren’t (as it’s predominantly taxpayer funded)…

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