Hawaii Visitors Spending 40% More, But Enjoying It Less?

Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed

Is this the future of Hawaii travel? Back in the news again today.

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2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”

  1. I am just reading this now. This is beyond belief. To mandate invasive tests (nasal mucosa) as well as a vaccine that has been developed at “WARP SPEED” for TRAVEL is unbelievable. We all know the stats about the virus survivability and a vaccine is overkill. Where is the world’s common sense?
    We have visited Hawaii 8 times, last in 2018 and unless this Covid madness stops, I will never return. This is over the top. Good luck Hawaii, with surviving this virus that will kill your tourism, not your people.

    1. I applaud Hawaii for protecting his citizens. They are doing an amazing job of it, in fact.

      I too am anxious to visit Hawaii. But I wouldn’t think of putting their high risk denizens (the elderly and those chronic illness) above or even in the league of my desire for a luxurious beach vacation.

      My very educated professional and personal opinion.

  2. I am pro testing, but fear false positives leading to quarantine for any amount of days. Therefore, I canceled my trips in 2020 and 2021. There is too much of a chance of losing money even with travel insurance.
    So if a vaccination passport eliminates all of the testing pre and post arrival(Big Island), then I will book again. I am hoping that it works out for the health and economic recovery of the Islands

    1. health passports are fine with us if guidelines
      1) are backed by science/health professionals
      2) did not constantly change at a whim

      Also, having these passports are one more weapon we have on ensuring a safe vacation – we are all for it.

  3. My wife and i will both be vaccinated by the end of February, it seems totally unnecessary that we would need to take the tests in advance. The testing doesn’t actually provide the needed results since you can contract it after you take the test, so you can be flying to Hawaii as a spreader. We cancelled our trip last year and if this doesn’t get straightened out very soon I will cancel it again. It’s become a joke how the rules change by the minute and the citizens don’t seem to care. We do care but the potential loss of thousands of dollars far outweighs the aspect of vacationing in Hawaii. Demand changes from your governor or continue to lose customers. Sad state of affairs.

  4. One of the largest hospitals and medical facilities in Philadelphia, PA — Jefferson University — have rapid COVID testing that meets the requirements needed for Hawaii travel. Yet, they are NOT approved by the State of Hawaii. Why? Does Hawaii only accept tests from companies that PAY the Governor??? Criminal. Currently, I am scheduled to have both my vaccines at least 2 weeks before my scheduled April trip to Maui. IF I still need a test, I will get one but there are NO approved sites in my area of NJ/Philly. IF I have to postpone my trip, then I will probably sell my timeshare and never return to Hawaii. I will be very sad, but after the hard planning plus what I went through with Disney World last fall, it’s not worth spending thousands of dollars for this!!

  5. Aloha,
    Thank you very much for ALL your updates, we really look forward to reading each one of them! There have been so many rules changes, that I have to ask a “Silly Question” If a person in my Family refuses to get the vaccine and refuses to get tested….are they still able to even travel to Maui? They are more than happy to strictly quarantine for the 10-14 days, or whatever is necessary to ensure that they are not sick. Is it even possible to fly to Hawaii without the vaccine or even take a test??? Or, do you at least have to have the test…even just to get off the plane?? Please Help with this answer, as I just need clarity for this family member. Thank you very much for your help.

    1. Hi Sharon.

      Thank you. Yes you can absolutely come to Hawaii. You will just need to quarantine for 10 days. For most people, that is beyond the duration of their vacation, which is why it is such a big issue.


  6. This is the first case I have ever seen of an entire State committing economic and social suicide voluntarily. It’s extremely sad, you all really need to take a look at yourselves. Everyone else isn’t crazy, it’s you guys.

  7. Question….what companies qualify as a Hawaii “trusted partner”? Answer….just a wild guess here, but likely it is the companies that are giving kick backs to the state of Hawaii. No other reasonable reason why results from other labs that are accepted throughout the US would not be accepted in the state of Hawaii. This is absolutely ridiculous. If you have been vaccinated or have already had the virus and have proof of vaccination, there is no reason you should be subjected to possible quarantine if your test results do not arrive in time. This is precisely the kind of thinking that led us to cancel our annual month long trip to the Big Island this year (first time in 30 years) and are currently sitting on a beach in Florida. At this rate, we may be doing the same next February as well. This has gone way beyond wanting to protect the people of Hawaii….this is now a matter of saving face and not being able to admit they have made huge mistakes in handling this entire pandemic. The governor would rather pound that last nail in the coffin of what used to be an island paradise than admit he was wrong.

    1. Last week I noticed at UNLV campus in Las Vegas they are rolling out vaccinations, I believe so far for healthcare workers. I noticed signs in the parking lot that read; “not for travel to Hawaii” which I thought odd, since LV is called the 9th island of Hawaii. I still have no idea how a person (unless your a health worker) gets the correct vaccination in the first place in general, let alone for travel to Hawaii or anywhere. I think it looks like the process may have moved to the stadium, and I could not see any direction signs posted but I will look again when nearby. I thought Walgreens and Rite Aid here were supposed to be offering it, but again probably not for Hawaii travel for whatever reason.

  8. My best guess is that Gov. Ige is waiting until enough Hawaiian citizens are vaccinated against covid to stop any big breakout of the covid virus. And that’s going to take a while. I do listen to most everything Lt.Gov.Green has to say. He did spend 15 years working with infectious diseases in So. Africa and those are decent credentials for understanding the virus. Green has said he is hoping to get people into the state that have been vaccinated by April/May. However, he has also said he has no real power in the decision making process.
    Aloha Guys

    1. Hi Roy.

      Thanks for all your comments! Yes from what we see the governor has taken back control in that area.


  9. So, basically nothing new here … first Feb 1 then early Spring … now “uncertain.” Translated: not happening this year.

  10. Typical “deer in the headlights” response from the incompetent Ige. Plus how dumb only two approved sites? Is this guy stupid or what? Should approve vaccinated people right away. The science he mentions is already available. Is he listening to the corrupt Fauci? “The Science” really?

  11. When I read the first sentence. “The governor has just indicated no current plan to announce vaccination based travel….” I laughed
    (My bad) Seems like the Gov. Ige never has a plan, or one that he sticks to anyway.

    I had hoped that maybe, just maybe I could plan a trip back to Maui this year. But frankly it’s not worth the hassle or $$$ or the uncertainty of what rules will be changed or added.

    Mahalo BOH you’re always on top of things in Hawaii and you’re my go to for travel info….I miss my Maui !!

  12. Does anyone have information on the exemption for people that have already had Covid. Is the state approving exemptions with a physicians note stating that they are fully recovered? The website has a link to apply for the exemption but I was curiious as to whether or not they are actually approving applications that meet the guidelines. It is very hard to find any information on people traveling that have already had the virus.

    1. Beverly, my husband uploaded a copy of his positive test result from December and a note from his doctor and within 24 hours received an exemption letter from the Attorney General’s office. We travel to Hawaii this afternoon so we will see how this letter works once we arrive.

      1. Thanks Suzanne, we will applying next week so hopefully all goes well. If you get a chance, let me know if you have any issues during travel. Have an amazing and blessed trip!

  13. So, when exactly were masks and vaccination certificates mandated during seasonal flu season? It seems like I must have missed something along the way during all of my 30+ trips to Hawaii, many of them during the normal flu season. The hole just keeps getting dug deeper and deeper in trying to get citizens of the USA back to one of their own states and that is just sad. If those are indeed the requirements to get back to Hawaii then I will not be getting back to Hawaii any time soon as I will never subscribe to the “show me your papers” mentality as a citizen of the USA. And if that stops me from flying anywhere then so be it!

    1. @Don K. COVID is VERY unlike the seasonal flu..according to CDC, U.S. deaths from 2019-2020 seasonal flu was only on the 20k range, compared to 400k for COVID in 2020. And this is (for COVID) with massive efforts and communications like mandated shutdown, mask wearing, etc. So, any prudent person looking at this data would strongly consider mandating travel restrictions to speed down transmissions.

    2. I agree 100% with you Don! I’m not getting a rushed to market vaccine where Stage 3 & 4 trials are being done on the public. I trust my own immune system to combat Covid & any other flu virus. Such a sad state of affairs if we need papers in the USA.

  14. Thank you. We are anxious to learn more as we are scheduled to go to Oahu for 8 days in middle June 2021. Traveling with family of 6.

  15. I’m having trouble finding any rules or anything applying to people who have had COVID. Have you heard anything related to that?

  16. Thank you for the update as we discuss the vaccinated/not vaccinated situation often. I would assume that once a vaccinated travel protocol comes in to effect that people who have not been able to be vaccinated yet or choose not to be vaccinated would need to follow the pre-flight testing requirements and/or quarantine rules previously in place. Anyone out there familiar with HIPAA laws know how having a vast vaccine registry with pictures, personal info etc doesn’t violate HIPAA privacy policy? For those vaccinated people who thought they might have the chance to go mask free once receiving the shot, looks like this won’t be happening anytime soon while visiting HI or anywhere else for that matter.

  17. Every time this governor opens his mouth he proves he’s a special kind of stupid. Come up with a plan and stick to it. Is he not getting updates from the CDC. Just a lame duck governor putting the time and getting paid while others struggle. I have my shots and looking foreword to travel. My vaccine card is my pass, should not be forced to test again and again.

    1. Sorry, I can still get infected and you can transmit the desease to others. This is a fact and therefore you have to get tested and tested again.

  18. Aloha,

    When did we become a totalitarian state that allows discrimination based on health? Remember this little thing called the constitution?

    For a society that has given significant lip service to equity, we’ve really gone off the deep end here. There is nothing equitable about expensive testing and resort bubbles, and now vaccination passports.

    All of this is leading to an end to individual freedom. If people want to continue to be allowed to make their own decisions about their health and the health of their families, they need to wake up now!


  19. Hello and aloha!
    I just returned from Walgreens to get tested for travel to Maui. Highly recommend going there. It’s free and if you can find a Walgreens that does the rapid ID which not all of them do, it is the easiest way to relieve all the stress and worry about getting your test results in time. Go to the Walgreens website and put the information in and see if there is one within 50 or so miles. They offer 3 test of which 2 of them are state approved. The PCR is a gamble with the 72 hour window. Find one that does the 24 results return. Totally worth it. Good luck and Aloha!😊

    1. Mary, you are lucky that you were able to get the 24 test results. My area doesn’t offer that, so I would have to go with regular testing. It depends on where you live.

  20. I love getting the COVID updates on this site. I really hope the state of Hawaii approves the acceptance of the vaccine for admittance instead of having to go thru the testing. We are getting our second shot this week and are traveling the first of April!

    1. The problem is that the vaccination is not such that you get it and are immune forever. The CDC, nor Moderna or Pfizer can tell us how long immunity lasts. First estimates were 119 days. They also can’t tell us if vaccinated people can carry the virus to others, thus the vaccination being FDA authorized for emergency use, not FDA approved. Hopefully we’ll know more soon.

  21. I need to only take saliva test as I have total dry eye and nose on right side only from tumor many years ago. I have home in Kona for nineteen years and go back and forth several times a year. I believe as of now there is only nasal swab antigen test upon arrival at Kona airport. I will be totally vaccinated as of March 2. Cannot make a flight reservation before I know what options I have for saliva test at the airport. I know things change frequently and I want my island friends and neighbors to feel safe.

    Mahalo for any advice

  22. If having the vaccine gets approval in the spring to travel to Hawaii, what about a minor traveling with you? At this point, there are not vaccinating children. I come to Hawaii every year with my grandson who will soon be 12. I have already received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine. It would seem to still be a lot of trouble if minor family members had to go through the Safe Travel Program, but the adults did not.

    Thank you,
    Patti G.

    1. Hi Patti.

      Yes, there is no exception for this now, but we don’t know yet how the rules may change when vaccine travel is announced.


  23. Please reconsider your policy for people that have been vaccinated having to be tested before flying to Hawaii. This is an added $90.00-$160.00 per person to have this testing done and then again if we have to be tested on way back. Last year I lost over $2500.00 because our flight was canceled and no return on condo money. I fear this is getting too hard and to expensive to travel to your beautiful island. And why do we have to pay for covid test? I hope you make exception for those that have had vaccine and pay for testing for who have to get tested. It’s the right thing to do. Thank you for hearing my concerns.

    1. Hi Debra.

      There will be updates from the state on this. They plan to have vaccine based travel, but that has been postponed due to issues concerns that need to be addressed first.


    2. Hello Debra!
      I would recommend going to Walgreens to get tested for free. Go to their website to see what locations are testing. Make sure you do the correct ones to enter the state. Very specific tests are only allowed. 2 of them are are approved by Hawaii. The PCR test is not guaranteed to be done and results back in the 72 window. The other one is a quicker result. You may have to travel to the Walgreens to get the quicker results back in time. It is free! Call Walgreens with any questions you may have. Don’t assume anything. Good luck and Aloha!

  24. I understand your concerns about covid. However those of us that have been vaccinated should not have to pay anywhere from $90.00 or up to $160.00 per person to be tested. And why are we having to pay for it? I thought covid testing was free. We lost over $2500. Last year on a trip we couldn’t take because flights where canceled and no refund on condo. As you know going to Hawaii is not inexpensive. I feel like your pushing out the middle. I hope the elite grows your economy. I hope you will reconsider changing rule for those that have been vaccinated so we won’t be canceling this 2 week trip to your beautiful island or at the least offer testing for free.

  25. Hi, my family and I were supposed to travel to the islands last summer and of course with Covid it was cancelled. I am a healthcare professional so I have already had both shots for the vaccine along with my husband and my mom who will be traveling with us. My question is for my children. Will we still have to quarantine since they are not eligible for the vaccine or just provide a negative test from a “trusted partner”? Lastly, our current itinerary is to arrive on Oahu late Saturday night and fly to Kauai on Wednesday morning. Obviously, we want to avoid quarantine on Kauai. I have read where you can be tested once you’ve been in the islands for 72 hours. Will we have to time to be tested? If not, I am thinking of either going to a different island for the latter half of our trip or just spending the entire trip on Oahu.
    Thank you for your time.

    1. Hi Stephanie.

      Yes, you can be tested on Oahu – but be sure to find a testing partner with available resources to meet the time frame specified. There is no vaccination based travel yet, so 3 nights and testing prior to arrival is your only option for Kauai.


      1. BOH. Instead of leaving it to each visitor to spend time finding a trusted local tester, would you be willing to put this information on some central location, may be even a link?c THIS would be VERY helpful.

  26. Just wondering…did anyone have a pre-COVID test COVID test? Sounds weird but I’m so afraid of doling out all this money and getting a positive test. I’m asymptomatic but still.

  27. I have positive antibody test. What are they going to do with those that have already had the coronavirus and have antibodies and are protected by those?

  28. I find it interesting that a state that is part of the United States of America is getting away with this. Just because you are an island does not mean you can put such harsh requirements on your own US citizens who pay federal taxes that go to support your state. No other state is doing this and it’s about time lawyers look into this as unethical and unconstitutional to almost ban citizens of your own country from entering without going through ridiculous measurements. I think if federal tax dollars to Hawaii were suddenly cut, the governor there would sing a different tune in a split second.

    1. Diana,

      Lot’s of state governors, red and blue states, have declared people must self quarantine for two weeks when entering their state, whether from anywhere, or from select other states. The only difference with Hawaii, and possibly Alaska, is you have to fly there. So, they can actually enforce it in Hawaii starting at the airport.

      Our mainland home is in WY, just over border from Idaho. But we have no services/shopping, except over the Idaho side. Theoretically, we were supposed to quarantine 14 days when we’d go to the supermarket last spring. But, we’d always forget until we got home back over the border.

      Forget about this “constitution” thing, or what’s left of it. It doesn’t apply if enough people are panicked or just don’t like the result. Perhaps you’ve noticed that?

    2. @Diana P. It is perfectly ok for Hawaii (govt) to do what it feels necessary for public health. They know better than anyone their capacity to battle this horrible disease.

  29. Hello,so I’m coming from Oklahoma City heading to Oahu. I was wondering where can I go to get tested? When majority of the trusted partners are on the west coast.example: Washington or California

    1. Aloha!
      Go to a Walgreens website and put in your location and you should be able to see area Walgreens that test. Make sure you understand exactly what test is acceptable in the state of Hawaii! Also there is a very strict window of 72 hrs to get tested and your results back in time. Good luck and I hope that helps you! PS I would not advise CVS as they can’t guarantee results in time.

  30. My husband and I will have completed our vaccination by feb 16,2021 and we plan to fly to Hawaii Feb 18-22 for his birthday and for a much needed vacation from being nurses. Pls tell me if our plan is possible without having to quarantine in Hawaii and when we get back to SF? Thanks!

    1. Hi Pam.

      We have this comprehensive guide to Hawaii travel during COVID. Since the rules are island by island and you didn’t say where you are headed, please check there and let us know if you need further clarification on anything. We can’t speak for any rules on return to SF.


  31. Why does Hawaii need tourism….

    At least 1,300 school-level positions, including nearly 800 teachers, librarians and counselors, and 48 school administrator slots, could disappear by June under the state Department of Education’s proposed reorganization plan, which is to be presented to the Board of Education on Thursday.

    Tourism=Dollars+Jobs+Tax Revenue+Education funds+….

    I understand the virus can be deadly to the elderly and infirm but wouldn’t it be easier to have that small portion of the population quarantine, and let the rest of the islands continue to thrive? Get that group vaccinated and go back to living free. There are approximately 253k people age 65 and older. An organized vaccination program could get them immunized in 30 days.

    1. Don’t throw logic at these guys. Have you looked at their “trusted” partners for testing? I live in the Bay Area, and Stanford University Health Care, Sutter Health, Palo Alto Med Foundation, etc, are not on the list. They make you go to one of the sites that all charge a fee, and I’m sure, share that fee with Hawaii. Nothing like state sponsored extortion.

  32. I may have missed it, but could you please tell me if the Islands have started vaccinating and if your suppply is adequate? Here in Ohio the available vaccines are running out quickly and it is reported that resupply is questionable. I am 70 so my turn is still in the future but if we continue at this pace, I may be waiting for at least another month. I know this has little to do with the subjects you normally address, I was just curious and wanting some info from first hand sources. Thanks for your contribution.

    1. Stay safe, places that have lenient entry requirements like Mexico, have inadequate hospital facilities, should you fall ill.

  33. Well, that’s disappointing. My wife and I are both nurses and have had both vaccinations and were planning on coming in March. Made the reservations in December on the info that the governor was likely to approve a vaccination exception to quarantine. Really not interested in quarantining for the 1st 3 days at several hundred dollars a night, as we only have a little over a week anyway. Probably could have tolerated it if we could have done it at our chosen condo, but we really aren’t the resort type.

    Really miss coming to Kauai, as we used to come often, but frankly it hasn’t been on our short list as we can travel so many other places, including internationally for so much less. This time we were able to find reasonable lodging and airfare , undoubtedly due to COVID. But, I guess it’s not to be.

    Hello Costa Rica!

    1. We have a home in Kauai and havent been able to visit in the past year, despite thousands of dollars in property taxes going into their pockets. Guess who just got back from a fabulous vacation in Costa Rica? Kauai has a backwater government that lives in the dark ages without science or reason.

  34. The Orange County Airport just started the BD Veritor Plus System rapid antigen test. Is this on the approved list that Hawaii accepts?

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