Hawaii Visitors Spending 40% More, But Enjoying It Less?

Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed

Is this the future of Hawaii travel? Back in the news again today.

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2,829 thoughts on “Hotels Require Hawaii Vaccination Passports + New Maui COVID Rules Detailed”

  1. Hi,
    Have you heard of people successfully staying 3-4 nights on Oahu and then being able to get a test in time to fly to Kauai?
    We booked for a trip to Kauai before they changed their rules. We are suppose to fly on 3/25 to Kauai. We are considering adding a trip first the Oahu so that we can get tested and travel Kauai. We are worried that we will not get our test results in Oahu in time.
    Thank you for your help.

    1. Hi Janet.

      People are definitely using that option. You’ll need to check with the Oahu test providers to see how their availability matches up with both your concluding 72 hours on Oahu and subsequently obtaining test results prior to flying to Kauai.


  2. Please remind folks that this is not an official site for travel rules. Refer them to Travel.Hawaii.gov for the Safe Travel Hawaii info. I see comments that are very confusing to others and creating a very negative attitude about travel to Hawaii.

  3. Could you please let travelers know how the vaccination passport will work for people who do not use/have a smart phone?

    Thank you so much.


  4. OK everyone, to be clear, as of today there is NO Vaccine Passport for Hawaii. So currently being vaccinated one or two times means NOTHING as far as travel to Hawaii.

  5. I realize its all a work In progress, Just thinking outloud? What about the travelers that are of the Tier 1 Vaccination guide, that are FULLY VACINATED NOW, but not traveling till 12/2021? HOW is that going to work? Will we still need to be Tested? We wisely canceled our 12/20 trip!

  6. So basically no one is committing to the idea the vaccines are any good beyond 3 months but considering how the “experts” and vaccine reps have responded when asked how long the protection lasts it appears the answer is no longer than 3 months. I find that humorous to say the least that the rush to production vaccines may be even a short term flop since every state across the country has been basing all of their reopening conditions on the wonderful new vaccines.

  7. Thank you for this information. Continue to keep us up to date on the vaccination rules as our family will be going to Oahu in mid-June for 8 days. There’s 4 adults and 2 children ages 13 and 11. Mahalo!

  8. Healthcare worker here: I received my first shot 12/2020 and my second 1/12/21, I fly out April 29th. I’d be good if it passes? I think I’d get a Covid test too but it just makes me feel better in case I don’t get it back in time.

  9. OK, so what if you were vaccinated FOUR months ago? Does that mean you have to go through all of that again? Does that even make sense?

  10. Most vaccinations come with a card that list the the (2) Vaccines Serial Numbers and dates which can be verified. Along with the place of vaccination.

    Make sure your acquire a card with the Vaccination Serial Numbers, dates and place of vaccination.

    When we consider that a person who is 2 weeks post their last vaccination is considered 95% immune (which is extremely high!), we can conclude (as does the CDC) that they’re chance of acquiring COVID (along with wearing a mask) would be nearly an impossible threat. That is the SCIENCE they’ve been waiting hear. It’s time to act…

    NOW, if we want to discuss the chance of being a carrier…. Apparently, the CDC feels that’s not very likely… Since someone can’t acquire the virus, their bodies will destroy the virus in a timely fashion? We have to assume this is the rational behind the CDC’s proclamation. This is how our bodies and other vaccines act.

    Rationally, if someone is fully vaccinated and 2 weeks past their last vaccination injection… and wear a mask on a plane… and wear a mask in public when in Hawaii. The chances of that person spreading something as a carrier is just pretty far from reality.

    Most vaccinations we’ve received as children and adults are NOT even 95% effective. We need to start living again and stop running in fear. We have an answer…. Get Vaccinated and start to live again.

    1. “Far from reality”

      That pretty much sums up Covid Cult members. A virus and some tough times rear its head, and everyone throws out the Constitution, HIPPA and any other normal right, and the Covid Cult members think it’s ok.. After all it’s a pandemic…

      Here’s a news flash… Fauci, Moderna and many others are already saying Civid will.end up being Endemic… meaning, not going away..

      Enjoy your masks, travel papers and the rest you Covid Cult members.

      1. Please define what Constitutional right is being violated when you say throw out the Constitution. I’m pretty sure our forefathers never even envisioned being able to fly, it can’t be that. I’ll wait…

    1. Hi Roy.

      Thanks for all your input. There are a lot of interesting comments. We love reading them ourselves. Have a good weekend.


  11. So, if/when this vaccination passport plan goes into effect, travellers will have to plan their trips around their shots … nice tight timeframe within which you have time to plan. Cant have had both shots more than 3 mos before your trip AND no less than 2 wks prior. No logic to this … but par for the course as far as Hawaii Govt goes.

  12. I vote for Hawaii getting high priorty for the vaccines given their limited healthcare resources and remote location. Isn’t this why there are so many travel restrictions? The people will be safer, and it seems right to help those with limited resources. What is the talk there about interest in getting the vaccine when it’s available? Thank you.

    1. Hi JC.

      Good question. And what you said seems to make sense. We have not heard anything about vaccine interest other than informal chat with friends. And there it is mixed.


  13. So am I to understand that a frontline worker who received the vaccine in January and was fully vaccinated by February will still have to pay to have a covid test done in order to travel to Hawaii in June? So are they going to be able to prove that the vaccine is only good for 3 months?

  14. Hello,
    Does the vaccination policy (at this point), mean in order for a US mainland traveler to bypass quarantine, one must have been fully vaccinated a minimum of two weeks prior to the trip but no more than 3 months prior?

    Do I have that correct? Or is this something that will change?
    Thank you.

  15. Will a Negative Covid test still be required for returning residents if they have had the vaccine shot already? Won’t it show up Positive even if they are not sick?

    1. I must be confused. How can they say you can only come to Hawaii & avoid quarantine if you’ve had your vaccination with a 10 week time frame? That’s crazy! If you have a family of 4 or 2 families that want to travel, that will be almost impossible.

    1. Hi Joanne.

      We can’t say how that will be handled with vaccinations and whether a printed proof will be acceptable. We’ll update that as soon as we learn more.


  16. I have been following this from the beginning and while confusing, I have been able to sort of keep up, however, this one has me confused. Does this mean that if I have been vaccinated more than 3 months prior to my trip then I need to vaccinate again before arriving in Kona? If so, that is a deal breaker. I cannot imagine any vaccine being administered more than once per year or what the side effects for doing so would be. I love Hawaii but not so much that I am willing to vaccinate twice in a few months. Please BOH correct me if I am misreading this. I sure hope I am.

    1. Hi Sheryl.

      Good point and we concur that isn’t yet clear. The current state guidance for those who have recovered from COVID is also that recovery must have been within the prior 90 days. So for now, that’s all we know.


      1. I assume that if you are traveling more than 3 months after your vaccination then you’d have to get a negative test just like those not vaccinated.

    2. I agree, not only can you even get another vaccine, but is it safe to? I am in the Moderna study and got my 2 vaccine doses August and September 2020. This is all getting more confusing.

      1. is everyone saying that this vaccine is only good for three months???? that is crazy, why would the govt. go through all the expense and problem to give us something for a short period of 3 months, this will not accomplish anything. We (2 couples) have a trip planned for Maui April 3-9, this has me so confused as to what will be accepted, would someone please get this straight, a lot of money is involved for a lot of people

    3. That is exactly how I interpreted it, Sheryl. I just returned from Maui 2 days ago and will be going back in early June and again in October. This ‘no less than 2 weeks prior and no more than 3 months after’ is ludicrous, for exactly the reason you stated. I’m 69 and plan to get my vaccine as soon as I can find an appointment. Thank goodness for BOH. While we have a chance to ‘talk it through’, I sincerely hope Ige and Crew pay attention here to understand how their ideas may, or may not, work in real life.

      1. Hi Susan.

        Thanks for that. We’re trying to make sense of this. So for every trip (in our cases) to the mainland, we could need to be yet vaccinated again. Hopefully, we’ll find out that isn’t the case.


    4. I don’t read that as having to get re-vaccinated after 3 months, but rather having to submit a negative test, if that time has elapsed.

  17. Thanks! I don’t know if we are fully vaccinated in March if we can get vaccinated again to go on our October trip to Kauai. What can we do? Lots of money tied up on our plans. Already paid.
    C A

  18. “Wait for the science” could there be a more stupid comment. The science is already out. Being vaccinated keeps you getting or transmitting. Fortunately the Secretary of State knows what the hell is going on. The good people of Hawaii need to recall Ige

    1. Fred, you are not correct. Per Pfizer, Moderna and the CDC, it is thought that vaccinated people can still contract and spread Covid 19, but would most likely spread it while they are asymptomic. We love Hawaii, but have no plans to take a vaccine of which no one knows what the longterm side effects might be. So, the money we spend on our regular trips Maui and Kaua- I’m talking in excess of $25 grand each trip, will be spend elsewhere for the foreseeable future.

      1. That is what I thought too…up until yesterday when the CDC released their new guidance regarding vaccinated people not having to quarantine. I have to say I am utterly confused and lost some faith in the CDC. Additional explanation would have helped to make this guidance credible.

      2. Can’t say I blame you and certanley your choice not to take vaccine. There are some wonderful places in the US including Sarasota, Naples as well as Playa De Carmen in Mexico.
        Bottomline though, I have been to many of these places and none of them are quite like our beloved Maui. Headed there again April and we too spend over $25k per year there. Was supposed to go last month and had a false positive test. Never contacted or had any symptoms
        Good Luck to you wherever you go, I am sure you will have fun.

  19. Please Hawaii change the 3 month restriction. We just got vaccinated in advance of our June 1st flight! Now what?! We revaccinate? Hopefully this will change.

    1. You’re misunderstanding the 3 month limit. That’s for avoiding testing after testing positive for Covid.

      The vaccine does not affect this. You still have to either take the test or have had Covid within 90 days.

  20. Now that the CDC says fully vaccinated people are no longer required to quarantine if exposed to positive covid person, do you think this will that affect the vaccine passport project approval/roll out ?


    1. Hi Gail.

      Yes, we saw that as well, but have no idea what the governor will decide. He said he is averse to any changes thus far.


        1. I don’t think he ever wakes up. Look at his eyes, like a deer in the headlights.
          CDC guidelines already confirms safe travel after vaccine.

  21. Couple of suggestions:

    Currently SW leaves OAK at 5PM for HNL. Since you can’t get a test after 5PM, you must wait till the next day for a test IF you can get an appointment. And you must get your result BEFORE you depart!
    Lotsa luck!

    1) expand the window to 96 hours, this gives travelers and extra day.
    2) Quarantine on arrival but release if you get negative result late
    3) if vaccinated allow an at home test.

    Please note, in all my suggestions- you have been tested.

  22. Please help me understand how travel restrictions affect children. Children are not being vaccinated, and children under 5 cannot have a covid19 test. How would a trip to Kauii look for them? Thankyou.

    1. Hi Donna.

      At present those under 5 years of age have no requirements. Starting at 5, they must adhere to the testing rules.


  23. I am traveling to Kauai with a layover in Honolulu. Kauai does not require a covid test from a “trusted”partner. Since I have a 3 hour layover in Honolulu do I need to abide by the travel rules for Hawaii in terms of covid test?

    1. Hi Joy.

      The only time Kauai doesn’t require a trusted partner test is if you are going into a resort bubble. But you will still require some test within 72 hours prior to departure for (in your case) Honolulu. Since you are staying at the airport and just connecting, the test for Kauai should be all you need. Please confirm that with the state. Call the Safe Travels Hawaii Program Service Desk toll-free at 1-855-599-0888 between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time.


  24. Anybody that thinks it is normal, or acceptable, to have to show papers to travel freely in the US needs to just get out.

    What an utter disappointment a large number of people have become.

    1. Agreed, some of us have willingly given up our rights and become sheeple. Rights given up are not freely given back by the government. Also, let us remember that Hawaii is one of the United States, not a foreign country.

  25. Curious! How is Hawaii keeping track of who is in ‘quarantine’ if not taking the covid test? How do you keep track of everyone?

  26. Please, I’m 71 years old. The information I read above is confusing to me. I have family from Missouri coming hopefully in Summer. I will need also to travel inter island at that time. I need help getting a vaccination ASAP. Also, would appreciate knowing what my family will need before coming to Hawaii this summer?
    Katherine O (Kitty)

    1. Hi Kitty.

      It is safe to say that it is just too early to know what rules will be in effect for this summer. We’ll keep updating this information as we learn more.


  27. Thank you for all of the great information! We are trying to travel to Kauai from oklahoma in Feb. our flights to Kauai have been rearranged multiple times. In the travel requirements for Kauai they state your negative covid test should be 72 hours from the start of the last leg of your trip. We go from Phoenix to Honolulu and have a 3 hour layover before leaving for Kauai. My question is do we get test within 72 hours of leaving Phoenix or 72 hours from leaving Honolulu?
    Thank you!

  28. We are hoping to come to Honolulu in October after cancelling twice due to the pandemic.
    After we get the covid19 vaccine
    I hope that we can avoid the 10 day quarantine and avoid the pre travel testing program too after getting the covid19! vaccine

  29. Thank you for the update. My wife and I will have our second vaccine doses by the end of February. We have a trip planned for April and hope we can finally come to Hawaii after twice postponing it due to Covid. We’d be comfortable with the vaccine passport concept but if we still need to do the 72 hour test gamble I think we’ll just give up on the idea. I look forward to seeing if the state legislature takes a more pragmatic approach. I’ll keep an eye out for your updates. Thank.

  30. You know there are about 8000 other infectious diseases out there, so they better not let anyone back on island again just in case one person catches something in Hawaii. That will be just dandy for the economy.
    Looks like the panic mongers will never let this go. It is not the natural state of man to live in constant panic, but Hawaii seems to have achieved this goal for its residents for the last year. It is exhausting and, quite frankly, just boring. Where has creative thinking and problem solving mentality gone? Was it ever there? Nope, just wait for your government to tell you what to do cause you cannot possibly think things through for yourselves anymore. Sad, sad. Seems the newest invasive species in Hawaii are lemmings.

  31. Listen to the science? Code phrase for the inept to use. Let’s see, what sciences there are?
    Economics, Social, Business, Statistical, Medical, etc. Sounds like the only science that is being used is the ONE that provides an excuse to ignore all the others. Which one? We will find out the from the next Excuse of the Day. Oh, I forgot political science. That’s the answer to the problem or the problem to the answer.

  32. If you read between the lines it appears pre travel testing (and all its not so good variables) will continue forever despite the fact that far reaching vaccinations and related herd immunity should be reached later in 2021. As I have said all along, I am not willing to bet big pre-paid travel dollars on a perfectly timed “test.” I have given up on Hawaii 2021…wondering if Hawaii 2022 is even feasible considering the trajectory of these Hawaiian state policies?

  33. Good morning – is there any word about Hawaiian Airlines and any travel restrictions? You often mention Alaska, Jet Blue, etc. but never a word about Hawaiian. Seems like they should be at the forefront of planning! Mahalo for all your work!

    1. Hi Karen.

      Not sure what exactly you’re asking about. We mention Hawaiian probably more frequently than any other airline since they are Hawaii’s bellwether. Let us know if there is something specific you are looking for.


  34. Thanks guys for keeping us uptodate. It is greatly appreciated. I, like many others here, have much hope in regard to “vaccination passport” travel to Hawaii. The card one receives when you get your covid shot is nothing more than a “reminder” to get the second shot (moderna) and gives the vaccine batch number and date. It is not in anyway an official document. Any official recognition that one has been vaccinated must come from your local/state health departments.

    I suggest stongly that everyone ask at the time you get your shots to ask how one goes about getting an official document regarding your vaccination. You will need this later as “proof”. For now, save the card as it is the only proof of vaccination but it will not be able to be used for travel to Hawaii. The possibility of obtaining a “vaccination passport” that is acceptable is very likely a long way off.

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