
Hawaii Airline Fuel Costs and Other Expenses

Ever wondered what it costs the airlines to transport you for your Hawaii vacation? In a word, it’s a lot.

This is one tough industry, and just thinking about it is enough for me to know that I would not want to be in that business. This gives me a lot of respect for our Hawaii airlines, and most especially to Hawaiian, Alaska and Allegiant.

The expenses below are only estimates.


It is estimated that fuel represents 28% of the airline’s operating expense.

Just to give you an idea in terms of per person cost, based on today’s $85/barrel oil and 80% of seats occupied (which is low), estimated fuel cost per passenger round-trip between the west coast and Hawaii:

  • Boeing 767: $209
  • Boeing 757: $176
  • Boeing 737: $160

Other expenses:

  • Labor 23%
  • Aircraft acquisition 6%
  • Professional services 7%
  • Food/beverage 1%
  • Landing fees 2%
  • Maintenance materials 2%
  • Insurance 1%
  • Commissions 1%
  • Communications 1%
  • Advertising/promotion 1%
  • Utilities/office supplies 1%
  • Miscellaneous (transport-Related and other Expenses) 23%

Some of the data above was obtained from Airlines for America, formerly Air Transport Association.

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2 thoughts on “Hawaii Airline Fuel Costs and Other Expenses”

  1. As long as they get me to and from the destination safely, I’m a happy and grateful passenger. People complain about anything and everything from bad food to no leg room. Enjoy the moment. You’re going to Hawaii! Safety, safety, safety is what I care about most.

  2. wonder what that 23% miscellaneous is. that’s a lot to put under a mystery category. Maintenance materials 2%??? that is just plain scary. and what about their revenue from the “extras” like checked baggage, change fees, and other charming tag-ons they do at whim. it is fact that they are making whopping profits from those fees. those charges will only get worse (read Delta which i will never fly). they are in the airline business for a reason and it is not for offering superior service, maintenance, and accommodations to the traveler. they should be ashamed at how they treat their clientele. other businesses who behaved that way would have been “belly up” a long time ago. i have no sympathy for a business that behaves the way they do and has no concern for human comfort and safety..

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