Hawaii Boat Tours To Be Greatly Curtailed In Latest Measure

Hawaii Visitors take note that the state plans to curtail operations at its harbors and boat ramps.

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47 thoughts on “Hawaii Boat Tours To Be Greatly Curtailed In Latest Measure”

  1. There were so many boats and people when we went on the nighttime manta trip we will not go again. We don’t mention the trip because we felt the commotion was detrimental.

  2. I just hope developers don’t have their hand in this to show usage declines for justification at certain development propositions for places like Keauhou Bay. If you reduce usage of a boat launching area then less parking is needed.

  3. Just remember, SCUBA divers are the ones out there picking up garbage, plastic, fishing line, lures and all the other garbage on the reef. Divers love the reef. We are it’s caretakers.

    1. Don’t worry they have a plan for picking up stuff off the bottom like trash you’ll need a permit for that you have to ask for permission

  4. The cutbacks to boating and air activities are necessary. As a 58-time island tourist, I have relished opportunities to partake in such adventures. The islands are “loved to mediocrity.” The costs of these adventures has really skyrocketed and will probably increase more with less supply. I feel bad that they might be out of reach for many visitors.

    Visiting Molikini was a great example of “too many” boats and people, or even the Napali boats seemed to snorkel the same spots. I’ve enjoyed beach snorkel more ove the years.

    I’m no longer astonished for the lack of planning. Hawaii has many examples of uncontained expansion. One of the governors in her farewell address warned of this concern but also did nothing about it over her terms.

  5. In the conversation of permits, I see on Maui a dive shop that says “we specialize in shore diving”, which means that they don’t have or operate boats. So they have ocean use permits for a handful of popular beaches. They have something around 10 of these 15 passenger vans and will regularly see 5 or 6 or more of these vans parked at the same site, Mala Pier for example; and therefore dumping 50 or so divers on the same beach for the same dive site. Shouldn’t this company be required a permit for each vehicle rather than a single permit that covers all of the vehicles of the shop at the same time?

  6. The most important thing is to not eliminate the native tours. The conglomerate money making machines must be targeted first. Hawaiians must be given first priority.

  7. The helicopter restrictions are not really a state function they come from the feds (FAA and NPS) and have been implemented at other parks as well not just the ones in Hawaii.

  8. Most, if not all of the state’s small boat facilities are funded in largr part by Federal monies designated for recreational sportfishing and vessels (Dingell-Johnson Act). Commercial access benefits from these enhancements, but treads a line when it edges out (or blocks) recreational access – something that seems lost on DLNR-DOBOR managers, lenient Federal disbursement officers, and special-interest politicians.

  9. This has nothing to do with tourists or people from the mainland.This is about local people who own businesses being shut down. The tourists will still come they’ll still snorkel and dive but they will just have fewer operators to take them out.This is about concentrating the business among a few legacy operators and shutting out all the rest.


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