46 thoughts on “Hawaii Booms, Vaccine And “Safe Travels” Effectiveness Wanes, Variant Troubles Brew”

  1. How about we quit panicking over this “pandemic” and go back to “normal”? Masks have no effect, if they did then California would be much better off than Florida. There is no statistical difference, so masks are a waste of time. Mandating vaccination to fly? What about people who are allergic to ingredients in the vaccines? They don’t fly? That makes no sense, too.

    1. You decry “self appointed experts” and then make a wholly unsubstantiated claim that masks and social distancing don’t work despite proof to the contrary. An article (link below) found on webmd.com shows that “ Sept. 7, 2021 — A large, real-world test of face masks in Bangladesh shows that masks reduce community spread of COVID”. Vaccinations work as evidenced by the lower rate of infection in highly vaccinated states.


  2. Safe Travels, as with much of the anti-COVID debacle, remains what it was at its genesis; a politically crafted illusion of a government “saving” its people. It didn’t work then, it doesn’t work now. Mask, lockdowns, 6ft. rules, no travel, testing, and even the exalted vaccines have failed Hawaii. Indeed failed everywhere. COVID flourishes.

    Steve Shahbazian writing in Green and Pleasant Land noted: “It doesn’t matter whether it’s true, only that it’s believable.” So it is with Safe Travels.

  3. My brother who has both vaccine doses and his booster just came down with Covid last week. His first test was negative and then he took a second from a different lab and it was positive. These tests are not reliable & even the vaccinated can pass it on to others as he did to my mom and his wife who are also both fully vaccinated & boosted. But my husband and I who recovered from Covid December 2020 didn’t catch it. Natural immunity needs to be acknowledged by now & recognized as protection!

  4. Airport testing is impractical. As others have said, can you even imagine the mess that would ensue?
    Even the 24 hour before departure testing would be a detriment to the vast majority of people. Implement either one of these 2 ideas and kiss travel to Hawaii goodbye and the jobs that go with it.

    Even the governor of Colorado stated recently that the majority of the country has put Covid-19 behind us and are getting on with our lives.

    Mahalo, BOH. We’re returning to Maui in 5 weeks!

  5. Please do the research on Omicron variant. The symptoms are extremely mild. Very few hospitalizations anywhere in the world. There are remedies for Covid that no one is talking about. This is all nonsense. There will never be a legal travel ban within the US as long as the constitution is still active. Why trust politicians? Trust the science. Covid is no longer a world threat. Governments are a bigger threat.

  6. I support efforts to contain Covid but the evidence indicates that the rise in infections is mostly fueled by Hawaiian residents returning from travel to the mainland. Perhaps new restrictions should target this group before denying Hawaii the financial benefits of tourism.

    1. New restrictions to target residence free will to travel off island and return home? If residents returning can bring it here, so can tourists and business people. We don’t need more discrimination, those of us who aren’t candidates for these new medical treatments, it’s difficult enough. I shouldn’t have to read on here if I can return home from visiting family on mainland for Christmas without fear of some cage in my ability to return home. I already quarantine each time, & other precautions.

    2. Thanks for your concerns to keeping Covid out of HI. Restrictions to target residence would be discriminatory. Residents returning can bring it here, so can tourists & business people. For those of us who aren’t candidates for these new medical treatments, it’s difficult enough. I shouldn’t have to read on here if I can return home after visiting family on mainland for Christmas. I already quarantine each time, & take many other precautions. Targeting Hawaii residence is not a solution or legal.

    3. Thanks again for your concern with Hawaii, but financial benefits don’t outweigh residents’ rights to travel in/out of an island state.

  7. I recently traveled to the islands, and though it is a bit of a pain to dig for the vac info and ID on entering any restaurant, don’t stop doing it. I was happy to see much better mask compliance than in my home state. Keep your guard up. If rules get stricter, better for those who live in The islands. We aren’t done with this thing.

  8. On sight airport testing prior to boarding? Can you imagine the mess and the delays?. Instant tests take 15 minutes per person and what about those who show up as the doors are closing to board? Do you wait on their test results which, by the way, are not without false positives or false negatives? You think there are problems with irate passengers now, just imagine if this gets implemented. Who out there wants a TSA agent administering a medical tests ? Want to kill travel…this will do it.

    1. I believe protecting Hawaii from deadly Covid infections surpasses the inconvenience of showing up early for a flight to be tested. Unruly passengers should be arrested, charged and blacklisted from ALL airlines serving our country.

      1. “Deadly Covid infections”!? If masking and distancing actually worked this would have been over at least 18 months ago. And If vaccines worked then there would have been little or now transmission by those that actually got the shot but the reality is that you can get, transmit to others, and even die after getting the vaccine so stop living in fear! False Expectations About Reality!

        1. States with higher vaccination rates definitely have fewer per capita Covid infection and death rates. The vaccines work but if 40% of the people refuse to be vaccinated Covid will be with us forever. Vaccinations benefit society ad a whole at very little discomfort to the vaccinated.

          1. My present problem with the current vaccination effort is not with the vaccines, but with the vaccinators.

            Decisions which affect the individual’s health and life should not be forced upon him by self-appointed experts who are not in a position to be required to stand responsible should they err.

          2. States with higher vaccination rates definitely have fewer per capita Covid infection and death rates

            You need to look that one up.

  9. Aloha Rob and Jeff. Mahalo for the updates. You are both on it and we all appreciate you both. If the 1 day testing is implemented for Hawaii travel, then I would say that would be a further deterrent for travel there.For some, anyway. Would ease overcrowding on the islands. I think it would create a lot of anxiety for most travellers. Mel Kalikimaka!

    1. I am more concerned with protecting Hawaii from Covid then I am with the anxiety of impatient travelers who feel entitled to travel despite any effects their travel might have on others.

      1. Tony, please do yourself a favor and research COVID stats on the CDC website. The groups at risk are the elderly, obese, unvaccinated and those with severe health preconditions. If you’re in those groups you should stay home. If not, live your life outside of the bubble.

        1. People who are old or have underlying conditions did not choice their status. The unvaccinated are so by choice and do pose a danger to society. They should not travel.

    1. Really. Obviously you know nothing about the holocaust. Please refrain on any comments regarding that until you educate yourself.

    2. Feel so fortunate to have access to vaccines that can keep me alive – a wristband to show that we are vaccinated seems little enough .. there are many other countries that would love to have the vaccines..

      1. Guessing that you have missed that those that got the vaccine have gotten ill, transmitted it to others and have indeed died after getting so…..

    3. This has zero to do with murdering people as in the holocaust, in fact it’s the exact opposite, the intent is to save lives. No thank you for the completely false equivalence.

      1. How? Nothing has stopped this from happening. Masks and distancing, which even the CDC has admitted that distance was an arbitrary number without any basis in science to back it up. And last I checked, people are still getting the Vid, transmitting it to others, and yes, even dying from it.

    4. The Holocaust really? Asking someone to make sure they are safe from Covid is equal to someone branded and then executed?
      Gentleman we have a problem. People do not get that it is just not about them. I am in California with my 93yo father with stage 4 prostate cancer. It is about people like him.
      Aloha for the forum.

      Have a nice holiday

    5. First, Mahalo, Rob and Jeff for your always informative reports.

      However, Francis, please don’t EVEN compare wearing a wristband to the Holocaust! Do you realize how insensitive and insulting your statement is? Honestly, I find your post to be disturbing.

    6. Wow what a terrible/misinformed comment. The wristband is to make it easier for YOU upon arrival, but if you don’t want to be “marked” then wait in line when you get to Hawaii. I guess you might be one of those types who’d complain that after winning the lottery they have to go pickup the check.

    7. Then don’t go. Your assumed right to insignificant inconveniences stops where it blows in the face of public safety. And this is from a Jew who lost relatives to the murdering Nazis.

    8. Francis after reading your “Holocaust Comment” and than the reaction from the Jewish commenters I can’t stop thinking about Larry David’s HBO program Curb Your Enthusiasm.

      “Wearing a wristband like a marked individual like during Holocaust so no thank you” That’s such a Larry David through away line that gets him chastised by all his jewish friends.

      I can’t stop laughing.

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